How degenerate are you?

1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
1 - haven't befriended neighbours
1 - masturbate
1 - don't read books
1 - don't give old possessions to charity

2 - are fat
2 - watch anime
2 - regularly use computers outside of work
2 - have been suicidal
2 - watch porn
2 - never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
2 - have poor hygiene
2 - don't clean your house / room
2 - can't cook
2 - enjoy trolling people
2 - swear often
2 - don't keep up with news

3 - have no friends
3 - hostile towards your country / race
3 - aren't married by 30
3 - aren't educated
3 - pirate software and media
3 - fap to hardcore porn
3 - failed school
3 - have done drugs
3 - don't wash your own clothes
3 - have not left the house by yourself in the past week
3 - regularly eat fast / processed foods and drinks
3 - bully people
3 - you lie
3 - no kids by 35
3 - no car by 20
3 - don't understand how your country works

4 - refuse to establish healthy relationship with family
4 - are unemployed
4 - have thoughts about hurting people
4 - enjoy hurting animals
4 - fap to porn involving things that are disgusting
4 - still live with parents after 25
4 - addicted to drugs / alcoholic
4 - scam people
4 - unconventional sexuality (homosexual, pedo, tranny)
4 - litter
4 - cheat on partner
4 - have stalked people online
4 - are hostile towards the opposite gender

5 - have thoughts about killing people
5 - enjoy hurting people
5 - enjoy watching animals die
5 - enjoy hurting yourself

6 - enjoy watching people die
6 - enjoy killing animals
6 - have thoughts about ending the world

7 - enjoy killing people

Attached: scores.jpg (355x322, 47K)

113 if you get less than 100 get the fuck off this board

90 on the dot, should I kill myself

I'm a degenerate at 66. At least I'm not a homo, tranny or pedo though.

>2 - watch anime
Just because I would rather watch Lupin instead of some dog shit sitcom doesn't add to degeneracy
Also I am a game artist.

by your metric I would be have seven

> spend 3+ hours online daily
> watch anime
> regularly use computers outside of work
> watch porn
more so for technique and the speciticle than anything else

>aren't married by 30
Divorce rate is high because people rush into marriages too quickly.

i got 25 lmao, what kind of shit rating is this?
the most of my points were from watching degenerate porn

Attached: 1524628469295.jpg (631x457, 152K)

damn bros i'm not as much of a degen as i thought

32 average
this is an original reply

Attached: feelswoobman.jpg (580x619, 80K)

59 so just a loser I guess

Lol I got seven and I'm a huge robot

93-96 depends weather or not you count cigarette as drug. and about these, i don't always have them. enough talking. how do i fuckin end my shithole life?


What do I win what do I win??

Attached: 1548515038423.png (550x440, 47K)

> 4 points for littering

Attached: 3575B51C-9BB9-4345-A8B5-082236B5A54F.jpg (700x830, 75K)

>1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
>1 - haven't befriended neighbours
>1 - masturbate
>1 - don't read books
>1 - don't give old possessions to charity
>2 - regularly use computers outside of work
>2 - have been suicidal
>2 - watch porn
>2 - never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
>2 - have poor hygiene
>2 - can't cook
>2 - swear often
>3 - have no friends
>3 - pirate software and media
>3 - fap to hardcore porn
>3 - don't wash your own clothes
>3 - have not left the house by yourself in the past week
>3 - regularly eat fast / processed foods and drinks
>3 - no car by 20
>4 - are unemployed
>4 - fap to porn involving things that are disgusting
>4 - are hostile towards the opposite gender
>5 - have thoughts about killing people
>6 - enjoy watching people die
>6 - have thoughts about ending the world

57 loser
sounds exactly right for me, op


so much of a degenerate i cant even bother to add that up

originoliassholeprolapsefucking you fucking bot

Attached: 451.jpg (845x466, 73K)

asdasd rollin

>1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
>1 - haven't befriended neighbours
>1 - masturbate

>2 - are fat
>2 - watch anime
>2 - regularly use computers outside of work
>2 - have been suicidal
>2 - watch porn
>2 - have poor hygiene
>2 - don't clean your house / room
>2 - enjoy trolling people
>2 - swear often
>3 - have no friends
>3 - pirate software and media
>3 - fap to hardcore porn
>3 - have not left the house by yourself in the past week
>3 - regularly eat fast / processed foods and drinks
>3 - no car by 20
>4 - are unemployed
>4 - have thoughts about hurting people
>4 - fap to porn involving things that are disgusting
>5 - have thoughts about killing people

not gonna bother add that up

Attached: 1531370382391.jpg (500x500, 40K)

88 points
oh fug

Attached: 1539600134638.png (400x333, 91K)

I got 30. That's average. So does this mean I pass or?

Not what i expected originalliolli

Attached: 1548314076969.png (645x773, 49K)


fuck all you degenerates.

Fucking 37!! I just missed the average. 2 fucking points!! 2!!

68 im on top bay bay! (Pause)

Attached: mitb_07152012jg_00349--5f2f785e7bcef3a4c758b0f33eb57d41.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

There, what prize do I win as a demon?
Let's be honest, we live in Rome currently and I am fucking thirsty. I got a decent trap ass lined up for me and I'm ready to use it any time I please.

I don't care anymore. Since women are filth too now and they didn't want me before, I might as well dance with the devil.

I only live to be hygienic at least. Any day without a shower makes me feel nasty.

75, higher than I thought it would be.

my dick in your mouth ;))

45 with a couple of stuff that are easy to fix

If I do the exact opposite of all of this, so I finally start succeeding?

ehh whatever

Does number 7 count for games?

6 is my score. My score is 6

101, more if you count the "no x by age y" things where i dont meet the age but likely wont have them anyway



97. My life is fucked.

Attached: nuclear.gif (360x203, 1.6M)

You don't roll faggot
this isn't /b/

Attached: 1547630877834.jpg (853x480, 51K)

73, sorry guys I'm not degenerate enough...

> watch porn
> don't masturbate

Umh, alright user, i think you are mentally ill if your just watching it for the "plot," kek.

Attached: 1548739696021.jpg (368x391, 105K)

55. Loser is a fitting word, altho some I'm the fence. Like "enjoy watching people die". I do like gore but never seen anyone die IRL. That doesnt sound quite pleasant, and watching bed ridden old people die sounds like an absolutely terrible experience.

>having thoughts about ending the world is only 1 point better than murdering people and enjoying it
Yeah not taking this shit test

phew at least im not a full robot loser. this "completely 100% accurate, gifted to us by god" test proves it

Attached: jirachi (1).png (800x684, 123K)

71, give or take a few
Feels comfy mang.

Though looking at some of these scores, I could be doing worse.

What if I'm 21 and miss out on few points? Should I try killing things and see if I enjoy it or not? It's not precise like this

Attached: 1548236730059.gif (342x342, 462K)

Might have fucked up the math

mainly just got fucked over

21. i shouldnt be on r9k, should i?

Attached: 100 percent sad.jpg (442x740, 33K)

>1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
>1 - haven't befriended neighbours
>1 - masturbate
>1 - don't give old possessions to charity
>2 - watch anime
>2 - regularly use computers outside of work
>2 - watch porn
>2 - never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
>2 - can't cook
>2 - don't keep up with news
>3 - have no friends
>3 - pirate software and media
>3 - fap to hardcore porn
>3 - you lie
>3 - no kids by 35
>3 - no car by 20
>4 - fap to porn involving things that are disgusting

38 - a bit weird
well that's better than i expected

I got 32. Not too bad at all.

67 was my score desu, barely out of loser

Attached: 1548199098321.jpg (350x280, 26K)

Why the fuck are there so many normies itt

114, is it all over lads?

103, am I good at life?

I added it up for you, loser


Well, I guess I am here for a reason.

Attached: 1548464614589.jpg (570x960, 71K)

this shit is retarded for multiple reasons but whatever
>1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
>1 - haven't befriended neighbours
>1 - masturbate
>1 - don't read books
>2 - watch anime
>2 - regularly use computers outside of work
>2 - have been suicidal
>2 - watch porn
>2 - never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
>2 - don't clean your house / room
>2 - can't cook
>2 - swear often
>2 - don't keep up with news
>3 - have no friends
>3 - aren't educated
>3 - pirate software and media
>3 - have not left the house by yourself in the past week
>3 - regularly eat fast / processed foods and drinks
>3 - no car by 20
>4 - are unemployed
>4 - unconventional sexuality (homosexual, pedo, tranny)

OP was bullied more than anyone else on this board.

1+1+1+2+2+2+2+2+3+3+3+3+3+4+4+4+4+5+5 is 53, damn

I should be in the loser category, though.

Some of these like self harm and murdering people should shoot you straight into mentally ill tier

>1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
>1 - haven't befriended neighbours
not in 7 years
>1 - don't read books
>2 - regularly use computers outside of work
>2 - have been suicidal
>2 - watch porn
>2 - swear often
>2 - don't keep up with news
>3 - have no friends
i have people who call me friends, but i dont like talking to them most of the time
>3 - fap to hardcore porn
>3 - have done drugs
>3 - regularly eat fast / processed foods and drinks
>3 - you lie
>4 - refuse to establish healthy relationship with family
>4 - are unemployed
>4 - fap to porn involving things that are disgusting
furries are disgusting and im disgusted with myself
>4 - addicted to drugs / alcoholic
>4 - scam people
>4 - unconventional sexuality (homosexual, pedo, tranny)
>4 - cheat on partner
>5 - enjoy hurting yourself
used to physically, but now mentally
checks out

Attached: Capture_2018-05-21-21-54-40.png (719x714, 557K)

86, I mean, there's people with higher right?

Attached: q7k0p0s.jpg (601x508, 32K)

31 , thought I was at least weird . I am cyborg by the other charts .

What kind of actual idiot is stupid enough to get maiired? OP, you are a turbo faggot who needs to get over yourself and work up the courage to go out side and finally end it right in the middle o some poor saps wedding.

1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
1 - haven't befriended neighbours
1 - masturbate
1 - don't read books
1 - don't give old possessions to charity

2 - are fat
2 - watch anime
2 - regularly use computers outside of work
2 - have been suicidal
2 - watch porn
2 - never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
2 - have poor hygiene
2 - don't clean your house / room
2 - enjoy trolling people
2 - swear often
2 - don't keep up with news

3 - have no friends
3 - hostile towards your country / race
3 - aren't married by 30
3 - aren't educated
3 - pirate software and media
3 - fap to hardcore porn
3 - have done drugs
3 - regularly eat fast / processed foods and drinks
3 - you lie
3 - no kids by 35
3 - don't understand how your country works

4 - refuse to establish healthy relationship with family
4 - are unemployed
4 - have thoughts about hurting people
4 - fap to porn involving things that are disgusting
4 - addicted to drugs / alcoholic
4 - litter
4 - have stalked people online

5 - have thoughts about killing people
5 - enjoy hurting people

6 - have thoughts about ending the world

mfw 104

Attached: Pretty good.gif (572x499, 425K)

34, should i feel good about this? guessing by the rest of you faggots, I should.

Am I beyond help?

Eh got 14

29, not bad
But some of these are bs

Everyone lower than 60 can fuck right off.

Could be better, could be worse. My constant state of being.

Attached: download20190103021354.png (600x600, 188K)

60, i am probably not qualified to become a wizard yet

>3 - no car by 20
That one's ambiguous - does it refer to access? Or ownership?
Anyway, I'm either average or a bit weird.

I'm a pedophile NEET and I really just want to kill all life on earth in the most painful way possible. I definitely enjoy the feeling of causing pain to myself and others. I keep a clean room though, and I bathe and change my clothes everyday.


And honestly this is a solid description. Most people would describe me as a little bit weird irl

im 50 lmao

>having never had a gf/bf

38, thought I'd go over 100 since I am legit mentally ill. What's the deal with killing?

Whoever made this knows their shit, truly degenerate people like me have a desire for killing beyond anything rational.
t 109 - 119

44. I'm not a fucking criminal, I'm just a depressed POS.

I'm a loser but I didn't need a test on Jow Forums to tell me what I already know

does not being vegan count as enjoy hurting/killing animals and people?

97, but I didn't need this to tell me I was a headcase.

>not enjoying videos of people dying

Fucking normies.

101 im actually fucked desu

Attached: rena (2).png (323x323, 48K)


If only I had one extra 4

Attached: right cat.jpg (300x300, 49K)

More normie than I thought


Guess what I chose.

>add them up, get 7
>normal as fuck
>oh wait, omment too long, click here to view more

44 seems right. I knew I'm a bit weird, my interactions with the outside world can confirm.
Guess I'll have to fuck off from this board...

52 but jokes on you I'm diagnosed mentally ill.

Loser, maybe degenerate.

39. No wonder I can't make any fucking friends and drive people away from me.

1 - spend 3+ hours online daily
How is this degenerate?
1 - masturbate
See above
2 - regularly use computers outside of work
See above
2 - watch porn
See above
2 - can't cook
See above
2 - enjoy trolling people
See above
2 - swear often
See above
3 - hostile towards your country / race
My race (not white) has very few redeeming qualities.
3 - pirate software and media
How is this degenerate?
3 - fap to hardcore porn
See above
3 - no car by 20
I can afford one. Why is not having one degenerate? Pointless spending is degenerate.
4 - have thoughts about hurting people
Who doesn't?
4 - fap to porn involving things that are disgusting
Who doesn't?
5 - have thoughts about killing people
Who doesn't?
6 - enjoy watching people die
If they deserve it. Also not degenerate.

Total: 43

Attached: latinas are goddesses2.jpg (1031x765, 104K)

That's weird, I was expecting something higher

75 and i'm pretty sure im a normie.
Jokes on you Op


Also, I've seen a lot of normies use a computer outside work.

53, I'm really bad, how do you folks have 110+ scores?

Attached: 1387711857451.jpg (700x970, 307K)

Like I said as well - who the fuck doesn't own and use a computer? This is a retarded test.

25 does this make me a normie? Does this mean I still have a chance?

I am a degenerate. iesunbiewnfdoiuew