

Attached: britaugnight.jpg (3877x2823, 1.9M)

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>She's not aware, of his stare
*swings arms around*

first for APU the NONCE

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Sauron, however, inherited the corruption of Arda, and only spent his (much more limited) power on the Rings; for it was the creatures of earth, in their minds and wills, that he desired to dominate. In this way Sauron was also wiser than Melkor-Morgoth. Sauron was not a beginner of discord; and he probably knew more of the Music than did Melkor, whose mind had always been filled with his own plans and devices, and gave little attention to other things. The time of Melkor's greatest power, therefore, was in the physical beginnings of the World; a vast demiurgic lust for power and the achievement of his own will and designs, on a great scale. And later after things had become more stable, Melkor was more interested in and capable of dealing with a volcanic eruption, for example, than with (say) a tree. It is indeed probable that he was simply unaware of the minor or more delicate productions of Yavanna, such as small flowers.1

Thus, as Morgoth, when Melkor was confronted by the existence of other inhabitants of Arda, with other wills and intelligences, he was enraged by the mere fact of their existence, and his only notion of dealing with them was by physical force, or the fear of it. His sole ultimate object was their destruction. Elves, and still more Men, he despised because of their weakness: that is their lack of physical force, or power over matter; but he was also afraid of them. He was aware, at any rate originally when still capable of rational thought, that he could not annihilate2 them: that is, destroy their being; but their physical life, and incarnate form became increasingly to his mind the only thing that was worth considering.3 Or he became so far advanced in Lying that he lied even to himself, and pretended that he could destroy them and rid Arda of them altogether.

wouldnt mind a few filter thing for my e-cig desu, this one is well past its day, every flavour tastes like nasty burning

If you HAD TO have a sexual liaison with a britfeel personality who would it be?

well shit, at least you get those autism bux right?
Probably work.
Family have no idea how fucked up my life is, they think I'm doing great. No friends. Whats a girl?
Haven't been diagnosed with anything but I assume it's social Anxiety so I have 28% attendance which makes me fall super far behind in work which makes me depressed which makes me not want to catch up which makes me fail.
Current options are dropout, redo year, or suck it up and carry on and get a shitty 2:2 or third. Bare in mind I have 0 job prospects at the end and no reason to have a career anyways
Part of me just wants to quit, get a job at Sainsbury's and wagecuck it up

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Abandon this shitty newfag shill thread

going to get stoned watch Jojo and play RDR2 fuck posting on /britfeel/ all night

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His eyes are locked on her
Her eyes are fixed elsewhere
He's confident, but he's not aware
She doesn't care

Their only connection
is the silence they both grasp
He's lost control
But she's not aware, of his stare

Everything seems to intimidate him,
With the strobe lights flashing, her body's jolting
But cracking, as his eyes,
Split in two, if only she knew
If only she knew
If only
If only she knew

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very rare apu there lad *saves*

My simalari g

I am a personality if I want to be.

cringe. give up lad

Delete that you mong. We never jump thread.

Hence his endeavour always to break wills and subordinate them to or absorb them in his own will and being, before destroying their bodies. This was sheer nihilism, and negation its one ultimate object: Morgoth would no doubt, if he had been victorious, have ultimately destroyed even his own creatures, such as the Orcs, when they had served his sole purpose in using them: the destruction of Elves and Men. Melkor's final impotence and despair lay in this: that whereas the Valar (and in their degree Elves and Men) could still love Arda Marred, that is Arda with a Melkor-ingredient, and could still heal this or that hurt, or produce from its very marring, from its state as it was, things beautiful and lovely, Melkor could do nothing with Arda, which was not from his own mind and was interwoven with the work and thoughts of others: even left alone he could only have gone raging on till all was levelled again into a formless chaos. And yet even so he would have been defeated, because it would still have existed, independent of his own mind, and a world in potential.

Probably cola tbqh

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Well I'm back and I earned my 320 GBP today. Considering a mental health assessment however. Not to gain bennies or medicine; but just in case I snap and kill someone.

You honestly might be the most childish mong in a thread full of childish mongs.

You try so hard with your shitty ms paint "apu" it looks nothng like apu

t. about to spam how much you're looking forward to the radio

I love lord of the rings lad. I cry whenever I watch theodens speech. But posting quotes from the books is a bit much.
You aren't the guy who was spamming quotes from philosophy books by any chance?

Sauron had never reached this stage of nihilistic madness. He did not object to the existence of the world, so long as he could do what he liked with it. He still had the relics of positive purposes, that descended from the good of the nature in which he began: it had been his virtue (and therefore also the cause of his fall, and of his relapse) that he loved order and coordination, and disliked all confusion and wasteful friction. (It was the apparent will and power of Melkor to effect his designs quickly and masterfully that had first attracted Sauron to him.) Sauron had, in fact, been very like Saruman, and so still understood him quickly and could guess what he would be likely to think and do, even without the aid of the palantiri or of spies; whereas Gandalf eluded and puzzled him. But like all minds of this cast, Sauron's love (originally) or (later) mere understanding of other individual intelligences was correspondingly weaker; and though the only real good in, or rational motive for, all this ordering and planning and organization was the good of all inhabitants of Arda (even admitting Sauron's right to be their supreme lord), his plans, the idea coming from his own isolated mind, became the sole object of his will, and an end, the End, in itself.

>The Norf stands as an ideal country. The inhabitants of that community are farmers, tradesmen, and country gentry, all of whom indulge in the innocent pleasures of rustic life: good food, strong beer, and idle gossip, all amply represented at Bilbo's birthday party.

>When they return home, however, the Shire hobbits discover their cherished ideal has changed. A totalitarian state has replaced the carefree rural life, dominated by "the Rules" and relishing in "endless cheap beer and delicious Orcish takeaways."

>Bag End is now a massive block of flats and filled with Orcs. Sam sums up the situation with his exclamation, "Absoluteleh fookin' loveleh! The footie game is on soon, Grashbag is playin - he's a genius he is. Ya seen the new four sosig rolls for two quid?"

>Mordor has come home - and the Hobbits fookin' loved it. Everything the hobbits have fought so hard for has been forgotten. At first glance, Frodo and the others blame the Tories for the change but soon stop grumbling about the evil men, brigands, and thieves that have moved in while the protecting Hobbits were building council estates. Sharkey, their leader, has urged them to "tolerate, integrate and multiculturalise" since his arrival. The Hobbits soon learn that Sharkey is their old enemy Saruman, who has diversified the Shire in revenge for his own lost profits - but after seeing old Grashbag score another cracking goal at the Shire Derby and being told to Kick it Out - they soon forget Sharkey's misgivings

>The outsiders are not the only ones to blame, however. Like the evil of the Roll, the evil that besets the Norf works from within, feeding on the hobbits' own desires. Lotho Sackville-Baggins, hungry for power and prestige, brought the first Men into the Four Farthings to work on his growing businesses after profits began to stagnate. "Apparently us Hobbits ain't 'avin' enough babies - to continue our economic growth we simply have to accept fookin' migrants," says Office Drone Cotton.

i do all my apus in paint and manage to make them look better than that though, dont slag off MSpaint lad, just dont

My days the state of this cope lol


science woo woo

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I don't know if this is bait or whether you really are that retarded.

Shut the fuck up you mong holy shit

looking forward to the radio lads

Probably not the best idea to ask a bunch of NEET's but I need a job where I can earn enough to get by but won't suck my life away
Haven't got a degree but got straight a's at A-Level

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Can confirm: Moni will be on Bong radio tonight doing her thing. Tune in for a nice slice of feminine action

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Did make me chuckle. At least some thought went into.

Childish mong confirmed, absolute state of you salty bitch

I know this is going to sound like a LARP but it isn't.

Tomorrow I plan to shoplift something, and I'm open to reasonable suggestions. Back in school I had a friend with severe kleptomania, and we often used to compete to steal the most expensive item.

The last time I shoplifted was 2 years ago and almost had a panic attack walking past the Tesco security. I actually used to get really jealous reading Tildes posts but didn't start doing it myself.

"hey big boy, want a slice?"

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>Haven't got a degree but got straight a's at A-Level
How does that happen?

get a load of this absolutely SEETHING and SULKING user.

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Been wanking like 6 times a day since the ms. left. Kinda lost it's appeal but it does give me momentary respite from the pain. Barely even get hard anymore. Should I try something productive instead?

Tim's a good lad, we both know it

Go to university you spastic. Study a good course at a good uni. You'll be fine.

>Giving that paki sissyboi a platform to seek attention on

sulkanon is on a mad one today, looks like hes got a case of the mondays bad

This is Tilde inviting himself to post so he can act as some saviour, telling this user not to do it

Been wanking six times a day since I was 14. Dick doesn't get hard at all anymore.

Steal the till you pussy

saying this as if they arent putting him on to laugh at him whinging about pakis

Cant wait to hear what Turbo and Yasim have been up to this week

Stop it lads. We know you're shilling your own show. Come on.

One thing that is brilliant about an anonymous community of personalities is that it leads to such extreme levels of paranoia, everyone accusing everyone of being someone they aren't

I fucking despise studying
I did A levels and now I'm done for life.
Fuck that shit.
I just want a nice comfy 9-5 office job with 0 pressure.

She looks like the bastard child of sad Pepe and Wojak in that pic tbqhpallywally
He's right tho stop your notepad copypasta drivel it's stoic warrior levels of cringe

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Couples hot doggy dawgs

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ive said it before, forced user namefield with IDs is the best thing they could do with this board

BongRadio is live, first guest will be moni

inb4 zeus and wheelchairlad crawl out of the woodworks

lnstant dilike crew checking in

They aren't and they still giving Poley want he wants the most, ATTENTION!

one more link to it and it counts as spamming

>nice comfy 9-5 office job with 0 pressure.
dont we all?

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Link to the radio please

But people could either outright declare themselves early in the thread, or context would identify them

I presume if you frequently shoplift you desensitise to the anxiety of potentially getting caught

thats how we know to ignore all their posts, especially when its a tripfag posting as user to get more attention for himself

>comfy 9-5 office job with 0 pressure
I'm sorry to inform you lad, but you're ideas won't match up with reality.
Put the time in at university and you will be able to get one. Otherwise you'll be stuck in a call centre and it will still be stressful.
Look into higher apprenticeships with big companies Trainee accounts or something. It will involve more studying though.

I'll go my entire life without working if I can swing it.

Music on the radio is shit lads.

here lad
origi digi

Live picture from anons comfycave

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Anyone else talk to the tv when alone in a room like theyre on gogglebox or something?

Hurry up and put the PAKISTANI MALE on the radio you failure

>Amer tells everyone to fuck off then crashes the stream

>neighbours are singing and playing guitar again

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turbo trying to overpower moni with music im HOWLING


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what they singing lod? are they good at geetar?

Slowly turning the volume up to fuck with Poley. Bullies.

Anyone ever have nights where they they feel shit and spend a lot of time holding their head in their hands?

dont they have a comments section on there?

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go round to their house with some booze all smiley and laughy like and join in.

Sometimes, lad. Like if a character does something I'll react. Like whne watching Peep Show I'll yell "NO WAY YOU WANKER," and what not.

I'm creasing up. Talking about the white race as he slowly turned the paki music up to drown out what poley asked him to say. Kek

It's not fucking fair.
I'm not even ALLOWED to work unless I spend the first 22 years of my life in a constant grind of pressure and studying
Meanwhile roastie whores get thousands just by posting a few pictures of themselves online

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Wonderwall, they play the piano as early as 8am and as late as 2am occasionally. Literally must be what it's like to be Tim's neighbour

>sulkanons favourite actor is nicholas RAAAAAAGE

just came up with that on the fly just then and everything

Yep. I also lie face down on the bed and scream and, occasionally, curl up in a ball in the shower until the water goes cold.

If you want a comfy 9-5 office job, you gotta love studying


I'm going to start keeping a shoplifting log from tomorrow, totalling up the value of everything I've stolen

>office job

What is this host on about?

what you gonna knick, lad?

its horseaboo

I'm having on of those nights where I just want to end it all. I can't be bothered any more, I feel shit most of the time anyway.

I'm looking for suggestions, ideally under 1 bong, 2 bong max

>stealing stuff of such low value
whats the fucking point.

what the fuck was that dk rap

>brainlet chavs getting BTFO on police interceptors
