Jesus fucking christ whats wrong with me?

jesus fucking christ whats wrong with me?

why do i make things worse? i just keep pushing people away for self abuse
why am i like this
i fucking hate myself im such a disappointment

just fucking end me already

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Yku a need a gf (bf) OP go on Grindr and date a sissyboi

Is there a possibility that you might be gay and have not come out yet?

Look if you want to transition no one is stopping you but you, maybe you are a bottom and just like the abuse?

>just fucking end me
end yourself you fucking faggot.

i know for a fact that i am not gay

Yet you don't know why you're sad.
Man up and suck a cock. You don't know until you try it

perhaps you are a masochist?

No one knows 100% for a fact till they try it, go on Grindr.


thanks but no thanks

People like you make good sad twink bottoms, you ever thought about getting your boicunt slammed?

Not them but what other options do you have besides being a bottom?

It sounds like you are at a conflict with your homosexual urges or thoughts it's common for people in your situation to do stuff like this

wanna suck my benis?

yall are fucking gay jesus christ

suicide is better than letting some hairy 300lbs hamplanet
fuck your ass
it doesn't sound remotely close though, stop shilling

Besides repressed homosexuality, what would make OP act and feel that way? Nothing, he's a homo. Maybe even a tranny.


im actually female so all this gay shit doesnt apply to me you faggots

For all of your life you have been subject of pain and abuse without and opposite situation and no support.
You have been conditioned to be abused, people told you to stop being a victim and that it's your fault you get hurt.
An half truth, so a dishonest one.
You punish yourself because you now believe it is indeed your fault, thus it is your fault you hurt yourself.
You fell for the potent gaslight pygmalion meme.
You have been shaped by others into something you weren't, forcefully fitting a form that belongs to the collective consciousness of the people around you.
You are fucked and there's no way around it unless you open the locked door whose key is behind such door.
Do or die, painfully.
Will you attempt to pick up yourself and impose yourself on others as a mean of only survival or continue this way and eventually kill yourself?
Nobody cares about you, do not mistake my words for care, but pity, for we all are in the same situation, a masochist ritual we perpetuate as a mean of carrying on until it breaks us or we break it.
If you have never received support all of your life you better support yourself, nobody else will, you are alone in this world.
It's fine to use others as a stepping stone, this is what they did to you in the first place.
This is the cruel morbid reality we unfortunately live in, we were lied, deceived that this is a fine place, that survival of the fittest doesn't apply to us anymore, even in our muh 1st world countries.
The ride never ends, if you can get away with it, it's worth doing, just do not make miscalculations.
What will you do?

I knew it! OP is a tranny.
this guy is also gay.

no penis, sorry m8

Alright went through the surgery? wow. Did you also get one for your face and voice?

nope just born this way unfortunately

You sir are 100% gay for a fact God damn do you sneeze glitter?

Retard alert.

Don't try acting smart if you're not.

Holy fuck the tranny and faggot psyop on this fucking board seriously not everything is about cocks and changing your gender you litteral degenrates get off this board you are so fucking retarded

No way Reiko is still paying the shills.
I really hope you don't do it free like a certain group of people

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>act gay
>be surprised when everyone thinks you're gay
There is no psyop.

user, I'm not going to argue with you or call you gay, or give you a hard time even.

why? because I feel like we are the same. I'm just a guy, that's all. But I felt like I was reading my own feelings.

Get this: Some actually fell for the meme and aren't part of the shill squad. They're basically useful idiots

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Jesus christ man this is sad

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this guy,
this guy, and OP make 3 fags in a single thread. Why are there so many?

90% of robots are gay these days I'm about to join them

im just adding to it cuz i thnk it's funny. i mean OP knows its a psyop anyways.

if it bothers you so much, stop acting gay. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Please try getting help. I know what are you talking about.