Can someone please help me figure out what the fuck happened to my feet and how I can fix/cure/whatever, kinda hurts to walk normally.
Cracked Heels?
You are decomposing OP
here's another take
Go to a doctor stupid
actually that's the other foot, and here's one more take I forgot which foot this is
Soak your feet in water and use a butter knife to scrape all the dry hard skin away, keep doing this till you reach soft skin then use lotion and g2g
You wear the same socks for days at a time and developed heavy callouses on your heals from it (dirty wool socks are an especially notorious cause of this). The callous is so thick, it cracked.
That or diabetes.
Buy a pumice stone and start sanding off the dead skin
I'm not insured
That doesn't sound good... I shower every 2 or 3 days though.
what about the bloody holes though, do I scrape away that too?
I change socks every day, sometimes twice a day if I walk for too long at a time. Could I have diabetes after losing a lot of weight in 2018?
It seems like you might have diabetic's foot. You better not have it really. Go to doc, not ask around fucking r9k.
Happens to me all the time. Ll cause I have natually dry skin. It's pretty normal. Just get prescription grade lotion and apply it everyday. If that doesn't work, just seal it with glue to let it heal.
put some antibacterial lotion on it?
Also start usin a pumice stone on your soles when you shower or something good god all that caked dead skin is disgusting
please see this: COULD I have diabetes? I was quite overweight by the end of 2017 but throughout the whole of 2018 lost a lot of weight by cutting out sweets from my diet apart from fruit.
Not insured, and not financially stable enough to go to a private doc
fuck I feel gross now
>COULD I have diabetes?
Regardless of diet and body you can get diabetes.
It's a lifestyle disease.
>t. fag whose parents have been working for more than 20 years for a company producing meds for diabetics
what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fuck my life literally I just try to be normal physically but everything fucks up: dry skin on my face, problems with shitting, and now these gross ass cracked heels.
Why must I be so FUCKED
Use lotion on your feet you retard. It'll start to heal up in a week. It's cracking from dry skin.
use lanolin
Its most likely just because you have so much dead and dried skin as well as a lot of hardened skin that cracked. There are special foot scrapers you can buy to get rid of it. Try getting one they should be relatively cheap. Together with that get some lotion. Im not a doctor but my mother used to have a smiliar problem and was barely able to walk until she did what I mentioned. But again she is diabetic so it could partially be caused by this. I dont know enough about it to give you any professional advice so the only thing I can say is that you should still go to a doctor or at least get something to measure your blood sugar. You should be able to get pic related relatively cheap as well if youre lucky. Measure your blood sugar throughout your day and if it is at an abnormal level go to a doctor. There is no way around that unless you want to die a terrible death. Trust me you can very easily die from diabetes if you dont know you have it. Most people just get tired and fall asleep before they die from it. Ive been looking after my grandmother who has diabetes for a few years now so trust me when I say its nothing to mess around with. If you really have no money then I suggest saving up around 50 bucks to buy a blood glucose meter. All you need to do is prick your finger with to get a drop of blood, measure it and it shows you a number. You can easily google more about it and these days those things are pretty cheap to get.
>dry skin on my face, problems with shitting
Diabetes is caused by a fuckton of sugar intake, that your body stops produces sugar in itself, from what I have learned. It has nothing to do with gaining or loosing weight, once you got diabeetus, no going back.
i have this too, to fix it just make sure to but lotion or vaseline on your foot before you go to sleep (when the cracked part of your foot is not in contact with anything). also when showering make sure to wash the cracked part of your foot thoroughly, if you are stepping in a lot of dirty places, get a tooth brush and scrub that cracked part. if it gets worse to the point where it hurts to walk, go to to your family doctor and he will probably prescribe you some cream
Take an epsom salt bath, scrub it with a loofah, use lotion
you either have some foot fungus or worse
your feet being that dry is not natural
see a fucking doctor
doesnt matter if you are insured, they can tell you what you have and you decide if you want treatment
Thank you for your concern and sharing your experiences, man, really kind of you and I hope you know I fully appreciate that. I think it's unlikely that I have diabetes, especially as I got my blood tests done (privately) about 3 months ago, had perfect glucose levels and everything.
what does that mean?
Well if that's the case then I should've had diabetes by the end of 2017, but I felt great throughout almost the whole of 2018 and as I mentioned above - had perfect blood test results.
Holy shit guys, how many times do I have to say, I am not insured which means I can't even get an appointment. Is it normal to moisturise feet every time after a shower? 'Cause I never did but this problem only came up recently.
Updated pic btw, tried to scrub off with knife after the shower and put some coconut oil on it as that's the only moisturiser I have besides aftershave.
right foot looking and feeling a lot better... I think???
what kind of shithole country do you live in that you need to be insured to get a fucking appointment
seems like you are fucking retarded if you think that
seems like you think seeing a doctor means you are forced to pay for whatever treatment they tell you and that its gonna cost thousands
for all you know it could be a simple fucking treatment and you are holding yourself back and make your situation even worse when it could be fixed/cured right now
don't be an asshole, I'm just not as privileged as you clearly are.
you are privileged you just arent taking advantage of it because you are stupid
you ask for help, we tell you to see a doctor
you choose to refuse the help
seems like you are the asshole here
are you too dumb to grasp the concept of healthcare not being the same in every country?
My mom has this shit,she's using some lotions and that's all nothing to worry about OP
what kind of lotions? I might try and find something specifically for my feets tomorrah
Balea handcream,honestly you can use any protective cream it will work.I just hope your situation gets better OP
thank you! that's really kind of you
you dont need healthcare to go to a clinic to have a doctor take a look at your foot and let you know if its serious or not. they cant make you spend money on a treatment if you dont want to, all you would have to spend money on is the cost of the visit.
if you cant spend money on that then why are you even asking if you can fix your problem here?
you just want these non-doctor people to tell you its nothing serious to put your mind at ease
IF it is serious your are just prolonging the pain and future treatment costs
nah, if you had diabetes, you would definitely have noticed before your circulatory system got fucked and shit like that happened