What happened to Anne Frank after she was discovered by Nazis?

What happened to Anne Frank after she was discovered by Nazis?

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She got sent to Bergen-Belsen and died of a disease there.

>>Hans would you look at this.
Now now what shall we do with you juden heheh

They probably raped her desu, before they captures & sent her to the gas chamber.

They read her diary and then shared it with everyone. It was very rude of them, and she literally DIED of shame. Then they talked it out and decided that the whole thing was silly and now they are friends.

Somebody saved her in some sort of time machine

Uh, user, I'm pretty sure it was a synthetic flying machine

she was buried alive one evening 1945 with just her sister at her side

With only just her sister at her side

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FIRST she was sent to "pure extermination camp" auschwitz, where all women and children were allegedly gassed on arrival.

she was, magically, not gassed on arrival. then, the nazis decided to send her from "pure extermination camp" auschwitz, where allegedly over 1 million jews were gassed, to bergen-belsen, where she died of typhus

really refutes the retarded 'holocaust' narrative

they let the cute ones live as sex slaves

delete this you antisemite


She was brutally murdered by Nazis

and only weeks b4 the guns, all came and rained on everyone

Ayoo *Smacks Lips* ain't that the gurl who went to sum sports camp.

sent her to live with danny devito and rhea perlman

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I'm sure all this information can be thoroughly sourced and I'm not just supposed to take it as dogma.

literally google "Anne Frank death certificate" or some shit it's not even a secret

Why was she so beautiful, broes?

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>Why was she so beautiful, broes?
She wasn't.

hello jeff mangum


She deserved better

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Smart frogposter

A true fren you are

She was put in a camp where she died of pneumonia.

I thought they gassed the jews?

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Not the ones that cute.

The actress who played Matilda is Jewish, which I'm sure you know, but she is also a first cousin of Ben Shapiro.

Oy vey! Antisemite! Have you no empathy for the 60 Billion who died in the Shoah?!

Neutral Milk Hotel

Ofcourse this isnt original

More pics of Anne smiling?

she looks like a jewish vampire.

Didn't happen. The diary is written in Biro which wasn't invented until after the war. It's a fake.

Well user when the Nazis captured her they where about to commit horrible atrocities that only kr*utoids would.
But then out of nowhere a yeee yeee and the cry of a thousand rebel cries came from the surroundings and there stood the one and only Stonewall Jackson and the brave southern men of the Stonewall Brigade sending the kr*utoids scattering like roaches exposed to the righteous light that is limited government and States rights. Anne joined the merry men of the Confederate military in their noble quest across Europe beheading Nazis and Bolsheviks along the way. She left Europe very pregnant and happy with her new southern gentleman.

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>ywn live in a timeline where the South won the Civil War
>the Confederate States Army will never field a modernized version of the famed Columbus Depot Jacket (five/six rows of buttons, gray/jean wool, blue service cuffs and collar)
>the South will never declare war on Nazi Germany after Ribbentrop's repeated insults and lies
>ywn be a Confederate paratrooper fighting in Holland 1945-errr I mean '44 as part of Operation Market Garden
>ywn ambush a German transport truck one morning on a dusty Dutch road
>ywn laugh as you easily slaughter the SS with your BAR, forged by legendary Mormon gunsmiths in Utah, who flee in terror at the sight of Southern valor
>ywn hear banging on the truck door and cautiously open it with weapon at the ready
>ywn be immediately greeted by a nine month pregnant and very horny Anne Frank, who was locked up inside
>Anne will never instantly become enamored with with your Columbus Depot jacket, gray like her eyes, beautiful, yet simple, lacking any of the haughty and frivolous decorations of German uniforms
>Anne will never claim to know a good sniper's spot and offer to lead you to it
>ywn accept, oblivious to what she actually has planned
>Anne will never lead you inside an abandoned windmill and lock the door, saying she's not going to let you out until she's had her way with you

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>Anne will never tear open her comically small dress
>ywn become instantly hard at the sight of her massive tits, naked swollen belly, popped navel, and gnarly muff, unshaved for nine whole months
>Anne will never push you down before you have a chance to unbutton your jacket, saying she wants to fuck you with it on
>Anne will never mount you like a pony
>ywn fuck like crazy for what seems hours
>ywn feel the exhiliation of popping your load inside Anne's tight pussy
>Anne will never squeal with joy as you fill her with your hot goo
>Anne will never get get off you, only to climb her way up to your mouth and proceed to face fuck you and until you suck her dry
>ywn get driplets of cum and breastmilk all over your Columbus Depot jacket

It hurts bros.

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We need more pregnant Anne Frank artwork

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Based and annepilled.

Thanks fren, glad you enjoyed it

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>tfw Anne will never hear the thunder of Confederate artillery

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Last I heard she was a little boy in Spain who also happened to be a piano virtuoso.

>escaped to russia
>changed her name
>pretended to be a man
>rose in the ranks of the kgb
>eventually took over
>now is currently on a campaign to drive people further left and humiliate the right in order to destroy centrism/liberalism so that the next Rosa Luxemburg cannot be betrayed in order to make way for any future nazi uprising

Vladimir Putin is Anne Frank

well there is no reliable source that nazis gassed jews at auschwitz anyway LOL!

that has been utterly debunked by a master chemist here:


he was thrown in prison for that debunking too

auschwitz is not a pure extermination camp. its both a labor and a death camp.

She was not "magically" not gassed on arrival. It was because she was past the cut-off age which was 15

indexed evidences of auschwitz extermination here:

Rudolf's points debunked here:


and here:



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Can you not pull a holocaust denial please?

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can you not pull a holocaust acceptance please?

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Anne Frank would be pregnant if the Confederacy had won the Civil War.

Change my mind.

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Would they have made a nice couple?

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It's an erotic fantasy, man, I'm not going to change your mind about what you jack off too. Gross.

man, imagine living in a attic for years with limitd shower access, a small moustache, fucked up limb from lack of exercize, getting gassed in a concentration camp, and THEN getting sexualized by neckebeards and trannies on a anime imageboard

fuck, she never really did escape the horrors of war, did she?

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>tfw reading her uncensored diary
>got to experience her first period with her

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Topkek. Hi /mu/. I too lurked there for a long time.

>tfw ywn get experience her first pregnancy with her

It hurts

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get the fuck out of here mangum

she was gassed duh

Rude and cringepilled

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>it began with a whisper
>the rolling fields of roses from the Earth withered and turned to dead twisted shrub
>the blue sky darkened as black clouds swirled in from ever direction
>the sound of singing birds was drowned out by the shrill howl of the cold wind whipping against her skin
>she grabbed his hand and held it tight
>they were children, comforting each other in the dark, reliant only on each other's light to lead the other into a world of insidious evil that threatened to swallow them whole
>her grip only grew tighter when she saw "it" approaching
>she knew what "it" was, she had seen it before
>she suddenly felt herself lose her grip, she let go of him as he vanished into the vast nothingness
>she was alone

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>with each approaching step, the figure grew
>it grew, and grew, and grew
>until it was not only a giant, but the cruelest Fascist in the world
>she felt its cold lifeless hands touch her and she let out a scream, but she could not hear
>she let out another scream, but all she heard was the endless silence
>she had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, she couldn't even cry for help
>as the Fascist raised her into the air, as if to savor her before devouring, she heard a sound, the most terrifying sound she had ever heard
>never before could she have imagined a sound like this
>it was more terrifying than any sound the Fascist had made
>it was an animalistic shriek, the bark of a dog combined with the screech of a monkey
>she watched the Fascist's face turn white with horror
>she looked and saw a demon rise from the Earth, as if Hell itself had sent it
>it let out another terrible shriek
>she cupped her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the sound but it penetrated through, filling her with a terror greater than even the Fascist
>the apparition charged right at her
>she felt as she was thrown into the air as something impacted the Fascist, causing it to drop her
>she landed on the cold hard ground with a thud
>she looked up to the demon and the Fascist locked in deadly combat
>it was ghost-like, evading most of the Fascist's blows effortlessly
>the ones that did find their mark went through the ethereal being as if it were a cloud of smoke
>the apparition moved with such speed and agility that she could barely make out its form
>its mass was grey like the darkened sky
>it seemed half-beast, half-man
>it looked and moved with the grace and purpose of a man, but fought with the ferocity of that of an animal
>the duel between the Fascist and this phantom went on for hours
>finally the demon let out another terrible howl and raised its arm for the final blow
>the howl turned to words
>"Wake up Anne..."

You like it?

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Based black gentleman is based

raped to death by soviets after holidaying at a german holiday camp

Moar Anne plz frens

thnk u

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She died because they sent Yankees and Bongs to do a job meant for the Good Men of the Confederacy.

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Could you get any more stupid?

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>master chemist

Methmaking is not the same as earning a Nobel Prize

>"P-Peter, why are you looking at my diary again? I told you I don't want you reading that until after this war ends and I'm ready to publish it. Won't you come back upstairs and cuddle with me? The baby loves it when we cuddle. He kicks like crazy whenever he senses his papa's nearby. I just love it when you put your hand on my belly and feel our son kick. Don't you? Maybe once the adults are asleep, I can even take off this dress off and the three of us can do some 'soul-searching' together. Hehehehe..."

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They sent her to Auschwitz where she got free education, 3 warm meals a day, her own room and 24/7 access to a swimming pool. Then the russians invaded the camp and sent her home, but since she was a lazy bum with no marketable skills she struggled financially in post WW2 Germany and wrote a fictional book in an attempt to gain international fame and a source of income.

Thanks for giving me an odd boner you faggot

A hick saved her in some kind of time machine and one day in New York City baby a girl fell from the sky

You're welcome dude.


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>FIRST she was sent to "pure extermination camp" auschwitz, where all women and children were allegedly gassed on arrival.
auschwitz was a labor camp you moron

go back to Jow Forums nazisperg

Typhus, ftfy
Also interesting how out of the most famous Holocaust victims of all time, one out of the eight survived, one was gassed, and the other six died of disease.

GOD i wish i was peter van pels

According to Harry Turtledove, yes.

Here is what Ann might have looked like if she had grown up.

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>tfw think/fantasize about anne frank and peter van pels having a secret first relationship together
I'm a monster, aren't I.

Here's a smiling anne. She looks so innocent!

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hopefully raped and killed
now if only they could find the tapes

How could you be so cruel, user? Why say something so awful about an innocent little girl?

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Her family was separated and sent to consintration camps. Her father actually survived and died in the 80s

Yer a wizard annie

Do you think/fantasize about Anne becoming pregnant with Peter's baby though?

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>Also interesting how out of the most famous Holocaust victims of all time, one out of the eight survived, one was gassed, and the other six died of disease.

They arrive at Auschwitz very late in its existence (September 4th, 1944, the first Allied troops entered Germany on September 11th). Gassing operations were halted entirely in November, "evacuation" of prisoners began in December, and the camp was abandoned by the Germans in late January. From that point onward, the majority of deaths were from disease, starvation, or being massacred by German guards in a vain attempt to hide what they had done.

>Himmler had the gall to claim while negoiating with Count Bernadotte that Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen had very high survival rates (AFTER they had already been liberated by Allied forces).

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Patrician taste

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She wasen't gassed, she died 1945 because of fever

Nope, died 1945 'cause fever

Damn, touche

I'd totally have boned Anne Frank.

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>auschwitz was a labor camp you moron
yes it was, but according to holohoaxters, over 1 million jews were literally gassed to death there

of course, that has been refuted:


this is a load of crock
All refuted here:

If a point is not addressed, bring it up
>Rudolf's points debunked here:

You wish! He addressed this:



He addressed this exact article here, demolishing the biased author:


>and here:

Once again, torn to shreds here:


haha, funny. Of course your sources are biased, but I would never dismiss them based on that alone. Of course, as seen above, they have been utterly debunked.

So far we have after over 7 decades of research on the "Holocaust":
1. No documents or recordings of Hitler or any Nazi official ordering an extermination of Jews
2. No documents or recordings ordering the use of homicidal gas chambers to kill Jews
3. No diagram of a homicidal gas chamber linked to a known gas chamber from a specific camp
4. No documents or recordings suggesting Zyclon-B be used for criminal purpose
5. No significant measurable chemical residue from gassing in alleged homicidal gas chambers but massive quantities of residue from delousing chambers
6. Not the name of one single Jew, with proof, that was killed by a gas chamber
7. Multiple failed attempts to excavate and uncover alleged mass graves in allegedly precisely known locations
8. Multiple contradictory statements, lies, and inconsistencies by eyewitnesses when compared to physical and documentary evidence
9. Camp survivors including Jews who claim there was no mass killings or gassings
10. Evidence that Nazi "Confessions" were due to torture, threats, and intimidation

She grew up to be Ayn Rand

why would you deport someone out of an "extermination camp" in Poland to a concentration camp in Germany? why didn't they just gas her instead of putting her on a train? Heck, why not just fucking shoot her in the head? Remember, allegedly there was a systematic policy of exterminating all jews... of course no order for this policy exists, not a shred of evidence for it except a handful of cherry picked torture-induced "confessions" LOL!

Anne Frank and countless others had "survived" Auschwitz (where allegedly millions of people died from gassings) because the Nazis had wanted them to "survive." If the Nazis had wanted them to die, they certainly would have been able to arrange it -- but they, obviously, had no desire to kill her even though Anne Frank's usefulness to the Nazi war effort would have been close to nil.

The SS and Nazis had fed Anne Frank, and had clothed her with clean lice-free clothing, and provided shelter and security, and much more as best they could in spite of the war. If they had simply left her out in the cold winter, she would have died quickly from exposure--but they had kept her warm and alive instead. It was British and American terror bombing and strafing that ultimately murdered Anne Frank--NOT the Nazis! Her unburied remains were probably still there when the British entered the camp

Of course, the Americans and Brits had not murdered her intentionally--Anne Frank's death was merely the kind of collateral damage that "happens." If she had merely been any German girl of the same age, there would be nothing to talk about. For example, 140 German girls named "Anne" were murdered in Wurzburg on March 16, 1945 by the Allied bombing in which 7,000 people were killed.

Ayn Rand was already a fully grown adult by the time Anne Frank was born.

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>one was gassed
this is not true, there's not a shred of evidence for this

>Gassing operations were halted entirely in November, "evacuation" of prisoners began in December, and the camp was abandoned by the Germans in late January. From that point onward, the majority of deaths were from disease, starvation, or being massacred by German guards in a vain attempt to hide what they had done.
totally unsubstantiated. why did they send so many jews to camps in germany? why not just kill them? makes no sense for the exterminationist story.

HOLOHOAX has been utterly debunked

Here's a holocaust debate forum:


Any true believer could join this forum and refute the "deniers" but you won't: you'd get utterly SPANKED.

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists demand censorship. What sort of truth is it that denies free speech and the freedom to seek the truth? Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

They read all the naughty stuff she wrote in her diary and gave her a spanking.

>why would you deport someone out of an "extermination camp" in Poland to a concentration camp in Germany?

The Germans were evacuating the camps on their frontiers to the interior of Germany to prevent the Allies from liberating them/keep the forced labor system that was the Nazi war industry's lifeline running.

>why didn't they just gas her instead of putting her on a train?

Gassing operations were halted in November and the facilities were blown up to try and cover up what had happened there. There was also literally too many prisoners to kill without provoking a riot.

>Remember, allegedly there was a systematic policy of exterminating all jews...

Yes, it's called the Final Solution and it was set up at something called the Wannsee Conference.

>of course no order for this policy exists, not a shred of evidence for it except a handful of cherry picked torture-induced "confessions" LOL!

And the testimony of thousands of witnesses, both former camp guards and prisoners... And thousands of documents from German government archives that spell out the extermination stage by stage... And piles of corpses/incinerated remains.... And the camps themselves...

>Anne Frank and countless others had "survived" Auschwitz (where allegedly millions of people died from gassings) because the Nazis had wanted them to "survive." If the Nazis had wanted them to die, they certainly would have been able to arrange it -- but they, obviously, had no desire to kill her even though Anne Frank's usefulness to the Nazi war effort would have been close to nil.
>expecting Nazi fanatics to engage rational decision-making

>The SS and Nazis had fed Anne Frank, and had clothed her with clean lice-free clothing, and provided shelter and security, and much more as best they could in spite of the war.
>imagine being this delusional

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