Why isn't lolicon illegal and its consumers thrown in jail?

Why isn't lolicon illegal and its consumers thrown in jail?

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why arent magical girls real

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retarded cartoon drawings shouldn't be illegal, but anyone producing the 3d shit should automatically receive the death penalty, and anyone consuming the 3d shit gets life in prison.

I'm no pedo, but censoring art is a pretty slippery slope.
"I dont like it so it should be gone" is a bad line of thinking.

You can't justify an across the board censoring of art like you can justify banning kid diddling

I dont get why abusing children is such a big deal. I mean it sucks and all, but I'd rather get abused as a child than murdered, for example. Or than losig an arm. Murder and mutilation are worse crimes than rape and child abuse.

okay? your point is? fucking retard

That's kind of excessive.

pomf pomf ani-tan~

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My point is child abuse is over rated and pedophilia is not as bad as it's made out to be.

it's the only thing that keeps me sane

I want her to step on my face

I think its because of the emotional affect that it has on the people around the child. Put yourself in their shoes, if a pack of niggers raped your daughter you would want nothing less than slow torture and death for all of them. Its so bad, even killers and thieves in prison mark pedos for death.

dude i could honesty hunch over and type like a keyboard warrior all the ways you're wrong but i doubt anything would get through your thick fucking skull

making a profit out of raping/brainwashing some kid should be punishable by death, and should really teach others not to try it.

It is in the United Kingdom.
Also in the United Kingdom, we let Paki rape gangs abduct children and arrest those who try to save them.

Killers in prison are the last people i think about when it comes to examples of virtuous people. They just do it cause they lie to themselves "w-well at least I'm not a pedo" just like losers in Jow Forums say at least im not a nigger.
Also I'd rather be the dad of a raped girl than of a dead one.

Usually one is the father of both

>dude ur wrong
>i have arguments i swear
>im not a total dumbass n u are one
>thats why i wont talk to you

I'm not saying I think it's right to make cp, it's just that most other crimes punishable by death involve murder. For making cp life in prison is a more reasonable punishment.

>not being a capital punishment enthusiast
What are you, gay?

>well at least i'm not a faggot

I dont know about that. Maybe sometimes, but definitely not the majority of time. Regardless of that, child abuse doesnt imply child murder.

I thought we were discussing reasonable punishments, not hoping for deaths.

most of the people that consume it are just edgy or weird, but not actually pedophiles

Yeah its really no weirder than people consuming other violent and taboo forms of media. I think the idea is that if you like lolicon, you're likely to go out and abuse kids, but people don't realize that its just the violent video games argument applied to sex acts/media. Not even saying its 100% false, but its not 100% true either. Some people just like looking at fucked up shit.

This. Thank you. I was an edgy 14 year old who collected a shitton of it cause it was "illegal" and it made my computer "illegal" and I thought that was kind of cool and other edgy shit. I'm not actually a fucking pedo.

Does porn have a more primitive "craving" effect on the brain than violent imagery?

Perhaps. Porn feels more intense because of arousal and orgasms, but it seems like I'm just as drawn to violence and conflict as a big horror movie guy.

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