Here is a roastie from my country of birth (Ireland), crying tears of joy because she now has the right to murder her own baby after she sleeps around without using contraception. Are roasties are even human?
Here is a roastie from my country of birth (Ireland)...
That's disgusting, tears of joy to kill unborn children. Have a bloke wear a condom.
Didn't Ireland's abortion policies cause someone to die? Christ cucks have blood on their hands as well.
abortions should be legal for married women or women in LTRs
unmarried women should also be able to get abortions under the condition that they are also sterilized
Why do you even care? You're on r9k, you're never going to have a child, and even if you did you'd be happy she got an abortion, rather than waste the next 20 years of your life providing childcare / support to a monster you don't even want. There are far more reasons to allow abortion than to ban it. Get your nose out of fiction and live a little.
Having children is immoral. There is no benefit to being born. Life is shit and you will constantly feel pain between happiness. Pain outweighs happiness. Joy isn't real it's just chemicals.
pain isnt real it's just chemicals
Holy shit that bitch is ugly as hell. Why are British & Irish people so repulsive?
Why do you think I'd never want to be a father? I'm a simple man really. All I ever wanted was to have a family of my own.
I'm brighter news today, we are one day closer to God's righteous judgement apon the world
Anyone who procures an abortion should be put to death
Small islands, small gene pool. Also she would be considered 7/10 here.
It's one thing to say that women should be able to abort a child. I personally don't like the idea but I don't think it should be banned.
But crying tears of joy because you're now able to legally abort a fetus is just bizarre.
they are disgusting. thats what im saying, people dont actually care if something is objectively evil, they only care about things society deems unacceptable, see abortion, meat eating, etc.
Dont worry it was just a pajeet
>The left: Abortion is right
>The right: Abortion is wrong
>Me, an intellectual: Sterilization is the morally superior choice
And I'm saying you'll never be one. You're living in a fantasy at this point user. Again, why do you care about abortion? It has no impact on you. There is no point to holding a weak opinion that has impacted millions of women negatively. People like you who have no ground to stop others hold the world back. Hell if in the off chance you spawn a child, the parasite could end up growing with half a brain (like you) and you'll be happy they legalized this shit. Otherwise you'd have to deal with the trauma of a full born child who dies in a week of slow painful death.
>tfw I'm responsible for getting a slut pregnant who had to have an abortion
Puts a smile on my face t b q h
Don't worry, she wasn't white so no loss there
No reason to cry because Tyrone threaten to kill you if you didnt raise his offspring.
You know nothing about me. Fuck off
Tfw you forgot a condom and now you can murder the baby
being glad the west is going down, just so the roasties will get btfo into all eternity
I'm against abortion because it's a waste.
As a researcher on the stem cells field, I wouldn't mind those degenerates if they gave me all those samples.
I know more about you than you realize from the words you've typed. Take this taunting as a strong point that your opinion is trash and you should stop holding on.
all the laws like that led to multiple deaths from suicide and botched abortions in every country where they existed
They call men heartless but cheer the fact they can kill their unborn babies now. You know I really don't like the types that hate women but holy shit its stuff like this that makes be feel that giving women rights was a mistake. I mean its one thing to want abortions legal but to act so happy about it just makes be angry. Like these same cunts would cry if a woman has a miscarriage but cheer one if another scrapes her fetus out with a hook.
Don't give me that "well one is her choice so its different!" its still a unborn baby dying, it should never be seen "happy" thing to be excited about. Because all they care about is being able to do whatever they want with no sense of right or wrong, who cares if you get knocked up because you fuck random guys, you can just scrape it out!