I finally beat the halo 3 campaign on legendary

I finally beat the halo 3 campaign on legendary

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congratulations faggot

let my voice be heard

>tfw haven't beat any halo in a difficulty over normal

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This shit was annoying as fuck.

>make a load of of progress in a level through methodical, calculated and strategic gameplay
>go around a corner
>instantaneously one shotted by a sniper two miles away
>restart from checkpoint

I beat call of duty 2 on veteran

i cant remember what mission it was, i think it was the covenant but it took me like 6 hours to complete on legendary. shit was hard.

I beat Halo 4 on Legendary by following a speedrun guide on Youtube step by step.

Try medal of honor: european assault on veteran. It made me want to join isis just so I could bomb Berlin irl

i did that in middle sch00l

Halo 4 legendary was a literal joke, nah wait Halo Legendary 5 was a joke too

That took you fucking forever. Now go do LASO.

Congrats user, it's been 11 and a half years running but you did it, I'm proud of you

I never even tried legendary out I was too scared. They really shouldnt put crossbones

Try beating halo 2 on legendary, on original xbox.

>the fucking flood hive level

It was the only game i used to play with my mate when he came over so Ive beaten it on legendary literally 100+ times and i still get lost on that fucking level and end up wondering around in circles for hours

I have also beaten COD:MW2 on veteran only using knife

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>complete all the challenges to get recon armor
>they proceed to fucking give it away for free
why god?

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On co-op. Did this over a summer with one of my friends when we were teens, probably the best summer of my life.

Nice work, OP. Now train your body and lube up for LASO. Or maybe not, LASO is on a whole other realm compared to legendary, and you don't get anything for beating it until the MCC.

>that mission where you escape from the V2 bunker and start off with no supplies
>when you rescue your teammates, it spawns a fuckload of enemies, and your ai buddy runs out and gets raped with STGs
Great game though

beat CoD: WaW on veteran when i was 14, i don't game anymore but that stands out as my proudest vidya achievement

the hours of raging were all worth it when raising glorious soviet flag

I beat the first 3 on legendary with my older brother, probably half as difficult on coop, but good times

I completed Alien Shooter without dying once (if I died I restarted the whole game)

Took a while