Why is it only white women that do this kind of thing?

Why is it only white women that do this kind of thing?

You don't see black women mocking themselves and their own kind, you don't see Asian women openly calling their own race trash, Hispanic women are proud of who they are, Middle Eastern women, Indian women, Native American women. All these people defend who they are and don't blatantly try to sabotage what they are.

White women seem to indulge and revel in anything that puts down what they are. You see white women saying things like "you are a fucking white man what right do you have to tell me what to do" yet their own brothers and father and uncles are white men

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What 14 words is she talking about

She is not white, Americans are mutts and clusterfuck of races, btfo.

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its a Utada song

is this a boy or a girl? curious

Probably counter culture to white supremacy, or they blame white guys for patriarchy. Mostly thots anyways

The forbidden words

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If she said her ex bf was black would you care?

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White supremacy slang, not even joking.

Rich kids rebel against their patents while poor ones work hard to make them happy.
Idk why it happens but it's the same kind of thing.

I wish that was my child and wife.

Oh my word, what are these mysterious 14 words user D:

Because she's probably really low IQ. Honestly.

We must secure the existence of our peopIe and a future for white children (Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.)

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those are 27 words

lmao in latina cultures marrying a white person is considered to being purifying the genetic lineage, black people often favour the child with the lightest skin, look at malcolm ex and his father, asians are desperate for white dick and sell out asian guys literally constantly, you demonstrate an insane lack of awareness for the world around you you retarded polnigger

>You don't see black women mocking themselves and their own kind

Except you do. The majority of black women wear weave, aka fake hair, to cover up their own nappy natural hair so that they could look more European and "hot." They spend thousands of dollars on this. Black women do not have naturally straight hair. They also have a caste system where light black women are the most desirable while dark as night black women are less desirable. There is also a phenomenon of black women going for white men because they want to "swirl." Black women fetishize half white babies.

So no, it's not only white women that do this, though it is a fucking conundrum why white women would do this at all because they are the cream and getting with niggers is like purposely shitting on yourself. Some white women might love black shit, but the majority of white people look on in disgust. The ENTIRE African American community has accepted weave and light skin has a standard.

Any black faggot niggers on here to back me up?

>you don't see Asian women openly calling their own race trash
yes you do, ive seen this multiple times irl and online
>You don't see black women mocking themselves and their own kind
have also known girls irl to absolutely trash themselves and call themselves niggers and talk about how much they hate being black. same onine. youre just outright wrong OP, self hating behaviors arent exclusive to any one racial group or gender. you have tunnel vision or you just make up whatever narrative you decide you want to believe in and assume its true

>you don't see Asian women openly calling their own race trash

Confirmed for never having talked to a Chinese girl

True black just like asian women want white men so their children will be "prettier".

Enough of twitter posts on Jow Forums to justify what I've wirtten

Depends on if she "acts black", I cannot fucking stand that ghetto persona, and it's even worse when white people adopt it.

Is it elon musk?

Asian women openly despise Asian men.

asians talk shit about other asians mostly. koreans think filipinos are animals, japanese are evil colonizers, etc.

Yes, I do not want a girl that be with a black guy.

You're a retard. I wasn't talking about preference for casts and skin shades idiot. When do you ever see hispanic women calling hispanic men oppressors and mocking their masculinity? Black women stand up for their men and support them no matter what they do (remember OJ Simpson?) Asian women selling out Asian guys where? Some Asian woman dating outside her race does not mean she is selling the men out you fucking fool.

I am referring to white women openly mocking and ridiculing their whiteness, not someone's dating or skin tone preferences within their own cultures.

Just shut the fuck up faggot. I guarantee you never even fucked any woman never mind know what their political views are.

Black women stand up for their men and call them kings they call them black kings and when their men go to prison they say "he dindu nuffin" and they back their men up. They do not get on Twitter and start talking about "toxic black males", "let's get with white men because these black men are just disgusting and have bad genetics and we want our kids to have straight hair"

Black women DO NOT attack black males in the same way the white women do with their men.

>They do not get on Twitter and start talking about "toxic black males", "let's get with white men because these black men are just disgusting and have bad genetics and we want our kids to have straight hair"

Bro, they do. Just look at black twitter and black youtube,

Show me all these Asian women who loathe their own men and openly boast on social media about Asian men being inferior to white men or black men or whatever. I can show hundreds of examples of white women doing it about their own kind. Where are the Asian women openly belittling and mocking Asian men and pushing European or African men as superior? Where are the Asian women saying "Black and white bois only because Asian cocks are too small" unironically on twitter. You have maybe a 1 in 100 example. Meanwhile, there are literal catalogs of evidence of white women sticking it to their own white men

Black Twitter is literally black people bantering with each other. The same people you refer to on black twitter call each other kings and Queens and say how proud they are to be black. "Dat melanin tho". And they all stick together and back each other up whenever some race issue is in the news.

Remember when Kaepernick was taking his knee. All i saw everywhere was nothing but love and support from black women. When cops shooting blacks wall over the news? Every black woman was talking about "they killing our black boys out here". If cops were shooting white guys, white women would come out and say "he deserved it he's criminal scum"

White women promote concentration camps for robots and incels. Black women want to help the "creeps" and the sexless men of their race. Ever been to a black cookout or barbecue? Even the retards of the race are looked after and loved by the women there.

Most white women are full on retarded and do shit just to get attention. It's not even race mixxing that is the problem but they always go for the lowest black guys

its feminism, senpai. its a poison. one day, everyone will realize this

>White women promote concentration camps for robots and incels. Black women want to help the "creeps" and the sexless men of their race. Ever been to a black cookout or barbecue? Even the retards of the race are looked after and loved by the women there.

Are you drunk?

White men are the absolute scum of this world and an utter embarrassment to humanity. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together understands this.

yes only trashy girls date blacks.

>You don't see black women mocking themselves and their own kind,
Yes you do holy fucking shit.
Did you think black women naturally have straight hair? What do you think happens to black women who don't fall in line with that fake hair bullshit?
Do you not know about the darkskin/lightskin conflict?
Inter-ethnic conflict happens all the damned time.

>trying to reason with sheltered hywhuaight edgelords that are high on the smell of their own farts

Why would you do this. What possible satisfaction could you derive from shouting down a well?

Wtf all the women worship white cock

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We do raceplay too, havent you ever seen ghetto gaggers?


People just care less because we are worthless anyway

>he says as he posts on a website made by a white male, on a device invented by a white male, through the internet, also invented by a white male.

i used to be very close friends with a girl when I was a kid. she was fucking awesome and had good taste in music, she was like hanging out with a dude except was a hot chick and I never wanted to fuck her or anything. she had a long time boyfriend that i was very close with, things were great.

then she randomly dumps the boyfriend (who i'm still friends with, this was like 10 years ago) and starts dating this black dude who was a straight up piece of shit. used to get in trouble for stealing and stuff, treated all of his gf's like shit.

she starts listening exclusively to lil wayne and acting trashy, is manipulated by the dude and obsessed with him, starts doing drugs. she never really went back to being cool after the guy. it's actually pretty sad.

>If she said her ex
Lol dropped

Yes. I would question her judgement. But that depends if it was some college educated Uncle Tom or some street hood. Big difference there in judgement.

there's trash in every race and nationality user, just a lot more in some then others

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>you don't see Asian women openly calling their own race trash
wrong. completely wrong. my mom does this shit almost daily

t. hapa

I'm only interested in black girls so it wouldn't really be that bad for me. But then again I'm not black or white so the fuck do I care?

Are you serious you fucking retard

Literal garbage tier post, you are fucking WRONG