The Jow Forums village is about to elect a new mayor

>the Jow Forums village is about to elect a new mayor

If elected, what's your top policy?

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gays out, traps/trannys out, druggies out.
i'm cleaning up Jow Forums

Ban anyone whose first name starts with an "R" from the site permanently.

drain the swamp

trannies will be burned at the stake

>robots out
nice, normie. is facebook your homepage?

I would end the stupid divisionism and kick out anyone who harasses others based on gender/race/age/sex/ect.
Dividing people and subjecting them to the same bullying, isolation, schoolyard insults, and overall just being a negative piece of shit when people just want to come here and relax is exactly the sort of way all of the people who've ever bullied you treated you.
Everyone should love everyone. It's what Love would have wanted.

Attached: Love'sLove.gif (1258x1000, 1.35M)

>Jow Forums goes down for a full year
>reboots as a blue board
>elected shill cabinet hosts feels, greentext and philosophy threads daily
>shadowbans are issued to identity politics posters unless they tie into another topic and aren't a front for the normalfag left vs. right war

Any people who post threads about females or faggot shit will be banished from the village

Only gay, tranny and egirl threads are allowed. After that I would remove the robot filter

I'm voting for this user

No non-whites, only women allowed are to be used as breeding sows and must never be ungagged or let out of the designated breeding rooms.

>Wants a normalfag reddit board


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My first policy is the same as my final policy - REMOVE ELF.

Vote Pelinal for a pleasant village free of filthy degenerate knife ears trying to trick you.

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Not really
Just something other than Jow Forums 2.0

>Annex /b/ and Jow Forums
>puppet Jow Forums /a/ and force them to make good pics
>Reform the greater Jow Forums empire
>ban elections and form a monarchie
>ban communism and facism
>ban all porn images
>move all the faggotry into one general
>declare war on /lgbt/ and /soc/
>exterminate /lgbt/ /soc/ and the faggot general
Vote for your new Kaiser today

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robots DO NOT deify sex, sensory pleasure and disreputable behavior. Robots value truth, wisdom and peace. NORMIES glorify sex, sensory pleasures and being a jackass. You see it all the time NORMIES deify youth and stupidity instead of beauty and wisdom.

adding on to this why do you think robots would want to act like the very people they hate? Robots spite normality.

>Robots are actually NORMIES
are you retarded bro?

Ban the user who makes /r9gay/.

Enforce proper board use; if you want to talk about LGBT, go to that board. If you need advice, go to Jow Forums. You want to rate penis? Go to /Soc/ and so on.

Vote cat and worship your new chonk overlord

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are you retarded bro? Ever been to a normie party? Bet you have. Normies are unpleasant jackasses who hate all that is good.

i mean just think you fucking muppet. What does your cookie cutter robot look like? The virgin or the chad?

and if you're a virgin, go to reddit

>disciple of Love

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wow you are so pleasant to be around, NORMALFAGGOT.
go back, incel

then stop being normie 2.0

so, basically tumblr?

remove all normies, leftypol, shills, discord faggots.

frog posters out, reddit out.

i am not pleasent to be around for normies because i don't let their degeneracy take root.
not an incle, buddy. Incels are mad because they don't get pussy. Robots are eternal losers who just want the ride to end.

Form a government, a 'Founding fathers' styled Republic, with a president elect who can step in as a fascist dictator in times of crisis.

The government will exist solely for the protection and perseverance of the people and their culture from enemies, both foreign and within.

You will get free speech and as many guns as you want.

Being a faggot, mentally ill trannie, deceptive jew, racemixer or a socialist don't count as 'free speech' because they perform actions and their very existence harm the state and the people.

No, since this is an anonymous website, and I'm fairly certain people are even more tribalistic over on tumblr.
Here on Jow Forums we need to abolish the endless fucking label culture (robot/incel/femcel/fembot/normie/trannie/trap) and just let people vent, be themselves, and relax.
When you come to Jow Forums you shouldn't have to deal with the shit you're using Jow Forums to get away from, yet a lot of people in this place take extreme pleasure in picking on those who are different, which is completely fucked up.
It's exactly what Love was saying before they left. People should love and support each other.

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If elected, I will immediately, forcefully, and repeatedly petition the imperial government to expedite its provision of state-mandated gf's. Thank you

>Im not pleasant to be around because I am a normie

eat a dick like i know you will. Underneath all this "love and acceptance shit" is a sweaty degenerate monstrosity yelling "MORE, MORE!" as he injects heroin into his arm while getting fucked by a man who looks like a women.

I'd kick all the hypocrites. You can't hate transgenders, other races, gays, normies etc. if you're gonna complain about how you're an outcast and how bad your mental illnesses are and how you're an outcast who got bullied because of your bad genetics.

It just makes no sense to me how you can say that you're mentally ill or emotionally unstable and then hate trannies and or gays or how you can complain about your ugliness and bad genetics and be blatantly racist towards other races.

You don't deserve a safe space, you deserve professional therapy.

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>everyone must log in with an account, where real age must be verified with id such as passport
>posting is forced anonymised
>gays and trannies can stay but dont be an obnoxious, cancerous attention seekers.
>no anime reaction images or avatars.
>no normalfags or redditors allowed.
>no politics
>no socialists, libtards, conservatives, or poltards. everyone is an individual here
>no low effort, low quality posts
>no smartphones
Maybe this will restore r9k back to how it was before 2007. maybe not.
Anyone against any of these ideas obviously is underage or has something to lose from these laws.

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Pretty sure arguing endlessly over which social group does what and should do what where is a normie thing

I want to vote for you too, minus the ID verification.
Maybe instead force everyone to get Jow Forums passes at a drastically reduced price, like a dollar, so ban worthy shitposting carries some financial penalty

can you love and support me while i ram my dick down your throat while it's wrapped in barbed wire? Because thats my dream.

>tumblr image
>" X culture"
>some mysterious "love" entity
>striving for social justice to a bunch of people who hate niggers and jews

you gotta go back to tumblr. If you think tumblr is bad then stay the fuck away from here

trannys and scumbag degenerates are NOT robots.

>robots are not robots
Excellent post

what is a normie and a robot to you then?

incels chasing the dream of losing virginity get leddit. Volcels and genuine outcasts of society get to keep this board.

Clean up this godforsaken subreddit

Fembots get the rope

Good afternoon, citizen of the beautiful Jow Forums. Once beautiful, if I may correct myself. Although it still retains part of it's former beauty, those of us with a good enough memory know that it has greatly faded from it's days of glory.
We can blame many things. The normies, the underages, the "fembots", the faggots, the niggers, the traps, and I could go on for hours naming all of those who are to blame from robbing us of the lovely board we call our home with their relentless cancer.

However, we have lost this fight, and with the moderation against us, we cannot win the war. Such a confrontation will only deliver tears and frustration upon us, and ultimately misery and despair. So I propose a solution that will make everyone happy, bringing joy to Jow Forums's population as a whole. It is simple yet effective. I propose this:

>1 qt virgin gf to every NEET in the board

Once this measure is finally implemented, we can all become normalfags and get the FUCK OUT of this shit hole for sure. Vote user. Thank you.

>I am le epic outcast because Im not like the other boys :)
Dont bother replying unless you are a 35 year old who wears diapers

r9gay is not a meme

>OP funposts about a made up Jow Forums settlement in a fantasy game world
>it turns into an actual argument about the state of Jow Forums

Can we not just have fun even once guys

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Get rid of the porn ads

you think about what feels right, i think about what does right.

you are a wolf in sheeps cloathing. I am a sheep in wolfs cloathing.

>Top Policy
Anyone who has a circle of friends gets fed to the dogs. Anyone who flirts gets hanged drawn and quartered. Everyone dies a lonely virgin

My first and only act would be to shut down this board immediately

I'm gay, what if I won't say anything about my sexuality? I never have (besides now) so I'm just like everyone else.

gay. i would make all the women show their boobs.

Gay,traps,boipussies,trannies out. Robots reject postmodernism and its degenerative behaviour.

Build a futa brothel! I would buy the finest futanari available and charge visitors to our village more, while our soldiers get a steep discount so as to increase the village militia's numbers. I would use the funds to better equip said militia, and send out raiding parties to other lands. The principal targets of these raids would be virgin qts, ensuring a steady supply of gfs for robots. Also, elf genocide because fuck knife-ears. Any elf prisoners brought back would be stripped naked and placed in the stocks in the town square, for any citizen to do with as he liked.

Attached: ryo-Agawa-artist-futa-solo-futanari-3769163.png (600x771, 254K)

You wouldnt know the first thing about robots

my first order of business will be to build a trap/gay/tranny wall to keep them out. my second order will be to require all femanons posting here to be paired up with a robot of her choosing.

But what if I keep my sexuality to myself? It hasn't been a big part of me. Seriously, I want in.

no. traps can only be let in if they give at least 50 robots a blowjob.

So you're say a trap can be let in before I am...

If this happened we would need more moderator transparency, too

All sexy females must be used as sex toys

Gays who dare say they are gay will get the Iron Maiden.

This thread reminds me of that lewd text rpg. Wasn't it called Free Cities or something? I seem to remember another one with a name that started with a C.

Does anybody have that vocaroo of the guy saying fuck jannies?

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Pretty Based if I say so myself. You get my vote

This, we need a fucking clean up ASAP

what game is this and how can i join? have nothing left in my life that excites me

Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

oh you're a girl. no, you're allowed in you just need to find a robot bf, you don't need to go through the 50 blowjob immigration process

What about fembots and normalfags?

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No I'm a damn fag. So now you're saying a gay female is prioritized over a tranny, while a gay male is not prioritized over a tranny?

gay males aren't allowed in. sorry sweetie

all faggots and trannies get the rope. all blacked posters follow suit. all "fembots" and women of any kind also get the rope. welcome to utopia

Yet gay females are...

>vent and relax
>you're not allowed to call people niggers
Pick one you stupid faggot.

oh i thought it was some online thing where robots play with each other. that'd be fun.

actually make the mayor a virgin

I'm torn between

Fembots ARE normalfaggot a tard all normalfaggot sour. Id rather have r9k be a quiet board than a smelly pigs pen of degenerates.

offtopic but what game is this, OP?

It's oblivion. The town is hackdirt, it's a lovecraftian town of bitter recluses based on innsmouth

Femanons only except for me

Apparently you can hear whispering down in the mines, I never heard anything though.

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Karaoke night every night
>NO TRANNIES allowed
>No v-card no service.

>ywn do a karaoke duet with your fellow robots of islands in the stream

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There's a unique monster sound in some small part of the cave but I think it went over most peoples heads. It's implied it's just the sload anyway



Roasties, normies, attention whoring trannies, regular attention whores, r/incels refugees, pinkpill shills and other assorted faggots out
Ye olde robots and social outcasts in

OG robots know about dick rate and why r9gay is so powerful

Love thy neighbours as thou love thy waifu, user.

Thats what the degenerates say to keep us from killing them.

Why are you here if youre not a degenerate homie?

user, please stop lying to us and yourself. You can posture as someone who 'kills degenerates' all you want but God knows that you go to bed every night and tug your piggly wiggly to trap porn.
Instead of propagating a cycle of hate, learn to forgive those who do not follow God's teachings, but at the same time, do not engage on their level. Only then will you be free to rise above what you once were.

>When you come to Jow Forums you shouldn't have to deal with the shit you're using Jow Forums to get away from
So roasties and normalfags must stay out.

>Missing the point entirely

As stupid as it sounds considering the current state of this board, I go on Jow Forums to get away from normalfags who own 90% of the internet.
There is already a board for you