Why aren't pedos treated like the mentally ill criminals that they are and put in jail or insane asylums where they can't hurt children and can get the therapy they need? Of course possession of CP and actually touching kids is illegal, but why can't admitted pedophiles just be dealt with before they fuck up a kid's life? Most never get caught as it is, and it's fucking disgusting that they're allowed to just roam around with the rest of civilized society.
Pic related is a pedo I knew from highschool who can't even get charged because of our stupid fucking legal system.
Why is pedophilia still legal?
Also, lolicons are no different from actual pedos, even though 2d isn't 3d, the attraction is the same. Maybe they're too afraid to actually diddle kids, but they're sexually the same.
There is no cure so therapy is pointless, it's like trying to cure homosexuality.
Admitted pedophiles should just be put somewhere far away from other people and not allowed to access the internet.
Thoughts aren't a crime. Obviously if someone does something illegal they should be punished accordingly but just having thoughts and ideas isn't illegal. Where does it stop? Should we throw people who think about raping or murdering someone in jail too? I mean they haven't actually done any thing wrong but maybe they could.
>violent video games cause violence
Imagine a world where people never encountered anything violent, never even heard of hurting other people. There would be way less violence than there is now with our culture of mainstream violence with easily accessible violent movies, games, and TV shows, and the publicizing of crimes and mass shootings. It's not just violent video games, there are other things that cause violence.
a bloo bloo
You underestimate how much violence is part of our DNA and nature
Why aren't misogynists put in prison for being mentally ill? Why aren't gun owners? Why aren't [anyone the government doesn't like] put in prison?
Stop being a retard.
>durr the legal system should put this guy in jail because I don't like him!
Because you haven't put natsocs into power to purge the degenerates yet.
>Why aren't pedos treated like the mentally ill criminals that they are
Because they're not all criminals. You could have a predilection for burning down buildings but you're only charged with arson if you're found guilty beyond a shadow of doubt of acting on those thoughts.
>and put in jail or insane asylums where they can't hurt children and can get the therapy they need?
They are thrown in jail when they're found guilty. Insane asylums aren't really a thing anymore because they're deemed to be an ineffective waste of money.
>Of course possession of CP and actually touching kids is illegal, but why can't admitted pedophiles just be dealt with before they fuck up a kid's life?
Because then you're letting an extrajudicial organization throw people in jail without proving them guilty. When you let something like that happen, people are thrown in jail for terrorism when they're deemed radicals, etc.
>Most never get caught as it is, and it's fucking disgusting that they're allowed to just roam around with the rest of civilized society.
I guess I don't feel as strongly as you do.
>Pic related is a pedo I knew from highschool who can't even get charged because of our stupid fucking legal system.
How would you improve it other than throwing burden of proof out the window?
>Maybe they're too afraid to actually diddle kids, but they're sexually the same.
Then there's no problem.
someone would pick up a stick or a bone and smash someone else over the head out of sheer fucking boredom because violence is how every fucking higher order animal on earth resolves its problems, you idiot hippie church lady fuck face kys
should I be put in jail because I'm thinking of murdering you right now for being a retard who thinks that 1984 was a utopian vision?
>Imagine a world where people never encountered anything violent, never even heard of hurting other people.
Is your imaginary land also a utopia with infinite resources? because the limit of resources we have is usually what leads to violence
Holy shit did George Orwell predict the future. You're basically describing thoughtcrimes. How about we just throw anyone in jail who has bad thoughts, but doesn't act upon them.
Woops, meant to reply to My baddddd
You can be an arsonist who regularly tells other people you like burning down buildings and never get caught because you're really good at arsonrism.
If a nazi tells people that they go out every night in a mask and kill jews and immigrants, they get a knock on their door from the police. Not so with a pedo who sexually assaults children. Not talking about the ones who never take it off the internet, I'm talking about the admitted diddlers here. The loli thing was just a hypothetical, not really related to the OP.
What you're proposing is literally the definition of thoughtcrime. Also, how are you supposed to know who's a real pedo when they haven't committed an actual act of pedophilia? People who claim to be that way openly could just be trolling, and under your system, they could just be people who don't want to work looking for an easy way to get in jail and be fed/housed for life.
Its another episode of NPC hates what he doesn't understand because he is one himself.
Daily reminder there is nothing wrong with pedophilia.
The age of consent in natsoc was 14. Stop being a blue pilled faggot. The age of consent was created by feminists jews to slow birth rates among whites.
It doesn't matter because the nazi isn't going to be put in jail anyway. Your pic is hardly proof of pedophilia. I assume when you say pedophilia you mean fucking anyone under 18. You are a stupid NPC or a jealous old roastie whore.
>You are a stupid NPC or a jealous old roastie whore.
Both no doubt.
>Violence is the result of TV and media
where did the media come up with this novel idea? you're a retard
>babysit 6yo cousin regularly
>she lets me kiss her on the mouth
>I blow raspberries on her tummy and chest
>she snuggles me (sometimes only in her underwear) and tells me I'm her favorite
>tfw our love makes moralfags seethe but there's nothing they can do about it
Kill yourself
She doesnt love you, and when she grows up she will hate your guts and hopefully ruin your life
Why should we kill himself and how would she ruin his life for playing with her and showing her love she needs to develop to be a healthy adult?
That's weird, she just told me she loves me a few hours ago. Poor baby had a bad cold so I fixed her some soup and ice cream and we watched cartoons while I rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Sorry you'll never have a bond this pure, normie.
Pedophilia is clinically proven to cause mental illness and problems later in life for the victim, there's literally no disputing that. Now I'm not saying he should kill himself (not that there's anything wrong with that in this case), but if he actually cares about those little girls he should chemically castrate himself. No 6 year old can be in a healthy relationship with an adult. That's sick.
It's our God-given right protected by the United States Constitution.
>Pedophilia is clinically proven to cause mental illness and problems later in life for the victim, there's literally no disputing that
Pedophilia is not an action, it's a state of mind. That user has said nothing about molesting or raping his niece, the fact that you keep thinking about it says more about your state of mind than his.
I hope she turns him in to authorities and gets him put in jail. What you are doing is so far from love its almost laughable. Its nothing but pure selfishness and you know it.
She feels that way now, when she looks back on you it will be nothing but a black pit. And you will look like the monster you are in her memories. The only purity is hers, and you are ruining that for your personal gain.
>I hope she turns him in to authorities and gets him put in jail.
In jail for what, you drooling retard?
>What you are doing is so far from love its almost laughable. Its nothing but pure selfishness and you know it.
What has he done that is selfish? Can you give me a single quote in your next shitpost? I doubt it.
You're just a reactionary low IQ retarded roastie loving hag fetishist faggot. Kill yourself.
For molesting her obviously. You won't have the self-control or morals not to, and what you're doing can already be considered that.
Interacting with a child inappropriately for sexual pleasure is the selfish thing. God, psychos are so retarded.
Where, retard? Give me a quote where he said that.
>implying a kid is going to be traumatized for getting raspberries blown on their stomach
woah no wonder I'm so fucked up, thanks a lot mom
>If a nazi tells people that they go out every night in a mask and kill jews and immigrants, they get a knock on their door from the police. Not so with a pedo who sexually assaults children
>Not so with a pedo who sexually assaults children
>people that go around saying that they diddle kids dont get visits from the police
>mad thad is proof that that is not the case
You can call me a retard all you want, doesn't make diddling kids any less disgusting.
retard equalivency
I never said it wasnt, just that you are a brainlet if you think any one who brags about comitting crimes wont get visited by the police (exceptions being weed related things in shit states)
As long as humans can wish ill will and see death, violence will exist.
Someday I will be in a place of significant power and I will execute retards such as yourself in the streets with my own hands.
If it is a mental illness to be attracted to children, then it is a mental illness to be gay and to want to chop off your penis to turn into a girl, but it's ok to be gay.
you made a typo so your argument is invalid!
>admitted pedophiles
You do realize that basically none are gonna admit if you're gonna kill them, changing nothing. Being a convicted pedo is basically the same as a life sentence, so with the punishment being virtually the same as it is now you'd basically still have the ones who rape still raping but risk having the ones who could have been treated like they are now becoming the rapist ones eventually.
What I'm saying is you're a brainlet.
Also little girls are cute and child sex isn't inherently damaging.
>Interacting with a child inappropriately for sexual pleasure is the selfish thing. God, psychos are so retarded.
Please tell me what is sexual here. I don't see anything being said about anyone being touched below the waist here, and it's normal for family members to show their love by giving little kisses on the tummy to children.
Also it's just cozy to sleep in undies.
>admitted diddlers don't go to jail
What third world country do you live in where this is the case?
Not him, but the USA. I remember as a kid thinking that it was super rare to be gay, then I grow up and learn about how many gay bars and clubs and shit there are. Also turns out one of my brothers and a childhood friend are gay.
Now, stay with me here, remember how way back in the day people wouldn't admit to being gay because they would be hunted down by the neighborhood lynch mob if they came out of the closet? That's the situation pedos are in in today. There are a LOT more than you're thinking there are, and most of them will never admit to it or ever touch a child because they know how fucked it is.
>most of them will never admit to it
That's exactly the point, retard. They aren't admitting it so how would the cops know whose door to knock on then? We're talking about admitted pedos here, who do get chased by cops and society.
Are all anti-pedos this low IQ?
You kissed her on the mouth, the stomach, the boobies.
You spooned her while she was nakey.
You're a child rapist.
I'm not anti-pedo, heck, I think that in a few generations Millennials or Gen Z are going to be the people who deny cakes to pedophiles while the younger generation are gonna give them shit for it.
kinda like the gays today.
They admit it themselves because they're sick. All sex and molestation of children is damaging, no matter what the child is thinking at the time. There is literally no case where it's harmless.
Are you ESL? Or just retarded?
The argument wasn't whether we should kills pedos or not, it was should we kill pedos who admit they're pedos. Who the fuck admits to being pedo? No-one so it's pointless.
wtf I hate babies but this is just cruel
Do we even know what causes them to be attracted to children? Can't be drastically different from how some people are attracted to the same sex, and you can't treat homosexuality, so how do you want to treat pedo's?
Maybe. But it would never happen intentionally if they hadn't been fed violent media or otherwise been told about violence. Maybe they do it accidentally, but violence isn't innate, we're not savages.
You have some anger issues honey, have you ever consulted with a counselor or therapist? It might be healthier for you to quit digital media for a week or so, maybe read a nice relaxing book.
What the fuck, do you even know what 2d looks like because it aint nothing like real.life i'll tell you that much
Pedophilia is unnatural and dangerous because it's so one sided, it's physically impossible for an immature child to have a sexual relationship with an adult. Homosexuality is not harmful to either party.
Why is it physically impossible?
I'm sure there are a lot of videos and pictures out there showing it is VERY possible for children to have a sexual relationship with adults.
What else would be on those hard drives of people who get arrested with possession of child porn? It's not like they're all just pics of little naked people and their underdeveloped bodies.
Because most pesos dont act on their desires.
Also because most people confuse the term Hebephilia with Pedophilia.
Hebephilia is attraction to 12 thru 16. That is 100% normal.
Pedos aee normal people who rarely act on their desires.
am I a pedi if I'm a 14yr old /b/tard who jerks off to 13-17. No?
Nah nigga. You would be a hebephile if you were over 18 tho
>it would never happen intentionally if they hadn't been fed violent media or otherwise been told about violence
>violence isnt innate
>we're not savages
next thing you'll say is porn breeds rape and vaccines cause autism
Blow raspberries on her buttcrack bro
Imagine being so pathetic and weak that you find pleasure in hurting something that has no way of stopping you
Hei, vaccines are full of unhealthy shit that's passed despite being fucking toxic.
In my country there's a serious discussion on them and wether to keep enforcing them or not due to that fact.
But paedophilia is illegal and what you suggest is what happens to those who are caught, literally what the fuck are you talking about?
how can a single person be so ignorant?
stop beeing a mental nigger about that topic
violence is deeply rooted in human behaviour if it's actuall physical violence, emotional or social we might be social beeings but we determin the peck order by strength (not limited to physical power)
killing and beating each other is perfectly normal, statments like these are the reason you americans are such degeneret fucks
is that pedo tho?
first off it's family and for him to be close to his baby cousin is kinda cute and beeing physically close like that doesn't hurt the child, as long as there is no sexual stuff habbening, it's far more benificial for familie life and beeing close to other members of the familie not just parents
i dunno as long as he's not rimming the shit out of that kid it's not really pedo just triggering for over sensitive normie faggots
Pedophilia is an illness that can be caused by many different factors. Environmental, genetic, take your pick. Tumors in certain areas of the brain have been shown to cause pedophilia as well.
I don't blame people for being pedophiles. It's hard-wired into their minds. To say they are evil is non-sense, merely they are a byproduct of misfortune. Forced to endure their mental state for all time.
Though you are wrong I don't hate you. Rather I pity you as I would a man with no limbs.
Because thought crimes ain't a thing, sucka
Nah, you were just destined to die a loser virgin. Can't change fate m8 especially if it's biological
My idea
Just being a pedo without doing anything
>Castration and mental treatment.
Molesting the first time.
>5-20 years in soapdropping-jail (depending on the crime) along with gang members and murderes. Castration if it wasn't already done.
Molesting second time
What do y'all think?
Yes! And they cause autism! We must ban vaccines because they are destroying lives such as my own!
Hmm... I think you're baiting.
my idea:
Just being a pedo without doing anything
>MOAB dropped on your location
Molesting the first time
>Tactical thermonuke launched to your location
Molesting second time
>orbital ion cannon strike on your continent
what does everyone think?
Violence is embedded in our DNA. Even the sweetest most innocent girl would kill anyone trying to hurt their child.
Could also work, but it would cost alot of money. Other than that, i love you idea ;)
it's not the same one is a drawing and one was film of a child getting abused
Gay is a sexuality. Pedophilia is not.
I think you need to learn to be funny
People who don't want to nuke pedos, such as yourself, see it as a sexuality. Just search it up and you'll see people calling it a sexuality and then people like you shooting them down just because they don't like it.
Pedos are attracted to children, like how gays are attracted to other men, so that makes it their sexuality wether you like it or not.
>Admitted pedophiles should just be put somewhere far away from other people and not allowed to access the internet.
yeah, in a fucking fire pit
Then why do I fuck women(I like milfs btw) and masturbate to loli? lmao
Wanna give picture right now?
originalo comentino cus i won t delete and repost
Wrong, cognitive behavioral therapy is proven to help
>not having how to vent your frustration
fuck of gommie, I don t wana live in your so called "paradise"
Because not everyone is exclusively attracted to one category of person? Faggot.
Why don t I want to actualy do it with a kid then faggot?
Because I don t want to, annimu lolis aren the same thing as the real thing ya retard. They are "kids" with over sexualized characteristics, real kids don t have these, and even if they do, you know how they say the real thing ain t as good as you have imagined.
I have taken care of multiple kids over my life and never though of doing anything sexualy with them.
Well I lied, I had a crush when I was a kid(14 y o) on a 12 y o girl, because I fell in love with her.
Those are pedo shill forums filled with pedos, of course they're going to endorse pedophilia. No rational person would endorse pedophilia.
Sorry, I'm not a pedophile, I don't look at little girls, 2d or otherwise.
i truly believe the people who hold that belief aside from 9/10 times being boomers are people who have never wanted to get rid of someone, they don't know the resentment and hopeless frustration associated with murder so they think it's fucking pixles on a screen that causes it.
>Ted Talks are pedophiles forums
>No rational person would endorse pedophilia.
A moral philosopher analyzing the issue on empirical and rational grounds, and arriving at the conclusion that no, the moral panic surrounding pedophilia is not justified.
So you are demonstrably wrong about your prior assertion.
Uhh where does it say "all men have the right to molest children"?
most of africa doesnt have media consumption like we or any other normal country has and yet theres still rape, murders, robbery, etc. just look at fucking somalia
Why do you lump pedophilia and molesting children together as one entity?
You can be a pedo and not molest children, and you can molest children without being a pedo.
It's a slippery slope. Making pedophilia illegal would make wrongthink a thing, and suddenly you have no rights.
Based lolicon!