Hi there, thought i'd make a proper tinder thread where we give each other advice / tips etc.

I'd like to open with asking about how one goes from MATCHING to MEETING UP. From my experience, ill throw in a cheesy opener or something, exchange a joke or two, then the conversation just dies out. Sometimes the conversation dies before it even began due to the girl not understanding the line/joke etc.. How does one keep the conversation interesting, transitioning gradually to an in-person date?

>inb4 normie
well, humans naturally desire love/sex, and Tinder and other onlinedating sites may be the best way for a robot to achieve this.

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dont be the retard

How do I not hate myself enough to get a decent picture. I can't get a match to save my life. I'm not even close to Chad so I don't expect much but even a match or two would be nice. My bio is ass cause I made it in a bad mood, but roasties don't care about that stuff anyway.

just dont waste time on it. thats literly the best advice.

>tinder advice

Solid advice, thanks for the bump.
Do you have no older photos of yourself? I think if a photo is 1 year old or less then its ok.. luckily i had a few photos of myself from my 'normie' phase in university.
Your bio doesnt need to be amazing. It can be self deprecating humour, or you can just throw your height in if youre above 6'1. A joke also works. For example my mate has 'Can cook minute rice in 59 seconds' and the ladies seem to eat it up

How come all normies use Snapchat and watch Parks and Recreation? What even is the point of Snapchat? I am only 23 but I've never understand social media.

roasties care a lot about bios dont be a retard. Just go take a picture at the beach, in front of a brick wall, or in a city and youll be fine user.

It is easy to meet. Ask about their hobbies or what theyre doing. Literally asking what theyre doing this weekend and reply, disappointed you didnt include hanging out with me in there. Will get a meet. Saying, so when are we meeting to have some drinks and talk about X. Its very easy to do that. What takes some talent is fucking them the first time you meet them. Its not hard but you have to know what to say and how to play it all. The last dropped a hint about how she had decorated her apartment. I told her she would have to show me sometime. A bit later in the convo she asked, so are you going to come over to my place after to see it? I said sure and asked if we could watch a movie too.

>I'd like to open with asking about how one goes from MATCHING to MEETING UP. From my experience, ill throw in a cheesy opener or something, exchange a joke or two, then the conversation just dies out. Sometimes the conversation dies before it even began due to the girl not understanding the line/joke etc.. How does one keep the conversation interesting, transitioning gradually to an in-person date?

Here's an image I made last year. It's honestly not hard lad. I've had 10+ hookups in the past couple months. I have various openers I use if she has no bio/boring pics. Ask me anything. I'm honestly ugly too.

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Straight up. Save yourself the dissapointment.
Fucking hate to say this but its not a place for us. Fuck those bait threads and shit where people have 300 likes and shit. If you are really a robot you will get 10 at the most. They wont be worth it either.
My friends say im good looking (experience tells me otherwise)
I have a picture my photographer friend took, a pic of me playing hockey, and a pic of me playing in a pop punk band a couple years ago cuz muh new band prolly wont play shows till the snow fucks off. It seems like bitches either see thru the normie disguise or just want to fuck 7ft tall nig nogs

Snapchat is good for staying in touch with roasties. You might exchange info but then not text. Texting is awkward and formal, you arent dating so what are you going to ask, how her day was? Snapchat allows you to see her day and you can make a comment on one of her stories. She can do the same to you. I rarely put anything up these days, but have slept with girls that would faded away without Snapchat. Its perfect for staying in touch.

drop some openers for the boring ones (let's be honest, 50%+)

Can you share these openers m8? I find its hard to keep a text convo going. In person its way easier, which is why i wanna take it to that stage asap

>how one goes from MATCHING to MEETING UP
You move to the countryside and start going to a rural church. Jesus Christ, stop being such degenerates.

Weird but I kinda get it. SMS is shit anyways. I feel like this is all stuff I should have been trying to understand and get into long ago.

Fix my fucking bio, mine was can i take your order but that shit is wagie as fuck. My friend took mine: i know how to read when the faggot barely can

I usually open with:
>Your pics are wild (even if they're boring ass pics rofl)
>How many times do people usually say "hey" or "hi," I'm curious
>Hey (Name), how are people treating you on here?

Then you'll get a fluff response. This time, you respond by asking what they want:
>Yeah, same, had some good, some bad. So what are you looking for on here?

At this point, the answer you're looking for is "something casual," "sex," "fwb," "see what happens," etc. Regardless of what they say, you will respond with exactly what you're looking for (in this case, hookups), and try to make plans this week, or today if possible: "Not looking for anything serious tbqh. Wanna hang out?"
So if you get a "yes," then ask them what their plans are for today/tomorrow and it should be ez from there. I can go more into detail if you want.

I'm so tired of this routine tbqh, I'm legit just looking for something serious now. I hope you robots get to this point.

Maybe but it also changes over time or as I get older it changes. I think tinder went through phases. Its currently the app to find someone you will hang out with and fuck. You might grab some food or a movie then head home to fuck, watch a series together and get a bj, go to a concert or whatever, this is with the same girl. Get a few and youll have a lot of entertainment/sex while you focus on work or school.

Opening lines. I hate the cheesy ones. I usually say something lame like hey there cutie, how was your weekend? Whatever they reply you can say, it probably wouldve been better if you had hung out with me ;) what are your hobbies. Often they will say, well I didnt know you then or laugh and say probably. Whatever it is you can joke and say they can make it up to you by hanging out with you this week or ignore it and ask a few more questions and then say, so are we going to hang out soon or are you going to blow me off again like last weekend. They always seem to think thats funny or actually take it literally and say they really wouldve if they knew me then. Thats a super fast way to get them to meet. But Id expect them to exchange a few more things like your hobbies, how long youve lived in the area and where you grew up.

Snapchat is great if the convo is dying and you arent that interested but want to fuck or if she is giving you bad replies. You can keep in touch so easy through Snapchat. Its so informal. You can also send lame jokes like a pic of the drive thru asking what you should order for them. So many times Ive put a beer or a coffee up on my story and had girls ask me when me and her were getting one, or if we were going to get food. Even putting Dutch bros up a girl told me she loved it, I said me too, what does she order, bla bla bla, and then she say we should go get it this week together.

So do you actually enjoy doing all this stuff, or is it just for the sake of getting girls' attention?

Not him but dont you want to stop fucking your hand? I do

What you are saying it's like you live on another planet from me. I have a few friends who are kinda normie but I'm mainly a shut in and just watch anime and cartoons all the time. I think I'm an 8/10 though and I have some fashionable clothes and I can make conversations, mainly about geek stuff. Are there many geek girls out there (that aren't ham planets)? Do you think I have a chance even though I'm not a smooth talking normalfag?

Which part? Snapchat? I love Snapchat and used it years before tinder. Its just a good way to transition from a tinder match if you arent going to meet them that week. If you let a match sit after the convo fades its difficult to get it to go anywhere a week later. Adding on Snapchat solves that.

I dont really like meeting new girls these days though. I actually dont go on tinder much because every swipe right is a match and I dont feel like talking or meeting anyone. Its a long story but I reconnected with the only girl that I was truly crazy about but we both couldnt make it work out Pic related is a girl on bumble thats going to expire since I dont feel like talking to anyone, but Im sure a lot of guys would want.

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Anyone else find it impossible to keep a conversation going with the females on here? It's like they have no idea of the natural course a conversation is supposed to follow. Just the other day I was having a pretty active conversation with a girl for hours and then I recommended her some songs, she said she would check them out, then never texted me again. Hell I pour my fucking heart and soul into a conversation just to try and keep it alive, but girls never ask me anything about myself or answer any questions with more than four words. Even when girls message me first it ends up like this. Am I doing something wrong?

Nigga if you're getting a match after every swipe right you can't be a ugly mofo

>talking with a bitch for an hour, let alone HOURS.

Bro, just look at I made the mistake of talking to a bitch for a while and she straight up rejected me after the convo. Fuck that bullshit. You need to set a meetup and/or get the insta within the first 10 messages max. Fuck that online conversation bullshit.

You're not, most girls on tinder don't really care to reach out, and maybe she felt like you were opening up too much? Sometimes if you don't reach out to a girl, she'll reach out to you cause your lack of response will drive her nuts, from my experience and mistakes lots of tinder girls don't really like guys who message too much

I'm fine with getting numbers, it's securing the date that I struggle with. Most girls just send me their snapchat or some shit and want to send selfies for 's bit before eventually ghosting me.

Any tips?

How do I keep conversations from dying?

wow this seems so simple yet effective. Thanks mr chadbot.
Also, how do go about telling the girl that im a virgin? I feel like thats a dealbreaker to most girls.. Do i just fake it and pretend im not? Or will she see right through that?

pls give answers pls it's important

She'll see right through it. Just say it's been a while since you last fucked if it's bothering you, but she most likely won't care. It really depends on the mood of the convo, but I would save it for the date. If you're too chicken to make a move irl then I would mention it before.

Maybe I'm a colossal faggot but I don't even understand how people have the patience to use this retarded shit.

Girls taking fucking forever to reply to your messages and you can't text back them instantly because in the world of normalfaggotry that's being "creepy/desperate/too clingy". And girls cannot lead/open a conversation for shit, literally anytime a girl messaged me it was some variation of "hey, wyd, hi," etc.

You need to have at LEAST one picture of you smiling outside/in a public setting or looking like you're having fun. Girls want to be around someone that knows how to have fun. If you already have this then your bio is putting women off.

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Sorry, I wrote a reply but it got lost. Do you get matches easy? This reply will be all over the place

Tinder does have a learning curve imo, and I don't think normies aren't doing amazing on it.

In your situation, you can easily ask what they're looking for, then tell them you don't like busy crowded places and you enjoy nights in more. You can even say you don't mind going out sometimes but a comfy night in is what you prefer. I've actually seen a lot of girls saying in their profiles they're more homebodies.

But, you want to make it out that it's a night of... ordering take out, getting cozy and binge watching a show. Not as "come over and we'll put a movie on in the background while we fuck, and then I'll never talk to you again." A way around this that I use is when the "what are you looking for part". I make sure to say "I'm not interested in one night stands, that I want someone that wants to meet up more than once", and girls seem to love hearing that.

With Snapchat, you can upload the movie screen at the start and have it titled as something like "comfy night in watching X". If any girls reply you can tell them to come over and watch it with you, joke and say they're allowed to come watch it with you if they want but only if they bring gummy worms because you're out of snacks.
Hell, even once I took a picture of my fridge because it was empty and joked that I was going to starve that night because I was too tired to go to the store and one girl offered to come cook for me.

All this stuff works for me. When I was staying at my parents and had no car, I've had girls pick me up and then drop me off the next morning. From my experience if you come across as someone that just wants to hang out and enjoy time together they're down. They seem to be weary of one night stands.

Jesus christ this is incredibly accurate

Don't bother using tinder if you are not at least a 8/10 6'0< chad

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bruh you better hope you're in the top 20 percent or you're getting dick bupkis

>check back later
Swiped through everyone. Again. Even after deleting my account recently. This shit is just depressing. I got a few matches over the last 2 months but nothing ever comes of it. I had dates with 2 girls lined up and both of them cancelled it.

>They seem to be weary of one night stands.
That's really good because I'm not into that and just want an ltr

Wtf. How do you know so much about this? Does it just come naturally? I have a 2 more questions if you dont mind...

1) Where is a good date spot? Is a bar too generic? I havent been to any bars here so picking out a random one could go wrong (music too loud etc

2) IF i somehow managed to get her to come to my place for the first date.. is a laptop good enough to watch something on? I currently dont have a TV.,but my laptop is 15'6'' which is bigger than average

Maybe im overthinking things.. but thanks in advance based Chadbot

Be very careful saying ltr to them though, especially on tinder. The thing people word a ltr as, "they're looking for someone they get along with the hang out and do fun things with, and if there's a spark/connection then something more".

So many girls, and guys, have had to deal with someone being super clingy. Someone that would question who they're talking to, who was that message from, why are they getting notifications on their phone, why they couldn't hang out on Friday and Saturday, why on their Snapchat were they at a bar. When it's more casual life is so much easier. I've ran into it so many times but I'm actually busy with work and girls just don't understand or believe it. The way you should view it though is having a few girls you hang out with and joke around with. When one is being a bitch or busy, hang out with the other once.

I'm a different person but I'll answer since why not two people give their opinions
>How do you know so much about this?
For me a lot of things are from experience which is why I write a lot of crap here to try to help others. It's probably from my work, but trying different things and seeing what works, then going with that has been what I've done. Example, I made a big mistake years ago getting so infatuated with one girl, you should always talk to a few otherwise you have that obsessed thing and fuck it all up. When you talk to others it takes some stress away when the one you like hasn't replied yet.

1) I've done all different ones but these days I usually like to pick a sports bar I know. The meet is usually to verify you look correct and aren't insane. Then after you'll either fuck or arrange another date and fuck on that one.

2) Do you live alone? A laptop, I guess lol. A girl I used to hang out with often, we'd watch it on hers the same size. I'd either try to invite myself to hers or if not, tell her once she's at yours and NOT before. Just joke and say, sorry about my entertainment center.

Thanks man, i guess experience is key. Yes i live alone. Its a 2 man flat but my flatmate comes by like once a month lol

Pic related is me and I have fucked plenty bitches on tinder

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Fuck that's insulting