There's no bigger turn off to women than asking for consent...

There's no bigger turn off to women than asking for consent. You're supposed to just magically know when they want it without asking, and if you get it wrong then you've committed sexual assault.

Better hope that you're good at reading body language.

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Wrong. I always ask girls if I can kiss them before I do. And can count the times I've gotten a no on one hand.

Maybe this idiot on twitter doesn't like it but 95% of women appreciate it in my experience.

>imagine not asking for consent in 2018

Of course a monkey would say some shit like this. Alright bitch you bouta get your cheeks busted. Better hope youre fucken Professor Xavier

you just have to know the language. a black girl like her probably wants to hear "do something"

>There's no bigger turn off to women than asking for consent.
Maybe 10 years ago. Now it's pretty necessary unless she initiates it or you're dancing with them.

>There's no bigger turn off to women than asking for consent.
Wrong. There's me.

>black woman on Twitter says something
>everyone on the planet must believe the same
Who keeps trying to force this shitty meme? I keep seeing threads like these posted, and it's always a black woman on twitter.

Tbh if a girl wants anything she'll make it painfully obvious, and if you're really not too sure you can start hinting at it too and see how she responds

She's a hooker.
The ONLY time a guy asks a girl that question is if he's seeing an escort and is asking her if kissing is ok.

>imagine being this beta lmao

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i will never understand this kind of arrogance. imagine being so full of yourself and believing you're entitled to such perfect treatment that you made fun of someone for expressing interest in you or being attracted to you because they were a little awkward about it.

Jesus christ, it's not fucking hard to know when a girl wants to be kissed when you put it all together. It's not like one specific thing she does or doesn't do. You just get an overall vibe one way or another

You betas got no game.

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The most important thing you can do for yourself is keep your own life in order. You can be a hardworking, competent person, and not a miserable, delusional mess. Inflammatory politicized bait from the internet does not have to be a defining factor of your life and identity. Why let strangers who care not one shit about your wellbeing determine who you are and what you think about yourself?

Always remember: we live in first world nations and sill have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Nothing from a screen should ever take away from your real life.

never understood this shit, I was like this with a girl and she said I was submissive
weird world forsure

What's there to get? Women prefer take charge, self-assured men.

Hmm, some random fucking roastie on twitter or an established procedure to make sure there are no legal or emotional problems

>Always remember: we live in first world nations and sill have opportunities that most people born on this planet do not.
>But billions of people in the third world would kill to have the opportunities that you do right now.
who fucking cares lmao

This thread is filled with a bunch of virgins. If a girl wants to be kissed she'll make it painfully obvious

>an established procedure to make sure there are no legal or emotional problems
You do realize feminists made that up to use as a shit test to reject betas while they beg Chad to be literally raped and even worse?

>If a girl wants to be kissed she'll make it painfully obvious
Not even close to true. I've had successful relationships with several girls who asked me why I didn't kiss them. They gave no hints at all about it even though they pretended they were.

can't tell if autistic larper or autistic normanfag that should gtfo

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>They gave no hints at all about it
you just aren't good at reading body language and/or don't understand females at all

>I've had

I think there's something at least a little domineering about being like "You want some of this?". It's all about how you ask.

Like, if a dude's being like "C-can I plz kiss you user-sama?" I get why a girl would post this.

You know romance is dead when kissing a stranger on new years eve is playing prison Russian roulette

if a girl said that to you would you make fun of her for it?

reading body language is a cope strategy for literal faggots unwilling to confront their lack of confidence and their troubled sexuality
a male takes. chads do it naturally and even betas can learn. you might as well cut your dick and become a trannie if you're going to do shit like "understand women" just to get laid

of course not. women and men aren't the same. if you fall for progressive propaganda you've already lost

I unironically tried grabbing a girl by the pussy because I was desperate and Trump said I could.
It worked. Not even kidding. She even thanked me.

i'm not talking about equal treatment or anything like that. it's natural for her to want her potential partner to be more confident than this. it's that she thinks she's owed it that disgusts me.

Not true. Just gay dudes being pissy

Did you not see the literal thousands of likes and retweets? It's not just one person that thinks like this.

Now I know. Thanks for educating me so I can be prepared for this situation to kiss a girl ...which is never. LMAO

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He's right you know. I phrase it as "Would you like to kiss" since this is something she and I are going to do together, but the point still stands.

You're all so terrified by embarrassment that of course something this honest and earnest makes you cringe, but if you can get over that and embrace your own mistakes, laugh at yourself, and enjoy the payoff of self improvement, you'll be free.

>closing his eyes first
Lmao, classic beta Shinji

>There's no bigger turn off to women than asking for consent. You're supposed to just magically know when they want it without asking, and if you get it wrong then you've committed sexual assault.
Daily reminder that if you aren't MGTOW yet, you are fucking retarded. Just get a doll.

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>lean in 90% of the distance between her mouth and yours
>if she doesn't complete the remaining 10% fuck off forever
>if she does you kiss each other
That's how this whole dynamic works. If she doesnt lean in as well but stays there really close and you can feel each other's breath you can still kiss her cause if she wasnt up to it she'd have turned her face already.

>not doing the under-the-chin-delicate-head-lift-eye-contact-kiss when she looks down

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Sounds like a great way to get accused of sexual assault if you're not attractive. I'm sure it works out great for you though, Chad.

Maybe when they are older, but teenage girls and college girls are not good at that

27/M. Kinda autistic. I'm considered conventionally attractive, and I'm not short (5'11). All eight women I've had sex with have given me no instructions regarding consent. I've never asked for consent, and no girl has ever explicitly given it or taken it away. All of these women were some variant of liberal, from moderate to extreme.

During a quiet, intimate moment, we'll both subtly lean forward until we're kissing.

Once we've kissed long enough, one of us starts groping the other, and we move back or get up if one of us isn't game for that yet.

Once we've groped long enough, one of us starts undressing the other, and we move back or get up if one of us isn't game for that yet.

Once we're both naked and kissing, it is definitely time for sex. Once again though, if one person doesn't want it, they just move back or get up.

Consent is such a bullshit conversation. Even for social retards like me, it's very easy. You will not accidentally rape somebody. Don't let TRP/MRA/MGTOW shit poison your mind. If you encounter the SJW from hell that we're all afraid of who tries to frame you, you'll more than likely have to ignore a LOT of other red flags before you're that far along with her. So really, don't sweat it.

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He has confidence in his swag.

Is this what it looks like to beta-rape?

Enjoy getting metoo'd and fired

This is the best dating advice I've ever seen on Jow Forums and you stupid fucks are ignoring it. Well done, everyone.

Fuck off, normalnigger. Exeunt

And here's more of you guys ignoring the exact advice you spend all day howling about not getting. You disgust me.

>body language is difficult to read
'hey wanna stick your vagina here?' is not one of the difficult signals to read, you just never get it from someone who isn't a slag

>'hey wanna stick your vagina here?

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>hurr durr no game
What the fuck is the "game"?

>experiencing human/legal treatment
>confused and angry

You can't take the slave out of the nig

fellow MGTOW bro here, i am indifferent towards women, they have 0 influence in my life

Don't ask, but don't go for it unless it's very clear she wants it, usually not going to happen unless you initiate.

Just say "I'm going to kiss you." She'll either say no or you get to kiss.

It's not just a turn off because it's not dominant to ask, it also puts pressure on them to make a tough choice when they want you to take care of them instead.

That's an overstatement, I'm not even a novice.

They've been so confused since they no longer are possessions.

It's dime a dozen normoid advice, you're a brainlet if it impressed you and a newfaggot if you've never seen anything like it.

>you finna bouta get kissed

that's all it takes

It's only rape if she hates it.

>tfw have said this to girls when young but they still kissed

Saved by the face

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I asked girl once, she said no. Countless times after she tried getting in close with me again but I did nothing, because no is a no. That hurts.
The next one I just kissed without asking, she didn't mind.

A "vibe" is literally just new age magic.

No, it's just slang for using your intuition. You know, that mental ability most non-autists have.

Unironically depends on what you want to do, if it's a kiss ok, but an ass grab or sex is something you have to ask for either most women, it's not black and white.

Real talk, "vibes" are actually electrical crosstalk between nerves

Normalfag magic is still magic.

Ask them - turn off
Do not ask them - sexual assault.
You just cannot win
with women

You normative square functions listening to me? Your fucking nerve signals don't stay inside your heads, you know.

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I don't understand the problem, if she likes you she'll be literally close to you, you lean in and if she moves away, that's a no. If she doesn't, congrats you gave her a smooch.
How is this difficult?

You're making consent the default. Various institutions can enforce in various ways that they think that's wrong.

Do you just grab a girls face and slam it against yours? If you're close and cozy, lean in, it's literally that simple. You're making a big deal out of nothing.

I wonder if your alpha shit will work on the judge after you get accused of rape.

No, I only notice the big deals around me which others have made from nothing. They've got products, services, housing, jobs, cages, and guns, which can make what they say is a big deal no longer reverse compatible with being treated as the original nothing it was.

Can you just kiss the girl already? The point of the girl in OP's pic saying it's a turn off is not cause of the question in itself. It's cause you're too daft to realize she wants a kiss from you. Look for the signals.

I don't want to solve a fucking riddle. I just want to kiss a girl and don't get to a fucking jail for this.

i asked my asian gf if i could kiss her she said yes the first time.
then the 2nd time she said i dont have to ask anymore.
asian women are the best women

What surprises is whether someone would actually want to kiss this niggeress.

Finally, someone with the spirit of Jow Forums.

I only speak to good looking women so I can't be a beta faggot like you.

WHATS ALL THIS SHIT ABOUT CONSENTING????? only have to ask for consent if you are not Chad.