Incels. Canadians. Originalieee
Good job r9k
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Do incels really wear hooded coats while typing?
>spent months infiltrating incel forums
Yes, we also use 4 monitors to look at the exact same page on each of them
They're literally devoting manpower to see what embittered virgins are saying? lmao the Canadian govt is fucking stupid
We've been infiltrated. All hands on deck. Man the port side
Canadian here, we need to actually destroy these gay ass media outlets like the CBC lest we become Britain 2.0.
It's not stupid to prevent the next school shooting before it happens.
Cbc website posts so much stupid shit this doesn't surprise me at all. Nothing interesting happens Canada so they are desperate for shit to post.
I sure hope that "stopping a shooting before it happens doesn't boil down to "target miserable high-schoolers with disillusioned from rejection and take government action on them, further ruining their lives and staining their record permanently in the eyes of the public."
>...and worst of all, he could be in this very thread! He could be you, he could be me, he could even be-
They're here boys, we'll have to go over the plan on our secret incel discord headquarters.
You must be one of those dumbfucks that thinks internet trolls are the biggest threat to democracy since communism.
If men who can't get poon are a threat to stability, your dumbass social order is the real problem.
What a stupid fucking article
Every fucking time they go on and on about how we think women owe us sex.
Just fuck off you retarded delusional cunts. Wanting someone to love you and validate your existence is a fundimental part of being human, and the culture that feminists have created has made is disturbingly hard for average looking guys, especially white guys to have any women consider them worthy to be loved.
lel is Canada even real????
All the more reason to invade canada........
My name is roast toaster, I'm the leader of the international secret incel society(isis) ama
The CBC is a joke that is well past it's expiration date. It made sense in the 50s when rural cucks couldn't get television but now it's just a state outlet for the liberal party. It's time to defund them.
Oh God, what I would do to glass a few incels. Today is the day it ends, fuckos
>black hoodie
>4 monitors opened at the same page
>"infiltrating" an incel forum
this is the rock bottom of journalism, and my sides went to orbit
You retards need to wake up and realize you do this shit to yourselves
theres no conspiracy
I dont expect you to listen to me, but if you want out of this pit you've dug yourself you need to realize the truth
>what it was obvious he was the incel
top kek
You aren't entitled to love, sexist pig. Incel alert incel alert wee woo wee woo wee woo. Though, the funny thing is, if it were an attractive TyroneChad claiming he deserves love, these whores would be all over his dick in .2 seconds flat. Women, am I right fellas?
I even get told my height disqualifies me from love, is it any wonder there are so many incels out there nowadays? Just fuck off and let me live in my fantasy world, god damn hobags, I'll overdose eventually so just stop kicking me while I'm down already for fucks sake. Let me enjoy my vidya and forever alone time, I'll leave the used up pussy for the dorks looking for a wife in their 30s. They'll make good betabuxx providers for these women.
Jow Forums is Jow Forumseddit persecution complex about women
Jow Forums is Jow Forumseddit persecution complex about the CIA
every single board is turning into Jow Forumseddit thanks to unwashed virgins never leaving their house and creating movies in their head in which they're the main character, because that's what sensory deprivation does to you
Hi 5th estate. wassup mah niggas?
There is no conspiracy, I'm, just ugly and legi autistic. That's why i'll be alone forever.
Just because you're an "incel" doesn't mean you're nuts
Theres also perfectly normal guys out there who otherwise would do just fine if not for being indoctrinated here
This is what I don't buy: If you can get "indoctrinated" by this shit without using any critical thinking skills to ask themselves why they're alone, ten they would have been bitter cunts with or without Jow Forums.
>Theres also perfectly normal guys out there who otherwise would do just fine if not for being indoctrinated here
Yeah chief I'm gonna need some sauce for that one.
True. However the problem isn't that these otherwise average-looking and psychologically normal men can't get a gf. They can.
The problem is that this place correctly tells them that they will not be lusted after and desired as much as a very sexually attractive man, that they're likely to get cheated on, and God forbid they have the curse of introspection and critical thinking, very likely to have an unfulfilling relationship.
People hate incels because they hate to admit the truth. Plenty of guys who are good people, went to a good college, have good careers, and are in shape have no hope unless they want to date some overweight single mom with no accomplishments in her life. It fucking sucks the will to live ojt of you and the only response they can muster is YAH DON'T NEED SEX TO BE HAPPY because they need docile worker bees for society to mooch off of
I can't watch this person's videos. The attempts at humor are so fucking cringeworthy
I go outside and see normal people and wonder why I'm a socially isolated outcast prone to anger/violence. It's because I was rejected by society thoroughly and completely. Rejected by anyone who I ever called a friend, rejected by the school system etc.
This is my hole, it was made for me.
You are a threat though. Elliott Rodgers and that bloke who ran people down in a van
Incels are subhuman trash
you normalfags are never going to be cool on Jow Forums
THey should of killed you instead.
only if you consider incredibly stupid perfectly normal, probably a female poster
yes yes i know, you're ugly and nobody likes you
now go back to the background where you belong, ugly bot, you don't exist
i'm a 9/10 with an 8 inch dick, you will never be cool
post pics to prove it then
You cant watch Contrapoints videos because you dont want to face the truth.
You are an incel and you will never get a woman,ever!
Your mom already asked me for them
No they should if killed you incel.
You belong 6 feet under and the day I run into one of you faggots,that's exactly what will happen.
Incels are cowards unless they have a gun.
Take their guns aways, and they go down quick
oh you're the short balding loser she was talking about
Look user, just because I fuck her, that doesn't make me your dad
Ohh I'm so disappointed!!
Kys you subhuman shitstain
i know it must hurt to have lost your dad, but you don't need to compensate for it now
>increase in violence
>pic of a basement dweller