My cum is looking a little yellow, is this something I'm supposed to worry about?

My cum is looking a little yellow, is this something I'm supposed to worry about?

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Naw mines been like that too and I was just as weirded out. It's also been chunky too.

It always returns to normal after a while. I'm thinking it's diet, but I don't keep track of what I'm eating so I'll never know what causes it.

You're having cancer rip

I can't even cum anymore!!! What's wrong with me?

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Same but it's randomly yellow or white. I used to think it's leftover piss but I always piss after fapping.
Might be diet, started eating healthier lately and it's usually white now

idk i eat like shit and mines white

>I used to think it's leftover piss but I always piss after fapping.
Fuck you're dumb. You piss after fapping so you must have a full bladder while fapping. When you're ejaculating on a full bladder a tiny bit of piss is coming out.

banana flavour try it

ask picrel he knows best

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Do you have erectile dysfunction or do you orgasm and nothing comes out

Thats urine you dummy

Not OP, but nothing comes out when I orgasm. Should I be worried?

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Yellow urine can be a sign of penis cancer op
Please go see a doctor immediately

Maybe, how often do you fap?
Are you dehydrated?
Does nothing come out only sometimes, or all the time?

I fap about twice a day. Nothing ever comes out. It's been going on for about 6 months now.

Your semen might be shooting into your bladder, but it might be other stuff too.

You should see a doctor ASAP. Seriously.
Any pain?
Anything that looks irregular?

No pain whatsoever. Never thought it could be an issue.

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Nothing coming out could be a sign of something really serious. I wouldn't just rely on the cunts on here, or on WebMD or something, I would go see a certified physician.

Will do. Thanks for the advice. Originally

It's due to your shit diet, lack of hydrations, or tobacco use. All can cause yellowish/green cum.

It means that there is some urine in your semen. Did you not urinate for a while before masturbating?