But dont kill yourself user you have so much to live for!!

but dont kill yourself user you have so much to live for!!

>will never make more than minimum wage unless through long hours of hard labor
>will never have friends
>will never have a romantic relationship of any sorts

???? Why the hell would I not kms?

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My thoughts exactly. Also told this to other people and got responses like:
>Go explore the world
Need money for that
>Find your soul mate/partner
Yea sure, if only that were easy to do
>Follow your dreams
I'm not 9 anymore

you wanna make 100k a year with a hs diploma?
go to college you entitled faggot
want friends? get hobbies and meet people with similar interests
want a gf? stop being a depressed loser

>go to college you entitled faggot

Cant. low IQ and barely any formal schooling. I cant do simple math and I can barely write my own name.

>want friends? get hobbies and meet people with similar interests

Low IQ. weird. socially inept. Impossible to make friends that wont keep me at a distance. And I dont have any hobbies

>want a gf? stop being a depressed loser

balding ugly dumb and weird. If I wanted to date Id have to date a mentally challenged 3/10 and I dont think its worth it to date someone Im not attracted to just for the sake of dating.

Its definitely over for me

Oh boy, here we go again. The "i wasn't born in a millionaire family but i won't work hard for getting what i want" type of people.
Literally just get a job, you don't even need to try to get into society, just study and work and you already done.
Or kill yourself, do the world a favor.

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you have a lot to live for, you just need to open your eyes. have you tried getting a boyfriend?

How is 40 years of slaving for minimum wage a life worth living?

it's all about perspective. it's obviously worth living for you too since youre here

How is 40 years of doing nothing and thinking about suicide because you are useless worth living?
You gotta make your choices fag

Its not. My choices are 40 years of slaving and loneliness or death. Obviously any sane person would choose death

Stop listening to these fags, im going to join you soon user

Sounds like you'll be whining like a baby for 40 years and never growing up

So why are you even posting?
The same fucking thing every single day.
'bruh i'm gonna kill myself' 'bruh live isn't worth gonna kill myself'
Why do these people are still alive i wonder, just kys already.
If you don't want to get out of your comfort zone like a actual rational being and try your best so you can be happy, just do us a favor and kys already.

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>trying to use logic with a guy who lives in a basement and doesn't know how to use a toilet

Becaaue even if you want to its really hard to actually do it. And if I do its not happening for a few years

life is harsh and will never stop being unless you get out of your shitty basement and enter the real world.
fucking faggots, if you cannot even doing just kys like you've been saying for 1 year already, get some fucking guts for it

>i-i-i-its h-h-h-hard
get a job

>you don't want to get out of your comfort zone like a actual rational being and try your best so you can be happy

Id love to go out of my comfort zone but I feel I cant or that nothing good would happen if I did. How am I gunna get a job that pays more than minimum wage with a low iq and learning difficulty? What girl wants to date an ugly bald guy with a mental disability? my options are limited by things out of my control

I did. It was hard work and payed minimum wage. Would you do a job like that for your whole life?

anyway, just get a job kek

Not necessarily. Go work in different pizza places, learn everything about the business, at 25, open your own pizza place, and you might get rich. I've seen it happen.

Cause i still have people who care about me, when those people inevitably move on and progress in life ill still be in the same spot and cane peacefully kill myself