Why don't you take your meds user?

Why don't you take your meds user?

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every med i have been prescribed didn't work

wellbutrin and ambien

didn't do JACK SHIT

i mean ambien made my vision blurry but it didn't make me sleep

wellbutrin did absolutely fucking nothing

tobacco is great though

>Wasting money on medicine that's basically doctors taking shots in the dark

Jokes on you they are free in my country.

How long did you use a wellbutrin?

>all that effexor
Jesus OP are you trying to literally become a robot?

Smug bastard. Regaurdless I'm not keen on flooding my body with random chemicals that are only going to make me dependent on them and fuck me up in other ways. Besides alcohol.

Why do you even care about being dependant? I am mentally ill even if I use them or not. They don't hurt actually I think they helped me for a time. I was so productive for 5 months while on meds. I fell apart again tho.
What does effexor have to do with being a robot?

SSRIs will enslave you
I swear to god, 2 years of escitalopram turned me into a soulless suicidal nobody, but after I quit them and tried zinc suppliments every night, regular exercise, and occasional psychedelic use my life became a million times better and I'm happier than I've ever been

Antidepressants generally numb me of emotions after a while

i am taking anti depressants and some bpd treatment meds but they killed my sex drive completely

What do you mean? I always hear this SSRI turned me into a zombie

I have always been curious what it feels like
Like the world is not real? Or is it you not being real? Living on autopilot?

That's a good thing for me. Emotions ruined me. I rather become numb than having hysteric episodes.

Yeah its kind of like autopilot, it also makes you sleep for crazy long stretches of time for some people, another zombie-like trait

You feel disconnected from yourself and from life
Mind you, I still held down a job, but every day felt pointless and my life felt like it was on an eternal downward spiral
These drugs are really no good in any way and are designed to keep you enslaved and dependant

Zombie is a bit of hyperbole. SSRIs dull your emotions a bit. Not as much as people say. They absolutely kill your sex drive as this user says . Ejaculating doesn't feel as good and it takes so much longer to reach orgasm.

desu once my mommy dies i'll take the only medicine that can cure me

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I completely disagree. They work on some people. For example my experiance was nothing like yours. I absolutely don't feel like a slave or zombie. They raised the ceiling of my low points.

Why don't you take it now?

Equivalent of scooby doo sandwich

because my mommy's alive user i just told you that

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So what? Do you look after her?

started taking escitalopram 25 days ago, didn't noticed any of those effects.
care to give more info?

Saving them for a zombie apocalypse, drugs will be a massive commodity in the case of societal collapse

no but how fucked up would i be if i did it while she was alive

I will kms while my parents and sister are alive.

maybe thats why, they can all help each other, my dad is dead and my sister moved far away, relatives live far too, so i feel like i'm her safety net

My sis is far away. My dad and mom are 60 yo and their parents are still alive in their 90s. They are looking after them. They can get over my death right?

i am gonna say wait for parents to pass just for their sake but yeah it looks like they have a good network

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Can't wait anymore. Commited too hard.

Also you are a very kind user. Keep looking after your mummy. I hope someone loves you as you like your mummy.

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i hope it all originally works out for you user

I'm not on any but if I was I'd look into the chemical composition of it to try and see if I can sell it (or mix it with something else first) as drugs. Some perceptions are hard to get hold of for normal people.

Did you ever try melatonin?

just did. they don't make me feel any different

how much for the xanax?

It's free. Origgional