>Rock is made in a lab
>Total scam
>Normie females get excited over a fake rock
>Whole thing started by Tiffany, a corporation
>Supposedly means you love someone
>Dumb normies still give each other diamond rings
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Ruins Everything did an episode about this.
I just gave my wife a plain ol' wedding band from the beginning when I proposed to her. Doesn't care for jewelry herself, that and she's stubborn with receiving gifts, but she really does appreciate and love it.
I cut gemstones and can confirm that diamond is overrated. It has no personality whatsoever and is a hard abrasive that damages equipment. The Jews control the diamond prices when in reality diamond is not that rare. In my opinion it should be used for industrial purposes without inflated prices.
Diamonds are meant to be tough, surely you want to buy a material that won't break easily if it's meant to be for life?
If a grill likes diamonds, just buy them a diamond ring to show you actually care about them more than yourself and your poor fag sheckles. It's (hopefully) a once in a lifetime purchase so if she wants something nice and you can't afford it just wait til you can. Tbh it's probably the cheapest part to getting married.
How do you break a ring? Is she a potato who needs a helmet too?
I thought the prices and hype were controlled by deBeers...?
b-b-but what about no hymen no diamond?
People have literally financed their pair diamond wedding rings.
>This nigga
Thinking gemstones break easily. As long as the Mohs hardness doesn't drop below 7 you're good.
ah I love an excuse to post this
NPC tradition. Too bad its so ingrained in wamen that they will probably turn on you for not shelling out for an overpriced engagement ring.
>watches soiboi explains normie things with a sarcastic lefty perspective
I think you took a wrong turn, this isnt plebbit
my soon-to-be-fiance has said politely but totally seriously that she'd be offended with anything that cost less than 3k. I sent her that Atlantic article and she said fair enough, you can get another gem but it still has to be worth tons. Women care about that shit so much, they all compare each others' behind their backs
Not fully snap you autists, but depending on the material they could scratch and damage easily. Silver definitely does.
You are one dedicated shill, I bet you get paid real well
Nigger, I cut gemstones and I know damn well the metal will wear down way before the gemstone is even damaged. Also, if an autist wears silver to the beach or sand dunes they deserve for it to break because their retardation. Quartz sits at a hardness of 7. The lowest tier gem Hessonite garnet sits at a 7-8 it won't be damaged by petty sand grains.
Im not saying diamonds arent a sham, im saying you are a fag for watching homo ruins the video by opening his cakehole
Does she have a black boyfriend you cuck? Drop her greedy cunt you dumb fuck
wow, you seem upset. No she doesn't, she's pretty racist actually, and I don't really care because 3k isn't that much to me and I love her.
> t. cuckold
lmao Ok bud, might want to go back to trolling school
>I cut gemstones and can confirm that diamond is overrated. It has no personality whatsoever and is a hard abrasive that damages equipment. The Jews control the diamond prices when in reality diamond is not that rare. In my opinion it should be used for industrial purposes without inflated prices.
What's a more reasonably priced or valuable gemstone which retains the romantic quality necessary for proposal?
>my soon-to-be-fiance has said politely but totally seriously that she'd be offended with anything that cost less than 3k. I sent her that Atlantic article and she said fair enough, you can get another gem but it still has to be worth tons. Women care about that shit so much, they all compare each others' behind their backs
she sounds stupid
yeah it's dumb, all her friends are trust-fund kids and she's upper-middle class herself so I guess she's grown up with the expectation of it. It's pretty sad she'd rather have that than a blow out holiday to the Grenadines or something but each to their own
>yeah it's dumb, all her friends are trust-fund kids and she's upper-middle class herself so I guess she's grown up with the expectation of it. It's pretty sad she'd rather have that than a blow out holiday to the Grenadines or something but each to their own
I'm thinking down payment, emergency fund, part of car fund, ...
I'm making okay money but I come from a poor background, I just can't identify with this arbitrary spending shit
that's a far more healthy and admirable attitude, I'm not from wealth myself and I find it hard not to feel spiteful sometimes but then I think I'd be the same in her position.
what happened to simple metal bands?
In my country the tradition prescribes that there should be no stone on the wedding band, because the stone breaks the circle up, which is bad fortune for the marriage.
It's a nonsense tradition but what's even worse is that tradition which favours women remains while tradition that doesn't is removed.
You cant buy a wife who isnt a virgin a second hand ring. A non-virgin wife still gets to wear white. Corporations create trends that then become fashion/tradition and if you dont conform then you're the unpopular outsider.
Everything is dominated by economic interest and thanks to globalization it's getting worse. You know how everyone jokes how America doesnt have ant culture? It's because Americans are just a mash of different people all chasing after the carrot on a stick that their corporate masters hold over them. Any local culture is going to be abolished and replaced by the consumerist mindset. It's happening everywhere and will only get worse.
Engagement rings are the diamond.
Wedding rings are the band.
Waste your shekels on useless diamonds because society and retarded women say so
Good goy
>NPC tradition
I couldn't say it better
Are you a jew?
I hear they dont hace anything on their bamds or coffins
No, but my grandmother is very slav.
The only reason Jow Forums hates him is because he looks like a basedboy (on purpose) and likes to shit on conservative "traditions" like throwing away thousands of dollars on some spoiled bitch.
I will buy my gf a big fat diamond ring - bc its not about some () gay ass "Adams sucks dick" bunch of facts .
It is flexing & a sign of me valuing her.
Also you guys wouldn't know anyway bc you are a bunch of virgos
Get her a gem in her favorite color or your birthstone or something. That's what makes it more special than a plain old diamond.
>bunch of facts
They really piss retards like you off so there's no surprise there, dumb normalfag
>bunch of facts
you get it
You cheap bastards are embarrassing her, its a status sign and a signal that you are ready and prepared to provide & care for her.
Yeah you heard right, you want traditional gender-structures with a cooking wife sucking your dick and carring for the kids.
Then you have also to be the traditional strong father and husband. You earn the wife boys
No good if she has a shit birthstone
this guy bought a non-virgin a diamond ring and proceeded to talk about traditional values
point and laugh
based and redpilled
These faggots need to wake up.
>settle for a low IQ woman who doesn't even understand the value of money
>don't use it to make the home or raise the kids, its just so your wife will appear more like valuable arm candy
>can't sell the diamond for even half of its price at the store
>this doesn't make you both fucking retarded
this is why I am happy normalfags like you end up with shit for brains potato children.
God how can people like you be real. Fucking just insane that someone wants to be in a relationship with someone this fucking stupid. God you are so fucking stupid you dumb cunt motherfucker. Please go die of cancer slowly you stupid faggot.
>buying a overpriced shinny rock is a signal you are prepared to provide
no it means your a retard
>Got gf
>She was virgin & no Deminazi
>She cooks
>Does BJ and shit bc she wants to pleasure me
>Dresses nice to make my parents prude when i brought her home first time
>Wants to marry & have kids
>Wants me to be the classical man
hating R9K fags:
>Are kissless virgins
>Got some gay "Diamond Redpill"
>Mu Adams ruins everything
>Are broke and cheap
>Want gf to be virgin
>Wants anal and bj
>Want girl to be 100% independed
>Don't want a Feminazi though
>Wants a 100% in-depended sextoy that treats them like Chad but pays her own shit lol
are you really so desperat for validation you have to brag to a bunch of mentally ill virgin's? your not a classical man your a bitch with no self respect
Where are they getting this from? The diamond shit started in the 20s when people were rich as fuck and they didn't cost the same as a fucking car.
based and redpilled very orginally
you literally just said your GF what's you to be a classical man
I'm not that human-larping chimp.
same, goes to church too. Bitter virgins who can't afford rocks BTFO
literally no hymen no diamond, I don't think any of us disagree here
We live in a corporation.
I really don't give a fuck either way, I would never spend $1000 on someone so they let me fuck them. Hookers are cheaper.
that saddened me to read. Maybe we have a different perspective on money but really? My girlfriend is one of the most special people I've met, I'd spend $1000 on a fucking coat
Yeah but that's the thing, literally any other gift makes sense and is meaningful while diamonds are literally a scam.
>he fell for the church girl meme
you poor basterd
>spending that much money on a piece of clothing
beta bux
yes, I agree. Kinda sucks. It's really not that big a deal. My girlfriend would rather I didn't ever go to the pub or smoke weed but she puts up with it for the sake of being in a trusting relationship.
she's a latina, they all go. And you have no idea what she's like you deluded incel
I'm a chartered accountant, I can buy a designer coat if I want. You seem mad
Buy a coat, buy a car, put it in a savings account for kids, just don't give schlomo any more of your money for useless and frankly unappealing trinkets.
>never spend $1000 on someone so they let me fuck them
Do you think man marry woman to get se from them ? Like only a virgin can think that crap.
Sex is worthless, you get it on every corner.
Go into the club, lower your standards, stay till the end, atleast 80% of having a ONS.
My Ex was a total roasty slut, i think it took her to really appreciate my current gf. The difference between former slut and classical wife material are enormes.
1000$ ring for the right one is totally worth it. You will understand one day
You can even burn a frickin diamond.
Gold is truly eternal - every single atom of it created in the fires of supernovae.
But diamond is fucking carbon.
I have been with someone for 12 years. If he came home and told me we were billionaires I STILL wouldn't want the stupid fucking ring. what's wrong with you?
>you have no idea what she is like
yeah I do she is a whore like all women
>is a accountant
>buy expensive gifts for his rostie
truly you are the beta provider
I have a titanium band with polished wood. It is really nice.
The one who insists on an expensive ring is not the right one.
1000$ is not extremely expensive, so I'd say it's ok, but make sure that most of the value lies in the metal, not in the gem.
No man, you're a beta projecting an idea you desperately want to resemble my life
>t. someone who knows nothing about jewelry
most gems apart from diamond are way too soft for everyday wear in an engagement ring unless you plan on getting divorced a year later
It will NEVER be worth $1000
Since we have a bunch of wannabe daddy warbucks ITT try it out for yourselves. Go buy a $1000 piece of shit shiny rock and try to sell it at a pawn shop and tell me if they even give you $200
no thanks I don't want to be a beta provider giving money on ungrateful sluts I'd rather spend that money on myself
>The one who insists on an expensive ring is not the right one.
But the one that is to cheap for a ring is also not the right man.
Also i just said i will buy a ring when the time has come.
Like how do you even pro-purse without a ring ?
"Do you want to marry me, also here is a Video by Adam ruins everything which is the reason i got no ring for you"
Is the show pointing out that scams are for retards that infuriating to you barely-failed normies? Really?
That's the problem. Previous metals have objective value - there are thousands of places that post what a unit of gold, platinum or whatever is worth any given minute.
The value of diamonds is highly subjective - probably quite close to zero, if you want to sell.
Which is why the diamond stores love peddling this shit onto gullible, desperate cucks as a way to further turn relationships into a commodity.
>only men with enough money to afford a useless rock should get to marry
you realize not everyone is rich right?
>ungrateful sluts
incel comment, not all women are ungrateful sluts but if your brain let yourself believe this you'd probably kill yourself
>beta provider
yeah having a fiance is really beta you nerd
These guys love the idea that even if they are dumb as rocks and ugly, if they just make enough money and don't get fat they can just buy a gf who will commit to them for money, in no uncertain terms.
>yeah having a fiance is really beta you nerd
Great job landing your parasitic corporate cucked idiot relationship, its definitely bound to last until your final days, and not dependent on whether or not you can support her dumb ass.
>not all women are sluts
oh if you only knew how wrong you are
>unironicaly calls me a nerd
>thinks a slut marrying him for his money makes him a alpha
lmao delusional incel, hilarious to read your comments
When did guys on here start arguing like fucking teenage girls on tumblr. jesus
>the fool laughs at the genies
you have to be one of the brain dead norimes I have had the displeasure of conversing with
>Previous metals have objective value - there are thousands of places that post what a unit of gold, platinum or whatever is worth any given minute
The objective material value of gold or platinum does not match the exchange value of gold or platinum. And the bloated exchange value affects the way we use gold and platinum.
There are few metals which have a claim to "objective value". Notably Niobnium and Tantal. You might know the name of their ore, Coltan.
I'd say exchange value is objective value.
>she's a latina, they all go. And you have no idea what she's like you deluded incel
LOL what the fuck
>muh special trusting gf
>she's a latina
Gem user back. It really comes down to the cut, clarity, color, and carot. If you can exceed all requirements a good gemstone like amethyst can be worth far more than a diamond if those requirements are exceeded.
do they hold their value well, though?
M8 she puts up with it because she's your girlfriend and has no financial leverage. Just wait until you marry her.
Do you think she's going to "put up with it" then? She can divorce you and take half your shit, why would she put up with it?
She's already demanding this $3000 ring for a reason.
Jesus, read the writing on the wall my dude.
Gems always hold their value. Think of gems on a level of world currency such as gold, silver, copper, iron, and then there's gems. The only problem is converting gems into actual currency. I have a stash of high quality Hessonite Garnet but can't sell them effectively because I lack connections for being a robot. I will probably have to join a guild later.
why can't you just sell them or find connects online?
She sounds average.
He sounds brain dead retarded.
Dumb incels not hoarding gold...
If you have less then 10k in precious metals you are a literal nigger.
I have connections online. I am part of the GemologyProject as a facetor in the lapidary arts secton. Also, I can't sell them online because the market is flooded by mass produced gems that are shit quality for extremely low prices. The problem is that normies purchase these Chinese gems because they lack the appraisal skill. I have been scammed online three times on purchasing gemstones all of which were from the filthy pajeets. Professional gem dealers don't do business online for that reason.
It looks sexy though your picking the dumbest thing to complain about
This. Instead of showing her an Atlantic article, you should have shown her the door or at the very least a prenup.
Diamond rings aren't even traditional. They only became an expectation like 100 years ago.
Not hoarding gemstones. Gems can easily surpass the value of metal.
>Being this much of a nigger
gold has been shit compared to stocks over time so yeah... I'll keep holding all of 0% and be happy about it. eow scenario gold doesn't mean shit, you will be beaten and raped to death anyhow is my guess.
Fine jewelry has always been a tradition amongst the upper classes.
Feel free to cheap out on a ring, you'll only be making yourself look like trailer trash - an engagement ring is a reflection of the man who has gifted it.