robots only deserve bpd girls. normies dont want them because they are the worst type of crazy.
Robots only deserve bpd girls. normies dont want them because they are the worst type of crazy
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What even is it? Am I borderline a normie?
No one deserves to suffer at the hands of a BPD whore, not even your average robot, and that applies to women having to deal with equally fucked in the head BPD guys.
>have BPD
>realize that everyone else is actually just as insensitive and fucked up as you are, they just keep it under wraps
>literal projecting this hard
Nobody deserves that kind of crazy user, not even us.
yes we do because we are terrible
Except it's actually true lol
Bullying and exploitation is a normal part of every culture
What it actually is, is that people with bpd think your statement is true, when it's actually not at all. It's what leads to all the 'accidental' abuse in these relationships
We're not monsters tho, we have souls and feelings, real feelings.
Nope it's the other way around. People think they're alright because they can keep a calm and cool demeanor but they're still callous and judgmental. It's not universally true, of course, but it is true enough to be significant.
>has condition that notably has a lack of empathy and imposes own extreme emotions onto judgement of others
>makes conclusion about people based only on themselves
Yep, your BPD checks out.
No, I'm forming my conclusions based on the people I've interacted with and how they've behaved.
>Iwn have a qt bpd gf who gets viciously abusive towards me, then breaks down crying, clings on to me and tells me how she's so sorry and how she wishes she could just be normal
>I will never comfort her, kiss away her tears and tell her it's ok, that I understand and I still love her
>she will never make me promise that I'll never leave her like all the other guys did
>she'll never make it up to me by cooking me a nice meal
>we'll never spend the rest of the night cuddling
End my life lads
I still miss a person, that probably had bpd, after almost one year...I miss her, damn
>then you do some stupidly minor thing to upset her and it pisses her off so she goes and cheats on you with Chad
that's how actual bpd works, as opposed to your fetishized version
>bullying and exploitation = bpd
people are shitty but bpd is a rare and deceitful strain of shittiness
Remember lads, there's nothing wrong with sticking your dick in crazy as long as you don't fall in love. They're too pussy to do anything to you that goes beyond emotional abuse. You can't get emoitionally abused if you're emotionally detached nigga
Personality Disorders should not be considered mental illness. Too fucking bad I don't act the way society deems right.
I've dealt with someone who had bpd like you. They constantly told me that I was an asshole when I was literally being the nicest person I could. If you're actually diagnosed with bpd you should seriously consider the possibility that you're just fucking wrong about people.
it's all just a con to convince you to go pay some twat for therapy
I guess you could argue that the nature of that insensitivity is different.
This is kind of my thoughts on it to. Dude, I've got a treatment for these snowflakes... I'll electrocute them with a cattle prod every time they act like a dick. Let's see how long they keep acting retarded before they sort themselves out
I have no idea what your situation was and I'm not about to accept your partial understanding of it, nor am I going to accept hers. I have no idea whether you're nice or not nice, and I have no idea whether she's crazy or not.
I'm not fucking wrong about people, in general.
See this is what I was talking about. Hopefully you're a minority.
Robots should take the pink pill and transition or be a bottom twinks
im a bpd girl and it makes me want to fucking die
i either cant form a connect with someone or i do but then i get so obsessive and terrible and easily hurt, when they dont respond fast enough i wanna die when they make other friends i wanna die when they say something slightly hurtful even when its realistically not bad I WANT TO DIE its not fair i wish i could be normal and love people normally
BPDshits don't physically abuse you, it's emotional
yea so im gonna need you to be my wife
no you would hate me if i didnt suppress 100% of what i actually thought and felt, i'm selfish and abusive and self aware of how i am but i don't want to do anything about it
Hi, you sound like a nice girl. I would love to talk with you online as a friend or anything. I'm just a socially anxious guy who likes to talk to people online about anything.
i said be my goddamnit fucking wife
i mean i guess????
i dont think you would want to..
this poster isnt me, but you should be their friend
I think I want to, you sound really interesting. My discord is Devin2019#7510
Add me if you like.
This is a terrible idea.
It's my pet theory that a good number robots are schizoid or avoidant.
If they're schizoid, for example, a bpd girl will engulf them both in abject fury whenever they don't want to reply to their texts or want alone time.
If they're avoidant, an examples could be that the first time bpd lashes out on the robot for forgetting to ask how their day went or something, robot will just crawl back into their shell. The bpd will think he's abandoning her, and then the whole thing just collapses.
bpd girls and robots are both equally undesirable, but entirely incompatible
Im a BPD male and yeah I only had like 3 close relationships in my entire life and they werent family members. Whenever I meet someone who is as pathetic as me I get super obsessive over them and want to fix them
The first I felt love was when I met this girl on discord and I loved her so much that I almost crying one time.
If you're diagnosed as bpd why don't you just learn to accept that your gut reactions to things like feelings of abandonemt etc. are irrational. You're literally told by a doctor that you're behaving wrong, why can't you acknowledge that and behave like a normal person. It doesn't seem that hard to me. Would you bpds improve your behavious if you were more exposed to normal relationships and learn from and copy that?
bpd girl here - i am self aware of how irrational i am but i cannot help feeling it. this is literal hell.
We dont form close relationships so we dont even feel abandonment :)
Right, but do you really have to act on that irrational feeling? Just copy what normal people do desu
>We dont form close relationships so we dont even feel abandonment
I thought bpd is characterized by being too needy / attached and fearing the abandonment. Im sure its more than that, but I thought that's generally what people say
I'd date a woman with bpd if one liked me.
I'm a chill enough person that nothing you can do would bother me but also you're kogasaposting and that's enough make me love you.
people mostly suffer of irrational things that are still very real to them, look at most of the robots. your advice is akin to just be confident, just lose weight etc
It's common knowledge that borderlines issues with abandonment, but almost nobody ever discusses at length how they're also just as terrified of healthy, stable emotional attachments. Because of stress cortisol-induced brain damage they sustained as infants, they literally do not experience emotions the same way unabused neurotypical people do. They desperately, frantically desire the love and validation of others, but when they actually do get it and find that it doesn't magically solve all of their problems and fill the gaping hole in their psyche or instantly make their lives better the way it does in movies, they don't know wtf to do with it and usually set about systematically destroying it in revenge for failing to live up to their delusional standards.
pls be my gf and constantly harass me with texts
What if one of those attempts contact after dumping you but never gets through with it? What are they feeling, regret, longing, something else?
I think BPD girls deserve love too.
I would love a BPD fembot, despite her flaws.
I'd do my best to understand her and make her happy.
you realize she's 100% going to dump you without any explanation given even if you give her you all?
why cant bpd girls just let me make them happy
I don't care if I get hurt.
It doesn't mean they don't deserve love.
they're literally afraid of not feeling like worthless shit for once
I had a crush on a girl with bpd. She started dating some tranny and was dating when we met up for the first time and then she said she never wanted to see me again. Fuck them all
In such a case, they are probably feeling bored and haven't yet found a new host to prey upon, so they figure they can temporarily entertain themselves by stringing you along for a while using classic pursuer-distancer relationship dynamics. At that point, you're basically a friendzoned cuck who she will only hit up for a little emotional buzz until she finds someone better, at which time she'll ghost you completely and you'll become the evil, unstable clingy ex who can't let go and move on.
People who don't contract words are more likely to be lying.
That isnt true, you just enlarge the degree to which others participate in your bad behaviors because it makes you feel better about yourself
Probably an iPhone user, this board considers apostrophes non-ASCII characters
Threadly reminder that the kind of paranoid, hostile thinking bpdanon displays in their post is physically embedded in the anatomy and neural chemistry of bordercunts' brains.
Alright. I'll gladly take one. Now where is she?
I'm bpd and my robot bf is also bpd. It's like a special kind of hell but at the same time the connection is indescribable and worth it. Been together 4 years.
How can you tell if a woman has bpd?
Often by violent mood swings that make no sense. More often than not though, you won't know until she ghosts you.
Or, as in my case, she breaks up with you in a horrific and terrible manner after a long term relationship that leaves you very scarred. And then you search for answers after the fact and you discover that her symptoms, behavior, and situations you were in are scarily accurate to what you read online.
I didn't even know the phrase borderline personality disorder until after my ex left me. Now I can say it's by far the number one thing I look out for in girls now. Except after the experience I had with my ex I'm no longer looking for girls and I'm scared of emotional intimacy now
Now sit for a moment and think that not only she doesn't miss or regrets any of it, she probably barely remembers you and feels like the whole relationship has been a single moment of a blurry and distant past.
Fuck no, my first gf had BPD.
Because of her, I can't get off unless I choke a woman to an inch of suffocation since she ingrained it so hard as something that she wanted all the time.
I honestly think she just wanted me to kill her, but now I cant fuck without it.
That seems unlikely to me, not because we were together for 4 years, but because the guy she ran off with was a friend of mine I had known since the 5th grade, and they only know each other because of me since I made an effort to introduce her to my friends since she didn't have much of a social life when I met her. So now they live together across the state, and he has to be a constant reminder of what she did since he used to be my friend, right?
yeah but where can I find one? even more so, they probably just want chad...
do yourselves a favour -
You should never put your dick in crazy, but if you do, its normally pretty great sex
No. They just don't give a shit.
BPD guy here. When these feelings are occurring I don't realize it, I know how I am and how I think but I always think "this isn't my shitty disorder, this person really has abandoned me" simply because a friend doesn't text me back within 30 minutes. It's hell dude, I can't form normal relationships with other humans because I'm a fucking basket case, wanna know what the worst part is? I'm actually very sociable and speaking to strangers is very easy for me but once the friendship is formed I end up going full sicko and driving them away. I stopped trying to have friends like 4 years ago, I'm 24 now.
Not that guy, but I knew a bpd girl who was in a relationship with another person, and fuck, there were so many problems, and meanwhile I fell in love with her. One day she told to the guy she was a male, they had have to meet themself, so the situation was going to shit itself. They broke up after some time and after some time again, I did that too because she was using me like a carpet, or so it seems for me now too, and for some other reasons too. J ghosted her. She wanted to talk to me because "she couldn't imagine a life without me" ecc., but I ignored her, then she stopped. After some months I wanted to shitposting to her with another guy because hell yeah, I had nothing to do, then she blocked me, but after some day she unblocked me. After some time, again, I saw her account deleted, she changed number (I know because I tried to call her) and she doesn't access to her discord. If you want more informazion, then ask, now I can't write all the things. What do you think guys? Do you think I had to gave her a chance? Tell me your opinioni guys
Better volcel than risking it to this human garbage.