>Wake up at 5:30AM
>immediately hit by dread and fear of mr. noseberg
>painstakingly lift unfit body out of bed
>quickly brush teeth and skip shower because you wanted 5 extra minutes of sleep
>pick up nasty, greasy processed food on the way to work
>get stuck in traffic and arrive late
>slave for 9 hours and get overtime
>only get 3 hours of sleep


>wake up whenever you want
>wake up feeling energized
>make self a large breakfast including eggs Benedict, cereal and fruits
>hop on steam and game for 3 hours
>lunch arrives and eat tendies
>walk around park enjoying nature
>the NEET makes a delicious T-bone steak with mashed potatoes and home cooked bread
>more gaming and media
>go to sleep whenever

why would anyone choose the wage life?

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Other urls found in this thread:


But where do you get the money from to life the neet life?
My mom's gonna kick me out when i'm 20

Average employed person thought:
"I'm so happy for my paycheck, house, car, wife, and kids."

Average unemployed loser thought:
"I'm sick of watching My Little Ponies, will I ever find a gf to lose my virginity to?!??"

Either newfag or underage b&

>outside of obvious bait threads, the typical neet is a miserable shell of a person complaining about pissing away their short life

Better than wagecucking for your entire miserable short life with the empty promise that you might get a few years of just doing what NEETs do every single day.

how do I get the neetbux tho

How do I get neetbux??

Original nigger

But I can do whatever I want wagie. I like reading, djing, working out, vidya. I enjoy everyday, my life is a nonstop weekend. But I guess I'm wasting my life unless I slave for 40 years just to retire for 10 years when I'm old and die.

Wagies on eternal suicide watch as the superior neet ubermensch continues to rake in dubs, tendies, and a gf.

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Idk i dont consider getting to save peoples lives wagecucking

How do you get your money? Still living with mommy I presume

>taking shower at morning
not unless i didn't sleep that night, i need about 2.5 hours to take shower, wash my hair and dry them properly

>i-i make hamburgers every day, saving people from starving! its like, saving lives! w-whats your move neets?

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i kindly leave out the part about the NEET fucking the wagies wife every day and you try to hit me there?

oh wagie, if only you knew how much of a freak the NEET is.

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Sure you do, Neet. Sure you do.

Now go back to fucking your chink cartoon pillow, as that's the closest you'll ever get to sex.

Actually, I have my neetbux wagie. I live in a small comfy apartment

>Now go back to fucking your chink cartoon pillow, as that's the closest you'll ever get to sex
Sex is overated as fuck

That's nice wagie, anyways, I'll have the number 6 combo with no onions and extra pickles. Chop chop!

>But I can do whatever I want wagie.
you're either one of the few who fell into a large bank account or you're lying, either way, cool larp

Having sex isnt an accomplishment you child. Underage b&

how tho, fucking how

this is all I want out of life

>Everyone works at McDonald's bc that's the only job I could get

Laughing with tears in eyes.emoji

Probably welfare.

What exactly can a wagie top the NEET in?

happiness? No matter how bad the NEETs life may be at least they will never have to sweat for someone else

music? The wagie listens to nigger music like lil yatchty or whatever because thats whats on his radio, the NEET has time to listen to all sorts of music like his vidya osts, which might i add tend to have more chord progression and melodic structure than the top 25 normie songs combined.

food? The wagie can't cook anything other than burnt scrambled eggs and hot pockets where the NEET has time to learn all sorts of cooking skills and recipes, just look at what they ate in the OP

the list goes on...

and so what if the NEET doesn't fuck? What is it with this drone mentality of normals "MUST FUCK MUST FUCK" The NEET tends to be more sensitive to the finer things in life. How can a man of perception fuck at all without seeing the destructive and irrational nature of lust?

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It is for an unemployed virgin like the fags itt

I'm still a NEET looking for a job. It sounds like a paradox, but having a job would give me a lot more self confidence and probably be better for my mental health.

Reminder not to argue with wagecucks. They seek only your destruction

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I'm a neet but not a virgin

Implying you do any of that lmao

You sit on your ass 24/7 posting pointless shit on Jow Forums and watching Good cartoons

Your taking this meme too seriously. Nobody wants to be a NEET. People used to think of neet the way they do incels now.

>promised wageslave life with 16hrs work
>only get to work 16hrs on storm
Really fuck this man I thought I was going to wageslave until I die and I found a job I love. What fucking gives?

Wagie, just because you have no energy or motivation after slaving for 10 hours doesn't mean that the neet is the same way.

Kind of strange how in every other thread on here, NEETs are depressed af. Strange for people who seemingly have great lives according to these bait threads.

just further proving my poin- tsss oh this is sad. I feel like i'm bullying you. Like you can't keep up with what i'm saying and i'm making your IQ feel low.

*ting ting ting*

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Reminder that Nietzsche's conception of the last man is literally the modern wagecuck.

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when the fascist ethnostate is established, all you who posted NEET propaganda to this shithole will be ruthlessly hunted down

haha wagies are angry... dont exhaust yourself guys, you'll have to get up early tomorrow, you wouldn't want to make mr goldberg angry by being late

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Fuck off, dad. I get more enjoyment from shitposting than you do from wagecucking. Mom cheats on you while you're at work, by the way, faggot.

That looks delicious user. Ahh, I love being NEET!

>including eggs Benedict,
Wanna know how I know you're a phone-posting Chad piece of crap masquerading as a neet?

I found this to be the most accurate

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>21y programmer
>hate my job
>wanting to be a NEET

I'm a wagie because of societal pressure.
my family would constantly hate on me for not having a job. especially here in germany you're basically on the same level as a child rapist if you're a NEET

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*hits pipe* now that's some irrefutable logic

Lol you are a coping loser.
NEETS are the scum of the earth
They hate their own existance so much that they spend all day on Jow Forums posting about how "happy " they are and that people who work and contribute to society are evil and stupid.

>my average wagie day
>wake up at 6
>eat brekkie, clean teeth and go to work
>"morning paul"
>have a ciggie
>cig break
>lunch and cig break
>go home
>feel burned out but like I achieved something

>my average NEET day
>wake up at 11am
>consider having breakfast but just wait for lunch and call it brunch
>think about doing productive things then masturbate
>wind up on Jow Forums doing nothing all day
>maybe watch a movie or play video games
>go out and see peeps to drink in the evening or take drugs if I have any
>feel good if drugs, crapshoot if drink, probably not else


how? Tell me how normalman

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I'm not a neet, I'm in education. But that latter schedule almost perfectly describes my weekends. Jfc...

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I dont think wagies are evil. I just don't like how they hate neets, simply because we've decided to leave an unfair system

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>what about your contribution to society

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>*other proselytized NPC hear the commotion and gather around*

error. This PC does not have a job? Execute defense script *mouth opens to reveal speaker and tape starts playing*

You think your better than us or something? huh? You live in our society and you can't even contribute to it? Hold him down,guys.

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initializing transformation process

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Wagie here.
>wake up at 4:30
>stretch (practice yoga so I'll be able to suck my own dick soon)
>make healthy breakfast
>go for a run
>shower, brush teeth etc.
>go to work
>be a good slave to dear overlord
>get back home
>enjoy free time and read some books
>go to boxing gym and shower there
>back home and sleep for 8 hours

A healthy body is a healthy mind.

I'm super lucky that my boxing gym and workplace are literally 50-100 meters from home though.

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are you training to box mr. noseberg?

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No just to punch suspected NEETs doors down

The NEET is not a meme my friend.


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I wish I was a neet but I have no idea how to actually get the neetbux

Do you really think it's wise to challenge a NEET that has spent hours shooting his rifle and watching military videos on youtube learning the tactics?

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>be pathetic NEET
>still manage to get a gf that does art, works from home and earns us money
>was a virgin as well
>she takes care of me and when i have panic attacks cradles me and watches me play games and makes yummies
>tfw no wageslave gaming buddies ever had a relationahip

Being a NEET is the superior lifestyle. Yesterday i did 5 pulluos and the way her eyes lit up was amazing to watch. She was so gitty and called me her most precious strong darling while hugging me. Imagine being a wageslave, only a NEET can have this.

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How? If I try he'll just fry my brain with the brain implant his surgeons planted in my head, can't remove it either because it will self destruct and kill me.

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Let's see
>wake up 9:20 call conference line
>sleep through morning conference
>wake up at 10am eat breakfast and get ready to go
>office is my work truck parked in my driveway
>cut wagies and neets power since job is breaking shins for the power company for 10hrs
>drive around listen to prog rock btfoing everyone not paying their bills
>go home for lunch
>take 2hr lunch
>go back to work turn people's power back on
>get home at 9pm
>eat dinner go for run
>read nice shitposts
>work on n scale train layout
>only do this 4 times a week since glorious 10hr work day

I love my job it's pretty fun.

5 pullups? I bang out 100+ in one go, at this point I'm punching bullets out of existence.

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You spent 40 minutes finding the right porn to jack off to then came sub 2 minutes in. You wish you had spent some time practicing shooting like you used to do with Dad but its OK because there's always tomorrow to go outside. You ate some instant ramen for lunch, unable to even boil egg noodles, stock and fresh meat and veg for an actual meal.
You wouldn't scare me barehand with anything less than a bazooka.

I can hardly think of a better image to describe the process of socialization. Open your eyes, break down the conditioning.

I've only been a neet for two years but its easily better then wageslaving, applied for disability and collecting $1,100 a month to live on until I'm 67 years old, life couldn't be any easier

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>pissing away their short life

you mean fapping

I usually spend 2 to 3 hours for a fap session user, and that's just fapping not searching for what genre I'm going to blow my load to. I go to the gun range all the time with my dad, he's retired. For lunch I had a ham sandwich from the deli with a side of ruffles and a diet coke, so good. You should super angry. Maybe you should fap more to blow off steam.

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the funniest part of NEETs is watching them lose their shit when they're not in their early-mid 20s anymore and their parents kick them out.

then they end up getting walmart greeter jobs due to the crater in their resume and live a miserable existence


>what OP deludes himself into thinking that the difference between NEETs and wageslaves is like

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I wouldn't mind wagecucking if I didn't have to wake up at 6:30. It's not natural at all.

I'm a wagie and I think it's worse because it reminds me how bad my social skills are.

what disability do you have thats worth that much?

i get about that to stay off traintracks

I'm a neet but I'm going to be wageslave soon. If I don't fuck it up.

you guys ever think if its immoral to argue with wagies? i mean their delusions are the only things that help them carry on their miserable slave-like existence

>be me
>sucessful salesman
>all the money I could ever hope for
>expend 40% of it on booze and ciggies
>wrote a book about my country's political system
>even more money on copyright claims
>no idea what to do with the money
>lost gf after 3 years together
>Never told her about how well-off I am and she called me a cheap fuck
>even thought I hated being with her I miss the whole having a gf thingy
>still no happiness in the horizon
What is wrong with me? Are some of us just born to be miserable?

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My day as a wagie
>wake up 8am
>roll around for another 15 minutes before getting up
>take a shower, brush teeth
>drive to work for 25 minutes
>arrive at work at 9am
>browse around for 2 hours
>answer a few emails
>have dinner with colleagues
>actually start working for a few hours
>don't realize it's gotten late, because work is this interesting
>leave at 7pm
>come home 7:30 pm
>warm up moms dindins
>play cs for the next few hours
>watch some anime
>jerk off
>shitpost on r9k for abit
>go to sleep at 1am
Good night lads.
See you tomorrow.

Just find a goal in life so you can chase it. Humans can't live without working for something as their end-goal. That or become a sissy and make your happiness my pleasuring other men. What's your country btw?

my wagie day

>wake up between 7:30 and 8:30
>wash hair in sink
>get dressed
>grab donuts or breakfast sandwich (depends on day) and a monster
>get to office before 10
>read the news
>make a few calls
>leave office and drive to real estate agencies to drop off business cards and promotional material
>eat lunch somewhere
>come back to office and write some promotional fliers and make more calls
>leave between 3:30 and 5
>go to gym to swim
>go home and eat
>listen to music while doing chores or play fortnite with friends or watch tv or mix of all 3
>smoke myself to sleep with weed

live at home with mom, hate it but i'm not making enough to move out. i have bouts of severe anxiety and depression but im hoping meds will even it out. i just want to stop caring about anything

I've been NEET for three months and I have fantasized about shooting myself on a daily basis for the last two.

I listen to the Madoka OST on the way to work.

I have nearly 5000 songs on my phone which I listen to on my daily drive.
Music ranges from Rap to Metal to Synthwave to Movie OSTs.

Being NEET is only fun if you have at least 2-3 million dollars. Being a poor NEET would be absolute hell although im not sure how bad compared to being a poor wagie. Both options are bad.

I dont have the option to be a rich NEET so I choose to be a middle class wagie instead, much better of a life. I know not everyone here has the option of being middle class though.

but middle class is the absolute worst, at least working class people know their life sucks, middleclass ones think slaving away 10 hours a day in some office is what life is all about

I know this is just a meme, but I've been unemployed a year and recently began working again. It is amazing what the structure and socialization of a job does for your mental well-being. I suppose if you're naturally a structured, motivated person it would make little difference but it helped me.

>tfw night shift laboratory worker
>about 3 and a half hours of actual work in a 12 hour shift
>rest of the time is downtime and occasionally checking on processing samples
>play osrs and nintendo switch at work, fap, read
>good pay/benefits and and get 4 days off a week

i mean, i lose my weekends but i get to go into town when normans are working so its usually a lot more chill and can do plenty of stuff thats usually packed on the weekends

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>itt: seething wagies jelly of NEET life

So the NEET's live is objectively better if you don't care about what people think? I wish my parents were as retarded as those.

I used to have a job like this in a pharmaceutical injectable manufacturer. Just monitored lyophilization equipment for 12 hours and got 3-4 days off. It was an okay gig but I was stuck in a room with the same guy every day and he tried to make small talk all day and it got super annoying after a while. It paid like $25/hour which is pretty good for being in a low cost state and only requiring a high school diploma.

A night shift at a lab? Is it clinical or GMP?

I wish I was a neet. I have to slave every fuckin day for 40+ hours a week. Just to survive. Its counterproductive. We gotta work just to live. Yet this isn't living. If this is life for the next 50 or so years, then why wait to die then?


She's gonna leave you and fuck some other dude. Women don't want to be their boyfriend's mom

I think I've made a huge mistake. There's a chance my county's EMS agency will actually hire me and then il have to go to their academy and then work as an EMT. I'm not sure if I boofed the interview and test enough and I won't be able to keep neeting at my parents house.

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Neet life is what you make of it tho. Wageslaving is cucking your life away.
Like just because you're neet doesn't mean you *can't* be productive or even make a little dosh, but being a cuck means you're sacrificing yourself for nothing.

You can always just decline the job.

I've done both and detest both. Being a NEET makes me feel empty and pointless, but working makes me anxious and stressed. So life is hell either way desu.

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But my parents will get angry at me and I don't feel like lying to them.

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Having your own apartment (subdivided houses are usually cheaper), having a part-time job, and budgeting efficiently is the only gratifying way to live. You have your own place, you have some semblance of structure, you aren't completely useless, and you have more time than the average full-timer. Also time has more meaning, as in you have more reason to finish things or more motivation for hobbies backlogged in your mind.

My 2 cents. Well, except I just heard someone accuse me of holding up the shared laundry room but I don't have any laundry. Must be me because I'm the new tenant right? Fucking normies. Give and take on subdivided housing.

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Both of those lifestyles would make me want to kill myself, none of those lifestyles offer any purpose whatsoever.

What would the point of having motivation be? The NEET does absolutely nothing, no goals or any accomplishments.