Why don't you travel anons?

Why don't you travel anons?

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Traveling is exactly what (((they))) want you to do.

because it's a waste of money

Cause I'm poorfag

Well, I'm Jewish so.. Yea..
You should try it goy

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>wasting money going to shitholes that are exactly like the country I came from

When I was 12 my family went to Germany.

We drove around and saw some churches and shit

We ate at a fucking burger king on the second day

That's all I remember

Every country in the west is exactly the fucking same

Every city is the same

All the people are the same

Any moron that thinks traveling to other Western countries is worth the time it takes to board a plane is a dumbass

Traveling + not being depressed is better than saving up what ever pocket change you have + doing nothing with your life. Maybe if you didn't buy monsters everyday you'd have money for it

any of you guys been someplace that legitimately took your breath away? i was a kid when i was on the west coast and my dad would take us all to see a bunch of national parks and stuff. as most kids are, i didnt appreciate most of it but seeing the grand canyon and the redwoods made me think how small i was in he big scheme of things for the first time in my life. ill never forget it

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boss won't give me any vacation time

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Because it's a chore and doesn't benefit me at all while also draining me of money and time.

I don't buy anything. I'd rather invest it all and retire early than look at old things and pay to sleep in a bed that isn't mine.

We can't all be privileged Jews like OP.

Going to japan in two months. Im super hyped and if the women are as cute as the rumors are (unlikely) ill ask my company to transfer me there.

I do travel but god damn other countries are shit sometimes. And I hate the long flights in economy.

Because it's a pain in the ass, and I don't care where I am. I don't get the appeal of traveling. It doesn't matter where you are.

i don't drink monster, it tastes like piss.
tell me, why does traveling makes you happy? seeing new buildings and more humans doesn't sound fun to me.
also keep in mind, just because you like something, it doesn't mean everyone else will like it. you like traveling? fine, i don't. for you it's a new experience or something like that, for me it's a waste of cash

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I'm short and ugly in my own country, and I don't think they want me anywhere else.

if those are the only two options then obviously travel is better

But what about saving up + doing something with your life? Why did you not mention that possibility?

You can use that money to learn a hobby or do something interesting


Went to a national park in Cali and took shrooms and almost cried when we reached a high point on a mountain. I couldn't speak and just layed down in the dirt to take it all in. 8 have a Pic of that moment somewhere.

ive never taken psychadelics so i cant imagine how overwhelming a beautiful sight like that would be. if you could find and share the picture thatd be awesome user

I've traveled within the US to some extent. It's convenient having the same language and currency along with porous state borders. You can just get in your car and drive wherever you want. The downside is that everywhere you go within the US is more or less the same. In order to travel somewhere remotely different I'd have to fly thousands of miles, and that kind of airfare is expensive.

Because this is r9k and I don't trust that 3rd option to be viable for 90% of people here

It's the way your brain is structured. Some people enjoy looking at old buildings, others enjoy listening to choirs, yet others enjoy mutilating themselves.

There's "normal" stuff that most humans enjoy, and there are outliers. What should definitely stop is, treating the outliers in a negative way for lacking something they can't change.

I don't have any money I can't afford to take that much time off of work I don't like being in a country where I can't speak the language or carry at least a knife to protect myself and If its a first world country its exactly the same as the us and I'm not going to a 2nd or 3rd world country to get my throat slit while I'm sleeping

I think it's on my old phone. This was from 2014. Just checked all my social media (that I don't even use) and it wasn't on there. But Yea it was certainly pretty overwhelming to but in a good way. I went with 12 other people, some of which who I was personally very close to and it was on Dec 31 right before we all parted ways to go to different schools/careers. We had just graduated high school and it set the stage for our own paths. Kind of neat. I don't talk to any of them anymore but I cherish that memory :(

sounds fucking awesome man. i regret not going on a trip with my close friends senior summer but i still have my fair share of good memories with them too. one of them got married a few months back and i cried like a baby thinking about how time has passed and how happy i was for him. hope my friends and your friends are all in good places, as well as you yourself man

Thanks user I appreciate it. I'd say I'm in a pretty good place myself. A couple of those 12 turned into lowlifes but those aren't the ones I was close to. The ones I was close to are all enjoying themselves and starting some good careers. That's pretty damn great that you can be so happy for someone else. I think I lost that ability a couple years back. I'm trying to build more of that empathy now but since I'm not particularly close to anyone in my life now it's hard to have genuine feelings. Wish you and your old buddies the best as well.

iktf bro. spent so many years drinking to numb my feelings im still getting back into feeling real emotions. anyways thanks for your words, cheers user

I wanna travel the world soon, I've realized there might not be much time to do it

This picture is the reason why.

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Likewise user

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Yea Europe is turning to shit pretty quickly

After traveling so many fucking times, it just becomes a routine thing and starts to feel more like work. It doesn't enrich you after a certain point. That is why I don't travel

true, ive been everywhere and i just bring my problems to a different country and make it unpleasant for people i am around

I do travel. Been to many cool places and have many more I plan on going to.

Also itt jelly af poorfags who spend their lives in a basement lmfao

No money for it, no interest.
There are a few select locations actually worth going to, and I can probably just look at half of them online.
The only place I'd really want to go is comiket or to akihabara, or just a trip around Japan in general, won't happen though unless I have more money and know the language better.

Because people fucking despise Arabs.
Therefore I'm not welcome anywhere outside Arab countries because of what other Arabs did/are doing now.

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Kek that sucks user but you'd fit in in Europe. Only places you wouldn't be welcome are Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, and other slovic countries. Everywhere else you'd be good to go. Are you American Arab or just straight Arab from like Lebanon or something

I do not have the money.

An Arab from a country in the middle east.
Also, I'm never going to europe.
I'm pretty sure the people there are sick of Arabs and Africans so they'll eventually start a revolution/civil war and kick them out.

I do travel though.
I've been to Japan like 4 times, Thailand central America, Canada, and all over the continental US.

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No point in working hard for bs that doesn't take my breath away nor I'm cucked enough to it for showing off.

Yea I could see that happening. Honestly I have bigger problems than African migrants than I do with Arab migrants, at least from what I've seen. Many times now have I witnessed African migrants trying to pickpocket friends or other people, commit tourist scams, etc. But I'd lie if I said iflt doesn't intimidate me a little bit when I see a super religious practicing Muslim with the full kit walking down a European neighborhood with a full beard and giving me a blank stare. Happened twice today. I'm not threatened by the individual per sey, but when they are dressed the same as the people who openly support isis in all the documentaries about recruitment, Yea.. I can't help but be unnerved.

It's like if all white people wore a nazi looking uniform with the neo nazi boots and pants , but didn't subscribe to the idea of killing all jews. It would still be alarming regardless.

Welche deutsche Stadt solle Ich gehen nach?

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good fucking stay in your shithole, you are not welcome here

Ew, why is it so ugly?

I'm going to Munich in February, but it depends what you want. Berlin for the music, Munich for the culture, or other cities for the nature

I do.

I'm heading to Cali then Hawaii from Britain in a couple of weeks. Seeing my GF again.

I'd like to thru-hike the entirety of the Appalachian Trail.

You're dating someone from the states? Why continue in a long distance relationship? Just curious. Hawaii will be great. Where in Cali?

Same. I might do it in 3 years. Been there before in both Virginia and North Carolina and loved the sights.

>I'm going to Munich in February
Damn. I'm jelly. Munich is literally the most beautiful city in the World. Or it's nostalgia speaking. But it's great lmao

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I'm from the south but mostly interested in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The foliage turns a beautiful orange and red around the same time northbound thru-hikes arrive.

Any recommendations on where to go to?

I fly to a different country every other weekend

Because I won't travel alone. If I had a qt wife to share the experience with, then maybe.

>Any recommendations on where to go to?
Everywhere is absolutely great lmao. The Beer Pursch Hall is famous and popular and Hitler gained power from there if you're into that lmao.

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What's your job?

Not really into that desu but I'm down for history for whatever it might be about so I'll have to check it out regardless. Unironically I will be visiting a concentration camp


This, if you live in a 1st world country why would you travel?
I got all my shit and my confy bed right here.

I'm almost 40 and never left my country even though I live 100 miles from another country.

>a super religious practicing Muslim with the full kit
tb h we regular folks are kind of scared of those guys as well.
They used to go around the neighborhood telling people they see on the street to go pray.
They give you the stares if you're wearing headphones while the call for prayer is on. Happened to me a couple of times and I started to remove my headphones around them.
It's also unsettling to know that those guys are roaming the streets of Europe now.
My problem with them is that they feel the need to change and interfere with other people's lives. Like why can't they leave people alone to make decisions for themselves?

What country do you live in user? That's scary shit. I couldn't imagine living in a somewhat hostile environment like that.

/trv/ler here. It's a great hobby. I'm lucky to have a decently paid job and live in the middle of Europe so I can easily go pretty much anywhere on a whim.

All you have to do is drink beer and eat bacon and we'll welcome you as a tourist. We'll even take you to a brothel to fuck blonde white girls.

Mainly cause I have nobody to travel with. But also cause I have criminal record

Those guys have no power in Europe. There are no calls to prayer, nor can they force anyone to observe anything islamic.

It's not the place, but my wasted and ignorant life that took my breath away. I went somewhere for the first time in my life. It was to a relatively far away country to see my first girlfriend who lived there.

Every minute of the trip, from leaving my doorstep to boarding a plan for the first time, talking to some weird guy at the airport in a foreign language and we both understood each other, getting off in a huge city, with millions of people and seeing everyone go their own way, having their own lives, taking in, the for a city, breathtaking architecture and sights.

My life up to that point was nothing, I wasted more than a quarter of my life up to that point. It made me sad, incredibly sad. Even sadder than I had been. I just wanted to crumble down and die. Every day was a peak of happiness, due to having my first girlfriend, and existence shattering thoughts about how incompatible I am with life after being exposed to actual life.

>lol i'm so depressed tee hee look at me, i'm so depressed i'm making jokes on the internet he he
Fucking posers. You're worse than that person for thinking you're special for not "traveling".

Found the basement-dwelling American Jow Forums incel.

I'm literally the one who made this thread lmao. These are my observations having traveled to Czech Republic, Austria, The Netherlands, France, and living in Belgium. I still love traveling Europe and have a great time.. But the politics and taxes here are getting outrageous for anyone to have a standard of living anywhere close to what we have in the US. People don't realize how many amenities we have in the US. A shit tier apartment there is a normal, middle class apartment here. Hell the heating units in the apartments in Belgium are the apartments that were used in the 70s in the US. You have to pay 50 cents to use the bathrooms in most places, traffic is fucking awful in any city.. It's great to travel to, but i couldn't live here. And the locals don't understand cause and effect enough to know that voting for the same people who want to increase taxes won't give them a better life.

It sounds like you literally have not seen Europe outside of your apartment. Pretty much everything you said is wrong. You're a typical Trump voter, too dumb to understand the reality of things, and completely brainwashed into thinking that America is the best country in the world despite it sinking fast and deep into a third world shithole.

I would do that, but I grew up being taught to avoid those things, so it's kind of deeply ingrained in my brain to stay way from alcohol and pork.
I might try to break out of it in the future though.

Uhh Yea, maybe you missed the part where I've been traveling nonstop for the past like 4 months around Europe. I'm not even saying Europe is complete shit. It obviously isn't. I said it's going to be. And it will be. Nothing is changing here. More taxes, more poverty, more welfare, less business, etc. Give it 5 to 10 years and we'll see who's right. Btw I didn't even vote for Trump.

My Muslim Lebanese friend smoked weed once and had an existential crisis. Laid down and sobbed for 2 hours straight until he fell asleep. He was convinced in that moment that he was going to hell.

Then he started doing amphetamine and justifying it

Then painkillers

Idk what the fuck he's up to now desu.

America has been far shittier than Europe for a long time, and it's going downhill even faster now thanks to Trump. You are obviously completely clueless about the world. America is paralyzed, it will continue in a downward spiral where more and more people descend into poverty. Looks like American education is at work here, you are unbelievably dumb. You believe what foxnews tells you instead of using your own eyes and brain.

1. American education would agree with 100% of what you just said. That's why universities are controversial in America and considered indoctrination institutions.

2. I don't watch fox News because they are dumbasses and are yellow journalists.

3. You don't have to like Trump, but saying our economy is going to "continue in a downward spiral" is just fucking retarded. The economy is literally booming more now than ever before.

4. Don't tell me I'm clueless about the world when your entire response is factually incorrect for a number of reasons

5. Go learn something from /ourguy/ Styxhexenhammer666

I'll even provide you with a link because I'm so generous

I fucking hate travelling. I think it's a waste of time and money. Not to mention, I get travelsick incredibly easily. So the first and last day of each vacation is spent with me throwing up all day.

Because I'm not a normie. Travelling won't solve my problems.

I have traveled, I just can't afford to do it that often

Can't travel because while in my country i I'm relatively well off, for first world standards I'm poor.

There are places I want to visit, yes. My top four are Korea, Japan, Macao and Hong Kong. I love skyscrapers and traditional east asian architecture, also food in those countries is delicious.

I want to have some Korean friends to play vidya and listen to kpop with and hopefully they can teach me how to play league of cancer or Overwatch at a decent level, but ideally I'll get them to play modded age of empires 3. I don't know how to feel about asian women though, but I wouldn't go actively seeking them, as that might not be taken well by people there.

I want to feel the overwhelming sensation of going to and doing what I please in a completely new setting, since I'm a sheltered person (mommy drives me to uni still, etc.). Also I would like to go to the USA to some national parks (don't know which ones) and have a little stroll in the woods, kind of like Eggman in his fembot myth video.

Also I'd like to go to supermarkets in all these places (I like supermarkets for some reason) and see which quirky local items I can find.

Whatever the destination, I really like the process of flying somewhere, from the preparation process to the flight itself, so I'm just eager to travel, honestly.

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Where are ya from user? Have you seen Enter the Void? Seems like your type of Aesthetic. Pic related

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I live literally a few hundred meters away from OP's pic related (Antwerp), and I travel to comfy close-by EU countries to bang random girls in clubs for a weekend at least once a month.

All it takes is my ID card, 30 euros, and some spare underwear and socks which I carry in my jacket. Sometimes I feel it's easier to travel by train or plane to Germany, Scandinavia, the netherlands or another part of the country like where they speak french, than it is to walk through the nigger areas of town.

I don't have money or the leave necessary to travel. I work on a contract that requires you to use all your leave by a specific time every point every year. Have to start from scratch every year. I can never accumulate enough or save enough by the time I'd want to travel, due to weddings, visiting family, etc. I've been trying to save money for grad school or a house though. Considered grad school in Germany (has a few specific engineering programs that aren't really offered in the US much - at least not specialized), but I don't know about going about it now with the current political climate.

I've traveled to a lot of Europe (UK, Germany, Switzerland, France) in late high school/college. Some of my family lived there, and I played music there. I'd want to visit there again, but I also want to visit Japan and Korea at some point in my life. I imagine I'd just wander around and not enjoy it much by myself though.

I'm from Mexico. I rarely if ever watch movies for whatever reason (don't hate them, I just don't remember to watch them) so I haven't seen that movie or heard about it, but if your pic is from that movie then it does look like my aesthetic and I'm definitely going to check it out, thanks for the suggestion.
Where are you from user, would you like to travel, too?

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People hate me here. People hate me everywhere I go. Why would I spend money to have people hate me?I can do it for free.

HI user I'm OP. Pretty sweet city you got here. Have you been to Kompass Klub in Gent? Place is fucking wild dude. Can't say I fucked anyone here or there because I'm at a 1 person AirBnb, but I wish I could've. Anyways I went out tonight but it's pretty empty so came back for comfy feels. Hoping to hit up Cafe D'Anvers next time.

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I also don't watch many movies. I went through a phase where i arrogantly thought I was a pretentious movie analyst, but I get bored now watching them. That one is very unique though, to say the least. The movie is also based in Japan and is cool for that reason as well. I'm from the US but I live in Europe temporarily so Yea I guess I do like to travel when I can. I'm trying to go to Korea and South East Asia nsxt.

Not the other guy, but CDA is packed with YOUNG people. Act accordingly.

I thought it was 18+ on weekdays and 21+ on weekends? Hmm.. Not cool. Is it a slutshow or what? I'm from America and had to deal with lesbians twerking on each other at drum and bass events while practically fucking on the dance floor. It was hell. So far the European scene is a lot less publicly promiscuous.

there are only 3 reasons to waste money on travelling to another country

1. sex tourism

2. drug tourism

3. your wife nags you

My Jewish boss has me by the balls. Literally can't take any sick days or vacation time without the risk off getting fired.

Who would I fucking go with?
Think before you ask stupid questions nigger

I travel alone user...

Holy fuck, all of these virgins saying 'every city is the same'. No it's not if you go outside of Euromuslim shitholes like Glasgow, Cologne, Paris, London, Dublin etc. I went to Yucutan, Tokyo and Colarado last year and they were all mind blowing experiences. One of the best ways you can spend your money.

these videos inspired me to travel this year.
I don't plan on sleeping in bushes in parks, but just walk around, maybe see something, so I can at least feel like I'm not completely wasting my life. And if I won't feel like that after that, I can at least write everyone else off as a faker.
What are some good central European cities I should visit?

Pretty much what other anons have said. It's a meme, and if you enjoy it you're a normie. I don't have the money for it, and even if I didn't, I wouldn't waste it on traveling. I don't give a damn about sightseeing or eating weird food or sleeping in hotels or dealing with people who don't speak English. The only reason I would bother is to fuck prostitutes or to appease my gf/wife. I'm so tired of normies talking about traveling like it's the highest form of enlightenment one can attain.

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Yo those videos are dope as fuck. Prague would be my #1 recommendation right off the back. Safe and easy country to explore, you got different architecture (old European in the center with cool walking pathways, dystopian looking soviet buildings in the outer city), cheap beer, easy nightlife, drugs up the ass if youre into that, etc. Other than that of course Amsterdam is cool. Munich is supposed to be nice. Switzerland is great but expensive. Budapest is very underrated.

Travel is for monied pretty boys and roasties, or entitled little shits who think going to other countries on their parents dime makes them better than everybody else.

thats globalism for you

Dude that's in Ghent right? This place seems oddly familiar to me and I think I can see some dutch words in the background as well, at least it's in belgium right?