It's pretty cold and windy tonight, but I'm prepared.
Anyone up for a walk with me?
yeah, hold on a sec. just let me find my coat. i know it's around here somewhere
Way more snow than usual too.
The horizon. It's not as dark tonight.
It's okay. I'll wait.
The cemetary is over there. But the snow is too deep, I don't think I can get there.
Oh damn. Forgot pic.
Can I bring my little brother with me?
Wow it's pretty isolated where you are. I'm mustering up enough motivation to walk to the pawn shop before it closes. I hate walking by traffic and people. Enjoy your walk user.
The snow is so deep, I've barely made it. I'm not built for this.
Sure, just dress him warm.
Thanks. That's why I like it. A low chance of meeting anyone.
The woods are here.
The wast nothing.
Hey, Eyeball-chan!!
No idea what this is for.
Inside, somewhat fresh snowprints.
Hey! Nice to have you here.
I'm gonna smoke a cigarette you want one?
Wouldn't want to fall down there.
Sorry, I don't smoke. But feel free to do so.
It looks like you live where newly departed souls are forced to wander until they reconcile their deaths. Looks kinda comfy though, otherwise.
The snow is almost knee deep now. I guess I was meant to suffer.
>It looks like you live where newly departed souls are forced to wander until they reconcile their deaths.
Well I certainly feel like one.
One day I will walk into these woods and never return.
they look comfy, I almost an-heroed once in such woods
Tell me more, user. Why did you try to an hero?
A comfy space to sit down.
>avatarfagging with your waifu pic
>implying she's my waifu
A good place to drown yourself.
wish I had something to contribute, I just want to say I like this thread.
Thanks. Unfortunately I just got back home. So this thread will likely die soon.
Haven't I seen you posting before? I recognize that waifu.
plz dont
if only you knew how valueable you are
Yes you have! I've probably spammed her a bit too much hehe.
I still have at least a few weeks until the ice thaws, so we'll see.
The japs have ruined Jow Forums twice now.
user why are you walking in the dark, in the middle of the woods in knee deep snow and exploring abandoned buildings? Isn't very safe.
*Especially when there's evidence that there's strangers who've been around recently
I'm a bit of a lost cause. I don't really care about my safety even though there are wolves and moose there. If there's one place I'd prefer to die in, it would be these woods.
>Especially when there's evidence that there's strangers who've been around recently
Maybe some hunters will mistake me for a deer and shoot me one of these nights.
Dying in the woods isn't pleasant, nor is it painless, even if you want to jump into that frozen lake, you shouldn't even be having those thoughts, but I'm sure you've been told that a million times by now.
If I were you I would be more concerned about it being a druggy and or homeless guy who would knock all your teeth out and steal your stuff, but your funeral really if you want to go out there.
If I were to kill myself there, I'd bring a rope. In fact I almost did that once in summer, but I think dying in winter would be more comfy. I doubt it would hurt that much if I did it right.
There are hardly any people in these parts, it's way too remote.
Famous last words right there that so many have said, it isn't impossible, it's improbable, but that dosen't mean something bad can't happen, though in your state of mind, you probably don't care that much.
Probably not. I was watching a documentary about an awful Russian prison called "Black Dolphin" where inmates have absolutely no freedom. I was wondering how I'd do there.
Anyway, I just wanted for this thread to be seen by my South American friend, since he asked me about my walks. Hope you're here friendo.
i think i did actually lose my coat. we didn't get any good snowfalls this year so it's not like it even matters. glad you had a comfy walk op
whether it does or not, I'm still thankful. I feel very comfy in this kind of thread
Is that you op? Either way hope youre alright.
Thanks. Snow is comfy, but sometimes I can't wait for it to melt away.
Thanks. If you're comfy, I'm comfy.
>Is that you op?
Well I'm not nearly as cute, or a girl, but yes, that's more or less what I look like. If that's what you're asking.
OP is okay physically, but not mentally.
Do you want to be a girl?
>I wish
At least okay enough to be able to take midnight strolls in abandoned buildings in knee deep snow.
Well, at least you aren't delusional and believe that being a woman would magically solve everything, like OTHER people around here.
>Would you care for a cute, slightly autistic girl, user?
I already do that in a way.
>I already do that in a way
Well we barely get to see each other IRL which is why we communicate mostly through facebook messenger, and that isn't helped by the fact that she is bottom of the barrel dirt poor and she often has to go long periods of time without being able to communicate with me, but she is very loving, idolizing, and dependent on me regardless, even if I'm trying to help her not be so dependent on me.