Younger posters

was born in 88'

It seems as though anyone born after 92' pisses me off.
>the fact that the n64 was their first console
>their memes
advice dog ruined it, now everyone has acess to fucking memes.
Before 08' they were internet fads.
>the fact that their teenage years were during the rise of wow.
>they ruined this board, this site and were quick to adopt Jow Forums beliefs
>they make up the majority of incels

The list goes on, people of this demographic just piss me off, anyone else have these sentiments?

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>was born in 88'
You will die soon

You were born before 2000 and youre doing what here exactly? Crying?

shouldnt you have like a family or a life to take care of instead of being 30 and on Jow Forums?

I post from work.
>shouldnt you have like a family
too many people rush into marriage, hence why the divorce rate is so high.

97 here
>the fact that the n64 was their first console
PS1 was my first console.
>their memes
Not sure what your complaint here is, but it seems to be directed toward people older than yourself making "memes' on facebook.
>>the fact that their teenage years were during the rise of wow.
I only ever played wotlk and cata retail. I tried some vanilla and TBC private servers, I prefer TBC PvP above everything else.
>>they ruined this board, this site and were quick to adopt Jow Forums beliefs
Jow Forums beliefs are a good thing.
>>they make up the majority of incels
I'm a volcel. You're still a virgin even if you get fucked by men, you only lose virginity when you cum inside vagina no condor.

89 here
same feels
i miss demotivational posters and when memes stayed on the internet and i didn't have to hear people talk about (and often completely misunderstand) internet culture in real life

don't shit post in my threads man...I am pointing out bops

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I was born in 93, don't believe a single word Jow Forums says and pretty much only browse there for the hurricane season threads.
>N64 was their first console
Mine was actually ps2 but, that's also because my family was really poor. I eventually got a snes when I got older
>Their memes
I don't try to make new memes, I just save images from threads that made me laugh at some point
>Their teenage years were during the rise of wow
RuneScape bitch, don't ever fucking speak that heresy around here again.
>they make up the majority of incels
I don't even know what that word means, I figure it's something similar to cuckold at this point and doesn't mean anything anymore because of people misusing the word to just toss out random insults on the internet

Now shut the fuck up and go back to /soc/

>blue lids on milk
That means it's fucking skim milk or something, doesn't it? Sorry, I only drink whole milk, you dumb bitch.

>Jow Forums beliefs are a good thing
Jow Forums is delusional as fuck and getting played like the useful idiots they are
lmaoing @ your lack of intellect

Divorce rate is only high if youre 60 years old or a high school dropout. Anyway thats cool that you like to chat with kids half your age or whatever

Jow Forums Jow Forums in 2019 is just facebook boomers, that isn't REAL Jow Forums

i mean, i was born in 86, and i played wow until wrath. that was the rise of wow, and i that started when i was 16... your "rise of wow" and mine are different. wrath and beyond was shit that ruined the game.

Jow Forums has always been cancer

not surprised this isn't original

>Jow Forums has always been cancer
t. libtard

92 here. i used to not like it but i don't really care anymore

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>he doesn't agree with my delusional race war fantasies! he must be a libtard!

point proven, Jow Forums has always been cancer

born in 76, I find zoomer brats more fun than my stuffy fucking gen x peers

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I am laughing so hard at that snap

92 here
People grow up and there are new kids every year
You are a bitter retard who can't handle getting old because you're mentally underdeveloped and emotionally stunted
You're exactly the same as the asshole middle aged people that hated you 20 years ago for being young

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>muh race war fantasies
So you're a scared of being purged? Nobody wants a race war, you dumb mutt. It's a strawman.

>The list goes on, people of this demographic just piss me off, anyone else have these sentiments?
yeah i do user. on one hand i'm glad i don't go on r9k as often because of these jokers, but on the other i wish they would fuck off and stop taking everything so seriously. i'm tired of those kids.

no, I saw a great site go to complete and utter shit because of bops
>/ic/ gave good art critiques
>raids actually happened
>good flash artist like nch used to frequent here often
Now it's just bops, pretending that they better than everyone else because they were supposedly enlightened by Jow Forums and people who bitch about not having sex.

You people don't belong here.

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Nah you didnt, calm down

>scared of being purged?
absolutely not, eurocuck
>its a strawman
like how you strawman debates? kekkitykekek

Times change gramps if you have such problems adjusting then go back to geocities and angelfire or make your own board

>a bluh bluh younger generations ruin everything bluh back in myyyy dayyyy
You people are the absolute worst

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and that's another thing, you new anime fans are all about KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE GIRLS -kyu
that shit is annoying,

because they're sissified pansies who grew up with participation trophies and anti-bullying campaigns

>anime fans
Get out of Jow Forums, you dumb normalfag. You aren't fooling anyone.

Fuck you.
The problem isn't that anyone holds a specific belief but that the board has broken into factions on the line of belief. And also discord trannies are equally to blame

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old anime fans are about freaks weirdos,,mechs and kaiju.

New anime fans are about KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE GIRLS slice of life dogshit, and pretending to have imaginary girlfirends.

leave trannies alone,
they aren't hurting anyone.
Incels and poltards are, trannies aren't even vocal.

Thank you for confirming you're a shitposting normalfag.

I don't give a shit about them. But they also helped balkanize the board. Plain and simple

My first console was a PS1.
Yes, be pissed off

85 here

i feel you OP, 99% of zoomers are fucking cancer

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>was born in 2k
>The Wii was my first Console
>I played Club penguin and Habbo hotel as a child
Now I'm here, thanks for the raids

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So rather than stand up to angry, scary neo-nazis who seriously want to hurt someone, you hate on trannies to make the nazis like you more. Truly you are a hero of the white race and of Jow Forums in general, shitting on helpless weirdos.

>trannies think they have the moral high ground over equally delusional "alt-right"ers


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>equally delusional
>political beliefs vs. literally mutilating yourself due to severe mental illness

>political beliefs based on what paid liars and actors tell you to
>not delusional


>not equally delusional
>interpreting this as 'not delusional at all'
your reading comprehension needs work, brainlet

>says a background character from Idiocracy

>unironically referencing idiocracy as a defense for your limited mental faculties

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you need to go off into a corner

Your apostrophes are in the wrong place you double nigger. It's supposed to be '88 the apostrophe takes the place of the missing parts of whatever you're saying. For example:
>you are

Jesus fucking christ you're 4 years older than me so they should have taught you this shit in school back when reading comprehension was actually important.
Eat a dick and die you gigantic boomer faggot.

this thread will begone in less than a day; there is no need for all this punctuation. Also stop being a little girl.

Notice I'm not shitting on the other dipshits in this thread who left the fucker off in the first place. OP, the cum guzzler that he is, went through the trouble of punctuating his travesty "wah wah I'm old" thread and didn't just get it wrong, no he chose to put the apostrophe at the end 3 fucking times.

I hate it, every time I see a gayboy like him take the dicks out of his arse for two seconds to try to abbreviate a word, I must remind him. That and absolute dropkicks who spell wary as weary will get a similar treatment. Get it fucking right.

I remember when I was shat on for being born in 92. I still think our gen was crueler.

>the fact that the n64 was their first console
nigga, the fuck are you talking about, i was born in fucking 1998 and my first console was a snes and an atari, i even played computer games in a fucking power macintosh 5400, i played fucking Wolfenstein 3D before i even knew that shit like medal of honor, cod or halo even existed.