How do we stop bitter incels from creating sex robots...

How do we stop bitter incels from creating sex robots, and thus destroying the fabric of society and human civilization as a whole?

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You help them create sex robots and then release a virus that causes them to clamp down and not release their dick unless they pay a ransom.

Like the old Cryptolocker malware, but for their dick.

Holy fuck user, this is clever AF. I should start learning computer science I guess.

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>sex robots would destroy human civilization
>implying real women aren't already doing that because of sex

Force women to marry them :)


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Roasties btfo.


Incels don't create anything. They just rage all day long on a Cambodian water painting forum.

Damn right we do :). OUR Cambodian water painting forum.


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Can't wait to have a literal robot wife birth my child.

>humanity peacefully going extinct in the embrace of their robo waifus
It would be the best possible timeline and outcome if it ever happens desu.

Sex robots cannot be anything but a benefit to society. Guys who are shunned by real women weren't about to breed in any case,so their contribution to the gene pool ,or lack thereof, cannot be missed since it was never there in the first place. These guys with access to sex robots will gain happiness,a degree of self worth,and may be inspired to contribute their ideas and skills to the world,with gain for all.

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Nobody cares about incel losers. Not even the sexbot issue is about incel losers. The problem is that Chad might get a robot waifu instead of fucking Stacy. The problem is that all the sexual energy that men use to achieve success and status, and thus get laid, will be utilized for fucking a toaster instead.
Its kind of like cannabis. Its not as bad for your health as tobacco, but it is bad for society, since instead of going to work, you sit home watching Animal Planet.

the only problem i can see with sexbots is that people wont waste time bettering themselves to get a normal girl and will just get a robot waifu instead which is way less work but other than that, sexbots are fukin great.

your wife looks like a man

Well women only have themselves to blame. 300 years ago we picked our wives and they didnt get a say and everything worked out.

The point is Men shouldnt have to 'better' themselves. Most of us are good enough already. Girls shouldnt be allowed to demand that men better themselves for them. Like I said, it wasnt so long ago men just went purchased their wives from their fathers and women accepted it as the greater good.

Well, it worked out for men. That's the basic substance of their point. Not working out for everyone may not be an improvement, per se, but at least it's fair.

Surprisingly enough society is made for humans, and humans are not made for society.
So who cares if it unravels.

It worked out for everyone. There were no incels 300 years ago. Life isnt fair, fuck fair its about the interest of the species. We all have a job to do and it just so happens the female one is pretty bland. Alas its vital. Women should be contempt with the fact their duty is to bring life into the world. They shouldnt need to strive for anything more other than a happy husband.

You think the system we have now is fair? 100% of women fuck less than 10% of Men? The rest of us are epected to just wither and die or pick up a used up slut and marry here as sloppy seconds?

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Thats like saying humans are made for genes, and genes are not made for humans, so humans are irrelevant and we (humans) should abandon ourselves as slaves to the gene that made us to move around in space.

In a state of nature, 90% of males never have sex. The overwhelming majority of animals die virgins. We want more civilization, not less.

In this system no one gets coerced. The worst that happens is they don't get chosen. Since you've never been coerced, how would you know which is worse?

Also, lol @ "duty to the species". Women are half the species, moron.

Before the lightbulb was invented, people just accepted that you had to go to sleep at night, unless you want to deal with a flickering candle that will give you cataracts.

Before birth control was invented, people just accepted that you had to be careful when you have sex, unless you want to deal with having a baby.

Now that we're almost getting sex bots, how is this any different than birth control? That changed our society forever and they don't say a word about it, but they want to close the door on progress and stop the sexbots from being made?

odd how in any kind of issue bein discussed, people are reasonable and agree that humans are more than just their instincts and that we can use our brains to solve natural problems.

But when it comes to relatoinships, everyone becomes the lovechild of ayn rand and charles dawin and say "its nature, deal with it. don't try to fight it, you lose the game. :)"

If it worked at creating the world we have now, and the world we have now doesn't work, then did it work?

in the state of nature 90% statistics is bullshit and made on the spot

This is why the liberals I know are eager and interested in this technology, rather than being against it. It gives men a chance to get exactly what the want in the same way birth control gives women that option. Nobody loses.

For some animals, like sea lions, its even more than 90%.

Considering half animals don't reach sexual maturity, and the rest fight over it, its not a weird statistic.

and some animals like swans make a pair that is bonded for life, so? your statistics is made on the spot and in any way could be related to harem animals only

it's just made up
for some animals less than a fraction of per cent reaches maturity, don't tell me those are somewhat considered in this "statistics too

>the fabric of society
Define this meme phrase

>In a state of nature, 90% of males never have sex.

But we arent animals, we are humans. Our society isnt based upon how many bannas you can pull down from a tree or whether you can beat the bigger guy with your bare hands. We can overcome for and compensate for short comings with technology, medicine, gain wealth a power through cunning and not strength. I also don't believe its true, animals can rape at will. Put a male dog and female dog in a cage together and watch what happens. Also expecting Men to be happy with that fact is idiotic. Hence why incels shoot up schools :).
>In this system no one gets coerced. The worst that happens is they don't get chosen. Since you've never been coerced, how would you know which is worse?
WTF are you talking about?
>Women are half the species, moron.
Yeah and I dont give a fuck. There personal considerations are subordinate to the species as whole. 'Hes ugly and smelly', stiff shit cunt, have his babies hes putting food on your table.
They couldnt see into the future m8. They didnt anticipate we'd become ultra degenerate so fast. The world was only just beginning to turn its back on religion then, now its almost totally abandoned. Also the jews.

Humans ARE irrelevant, we only can't help to perceive them as important since we happen to be one.

I reckon a lot of you are talking shit. People will still work towards their passion regardless of whether or not it attracts a partner. Loads of people still work hard when they are married. And if anything more genuine relationships will be formed because it won't come purely from a place of lust.
Btw, not an incel, but I don't see anything wrong with sex robots.

>WTF are you talking about?

I'm saying no one forces you to marry ugly dudes, so you don't know that it's better than being an incel.

>Yeah and I dont give a fuck. There personal considerations are subordinate to the species as whole. 'Hes ugly and smelly', stiff shit cunt, have his babies hes putting food on your table.

But you're objectively not anymore. 10% of men produce 90% of the value, at minimum. So why should they not get 90% of the pussy?

there is LITERALLY nothing you can do to prevent the singularity from happening. robo waifus or at the very least incredibly vivid and convincing AI waifus you can jack into via VR headset will become real at some point. I'm so glad that women are merely decades away from becoming totally obsolete. this is the future society brought on itself. there's no turning back

>People will still work towards their passion regardless of whether or not it attracts a partner.
Everything is a mating strategy or a societal bonding strategy. Literally every single thing every person has ever done in the entire history of humanity. Very low IQ to not understand this, it isn't even a matter of opinion or a theory, it's just fucking obvious.

>you are born
>you are male
>you die before having sex
Why would you being a fish prevent you from inclusion in the statistic? Just because some animals have it really fucking bad, doesn't mean they aren't animals.
Regardless, even if you just consider mammals, most males don't have sex.

Not sure, honestly.
I doubt I want to hang around my oneitis and be the "friend" she wanted me to be, even with a bot-sated sexdrive.
She still choose another guy instead of me, and I see no reason to either forgive her that or to hang around someone who I loved but who thought me the less desirable choice of a mate.

>I'm so glad that women are merely decades away from becoming totally obsolete
That is too far away to make our current lives not shitty, I can't quite feel content with that.

>meh world is degenerate now
You are just as bad as the incels. World is way better now than it was hundreds of years ago. A less religious society is bound to happen as the world becomes more diverse, liberal and technology increases.
Let me guess, you are a teenage zoomer that has spent too long on Jow Forums.

>more diverse, liberal
>Good thing

Neck yourself, scumfuck

A Florida State University DNA analysis showed that the tested volunteers are descended from twice as many women as men. This difference means that, assuming 50:50 chance to be born male or female, 80% of all women, and 40% of all men historically procreated. So 60% of all human males died virgins.

>10% of men produce 90% of the value,
They produce shitall, they take in what others produce.

>60% of all human males died virgins
Fuck off to with your tranny psyops.

if you are fish you die before sex regardless of your gender, predators don't really care if they eat male or female fry

Your DNA doesn't lie. Humans minus civilized society equals male virgins.

it doesn't look as 90% lol, especially weighted for both genders (your 90% was supposedly unisex)
also it means mainly that men were more susceptible to danger dying during hunting etc

Its not a question of whether its better than being an incel, its a question of whats better for society. The system we have no does not work. People aren't marrying, girls are promiscuous child births declining, divorces out the ass and unhinged virgins shooting people. Im really sorry(not really) but the integrity of our society is more important that a females right to choose who she fucks and when.
>10% of men produce 90% of the value, at minimum.
No they dont, the rest of us still work and produce to and alot of us are successful but women still dont want to take the risk based on psychical attributes that arent 10/10.
No Im not, also theres nothing wrong with being an incel.
>World is way better now than it was hundreds of years ago.
Youre the problem if you think that way. Guess what its over. You and your daughters especially will no longer be able to go around fucking chads to your hearts contents and wasting the best years of your fertility then expect to get married at the end of your fun.
>A less religious society is bound to happen as the world becomes more diverse, liberal
Yep I'm not talking to you anymore. Get off my board commie cunt. Ive been on Jow Forums longer than you have clearly, fucking newfag slut.

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90% for males, not for male humans. The conversation was about animals. You can read the other posts.
And how is 90% of males unisex, what the fuck.

>Your DNA doesn't lie.
Baseless posts with no sources do.

That being said how did florida state university test every person in the history of the worlds DNA? Yep thats right they didnt so what you posted even if you can back it up is bullshit. Their results came from there test base.

based brainlet not getting anything yet still posting

>Calls me a brainlet

No, I asked for a sauce on your bullshit claim. Im guessing you dont have one because it was just made up.

just admit already you invented that number or give link to the source, i am tired of it

I find it interesting how thots who show no interest in Men suddenly show ALOT of interest when those said men decide to drop out of society and fuck a robot. Makes you wonder doesnt it.

That is bollocks that comes from 19th century pseudo intellectuals. An inidivualds self esteem and identity is not purely based on their ability to get sex. The ego is more layered than you suggest. The ego isn't going to suddenly disappear because humans can get sex on demand and it's retarded to think so.

If you think that every human who ever lived has to be tested to make conclusions based on DNA, you are a brainlet.

Its behind a paywall and I am not doxing myself over a Jow Forums argument. Google it yourself.

He's a tranny psyopper. He will do nothing but lie.

yeah uh, i guess ill call you back when my dick has 3 vibrate settings

I am not, trannies are as dangerous as sex robots. You will do nothing but throw accusations.

>Google it yourself
This should be filtered to "I made shit up and got called out on it".

>nothing wrong with being incel
Jesus, state of you ya edgy mong. You are only saying all this shit because you are a virgin and you turned to Christianity to cope. Imagine falling for memes on Jow Forums and thinking everyone else is the problem.
You are unironically the problem with the world, try taking some responsibility and stop lashing out at the "normies", you might actually get something done for once.

>Nobody loses.
Except those exploiting the sexually unfulfilled in some way. So, a major proportion of businesses and women.

This is like men wanting to ban mechanical dildos and saying it will destroy society if we dont.

are you literally underage
that's the most pitiful attempt to avoid losing the argument i ever seen

to your knowledge you could give the name of the article and its doi, i would check abstract in the free access, maybe the whole article on sci hub (a pirate resource) if it looked interesting

>You are only saying all this shit because you are a virgin and you turned to Christianity to cope
Both wrong. Nothing wrong with Christianity but, only heathen degenerates dont look up to Christ.
>Imagine falling for memes on Jow Forums and thinking everyone else is the problem.
Imagine being so un skilled you make a living by spending your entire day on a website you hate arguing with people who are literally better than you, thinking youre gona change anything. How much does a shit posting shill make?
>try taking some responsibility and stop lashing out at the "normies"
Why dont you take some responsibility and get a real life?
>you might actually get something done for once.
Who says I havent/Why should I/Why dont you

Make sure you take your HRT correctly otherwise you're mustache will come back.

t. femshit who is afraid of losing her last real advantage over men

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Its behind a paywall, you humongous twat. I am not posting my account personalized URL over an anime forum argument with a brainlet.

Papers and books that cite the study are:
>Global patterns of human mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome structure are not influenced by higher migration rates of females versus males
>Heroes, Rogues, and Lovers
>Genetic evidence for unequal effective population sizes of human females and males
>Female migration rate might not be greater than male rate
Look up any of these however you may access them. Protip: in research you don't send printed copies to people of every proof you make, you say the name of the paper and they LOOK IT UP, you lazy incel shit.


>just steal it lmao and just link it for me to steal xD
Kill yourself.

Roy Baumeister's "Is There Anything Good About Men?: How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men" also cites it, and its on Google Books.

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>That is bollocks that comes from 19th century pseudo intellectuals.
Every genuinely intelligent person on earth knows this. It isn't some abstract social theory, it just is the way the world is. A peacock tends to his feathers to attract a mate, a bee maintains it's hive for social cohesion. Humans just have very convoluted surrogates for feathers and hives. Absolute fucking brainlet shit son.

>An inidivualds self esteem and identity is not purely based on their ability to get sex.
Correct. It is based on their ability to get sex and their social standing. Brainlet shit.

>The ego is more layered than you suggest.
No it isn't. I'm not even going to ask you to prove it because it just isn't. You guessed it, more brainlet shit.

>The ego isn't going to suddenly disappear because humans can get sex on demand and it's retarded to think so.
No, it will just transfer to more novel ways of achieving social status and social cohesion.

Honestly surprising that there are people here who don't understand this.

> A woman can fix me and make me useful
That's some grade A stupid juice you sippin

Honestly I could see people working out just to have longer and better sex with thier robots

Why do you think sex robots will be full scale humanoid bodies, and not just a dick tube connected to a VR headset?

I spend barely any time here since becoming an adult, im only here now to kill time until my bird is ready. I know your type, irl you are likely a soiboi virgin despite sitting on here all day talking about degeneracy
The world was shite hundreds of years ago, barely any opportunities, people were very collective, terrible working conditions, barely any safety nets. But ohh the world is much worse now because woman have a lot more casual sex? Look at yourself, you sad cunt.

>we arent animals
You didn't understand 3rd grade science?

>destroying the fabric of society and human civilization
Normalfags are doing that perfectly well by themselves.

I actually am in favor of a Chobits AI driven society for the future.

Personally, I believe that as humans we do have that cognitive ability to distinguish between breeding for procreation purposes and lusting over machines purely out of attachment and want.

I believe there are some benefits to this, such as population control.

Additionally, what time could be wasted onto endeavors of pursuing women would instead be funneled into more productive means such as advancing our society.

Third, if I were to have a husband I would prefer he would be committed to a sex robot other than another human female; it's more cost efficient, I wouldn't have to worry about STDs or any bastard children.

And I would have a robo-husbandou myself to fill the void if my hamster wheel ever starts to spin. ( inb4 le red pill reddit )

I dunno, Chobits was one of the first mangas I read as a kid so maybe I'm just biased into wanting a future where AI robots dominate our society and benefit to us greatly such as companionship and fulfilling our sexual drives as we transcend beyond primitive means and accelerate our progress as society.

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Women have less casual sex these days than before.

>So 60% of all human males died virgins.
You're assuming every male didn't use a condom or pull out or that every female didn't get an abortion or that a baby died in the womb or in labor.

They build robot women because real women don't want anything to do with them.

So there's an easy solution, but... I don't think you're gonna like it.

I dont about you but I dont swing from trees, eat my own shit or sleep in mud. We arent all degenerates.

>some guy said it in a book so its true
This isn't how research works

Than before when? These studies and surveys are horseshit, women just lie.
I know extremely shy and conservative girls who take Chad cock off tinder without a second thought, this is just the default now. It was the case before that they wanted to, the difference is now they all have the opportunity to.

t. Chad. I have seen both sides and becoming Chadmode after being and autist was the biggest blackpill in existence.

Reintroduce traditional sexual morality. Improve women and the need for sex robots diminishes

You are the brainlet. Take a look at a-sexual people, they still posses an ego despite not caring about sex. Regardless, if you think the ego is going to be removed due to robot sex, then thst is nothing but a good thing. The ego is responsible for pretty much all the suffering in the world.

So if behavior defines an animal, why judge humans by their heritage?

>My argument is sooo correct I cannot prove it in any way

For sure cavemen used condoms, my man.

Read more than one post, brainlet.
The next imbecile who opens the thread, reads 5 words and writes a 2smart4u response isn't getting any (You)s from me.

Asexuality is a mental illness, and asexual are depressed and suicidal. They are broken and dysfunctional people. You are pointing towards a quadruple amputee and insisting that "see, humans don't need limbs, he can live without any!".

>t. Chad. I have seen both sides and becoming Chadmode after being and autist was the biggest blackpill in existence.

This 100%. I identify as an neet robot even though Im not. Fuck normies.

>destroying the fabric of society and human civilization as a whole?

That's not sexbots, that's the entire 200 last years of social "progress". Build a time machine if you want to save society

How is it worse? Incels can get their sexual frustration out of their system and be better people, normalfags will continue fucking each other. win-win.

>studies and surveys are wrong because I don't like their results
You incels are pathetic weak brainlets.

What unbelievable brainlets. How do you even prove something like that? It is just an obvious fact, would you also ask me to """prove""" my point about the peacock and the bee?

Either it is self evident or your are too stupid to understand it, end of story. You are suffering under the delusion of human exceptionalism. We are animals and nothing but. We aren't 'more evolved' or 'more advanced' or any such thing, we are just beasts roaming the earth with a desire to spread our genetics and advance our species.

>society is collapsing because girls don't want to have sex with me
Every time an incel posts he reminds everyone that to be an incel, low intelligence is required.

Fuck bitches like you wouldn't believe. Go out to any social occasion and girls just come up to me and start touching me, laughing way too much at every stupid thing I say, once I reciprocate they sometimes go straight for the dick even in public, old women make sex jokes and touch me at work etc.
I became something I once thought of as almost superhuman, godlike. And it isn't all it's cracked up to be. Confirmed just about all of the typical robot and incel tropes.

You're a larping incel. Otherwise you would not believe in such retarded things that only an incel could believe.