40 year old with 3 divorces and no life

This really isn't much of a post just bored and drunk and didn't feel like making another YouTube video tonight. Figured I would ramble on here.
AMA not that anyone actually cares but I am bored

Attached: dew_et_ow2sok.jpg (700x721, 94K)

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post youtube link old faggot

Should probs just end it g

My man


sorry drunk and sleepy

Do you think marriage is worth it for the average guy?

Eygiptian Strawberries are the best

no marriage is unnatural and makes a standard relationship suddenly full of pressure and unfair expectations

nah, life isn't bad as long as I can laugh at it all. Death is just too permanent

is being a truck driver fun?
except for flatbeds of course

better when inserted rectally

I've very happily married but me turning into you seems inevitable.

Thank you for your wise words, elder

It can be. Hard on families but great if you don't have a social life.
If you want to make money you actually have to work hard and stress some.

Why the fuck are you even here?
Dont answer me just leave.

3rd marriage lasted 10 years and I was happy. I was in Africa in the military treating Ebola and she ran off with a Truck Driver of all things lol.

were you expecting trap porn?

>no marriage is unnatural and makes a standard relationship suddenly full of pressure and unfair expectations
Took you 3 attempts to figure that out?

it seems that way.
I am sure I have a few more divorces under my belt. It isn't like I have anything for them to take
already lost my dignity, sanity, and value as a human being

>Marrying 3 times

Kys, you are a lost cause

You seem so blase about it. My wife and I have been together about that long and there's no sign of problems on her end but there's not shortage of problems on mine.

Wasn't pleased about it. But after a couple years of being pissed off...
Yeah I prefer just drinking and surfing the interwebs instead

why kill myself when I can just watch the world fall apart and laugh to myself

I watched your youtube videos and just wanted to say you seem like a cool guy

>divorce raped thrice

That's quite mature of you. I'll try and think of your example when the Main Event happens for me.

>Eygiptian strawberries

>Try one there great
>there great


Attached: yoda.jpg (556x514, 40K)

>There great
>tfw the illiterate fucker who wrote that has a job and I don't.

Women seem to be more fickle than men. Girl I was interested in went to sending me hello every morning to almost ghosting me.

Where they the ones to file for divorce or did you file for divorce in any of the cases?