>can I get $20 on... uhh I don't know what pump I'm on
>I tried credit and I don't have a zip code
>*sees u walking out for a cigarette* *teleports behind u*
>do you have mango juul pods?
Wagecuck General
get in here wagies and cyborgs, tell me how the fuck to quit smoking and work customer service at the same time
Switch to chew
I miss being a ragie wagie. College is gay
Been working at my first wagie job for three moths now.
I can't fucking believe how many people think they are the center of the universe holy shit.
>work overnights
>it's relatively slow, but occasionally get small rushes of security guards from a nearby office
>one of those rushes, but I can usually get them out in 40 seconds each
>old dude comes up and his stuff comes up to 8.83
>he pulls out a 5 and four singles
>expect him to pay with them
>except he doesnt
>he leaves the 4 singles on the counter and busts out a raggedy paper bag filled with coins
>he dumps them out in his hand and counts out 3.83 in nickels and dimes
>mind you, his hand is too small for how many coins he has
>he counts super fucking slowly, and the line becomes 7 people deep
>the people in the line become upset with me for "taking so long"
>I call management to the front to take another register, because it's only me and a manager overnight
>the manager is upset because he actually has to do something other than drool on himself while looking at the cameras
>I look like I'm bad at my easy cashier job because dummy mcchucklefuck can't count
He could have easily dumped them on the counter and I could have counted it pretty fast but he was dead set on doing it himself
Fuck old people
>my store doesn't sell cigarettes
>young guy comes in
>do yall have juul?
>nah, we don't sell tobacco products or cigarettes
>okay but do you have juuls?
>no we dont
>are you sure?
I don't get it? This happens multiple times a night.
Juuls are e-cigarettes, right? Wouldn't saying "we don't sell cigarettes anymore" let people know we don't have them?
Chew gum
Replace habits with other habits
But don't fall for the nicotine gum meme, it's way too expensive for what it is.
The first week or so after quitting won't be fun but you can do it
Ive been at mine for 2 years but I can count the number of pissy people on one hand
Where do you live?
>Where do you live?
Holy fuck
Godspeed, you'll get out of that shithole eventually
I wouldn't send my worst enemy to live there
I'm sure 90% of your customers are doped up on some kind of opioid
Juul is faggot e-cigs who's market is like 97% zoomers, not kidding they are banning only the flavored fruit ones here because zoomers won't stop taking them to school. First time I ever heard of a flavor-only ban, they usually just ban a product outright. Zoomers can't even smoke a fake cigarette without needing extra flavor. Don't worry, it's just a sign you're not a faggot for not knowing what they are.
>>>>>>manager overnight
Oh my God I am so sorry, I couldn't do it. Please user, I beg you, take your overnight xp and get a Circle K or something overnight, just you and no one else, it's much more comfier and better for a robot/cyborg
I know what juul is, but I didn't know what exactly they were classified as the tobacco space, since my store never sold them
I'm glad they're banning the flavors so kids don't get addicted to nicotine without knowing.
I refuse to let homo threads excel while wagecucks get second place. Back to the first page!
Im not a manager, I'm the low level cashier/stock slave.
But overnights are staffed with one slave and one manager.
But this job is super easy, like I'm hiding from the camera right now posting in this thread and no one is bothering me.
I want to get something better where I can goof off the same amount, but for $15 an hour this isn't too bad
>coworkers dislike me
>some guys have started making fun of me
holy shit I want to leave so bad
Why do they dislike you?
Whats stopping you from leaving?
Movie Theatercuck here.
For the life of me, I don't think there's a single demographic of people I hate more than old white ladies. Somehow, these cunts manage to surpass even thirsty Indian men as the least palatable people on the fucking planet.
They repeat it fucking 2000 times before I'm even able to say we don't have a senior discount yet, it doesn't kick in until 6 and even then it's the same price as it is before the matinee.
Oh, and don't fucking get me started on the kind of cunt that goes
Like you could spend it here or go to Mr. Shekelstein's AMC Movie Complex that's fucking 12.50 a ticket, or you could shut up and enjoy our slightly lower prices
That's exactly my point, get the same kind of overnight job but without a manager to make it even better, I'm smoking a joint at work as I type this reply. We're probably doing the same duties for the same pay grade but I'm more relaxed because no boss at night. From one user to another, get a job where you're alone.
>Why do they dislike you?
I don't talk very often, I think it's boring to work with me.
>Whats stopping you from leaving?
Nothing, but it's hard finding something else.
>started to treat my co-workers like shit 2-3 months ago
>tell the costumers that in another store the price is better
>barely working anymore, yesterday i worked for an hour and spent the last 7 hours on my phone
>not following orders
>do obligatory things with a huge displeasure on my face, and incorrectly.
>extend a very simple task that could be done in 3 minutes for 15 or 20
they still haven't fired me and i've been doing those things for months.
my last job was cart pusher at Meijer
here's the kind of retarded bullshit I had to put up with. I know it's hard to see because they're all the same color but the dumbfuck customers would always just throw large and small carts wherever the fuck they wanted without reading the signs
That sounds awful, most old white ladies I met were nice, it's the younger white thots that are the worst here. Most of the black and Asian chicks that come in here are pretty nice but white girls are almost always stuck up cunts. They are consistently my worst demographic. Some I see come in with a new guy every week. Snobby spoiled bitches man. They end up aging into those bitter old ladies you deal with I guess. Take heart in some robot in 2059 will be dealing with these same hos who are old, soggy, saggy seniors being just as mean and it won't be you
Everybody thinks they know everything and always try to be in charge. Even runts who have only been there for a day.
Only a fucking idiot would not milk the system as much as possible. You're doing good, user.
Unless they're obligated to, the average American cannot actually read.
I work in box office most nights, and when my manager counts me down we have to put up signs directing people to the concession stand. These chucklefucks will literally stare at the sign, then look right around it at my manager, STILL COUNTING ME DOWN, and say "Yeah could I get one for Stan and Ollie"
That does make me feel a little better, knowing it's universal. Kinda weird though, usually the few times we get young pretty white thots in my theater they tend to be really pleasant and polite.
A fellow Illinoisan. I don't think that's the Meijer near me, though.
Where's your Meijer? Mine is in Algonquin.
>knowing it's universal
We're everywhere bro. Believe me, others like you are out there.
If people are being a dick to you just be one back. I raised my voice to my supervisor once because he was singling me out, and now we get along fine. I'll never see anybody here in a few years anyway.
Old white women are the worst.
Sure, old people in general pull the "let me use the register as a way to get rid of my change" trick, but old white women will complain about every single thing.
Last Friday some old lady came in and bought a pack of gummy bears, opened them at the register after paying and ate one, all fine.
She then said "these are too sweet I don't want this" and tried to spit it out, but the half chewed gummy bear dribbled out of her mouth and landed on the counter.
Ignoring her spitting out the gummy bear, it's an understandable complaint. They are pretty sweet.
So I offer her the option to return it and this bitch says "no I don't want to waste time returning it"
But she spends a good 5 minutes complaining to me about how sweet they are. She's the only one in the store and my tactics to escape from her conversation isn't working.
So I finally ask "what do you want me to do about it?" And it finally clicks that complaining is useless and she shuffled away
Whats your job title
I'd kill for something like that
>do exceptionally better than most managers
>RGM thinks i might take her job
>inadvertently sabotage me to cover her ass
I just want to do my job. I don't want your job, I just want to do my shit and go home without drama. Why can't normies just let me be?
I work at UPS and it's torture.
I fucking hate this company with a passion.
I have this fantasy of the entire company going bankrupt that I think about like once a day.
Why haven't you called her out?
>he works at ups for minimum wage when he could be a cashier and bullshit for 8 hours with little effort
I don't want to start no drama or shit talk her. I actually have sympathy for her since she is a roastie with 2 kids and depend on the job. I'll just take it the suffering.
>showing sympathy for someone who is actively trying to ruin you
I'm not saying have some sort of autistic incel uprising, I'm saying don't let her step all over you, no matter how much you'd like it.
UPS does not pay minimum wage.
I want to forgive them because they don't know what they are doing. I just see it as a normie defense mechanism when they find someone superior to them.
>26$ an hour
>new laws regulating overtime
>still work it anyways
>anything over 44h/w now overtime despite preciously being considered 'seasonal work'
Trudeau actually gets a big TY from me for this even though I think he should hang. Roofers are considered people now and I'm just wrapping up my first real estate purchase this year.
>can charge a room mate almost the whole mortgage/ins/taxes, pay less rent than him simply because you waged and saved and could put a down payment on a place
>this is literally the only thing separating you from better people than you
>saged your thread just like every thread on r9k I post to
Normal. this post is original
My current job is a cleaner- I never meet customers.
I used to work for HMPO though,that was awful.
>they don't know what they're doing
>actively sabotaging you
Is she cute? Is that blinding you?
>a cleaner
That's pretty vague
Do you tidy hotels, are you a janitor? What?
If it makes you feel better OP I always triple check the pump number before I go in to pay so I don't spill my spaghetti and stutter
We can't suffer alone
I usually try and be quiet about it and say "I'm sorry ma'am but there's really not much I can do" but somehow they take that as an invitation to complain louder. If I'm lucky the one manager who hates old whites as much as I do comes out and gives them a fucking lashing.
Might as well toss out some of my other favorite complaints:
btw guys Moviepass is an absolute scam do NOT fucking fall for it and definitely don't ask the Box Office for help
Also, these fucking vultures feel the need to scream at the top of their lungs "WAKE UP" if they even see you thinking about yawning. I swear, they all think they're the funniest shit. Usually I give them the stink-eye after that.
>tfw get a wagie job
>I'm a cleaner
$25/hr is dope but still, I'm cleaning human shit off of toilets.
You're $25/h better than any NEET.
>is she cute?
Nope. HELL NO.
Maybe, and now I sometimes meet girls since i have money now.
Unfortunately I have zero luck in picking them and they're either whores or lazy and unreliable.
Hello fellow floor mopper
Just wait until you have saved up enough for a down payment (and the lawyear fee's) on a foreclosure. Bitches do a 180 when they hear you own property and it's so funny you'll only be able to laugh at the roasties as they try to remember how to be feminine in your presence.
>they take it as a reason to complain louder
That's why "I don't know what you want me to do / what do you want me to do about it" is a last ditch effort to get them to see that they're being retarded.
I feel all of those complaints man.
Moiepass is still a thing? I thought they died out already. They should be on their last legs now.
I haven't had anyone scream wake up at me just desu.
When yawning:
The black dudes who work overnight always say something along the lines of "only a few hours left, we'll make it"
The Hispanic people who come in usually say "tired huh?" And then laugh a little
But I don't recall white people commenting on yawns yet
>she's not cute
>be in the military
>Bust my fucking ass to become well qualified and proficient at my job
>make same exact about of money as fucking guys of the same grade would sit behind a computer all day and do fuck all
he'll still get promoted before me
Any other wagecuck struggle with keeping a job?
My problem is I can't submit to authorities and cannot stand simple negative feedback. I feel stressed and when people like my co workers and boss start telling me shit then I go crazy and literally have a rage meltdown. I might get fired any day now, my boss just invited me to his office this morning to let me hear the complaints my co workers have about me. I go from anger to frustration to depression to fucking hatred toward every living creature on my workplace
Cant save a cent for the life of me
It goes to booze, whores and video games.
>working as an associate at gnc
>sales based job
>if you don't sell the fairly useless membership or get shit shipped to people's houses your hours get cut and your get grilled by your manager
I guess I knew what I was getting myself into from the start but it still sucks
I wish I knew what my real talents were
Same, I'm otherwise a pretty agreeable guy but I suppose my ego is fragile enough that even the slightest criticism about work just ruins my mood for the whole day.
I work as a linux sysadmin, pretty comfy job. I also work in shitfs either from 06-14, 14-22, 22-06, night shifts are peak comfy since i do literally nothing but browse 4channel and watch vids
Get the fuck out of my thread this is for wagecucks not successful normies, go back to Jow Forums and take your massive fucking ego with you
Yeah I'm jealous fuck you
Heh, i barely make 900 euros more or less working full time and doing night shifts
>Work with heavy machinery in the processing field.
>Boss is a 4'11 chubby retard girl that has never worked a day in her life for anything
>Takes weeks off at a time and gets paid for it because lol salary life
>Constantly represents us in the big boy meetings we aren't allowed to go to because lol we aren't salary
>She is the laughing stock of the entire place
>Still makes almost a quarter million a year
>All of us work hard to do our job right and she gets all the credit for it
>Still doesn't even know the entire process of how pur product is made
>Has been here for 3 years
Every day I want to punch her face in.
I feel your pain, fellow eurocuck. In my country you can either work bellow 450 euros a month to avoid getting taxed or try to land a job as working student, where you might go up to 1000 euros a month without getting assraped by tax vultures.
I am always astonished by the pay burgers recieve for shitty jobs, over here you break your back for something that barely covers living expenses.
>Work at a basic dessert shop
>Really slow during winter season
>Draw practice to pass the time
>Draw some pretty good doodle of anime character
>Draw another good doodle on another shift
>Post drawings on this display board we have for guest to leave drawings, messages, ect
>Been up for a month or so, but drawings got taken down 2 shifts ago
Feels bad, they had my name on them. Could have just returned to me
>Get assigned to work weekends which is only time it's busy
>"It's too slow to have 2 people so work by yourself" -manager
>Gets slammed with drunk group orders who don't even know what they want and have to explain the menu 5x
>Have to be cashier, washing dishes, restock, and make orders all by myself when I have 7 orders and more people ordering
>Tfw working for two people for the pay of one
>Start saying unavailable to work weekend nights
>Gets assigned weekend nights anyways
>Have to take shifts because only assigned 3 days and 2 are the weekends and I have to pay for bills
I've been working here for over a year, since before they opened I was here training, and all I got was a 50cents raise from minimum wage where coworkers who do absolutely nothing because I do what they don't , get paid 12.75. why am I still there, working for pajeets, I have no idea
I worked for a fucking Serb, but I could never imagine working for a pajeet.
You mean you don't pay any taxes if you earn less than 450? It's still a really low amount of money.
Yeah i never understood how muricans earn so much money doing low skill jobs
i hardly believe it
from my experience the high paid people are either really good at their job or they are friends and relatives of someone who got some significance
Yeah, the benevolent german government allows you to earn that sum without taxation. Of course you still get fucked by mandatory expenses and are forced to pick up another job, which kinda voids the initiall idea of avoiding taxation. Your best bet with that kind of shit is getting that small official job and some other where you get paid under the table. This fucking country is truly turning into a financial dystopia.
Hows your anime stuff, nonce?
Nah, it is a common occurence in industry that you have some engineer fresh out of school who is lording over people in the workshops, despite not having any practical knowledge he could apply. You might have stellar grades, but the moment you get confronted with machinery in a management position, the whole theoretical shit you learned just hits a wall.
They are disgusting. They shouldn't be running a restaurant type business at all
>They don't shower
>They don't put on deodorant
>Come into store wearing sandals and smelly
>They try to help customers
Please don't you'll scare them away
>Customers usually wait for me to finish doing what I'm doing to order or ask questions to avoid pajeets
>Have no sense of food care; leave milk outside, leave milk products outside, leave fucking ice cream outside
>Just use the dirty old mop, it's fine user just use a lot of bleach
>Go clean the floor mats in the back next to the fridge, then put them to dry by putting them on the work floor where you move around
>Pajeet I found a few fruit flies in this ice cream box I'm throwing it away
>No user scoop them out it's fine
Recently, the power went out in all the electrical sockets except one. I called to tell them I can't make shakes since I have to keep the fridge connected and the blender cable can't reach. Tells me to run a line of extension cords from the fridge, through the sink, over the syrup bottles, until it reaches the blender. Then tells me to disconnect the fridge and connect the ice maker over night.
>Disconnect the fridge
>Connect the ice maker
>Fridge without power
>Perishables without refrigeration for 12+ hours
What are some jobs that don't just have completely slow and boring dry spells?
Dude what the fuck I'd kill someone if I were you
Neet here. I've been thinking about starting a crime clean up bussines. You don't interact with anyone. Just you, cleaning supplies and the brains and the blood of some guy that put a shotgun to his mouth. Heard pay is pretty good too.
>This fucking country is truly turning into a financial dystopia
Damn I thought things were still ok financially wise in germany, i was thinking of going there to try n search for a job before i managed to net this one
>notice coworkers snickering at me from afar
>one guy makes a jibe I don't understand and they all laugh
>happens twice more that day
>sometimes coworkers don't seem to want to talk to me or say hello
>once heard a girl complain about being assigned to work with me
wtf is wrong with me? I unironically feel like it'd have been better for everyone if I hadn't been born.
you are a hateful incel
>tfw everyone else with your position on your shift quit and you're stuck on the bottom of the totem pole with shitty hours
>cockteased with promotion by bosses 3 fucking times now but nothing ever happens
>17 yo chick who is another employee's daughter literally got put into a higher position than you with 0 prior job experience
this is hell bros. fuck nepotism. fuck wagecucking. I'm dying inside lads. parents should be forced to let their kids neet with them forever. their fault I had to come into this shit world
I fucking feel your pain. But the question is, what the actual fuck can I do to go my way? I've been thinking about going full mafioso and taking what I want from this world but the doubts always come and I'm afraid I don't have what it takes to fucking pull my plans off. Help me guys
The pajeets are bad, but the customers who are just awful make it unbearable at times.
Friday afternoon
>Small rush
>Guy orders basic milk shake
>Lady and daughter order 2 cups of ice cream
Store policy is give the ice cream first, it's easier and faster than shakes
>Do that
>They're spic, I speak spic to them
Order done
>Make guys shake
>Guy waiting at ice cream display for me
>Watches me scoop his ice cream for his shake
>"Can I ask you a question? Why did you make their order before mine?" -guy
>"It's store policy. I'm sorry, did you want a free topping for the inconvenience?"
>"No just asking"
>Finish his shake
>Give him his shake
>"That took less time than the ice creams did" and leaves
>Pajeets find out, says to try first come first serve instead of ice creams first, shakes last
Saturday night
>Slammed with orders by myself
>2 other pajeet women order 1 small cup of ice cream
>They can clearly see, and know, there's about 5 orders ahead of them
>I'm trying to catch up to orders
>Finished 2 before I hear the pajeet women talking about the wait and saying 'we only ordered a small ice cream why should we wait' keep in mind it's only been maybe 5 minutes since they ordered
>They confront me
>"We only got one small cup why can't we just have our order, everyone else got a shake ours takes the least time"
>"I'm sorry, someone complained yesterday that someone who ordered ice cream after them got their order first so I can't do that any more"
>Pajeets can't understand "yeah but ours is just a small cup blah blah blah"
>"Okay I'll make yours after i finish this order okay"
>Agree but continue to talk shit
>Give them their ice cream they leave
>Another lady who ordered before them complains I made their order first
>Rinse and repeat
How many more years until my sprit completely shatters
why can't he just hire more people
How did she "sabotage" you?
Blame you for something that wasn't your fault
Hahaha is looking at the security camera to see the pump that hard? No wonder you can only work at a gas station.
I work as an emt responding to 911 calls, you wouldn't believe the stupid fucking reasons people call when they could've taken an uber or gone to a damn urgent care. like oh your stomach has been hurting for 3 weeks but you're gonna call an ambulance at 3 am to take you to the ER when I'm on a 24 hour shift and trying to catch a nap at my fucking station
Just shut up and do your job faggot.
If I made myself ill playing with rattlesnakes and eating homemade sketti then you are going to pick me up and take me to the fucking ER,bitch.
Hey man, Ive had this headache all day
Can you take me to the hospital so they can give me some naproxen?
this desu desu. do.your.job
We have people, but besides pajeets being dirty and smelly, they're also cheap, so they don't want to pay 2 wage cucks for 1 shift if by the off chance it gets busy and it's slow 3/4 of their shift
>$22/ hour doing practically nothing
>been a frustrating 3 months doing essentially nothing and not knowing why
>read Robinson Crusoe at work last week
>I refuse to do business travel so I might get fired
Fuck old people desu
Hey at least we're getting that mop money, senpai. I'm making more than people I know who graduated college. It's like getting paid to exercise.
But I do have to work 7 nights a week.
>be me
>turned 20 half a month ago
>been working at a cafe since November last year
>I am a barman
>waiter is eating so I go and tell him
>waiter is pretty much chad
>"bro , please ask them what they want "
>they just sat down and I went to ask them
>one of them replies sarcastically "yeah I knew what I want to order before coming "
>motherfucker have been ordering the same shit since then
>few days ago
>same guy comes bit this time to pay
>stays in front of them bar , I have been in this situation enough to tell clients , unless they have right amount of money I can't give them change wince all the money are at the waiter
>frustrated voice "ALRIGHT , we will wait"
Soon I will bot work there and I just have the thought of beating this guy up . I am 183 cm tall , 90 kg and he seems like 190cm (at most) , no more than 85 kg . We both have beards but I look scarier because of a scar on my nose . I have some experience with fighting but I am a bit scared to beat him because I am migrating soon and I can't ness up with some bullshit like this .
I just learned about Meijer's this year and I fucking love it. I lived in Dixie all my life and even though people up north talk gay I want to move there. I was negotiating a job in Detroit which just fell through yesterday(stingy cunts couldn't even offer what I make in Mississippi) but I'm going to keep trying. Michigan is Beautiful, I'm gonna move to Ann Arbor. Not even sad about Detroit, just means a shorter commute when I do find work.
>Refuse to do business travel
What? Why? Traveling and getting paid for it is the best. Why would you not take advantage of that?
You are thinking of the best case scenario
Thank god I don't work in retail anymore, I did 10 years and it never got any better or more tolerable.
Funny thing is, the main reason I quit was because my store kept hiring super HOT young teenage girls for the online shopping dept, so while I was trying to stock I'd get boners whenever they came by and it was very embarrassing.
This, I find the sheltered pampered soccer moms to be the worst type of people to interact with while wagecucking. If you do one single thing that does not alight with their beliefs they wont hesitate to call your manager and try to get you written up or fired.
hello fellow draw wagie
I doodle at the register and make crude drawings of all my bad customers. its cathartic as fuck
>the gray sedan? that's number four
>sry we can't prepay with credit it double charges you
>o hey what'sup what can i do for you?
>yea *flips down ad display* right here mango juul
Currently working in a small retail store for slight above minimum wage. I'm thinking of going into at home customer service, or almost any repetitive task with no human interaction. Any suggestions? I was saw custodian work but I think you'll need a certificate for that.
I work as a vendor for a large beverage company and go around to different supermarkets creating displays and filling shelves with our product.
>be filling shelves with product
>make aisle look really fucking nice and clean
>large group of pajeets come and empty out half the aisle
>have to refill again and take more time
>they don't leave, they stand in the way and make it hard for me to do my job
>can't be rude to them because i'll get kicked out
>be in another store doing work
>old person on store-property electric scooter rolls up to me
>"excuse me young man, but where can i find the cranberry juice?"
usually i tell people i do not work for the store or i don't know, but i decided to have some fun
>"it's in the cranberry juice aisle, of course!"
>old person gets angry, tries running me down with scooter
Fuck old people and retail
get the certification, because once you get that you can get certification for even more specialized areas and make bank. I know someone who goes around to large buildings to "service" boiler systems and makes $300k a year just to read what the meters on the systems say