Why isn't lolicon illegal and its consumers thrown in jail?
Why isn't lolicon illegal and its consumers thrown in jail?
why arent magical girls real
retarded cartoon drawings shouldn't be illegal, but anyone producing the 3d shit should automatically receive the death penalty, and anyone consuming the 3d shit gets life in prison.
I'm no pedo, but censoring art is a pretty slippery slope.
"I dont like it so it should be gone" is a bad line of thinking.
You can't justify an across the board censoring of art like you can justify banning kid diddling
I dont get why abusing children is such a big deal. I mean it sucks and all, but I'd rather get abused as a child than murdered, for example. Or than losig an arm. Murder and mutilation are worse crimes than rape and child abuse.
okay? your point is? fucking retard
That's kind of excessive.
pomf pomf ani-tan~
My point is child abuse is over rated and pedophilia is not as bad as it's made out to be.
it's the only thing that keeps me sane