Going to a Mosque tomorrow, what am I in for?
Going to a Mosque tomorrow, what am I in for?
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A bombing, a beheading, you know the usual mosque stuff
get me in the screen cap fag
I don't want to put you off getting first-hand experience with my stereotyped guesses.
The smell of unwashed anus
eat some pork there desu
Brotherhood and a purpose in life.
Also a refreshing look at gender relations; women sit in the back and do not speak.
It's pretty boring, kinda depends on which imaam is talking and how good your Arabic is.
Women usually don't even sit in the same room as men.
is islam, dare i say it, /ourreligion/?
Pretty sure washing yourself is mandatory before entering and then you wash your face before prayer.
The way Islam views relationships between sexes is the main reason I'm converting, my wife will either be a Muslim or convert. There is no way I'm marrying a westernized woman.
The second reason is substance ban which is pretty based.
kebabs and hairy arms
they actually smell quite pleasant... mosques i mean
islam is satanic stop worshiping some black space rock
Stop worshipping literal idols you christ fag.
>Stop worshipping literal idols you christ fag.
meanwhile moslems down ass up to a retarded desert box with a space rock five times a day worshiping satan, and it is not idolatry? ok user
depends on the mosque OP
if they're crowded and don't have proper air flow they smell like feet since you're supposed to take your shoes off before entering
i guess that might happen but I've never really experienced bad smells in a mosque
praying towards something isn't the same as worshipping it.
>praying towards something isn't the same as worshipping it.
that's the same thing as saying "it's not gay if the balls don't touch" retard
Abhishek is a retard
>that's the same thing as saying "it's not gay if the balls don't touch" retard
how? muslims worship one god who isn't the ka'bah or the "space rock"
the ka'bah is also known as "the house of god." would god the creator of everything really dwell in some square hut in the wilderness surrounded by sweaty men that shout like a broken record?
all mosques are considered the house of god just like how Christians say they're in the house of god when they're in church.
every mosque on earth is also called "house of god" user
you ignore the fact that all mosques point towards a single geographical location. It's definitely idol worship. Moslems don't worship god they worship a rock. vid related
A room full of sweaty pedophiles with beards
Pedophilia is not harmful in marriage, not to mention that having menstruations means she is an adult ready for mating.
people kiss the stone because the prophet did so and pray towards the ka'bah because god told them to. when joining Islam you bear witness that Allah is the only god. idol worship is acknowledging the stone or ka'bah as god or them being a representation of god in some way; and Muslims believe it's not.
Sure keep telling yourself that in hell
>turban head in pic related is your prophet
>Mary mother of Jesus who was 13 married to Joseph when he was 90
>Rebecca was said to be 5-9 when she married Isaac the son of Abraham
I'll have a good company there
Are you dodging the fact that it is straight idol worship? Or are you deluding yourself by following a religion? All muslims are going to hell, their works won't save them, their worship of a rock won't save them. Mohamed's prophecies were false, and sadly him and all his billions of followers are on the fast track to hell. Seek the truth.
Another question, would a prophet lie to a mass of people? Look up the "satanic verses" in the koran. I must leave now, but you must start thinking for yourself.
I don't know I am Orthodox.
Catholics do a big mistake to try Islam before they try the true and traditional Christianity. It is greatly different than Catholicism.
Don't do it.
Your legs, knees and ass hurting a lot while some guy speaking an alien language yells at you for an hour or two. My brothers and I always skipped it by walking to the otherside of town.
t. fake muslim pretending to be a real one so he doesn't upset his family
>2019 of prophet Issa
>Believing in literal afterlife
>Cherrypicking some inconsistencies in another guy's ancient book while he could easily do the same thing with yours
I was born eastern orthodox and it's weak and fading, nobody goes to the church, massive alcoholism, insane divorce rates etc.
why do christcucks ruin every Islam thread?
Their soiboy approach to life is literally why incels exist.
> no alcohol
Yeah, Mahmoud, sorry but you lost me there
Are other substances allowed? I could go without alcohol but not without weed and shrooms
> Tfw jesus's first miracle was bringing over the booze to save a party from flopping
Based jesus. I wonder what he would have said about homos and how many lives could have been saved if he had embraced them
people argue about that all the time but generally speaking if it intoxicates the mind then you're not allowed
What do I say to leave good impression?
>Uhh hello, can I become a Muslim? >Why? Because uhh fuck degenerates and give me a waifu I guess.
Go take a shower you smelly prick
>what am I in for?
A one way ticket to the depths of Hell.
>Women usually don't even sit in the same room as men.
That's gay
>My sandpeople belief > your sandpeople belief
Jesus was a real person. Even Islam acknowledges this, but they don't rightfully recognize him as the messiah.
Are memes tv memes real? Did they actually say this stuff?
Yes so what? That doesn't mean he was a son of God, "just" a prophet. Islam also recognizes judaistic prophets.
Jesus is God's son, and sits on a throne at God's righthand side. He will return with the sky torn open.
no, neither is it the religion of arabs
>mfw there is no splitting of property after divorce, you just pay an agreed sum to the bride before/after marriage
*Says shahada internally*
sounds like a Jow Forums meet up
the more "misogynistic" I become, the less "Islamophobic" I become.
I mean one of the main reason why I didn't like islam besides the terrorism and the retarded belief in an unproven god, was the sexism.
But as the years went on, I realized I had literally no reason to defend women in any way, shape or form.
Women are just NOT on my side.
Like when these two danish women got beheaded, remember? I felt NOTHING. No I actually felt satisfaction!
This. I still do not want to be around muslims but I definitely respect them a lot more than I use to.
Varies from sect to sect, but in everyday life things like caffeine and nicotine are tolerated as they don't impede productivity in the same way something like cannabis or alcohol does.
I would meet with the imam first and express curiosity for the religion. That way people don't think your just there to gawk at them.
No where does the bible report Joseph's age. Try harder faggot.
I felt nothing at the Danish beheadings. I know this is a bad sign: your just a few paces lower on the slippery slope than I am.
Yeah that's my plan. I'm not sure if I should converter, there is this older woman I will have sex with in a week or two, if I convert now I won't be able to do it(I can't marry her), but if I don't convert soon I'm affraid I'll reconsider.
And I absolutely do NEED to convert to find happiness, I know that a woman who will convert in order to marry me(which is mandatory) will trully love me, I want a convert even more than I want a born muslim wife. I also need Islam for discipline that 5 daily prayers and fasting brings, my life is too prone for chaos.
Christianity is very similar to islam and orthodox is the closest.
t. non cucked or westernized traditional syriac orthodox that believes homosexuals should surely be put to death and that we shouldn't change the words of god if we believe in him
Lmao have fun marrying a fucking subhuman arab or a gypsie
Where I live(southern Siberia) most muslims are asian, then turkic, then caucasians(the literal ones, so white people that are brown). It's also equally possible that I meet some white girl and convert her through marriage.
The rock is a tradition. Idol worship is dependant solely on the idol. If the Kaaba is destroyed it can just be rebuilt.
Nice, I am a turk, so I would recommend to get a turkic wife bro. But they really arent that deep into the muslim beliefs, the values of the turkic traditions are more important for them. You gotta think about that, but overall they make really nice wifes.
It's really surreal seeing someone in this shithole trying to find a religious faith.
No, shitskin
I probably will, seeing how there is a lot of them here, when I said asians I meant Kazakhs and apparently they are turkic, not asian, I live right on the border with Boratostan.
>But they really arent that deep into the muslim beliefs, the values of the turkic traditions are more important for them
Yes, I've heard about that from my mother because she works with a kazakh girl, the things she said about her really made me want to get one, even if I'll have to sit through the family meetings and shit. Mom talked with that girl's mom and sadly they have no girls available for marriage rn, maybe I'll meet some older women at the Mosque and ask about their daughters.
Nice, Kazahks can be really pretty like every race. And Turkic people are Asian, (Turks/ turkish people are an exception they really mixed with caucasians so they are kind of a hybrid.
I don't think ugly Kazakh girls are even a thing as long as they aren't fat.
>Not whorshipping God
Yea right,you do know that the trinity doesnt mean its not monotheism ?
Have fun with your false prophet.
Fuck you and your fake false cocksucking prophet and his lapbitch ali with youu.
Mohammed saying men can have 4 wives but oh yea God made an exception for him.
If you never readed dante inferno i highly suggest it.
Dante was pretty based imo,and he depict muhammad in hell.
what are your nationality?
Being a shitskin nigger