Is it true that fat girls have low sex drives?

Is it true that fat girls have low sex drives?

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this is a /b/ tier thread and you should post it on its rightful board because r9k is supposed to be the smart people board for oc fuck off
here a link you cunt

yes. I had a higher sex drive when I was normal weight.
t. my fat ass

>r9k is supposed to be the smart people board for oc fuck off
Well clearly my post was OC, or the thread wouldn't exist, friend.

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I suppose they can if they get really obese. I would imagine that "thicc" women would have higher sex drives than rail thin ones, though.

How fat are you now? And how often do you masturbate?

What's supposed to be and what is are two very different things. r9k is not an intelligent discussion board, nor can it be made into one.

about the same as op pic and not much

Have you not considered losing weight? Or have you resigned yourself to being a landwhale for the rest of your life?

Hell no, they can push harder

Is it true that fat girls give the best head?

>Smart people board

Attached: lol.jpg (400x400, 17K)

yeah i do, I need to visit Jow Forums

Wouldn't you rather be kidnapped and chained naked in a basement until you have lost enough weight?

different people are different, some do, some dont, it probably matters more on diet (if you eat junk, opposite if you eat enough nutrition to make proper hormones). and genetics/ mood.

Every fatty I've been with has had a high sex drive.

No. Fatties just learn to shovel heaps of food in their mouth not how to suck cock the best.

You sure that's not just depression? Often goes hand in hand with weight gain.

i'm almost certain it is. I remember when I had way more energy at my normal weight
sounds pretty terrifying desu

your moms the exception

I hope you're able to turn things around and start eating better and getting some exercise, then. Sounds kinda shitty. One easy change you can make to your diet to lose weight is just to eat more fiber:


guys I think this place has fucked me up

the first thing I thought when I saw this image was *BRAAAAAAAAAAP*

like an image of the Jow Forums reply box with that exact text appeared in my head

I don't even like the smell of farts but I can't stop thinking about the brap meme and anytime I see a girl with a big ass it reminds me of it

Not necessarily.
Women with bad eating habits and dont exercise will have lower sex drives.
Those traits are very common in fat people.
But if they do those things, it's likely they'll have a normal sex drive.

This is the proper answer, OP.

why she look like she just came in from the severnaya level of goldeneye

short answer: Probably.
Look, there are two things to consider here, the physical and psychological aspect.
>physical aspect
Physically, being fat will hurt your sex drive. This is not even up for debate. Fat people have a harder time doing all kinds of physical exercise, their hormones probably get fucked up, they are probably fat because of a crap diet which definitely hurts sex drive, fat people have a harder time getting wet (women) or hard (men) because of slit like higher blood pressure and worse blood flow, in many cases obese women don't even have fucking periods, etc. etc. Being fat is like a natural birth control.
Simply put, fat bodies are already overworked trying to keep themselves alive, so they don't have time or energy to focus on sex.
>psychological aspect
this one is not as obvious. Fat chicks probably get less attraction from men, and in that sense are more starved for cock and desperate to have sex, which can cause the perception of a higher sex drive.
However, fat people can be very embarrassed/shameful of their naked bodies, and therefore have a fear of sex or intimacy, which can obviously be perceived as a lower sex drive.

Both weight gain and loss can trigger changes in sex drive afaik, and mostly females need a good while to balance that out again.

On the good side no matter their own drive, many fat girls tend to do ANYTHING in bed you want since they feel that is the only thing they can do to make a guy stick around.

As a fat girl i would appreciate if you guys would stop both shaming us and fetishizing us

If you don't want to be a fetish then lose weight.

so we ignore you instead

more fat = more estrogen

so it would make sense

also breast cancer

Alright, I'll stick to shaming you.

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>stop fetishizing us
manletism or hairletism is a death sentence for a man's sexual life. Yet you tub of lards have the luxury to complain about being fetishized.

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