What is some Jow Forums reading besides pic related?
What is some Jow Forums reading besides pic related?
Crime and Punishment.
best book I've ever read
My favourite one is My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger
Apathy and other small victories
The works Oswald Spengler, especially Decline of the West is a good place to start to begin to understand history and the future and how cultures grow and die and the dark hopeless future that awaits the west.
I only read "The perks of being a Wallflower" and "The catcher in the rye" on this list. I am currently reading "into the wild" and plan on reading "infinite jest" or "Guns Germs and Steel"
It needs Industrial Society and Its Future.
>i wasn't crying, so i started crying
>crying made me dehydrated, so i drank some water
>the water reminded me of tears, so i started crying again
Have fun with Infinite Jest. The first 100-200 pages can be a bit of a slog but I liked it a lot. The chapters on depression and addiction are goat in particular.
120 days of sodom
perfect for subhumans like us
I've read thus spoke zarathustara and the tunnel from that list. The tunnel was an amazing novel, the ending especially. Currently reading stoner and infinite jest but infinite jest is incredibly long so that's kinda difficult to get through.
This looks like doomer meme literature. The closest thing to a book an average 2k19 robot would read is an article on how to into hrt.
Don Quixote is pretty good, the protagonis is schizophrenic and lives in his made up world
4 years ago a qt gifted me a copy of perks of being a wallflower and said you remind me of this book. Should I start reading it? Never got to read it.
you should've used the book to lift up her butt so that you could penetrate her deeper
We were close. Talked hours. She fucked my three close friends and guess what, I am still a virgin. She knew my beta robotish character so never made a sexual move on me. Only talked me about psychology and philosophy. FUCKKKK
That's not entirely bad. Look at it this way: you're now wiser and more aware and won't let another opportunity pass you by.
Holy shit..How old were you user? Absolutely brutal and cuckpilled.
It wasn't me letting it pass by. I had nothing to do. She fucked everyone around me and never saw me as a sexual partner. We understood each other so well. She always said we were alike. And she was right. She is still the only person to dig so deep in my mind until this day. But unfortunately I am so fucking beta. Way too beta. We talked about sexual freedom etc and she was quite liberal. I never blamed her for fucking everybody she finds attractive. But it hurts. Still hurts to this day. I am worthless on every women's eyes.
22. I am a cuck.
Your mind works well, user. The only thing you lacked which all the guys who fucked her didn't, is action.
It's the simplest, most human shit ever. But not to a big-brained nigga such as yourself.
How much of a cuck do you have to be to talk for hours with a girl only to kill her boredom and then finally have your friends fuck her?How the hell do cucks like you maintain friendship with such 'friends'?
Remember that a woman who sees you as nonsexual ,shy,harmless does not see you as a man.
Yeah. We always told each other that when we are talking we leave our genders behind and talk objectively. I lied tho. I wanted to have sex with her hell I loved her very much. But she never saw me as a man. I coped with her complimenting my intelligence and comprehension. At the end she cut contacts with me but she still talks with the two of my friends. That probably includes having sex too.
You are assuming wrong things. It was not me lacking action. She never let me be her partner. We talked over that.
Critique of Pure Reason. Kant is a pain in the ass to read, but it's almost mandatory reading for any contemporary philosophy. Tempted to just read online interpretations and head straight into Schopenhauer.
My copy is dusting even to this day. I've read the first 150 or so pages and just gave up. I've heard that it only gets harder to read after that. The worldbuilding is definitely fun, though.
tfw no bookworm gf that would shame me for not reading enough
>we talked over that
exactly you betamax
holy shit
oops, thought this thread is for what r9k is CURRENTLY reading
i'd throw in the idiot but i mostly agree with the list
The perks of being a wallflower is normie tier garbage
Man,my experiences have never been this bad largely because I do not have these experiences.I live in a third world shithole where women are not complete whores yet but goddamn it ever since I have started reading about women in the West I have developed an extreme hatred for ALL women.I hope this female species burns in the fires of hell.
>these experiences
any experiences
>tfw I use venlafaxine
It wasn't my fault. I am just a beta incel robot. How could I even touch her? I should be glad that I have had a friendship with an intelligent qt.
Now you look like you are baiting.
I live in a thirld world shithole too. She has a rich family and actually intelligent. She's in one of the best schools of the country. So that is why she is doing whatever she wants.
Why? Origgggfinal
Wash Your Penis by Jordan Peterson
i'm in a 2nd world shithole and 1st world women adore me
i wouldn't settle for one of these conservatard traditionalist boring af women
Very good read, basically a guide to everything normalfags already know but you don't
Which country ?
Should have added this actually
Turkey orijinal
Are turkish women sluts?The fuck is erdogan doing if not stoning whores.
Westseed this place as muslim country like iran but it's not like that. Almost half of the country is secular. Probably 1/4 of the country is religious. There are sluts everywhere here too. Hell even turkish men are now reading about red pill and mgtow. The biggest redditlike turkish site is full of men vs feminist women and numales.
Vote for hardline muslims.I am sure you have them.
There are hardcore muslims ofcourse. Wish I was in a rich eu country. Fuck.
Not really Jow Forums core but I finished reading When Breath Becomes Air just today. Powerful shit, pick it up if you wanna feel feels.
How useful has it been for you personally?
I liked "Brief Interviews with Hideous Men"
and haven't really read in like over a year.
Sounds like a thot. You probably didn't miss out on much. Be honest, you would have developed feelings for her if you smashed. Feelings that a thot like her wouldn't reciprocate.
I'm currently reading Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowsky and mannnnn is it good. Guy was a true robot from child to adulthood. here's a sample of this guy's mind: youtube.com
I already explained it in this thread. I already fell for her while we were close and regularly talking. I always knew there were no ways I could be with her. Even if she would consider me as her partner it wouldn't last long. On one hand I could lose my v card on the other hand I did not fall into a deeper pit by having sex with her.
Might as well post a pic of her after all the roundown bro, let it go away for good
It is fine. Just remembered everything and felt bad. Otherwise it is okay.
Lovecraft has some stories for complicated feeling like dunwich horror,one of my favorites
Read Dune, it's a pretty comfy novel, in a way.