Will I get good grades in my classes this semester?

Will I get good grades in my classes this semester?

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is she going to forgive me?

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will i die anytime soon?

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Will I be with a girl for Valentine's Day?

Will everything be okay?


Should I keep my schedule light?

Will I die a virgin?

Does M. want me to persue her?

Should I drop out of college and go live in the forest?

Will I kill Jow Forums?

Will I pass all my exams this semester?

Will I pass my exams at the end of this semester?

is my theory of the afterlife true ?

Will I ever find a bf

Do I really want a girlfriend?

Will I kill myself before the end of the year?

will I get a gf soon organically

Are all my worries completely unnecessary becasue they are over things that will never happen?

Will I get a girlfriend before Valentine's Day?

Interesting, will it be L?

Will L. be the one I'll get?

Come on, give a straight answer, will it be L?

Ok, will it be M. then?

will i talk to S. soon?

Will M. be my first girlfriend?

Will I get a raise soon?

Will M. become my first girlfriend?

Will I have sex with M. soon?

does she love me back?


Will M. become my girlfriend and save me from myself?

i-is it platonic?

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Is it for real? Does she want this to happen?

Is Wednesday going to go well?

wiil i be able to talk to her this week?

Am i going to fix myself soon?

Am I gonna get that job and become a wagie?

does D. really love me romantically? what does this mean??

Wage-cage, here I come.

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Will my train be late today?

Does M. love me romantically?

will i find self worth?

You fucking nigger, I asked you a question. WILL IT BE LATE OR NOT

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Will it be enough for her to become my girlfriend?

Does my waifu love me back as much as I love her?

Doesn't matter. I will always love you

Will there be a world war this year?

Roll. The question is in my mind.

Will Robert have sex with me in February?

Do they want a threesome with me?

Do they want to have a threesome with me?

is my nigga gay

Will M. become my girlfriend and gets me out of my shell?

Will L. be my Valentine's girlfriend?

Does my Pal J have the big gay?

If I ask out the qt girl B who I sit next to in lecture will she say yes?

Will things progress between us?

Will I finally fuck my boss?

will i get a girlfriend this year mr 8ball

will I make more eye contact with the person in question?

Tell me I'll get a gf pls


8ball tell me whether my love likes it?

Will i stop being lazy and do my work

Will I finally die this year?

Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be original

She doesn't like me back, right? Just being friendly and I'm misinterpreting signals again, aren't I?

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J gang

Will I make it to 30?