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MBTI Thread
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ENFJ male is true masterrace and isnt actually SJW like the female equivalent
ESTP master race! Where you at boys?
>calls themselves a male
enfj males and intp females are the ultimate otp
my cock is bigger than yours. Ya girl says I qualify buddy ;)
my best friend of 20 years now is actually an INTP.
Wow! Such an original comeback! You're in, what, 7th grade?
I'm just stating facts, something a THINKER like you should be taking more seriously. Unless you too are a feeler?
It's a "fact" that you fucked some random guy on the internet's girlfriend, even though you don't know who I am? I'm single anyway so you can't fuck my girl if I don't have one. You want facts? There.
sure let's just ignore your small penis buddy.
ENFJ masterrace
Who is more Chad tier:
How do you know the penis size of some random guy on the internet? Feelers don't use evidence for their argument though.
INFJ-Ts are the biggest Chads!!! ^.^
ESTP is the guy who's always cool and chillin
ENTJ is the guy who tries really hard to act cool when he's in a manager position and doesn't fool anyone
Im an INTJ, got 2 science bachelors degrees in 4 years (no winter/summer classes, just took at least 18 credits per semester). Made 55k salary with benefits straight out of college, but looking for a higher paying job atm.
It's too late buddy. You've already lost. Better luck next time.
Arguing with a smart person is hard, but arguing with a stupid person is impossible. You're presented no evidence for your claim and act like you won.
>tfw INFP male
am I destined to be a beta forever?
Inb4 "hurr durr you made a typo so you're wrong"
ESTPs should be in the gas chambers in where they belong for the safety of our societies
ENTJs should be the ones carrying out this quest
You are basically thr cute sensitive oddly autistic kid from a teenage romantic comedy, you are the most attractive kind of person on earth
What don't you like about ESTPs? Also what type are you?
>former INFP
>now INTP
Only thing that's changed is that I don't have emotions any more
They tend to be sociopathic retards who think they are above all value or principle, and their only gift to the world is decadence, hedonism, manipulation, social power abuse and constant scam. I have seen INTJs, who are one of the types of stronger will, completely subjugated by ESTPs through physical and verbal threats to the point of dropping the said INTJ from its ivory tower, making him a miserable and traumatized person, and all out of pure envy of INTJ's capabilities.
Perhaps one in a million ESTPs deserve salvation, but for the most part, we talk about a type that should be considered as a cancer for the species, a mental disorder and a corrosive social agent that must be neutralized.
>t. INTP-T
Your type can't change, you surely used the 16personalities test and that test had an extreme tendency to put everyone in the NF area in the past.
> me when intj
Your personality can change over time, no?
Damn, 2 whole posts, just for me? I'm flattered but I think you need to MOVE ON LOSA
I'm INTP/ISTP, with sensing and intuitive being interchangable
that's not possible. the S/N barrier is the biggest and most obvious one of all the categories. It's a huuuuge perspective shift. You might be INTP/ENTP or INTP/INTJ.
I already did, my last post about you was at 9:27. Get off me.
Yeah, I found that strange aswell
Which one would you say is the smallest barrier? For me I'd say I/E but I'm maybe biased because I get only ESTP or ISTP and whichever one I get is by a small margin.
But MBTI is jungian typology, wich is based off cognitive processes. The thing is very long to explain and I recommend you to read about cognitive functions, socionics... But the thing is that jungian types describe your mental framework, not your personality although your cognitive processes make some behaviors and preferences predictable ( the processes you use to perceive, integrate and process information from the world and the processes you use to judge, make decisions or define concepts to fit them into your mental matrix is what jungian typology systems measure)
ENTPs are
Its all about cognitive processes, not dichotomies.
The difference between E and I indicates that both types share the same cognitive processes in different order of importance and development
awh you gonna cwy :'( mr. thinker all angry and emotional?
This girl should be ignored or this thread will be ruined
I'm not mad, I literally just told you that I'm over it because my last post was at 9:27, I don't see the point of this. I'm done if you are.
I don't really feel that's entierly true. MBTI was first developed in the early 20th century before neuroscience was really a field. However a person's cognitive functions and process are ultimantly part of their neurology. Formative experiences along with individual values probably have a significant impact with personality not being a matter purely of biology but as a person's brain not only devlops but develops but devlops in a reactive manner through their lifetime I think it's highly probable a person's type could change between childhood and adolescence or perhaps even later teenage years and the time they're a true adult. To say a person's type is wholey static and unchangeable when the brain itself is changing significantly seems pretty silly to me.
Im ESFJ and it has to be the absolute worst personality type to have
Buying reroll tokens
The thing is that type meas your cognitive functions and their role in your perception and decision making, wich should be more and less static. Maybe the order of your cognitive processes and their roles can change (for example, transform an ENTP kid to an INTP adult because of traumatic experiences)
I always wondered what characterized the ESFJ personality type. What do you do with your life?
I spend most of my energy making conscious efforts to live for myself and not for the others around me basically
feels great
I'm a 23 year old male. Suck. IT
lemme guess. you're intp/intj hahahaha
pal I was done before you even started up with me.
Infp males are the cutest and i swear if i find one in my area i will be his wife
I'd unironically say F/T is smallest barrier
My type is not important for this discussion.
You are messing this thread and you should erase all your comments, your behavior is similar to that of a little girl with the difference that you give real shame to others user. Stop making a fool of yourself so tirelessly
Hmm... intj detected
I was done for over an hour before you randomly brought it up again. Seething.
Consciousness does not come from the brain
I wish I were an INTJ
I'm INTP. now what? what do we talk about. just talking about types and whos a nigger and whos not is fucking retarded.
Im an ISTP fucking outsider but very efficient
You do what you always do on this board, gatekeep normies and talk about how your life sucks, only this time you add an MBTI layer.
infj heheh
at the very beginning of the MBTI being popular on Jow Forums we all hoped the MBTI would bring us all closer together and find like minded individuals but in the end it doesnt really.
#intp -t gang hehehe
The two things are not mutually exclusive. Your cognitive functions emerge from the brain in a literal sense. The frontal cortex is the seat of personality regulating and controlling most executive functions and higher order cognitive process (which themselves have some parallels to the Jungian functions). The frontal cortex is very last region of the brain to finish development with unused (preference) neural pathway between diferent regions being pruned and others solidified and becoming more adept in their function. A child's brain is signifigantly more maliable and reactive to stimuli in both it's function and very structure, this is what is know as neroplastocity and it diminishes with age.
Would you think it's reasonable to surmize someone who incurred significant brain damage to the frontal lobe type could change? This is the same principle, only on a less dramatic scale. MBTI is a cognitive theory and good theories are subject to change based on available evidence. This doesn't suggest that MBTI isn't useful for classifying and identifying different processes in the self or even critique how they may interact. It mearly calls into question the idea that personality in the sense of how one processes information, makes decisions, and passes judgments is not static becuase these things along with the parts the brain which control them do in fact observably change with age.
So what's up with INFJs? They're introverts, but also nurturing and affectionate? Sounds contradictory, does it not?
INTP, and it makes me want to die every single day
that's not how being an introvert works you fucking tard
>be clammed up and withdrawn all the time
>yet at the same time somehow be motherly
No, it doesn't. Learn what words mean.
lol nope
lol nobody ever hoped that, we all knew it would turn into masterrace/shit tier wars like every other form of categorizing that is done on this site.
It seems like some girls find me attractive, just by the way they look at me, but i can't see it. I seem to have an alright face, but I don't see how people would like that face. It's not like I'll be able to talk to them, anyway; I'm a social mess, not to mention I'm a fatass with low self-esteem.
It's not really that I have low self-esteem because I'm fat, it's because I've never been successful with women and that has caused me to become more and more reluctant to talk to anybody over the years.
FUCK OFF! There can only be one!
I have an estp friend irl. I'm the only one who instigates conversations online though, about every 2-5 days. Does he still want to be friends? Would he find me annoying?
ctrl f enfp zero results
why am i so rare
Because ENFPs have better things to do other than shitting up entire threads like the rest of us are doing.
what the He,ll does that mean, Friend
I'm just explaining with a guess. I don't know why there aren't as many x's as there are y's in these threads.
Are ISFPs mentally healthier than INFPs?
How much they differ? How do both Fi manifest or is?
>the virgin chad ESTP who are on Jow Forums
Somewhat. I'm infj, imagine an extroverted caring person that only really opens up after a while. We care too much about certain people that we forget to remember ourselves. That got too tiring to the point I don't reach out to others, resulting in me not having any friends.
>proceeds to become a stalker and decide he wants to fuck everything up for you because you rejected or hurt his feelies
I'm an INTP apparently bordering on INTJ. What's this mean?
Wanna discuss music tastes?
I can tolerate and even enjoy all kinds of music; I hardly ever listen to them, but I respect classical and jazz, as well as oldies and blues. I'll enjoy the occasional hip-hop, some rap, and a little country. I enjoy funk and folk music a lot, but I hardly ever listen to them as much as I'd like to. Disco can be enjoyable, but I'm not big on it; just a few famous songs. I enjoy a lot of the 90s and 00s pop, but I haven't listened to 10s pop to have an opinion; I just stopped caring about it.
Then there's rock music. I love rock and it's various forms of it. I especially love hard rock. Metal music is great also, but I can't get enough of hard rock. Then there's electronic music. Like rock, I enjoy it's subgenres; my favorite being trance and drum and bass.
Because I love rock and electronic music a lot, I also love it when they're mixed together: Electro-Industrial and aggrotech is what comes to mind when I think about it. It's dark, with its music and themes, and I love it. Futurepop is a lighter form and is more electronic than it is rock, but it's still good.
I'm not going to leave Industrial music out. It's a great derivative to rock music and it's not quite electronic, but synthesizers are sometimes used. I love it as well.
I think I typed too much...
hi, ENFP male here as well
do you like crushing bones of the innocent
no i dont like hurting anything, but i do like playing rough and bullying my friends
your friends probably secretly resent you
I used to be into thrash metal a couple of years ago, but I've kinda grown out of it since then. I'm all about classic rap now, especially the stuff with guitars:
I'm really curious what you mean by fuck up everything. I do get pretty clingy and might have some truely hurtful words if things blow up based on what I know of a person since I'm very tuned into my own insecurities which lets me place pressure where it hurts most but vindictiveness in actions and not just words after the heat of the moment has passed runs wholey contrary to the love that allows such a feeling of betrayal and hurt to exist in the first place and seems very alien to me. At worst I'll just distance myself and go silent thinking a person wants nothing more to do with me hoping they'll reach out and prove me wrong.
People often say you never know when your going to cross that line and upset us but the truth is its really obvious when you are there. An INFP is almost never going to do something like force a decision on you unless it something that truly matters to them. We're very laid back and accommodating people for the most part so if we're ever actually standing up for something and taking a stance that alone should tell you something is definitely up. If still you push at that point and ignore it or invalidate our feelings on the matter rather than addressing it and coming to accords that's when things blow up. It's not as if we do it often. A singular request that is open to compromise every once in blue moon seems to me from my incredibly biased perspective very little to ask.
You peasants may keep fighting over who is the true master race -as we, INTJ's slowly but systematically ascend to our godhood.
His dick is bigger than yours that means he is more of a man than you are. Dont get sassy now girl
>i talked shit and then i got
Lol. Cry more pussy.
This once again proves that bullying is necessary. The ESTP chad is the guardian of humanity, recognizing sociopaths like this failed retard who wants to gas people for not putting up with his bullshit, and then bullying them into submission so they wont be able to continue their bullshit into the future.
Remember to thank your local ESTP whenever you see
>i got
Got hit*
Not sure if this is the right thread for it but, as many of you probably already know, Jung and Freud used to be friends, though after a while their friendship fell apart.
One of the things that made their friendship fall apart was that Freud thought Jung had an Oedipal complex towards him, and part of what made him think that was that Jung literally asked if their friendship could be enjoyed as "Father and son instead of equals", being fully aware that he was asking this from the man who came up with the theory of of the Oedipal complex at all.
So there is this interesting dispute between them about a dream Jung had. I'll post it in the next post because it doesnt fit into this one
>The other dream was one of Jung's. He dreamt that he was on the top floor of an old house, well furnished and with fine paintings on the walls. He marvelled that this should be his house and commented "Not bad!" But then it occurred to him that he had no idea what the lower floor was like, so he went down to see. There everything was much older. The furnishings were medieval and everything was rather dark. He thought, "Now I really must explore the whole house." He looked closely at the floor. It was made of stone slabs, and in one of these he discovered a ring. When he pulled it, the slab lifted, and he saw some narrow stone steps leading down into the depths. He went down and entered a low cave cut out of the rock. Bones and broken pottery were scattered about in the dust, the remains of a primitive culture, and he found two human skulls, obviously very old and half-disintegrated. Then he awoke.
>All that interested Freud about this dream was the possible identity of the skulls. He wanted Jung to say who they belonged to, for it seemed evident to him that Jung must harbor a death-wish against their owners. Jung felt this was completely beside the point, but, as was habitual with him at that stage of the relationship, he kept his doubts to himself. To Jung, the house was an image of the psyche. The room on the upper floor represented his conscious personality. The ground floor stood for the first level of the unconscious, which he was to call the personal unconscious, while in the deepest level of all he reached the collective unconscious. [_] To him, the skulls had nothing to do with death-wishes. They belonged to our human ancestors, who helped shape the common psychic heritage of us all.4
So Jung thought that the dream represented the human psyche in general and did not have anything to do with any specific real life occurences.
Freud on the other hand, and i assume as its not explicitly stated, thought the house in the dream represented his Psychoanalytical Theory, and perhaps even their relationship as a whole. While Jung liked certain aspects of it, the deeper he went into it the more he found things he disliked, and even resented. Freud probably thought the thing he resented the most about it was Freud himself. Jung liked Freuds theory, but the closer you got to the center of the theory, so the more you found Freuds own personal influences, the more Jung resented it all. He secretly resented Freud, and in my opinion Freud perfectly pinned this down.
I also think that Jung on some level at least knew what was going on, but was in denial
So my question to you guys is, who do you think was right? I think that both were right desu. The house did represent the human psyche, but it also represented Jungs own specific human psyche, and specifically how Jung felt about Freuds pyschoanalytical theory, and even Freud himself.
surely ENTP is the rarest
There are a significant amount that post here.