Lets start with our therapy session user. So what are some of your best experiences you had in the last couple of days?

Lets start with our therapy session user. So what are some of your best experiences you had in the last couple of days?

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gaslighting over and over by other people

Mr Therapist, why'd you go into therapy and not research?

Making a transgender "girl" kill herself. I'm being ironic, worst thing to ever happen to me.

Sleeping. The last few days have been awful

i took 300mg of codeine
it felt great

Some normie gave me a like on instagram

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Because sadfags pay good cash. Dont tell anyone tho

Where did you get it? Even tho codeine is one of the less dangerous drugs its still an opioid and can cause severe damage to your mind if you take it repeatedly. If you got it medically, good, if illegaly, please dont fuck your life up

Backstory? Greentext? I need background if Im supposed to help you

I thought that was mainly for psychiatry

Nope. Therapy pays really good, where I work its 30 euro an hour

Psychology is inhumane and you don't care about your patients at all, you should be ashamed of yourself for choosing this career.

I do care though, as weird as it may sound. Yes, money is a big factor, but the truth is even sadder. Why do you think Im hanging around on Jow Forums? Because Im an antisocial virgin and the only way I get to talk to people is through therapy. I dont need to show them my real face. Im just there to guide them, make money and fill the hole inside my soul that keeps consuming me from inside... damn i went on a fucking 14yo edgelord streak right there

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You listen to me now. Do you think you can ever really connect with someone? Language is just an approximation of one's existence, you can never relate the feelings you so badly want to express, and neither can anyone else. We are all stuck in our own consciousness, never able to break out. We all might as well live in separate dimensions. You can't guide anyone. We all have to find our own way in our own universes, and we will all die alone at the end of the day, never having been loved for who we really are. You delude yourself by sitting in front of people, thinking you have any right to "guide" them, like everyone's mind is exactly the same and you have somehow found the easy path in life and want to share your wisdom. People come to you thinking you can be their companion, thinking you can tell them some magic secret you learned in psychology school that will set them free, when in reality, you just sit there in a position of power over them and use your "scientifically proven" psychotherapy techniques to "guide" them, which basically consists of battling with them over their opinions of themselves and their situations as if you know them better than they do. Close your practice and take up carpentry or something like a normal person user, you aren't really helping anyone.

Thats reddit levels of salt right there. But I have to give you one thing, youre completely right in the everyone dies alone, stuck in your own consciousness part. But thats why we are there, youd be surprised how many people are able to sort their shit out on there own, just by having a fag like me sit in front of them saying uhuh, yes, ok, right. But yeah, Im a lonely ass cunt that KINDA exploits ppl for money. But thats the thing, noone forcing them to pay, for someone like you it may seem like that a lot for such a gay fucking job, but if they pay, they pay, people are the ones that set the price, not us

user, where are you buddy

I got pinkeye and now I'm away from work, in which all the girls there fuck Tyrone and ignore my incel ass while also making fun of me for being an incel.

The good experience comes from me sitting home alone, getting drunkenly higher than a kite, and playing Blood, Battlefield 2, Oblivion(heavily modded), OG Doom, and Melty Blood. Thank God I won't need to see those normalfag whores for another 2 days.

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People are weak-minded, they are terrified of their existence and haven't accepted yet that they will always be alone, and it does no good to offer yourself up as a pretend-friend who "cares", you just further their delusions. Psychotherapy is insane, isn't that ironic? Imagine that, letting people pay you to be a refuge for them even though you can't protect them from anything! Bad shit will happen to them, nobody will be able to help them through it but themselves, That's the only way a therapist could be useful, is to get all these people to face the reality that nobody fucking cares. We all are a bunch of monsters chasing pleasure and avoiding discomfort, when you should really be chasing discomfort and avoiding pleasure. Or at least don't fool yourself about what you are. Really, the only truly noble act we can do as humans is to kill ourselves and stop reproducing, we don't deserve to exist in nature because we know we are evil and still dont do anything about it, fuck this species, we are all selfish and evil.

I'm in my head, you are in yours.

I remember you from a few days ago. As far as I recall "she" was heavily depressed before meeting you, and you didn't even see "her" in person. Also, the relationship you both had didn't last all that long. Not to mention the extremely high suicide rate among trans people. I'm telling you this because I hope you may be able to stop blaming yourself for what isn't your fault. If anything, you managed to delay the inevitable for a few months.

Idk. Tried coming up with something for the last 20 minutes. Maybe it was rewatching K-on for like the 10th time by now. Even though the end always makes me cry like the sad piece of crap I am.

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I'm almost done with my math assignment, which will be the first really productive thing I've done in over a week. And I think I did well on the math quiz today. And my dad came up and got dinner with me yesterday. And the DnD group I joined is really fun.

I've been pretty down lately but now I realize there actually are a few good things going for me.

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