/r9gay/ - #599

"someone make a new thread and i will give u a kiss" edition


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If they don't give a kiss, then I will. Or two hugs, whichever you prefer.

How do I get a r9k boyfriend who isn't hairy/scary

>tfw no sips bf

>tfw no below average height nordic bf
life gets darker each day

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>slowly develop crush on friend
>recently find out he's straight
welp, at least I had that warm and fuzzy feeling in my tummy for a while. that's something

What do you consider below average height?

below the average height in nordic countries, which is below 180cm

>tfw still no tall dom bf that lets me sit on his lap and face

I'm 179. wbu

i'm not hairy or scary

Hello, tripsbf, I'm your bf right here.

could i have both? or maybe just one of each? i'm not picky, i'm happy with anything

how are you my bf if i dont even know you...

Then what are you user? Atleast give him some material to work with. They're fragile creatures you know.

You don't know me yet, you mean.

>tfw no incredibly specific bf

I'm a young twink who take xan

i should get to know you then, tell me about yourself

Since you sound so nice I'll give you at least two kisses and at least two hugs.

im 193 myself user, how are you doing today?

I'm a little taller than 6' tall, I'm also a top and have dark hair and a lot of love to give. What about you?

>legs burned out after spending weeks walking around this cold euro country
>had a cold for the last few days
>slip on the hardwood floor of my hotel, hurting my foot and my shoulder
>when walking out of the bathroom with a towel to dry up the wet spot on the wood floor that I slipped on, hit my back against the door knob
I'm in so much pain right now
>tfw no cute short bf to rp as a nurse and coddle me to recovery

I'm feeling better then when I woke up, school was terrible last week and our dog is sick so I was afraid he wouldn't be there when I got back home. But school was suprisingly fun again and the dog is on medicine. wbu

im quite shorter than 6' and have light hair but also a lot of love to give

really? thank you so much user, you're a real sweetheart. you deserve kisses and hugs yourself, i'll give you as many as you want to say thank you

Sounds quite nice if I may say so.

>tfw no short bf to be my little spoon and to play vidya with

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What the fuck is xan

Did you want to talk somewhere else so we can discuss how we'd exchange our kisses and hugs of thanks?

>tfw he doesn't talk to me
>tfw thinking about removing him
I hate to be the talking guy with someone who doesn't talk nor show love.

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tell us about yourself user, maybe you'll catch some fish oWo

>tfw no Cat Noir cosplaying bf

you sound nice too too bad this is just fantasy

what breed is he? is he a good boy?
my day was a good as it could have been i guess, im currently eating some cereal

it depends, where are you from, user? i don't do well with distance and it seems everyone is so far away. i don't want to lead you on if i can't handle the distance. i may just have to give you hugs and kisses here.

I know. My dream is to find a cute chat noir cosplaying bf

>tell us about yourself user
Not much to say. Just a minnesota college boy with a stable(ish) job who wants a shorter bf to cuddle and pass the hours with.

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I'm in the USA, and with my luck you're probably not from here. I'd still accept and give the kisses/hugs either way.

i had sex with a dude last week and for the first time in a long while i felt normal.

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Its a mutt rottweiler, loves to gnaw on my arm
Is it morning over there? Where you from

nice, how is your relationship with him though? Was it a one time thing or is it something serious?

>>too bad this is just fantasy
I was afraid of that, but I'm not surprised.

I love boys from minnesota my man.
Shame I'm west-europe :x

one time thing unfortunately. still tho, for a long time i worried whether or not i was actually gay or not but i feel like this has cemented it in that camp. Like a sense of closure that me being in an intimate relationship with a women would be a total disaster and would never work.

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Well, I actually am from the US, but it's a big country and it seems nobody is around where I am. Are you okay with getting a (little) more specific or do you just want to do the kisses and hugs here?

>I love boys from minnesota
Hi there

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no its actually 23:05 atm
im just eating something else since i had a very light dinner and wouldn't be able to make it through the night on that alone,

>I love boys from minnesota my man
why? It's pretty lonely here. Most of the gays are in the twin cities and they are usually obnoxious fags.
>Shame I'm west-europe
Kek, I'm in Central Europe at the moment, heading back to my terrifying cold state later this week.

I'm in the central time zone if that helps specify things a little more.

It's a bit of a weird reason, so don't laugh at me. But as a kid I loved watching Big Time Rush on nickelodeon. And they're from minnesota. I also heard the winters are really snowy and I like snow, which also combines nicely with cuddling and sharing body warmth oWo

greetings user

so am I, actually. unfortunately that's still a super wide range, are you in the north or south? and east or west? i'm in the southeast.

Do you love boys from the United Kingdom?

>Big Time Rush
kek, how the fuck do I remember that. Yeah I guess those cute boys could make an impression,
>I also heard the winters are really snowy
And fucking cold. But yeah, it's pretty comfy cuddling weather.

just developed a taste for british accent boys thanks to an user spamming british gay porn many threads ago. I would love a cute british accent bf

I'm in the southwest myself.

>I can only find women with my hairstyle

What does this mean Anons

Shame you're all the way over there, timezones and all. I'm 8 hours ahead of you rip

>rubbed armpits too hard while drying off from the shower
>tfw no bf to lick them to soothe the soreness

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>I'm 8 hours ahead of you
I'm actually in a central european country at the moment. It's 11:16 here.

You bamboozeled me for a second, don't you mean 23:16? With your silly american microwave times

If they're clean I'll lick them with the softest tongue in the world for you user

i'm sorry user, and i already feel bad for making you write all these responses but i'm not in a place to travel very far and that's still a ways out. i'm really sorry but i don't think i can do it, can i give you even more kisses and hugs to express my apology?

I actually have my phone set to your crazy european style time. I'm just typing from my laptop which hasn't changed.
>tfw no sassy eu bf to argue about cultural differences which can only be resolved in bed
What country are you in user? I'm currently in poland

>i'm not in a place to travel very far
Same here unfortunately.
>can i give you even more kisses and hugs to express my apology?
Of course. I'll always accept ekisses and ehugs.

>tfw no bf to cuck me after finding out I like chastity and being subby
>no bf to lock my huge cock up before making me watch him get fucked by someone else
>tfw I'll never be called a good boy for paying to be stepped on by him after they're done

what the frick are you doing over there? Come over to Belgium sometime and I'll treat you to some of our classic foods

cringe and bluepilled
>tfw no monogamous bf to make intense and passionate love missionary style to

> doing my best to be comfy
> user haven't you done anything all day?

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>what the frick are you doing over there?
Studying abroad this month. I have some polish heritage so I decided to go for it.
>Come over to Belgium sometime
Maybe. It's hard to afford traveling to Europe as is.

>tfw comfy remains elusive

The only thing you diseased faggot vermin should be kissing is a shot gun.

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imma deepthroat it

thank you for being so forgiving, user, you really are sweet. i really hope you find a nice boy soon, i'm confident you'd make someone really happy.
here's the kisses and hugs, you've earned them all. thank you, user.

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>buy a ruler to make it easier to cut my hair
>notice how long an inch is
i don't get how so many people are insecure.
more people should hold rulers

The classic american with the mixed heritage kek.
You enjoying your cultural experience?

>You enjoying your cultural experience?
sort of polish boys are actually really cute. At the moment I just want to get back to muttland and relax.

Thank you too, user. I hope you also find somebody that makes you happy.
>tfw no kissing pics to upload
Hopefully pic related will bring some lovey feels for you.

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>polish boys are cute
tsk. i wish you best of luck user

>tfw fell asleep and couldn't reply to eurobeat user
my favourite song is

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on the toilet taking a poop rn lads

thanks user, it means a lot. best of luck to you in finding someone as well. and i like your picture, here's a kissing picture you can use in the future too, if you want to. take care, sweet user.

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I wonder how many anons are edging right now. My guess is at least 10.

Thank you again, kind user. I'll use it every now and then. I hope you have a nice rest of your day. *forehead kiss*

im still here
>my favorite song is
i've never heard this song actually or maybe just not really noticed it when listening through the volumes
who's Idol? the voice sounds familiar

You do the same, okay? Have a good day and take care, be safe. *cheek kiss*

93% of straight people who hate gay people are edgy retards that see what they want in statistics and gay people and not the whole picture.

I've never actually found out who Idol is, then again I've only checked wikipedia for artists and their aliases
I found in on initial d not the eurobeat volumes

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The worst part is when they find out someone they've been close to has been gay the whole time, they actually let it complete overwrite their perception of that person instead of realizing that nothing has actually changed.

Talk to you again sometime most likely, even if we don't realize it. Be good, user. *quick mouth kiss*

I hate to pull the obvious card, but I think a huge factor that stems from it is sexual frustration (inb4 arachnophobic meme). It's not surprising how a plethora of anti-gay organizations, specifically gay conversion camps for some reason, turn out to have in-the-closest leaders and founders.

you might have found it on the initial D ost, but it also appear on Super Eurobeat Vol 167, as you can see in pic related and in the video you linked earlier.
looking through wiki won't really get you much, as they only have the most popular of the eurobeat artists; Dave, Domino, Sinclair and some others.
if anything you should check out Discogs if you are ever in doubt of who's who, but sadly neither discogs or wiki has any information on who Idol is, even though im sure i've heard the voice in another eurobeat song before

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If I see the picture I'll know who it's from. You be good too, okay? Not like that'll be hard for you, you big sweetie. Thanks for all the kisses.

Sounds good, user.
>Thanks for all the kisses.

Oh I see the whole picture. Why did Hitler toss faggots in the oven with the kikes? What does the Jew and faggot have in common? They are parasites. Because faggots spread degeneracy. In any society where faggots take root, disease and depravity spread and the very fabric of society starts to tear apart. In the current year, the spread of faggotry is a sign of weakness and decline. Rot and decadence. Society must amputate this necrotic, cancerous flesh if it is to survive.

No homo, but I would like to share a thought. I am watching this anime, "Yuri on ice", and the main characters are adorable. I know they are unrealistically aesthetic and "perfect", but it would be awesome to be like Victor, and watch over a young, shy and feminine friend who adores you more than anything, doing his best for you. As a lonely guy, even Victor would be an outstanding pal, but you know what I mean.


Is there a name for this kind of feeling? Again: no homo. I really like girls, but this is a different and comfy vibe.

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You want brotherhood, the ultimate desire of any man

Would anyone like to watch and help me write this thing I've been planning on for a little while? It's a fantasy/sci-fi story. I could use *very* beta readers and critiques, to tell me if what I'm writing is shit or not.
If yes, drop your gmail and I'll add you to the doc.
If you don't want to show your gmail here, just email me at this throwaway: [email protected]

>no homo
if its no homo why does he have to be feminine?
sounds like its fill homo user its okay

I sent you mine, user. I'd be happy to help

Added to the doc. Anyone else?