What's your opinion on modern courtship?

What's your opinion on modern courtship?

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chill af, deadass wish my bae was this lit

>ywn serenade the maiden of your heart with your lute and silver tongue in today's society
Where did humanity go wrong?

In 10 years there will be a high suicide rate among women and the marriage rate will be non existent because men don't want them.

>men don't want women
Speak for yourself you turbo fag

this is cope, roasties can still roast into their 50s easily
ok they might not be able to find a chad to actually marry them, but they can have all of that which comes with that from different sources
dick and company from online dating, kids from sperm banks or adoption

You underestimate the simps and their stupidity. Most men are weak and would love to have any girl in their lives. No questions about their past asked

no I've met many 30+ year olds like this and they are still chased relentlessly by same age betas, humanity is actually fucked

Modern courtship has firmly cemented mandatory appearance standards via the a la carte selection most means tend to apply.
If you are not a bare minimum of 7/10 then prepare to enjoy the sexual/social desuetude.

unless fucking land whale potato sack 2/10 bitches is your thing

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>Most men are weak
No. Only a few are. Incels such as yourself as the weakest of men.

>using dating apps for dates
you literally cannot compete with hundreds of guys in there who's more good looking or financially stable

My mum's like 55 goes on online dating even though she's in a relationship. Whore.

That's painful to read.
If any whore is that open about her sluttiness, you should shun her, she's not relationship material

True shit, I once had a 3way with a 42 year old woman, her 32 year old fwb when I was 22.

Damn you really fucked the pooch here, OP, and I don't mean literally... because you clearly missed that mark. "I'M GONNA BE CORNY AND ASK..." like literally I think if you just hadn't put it in that part she might've gone for it, especially if you had been way more sly and charming about it.

Heres how you handle whores, user

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OP seething rn

The sushi bro was onto something.

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Goddamn I don't have GOOSE image for OP lol

you've friendzoned yourself you stupid fuck

>*smacks lips*
>he cute

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I fucked that one though, user.

White and Australian.

Not with that screenshot timestamp you didn't

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>tfw that was my image

Why are you using it like 2 months later? She used me for food and I spammed her phone number afterward.

God I can't wait for humanity to end.

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You caught me, I'm letting her stew overnight while I chat up on snapchat.

Fucked that one though

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Why would you let yourself get used like that.
Real men use women, they dont let themselves be used by the women.

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Hadn't had a date in a while and I was heading overseas. Stupid, I know.

We /b/ now boiz.

haha you're funny user
big F for you pretending you actually get anything though

Been /b/ for years

Feminism has given women the right to embrace their true whore nature. What we are seeing now was always there but it was suppressed by society and religion. Now the whores are free to do as they please and it is tearing our civilization apart.

Get ready for the collapse.

>You want your bae to be a cuckboi.
Either female or larping as female.

>le society is collapsing because girls are having sex with men who are not me meme
Lel @ you pathetic incel.

Go for foreign women: they still know when to cash in their chips. My wife and I got married at 22 and then went to college together.

Doubtful. The only "men" who don't want women are pathetic coping virgins. This won't make any change to anyone

And I thought I had it bad because my mom's boyfriend is a faggot/asshole. I don't know how he managed to pull off such a combo, but if you ever met him you'd know exactly what I mean.

Yeah online dating has really given autistic freaks like this guy too much freedom. Remember when you had to actually say stuff in person?

>society is collapsing because girls are being passed around like a bong at a party instead of settling down and having children.
You dumb fuck. I'm not even an incel.

And you're single and crying online? Hmmmm. Sounds pretty faggoty to me

That's because most men are beta males not worth settling down with.

Not single normie. Every now and again the planets align and give a single robot a wife.

If you are not an incel why do you identify as one and spout their retarded memes?

Because in this one very specific case the meme is true. Just hang out with a group of women for more than 5 minutes and they will start openly bragging about their whore behavior without a bit of shame. This is especially the case if they are all friends with each other.

I'm like, "fine, be a whore. but please just stop talking about it openly in a public place for me to hear."

Never had that happen to me. Sounds like the only girls you know are literal whores.

>Every now and again the planets align and give a single robot a wife.
Meanwhile, every hour of every day, another normalfag claims to be a robot. Quite the difference of odds.

Beta men are willing to settle down but women don't want them
Alpha men won't settle down for decades and women crave them.

And yet women still desire to settle down and get married. Logically they should seek out a "high value beta" to settle down with, but women are not logical. Ergo, they pursue the alphas who will inevitably discard them in a few years time.

True, its possibly just that I have a bad sample pool. Or maybe my definition of whoring is more strict than your own.

Would you consider talking about a hook up and then a day later having herpes break out on your face, whore behavior?
Would you consider buying plan b for yourself and then freaking out when your kid sister asks for you to pick some up for herself, whore behavior?
Would you consider dating other men for years while still technically married, whore behavior?

I can't wait for the collapse of the west. I'll take Islam over this shit any day.

Never had anyone mention this. You must live in the middle of nowhere with trailer park trash.

Society is collapsing because this rampant whoring destroys any notion of a family unit. We are not the first society to fall in this fashion either.

>he thinks a few illiterate goat fuckers will take over the world's most powerful civilization

Why do you think it's collapsing? Sure the economy has a downturn now but it will pass.

I'm sure your female infantry will do a great job of protecting you, user. The West's collapse is imminent, our militaries are becoming as feminized and inclusive as the rest of society. Rampant immigration is also tipping the scales of our democracy. It's simply a matter of time.

>clap blow nose laughing tongue out emojis

What the fuck does this isn't communication. This is teh p3nguin of d000mlolz tier """"""""randomness"""""""", which leads straight into exhibit b:

>buy me dinner and entertain me even though I won't sleep with you even though I have no compunction with casual sex
>y-yes thot bae please Findomme me I-I don't care about sex I value you as a person I'm so w-woke

No one who ends her texts with clap blow nose laughing tongue out emoji has anything of value beyond her ability to serve as sexual gratification. This is not up for debate. This is not a meet cute gestating. This is a beta cuckold being taken to the cleaners.

>there will be a high suicide rate among women

It will never be as high male suicide rates.

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Something quite similar happened in ancient Rome. Easy divorces and whorish women led men to stop taking wives, causing native birth rates to plummet. Rome became so desperate to fix this shit they actually taxed single men at a much higher rate than married men.

Look at the correlation between single parent households and crime. Unlike others in this thread I'm not suggesting men will stop fucking women, which is an absurd notion. Men will simply stop marrying, stop being involved in raising children. Men will slowly become less productive. Most worryingly, however, men will stop enlisting/joining the police as they feel increasingly apathetic towards society. This isn't speculation, it's already happening.

True, but that's because women play life on easy mode. Even if they fail utterly they can just collect their paycheck from their government quota job and buy a fancy bottle of wine to dull the pain. If men fail utterly they end up homeless. Sometimes homelessness is caused by a messy divorce with a vindictive bitch. Gee I wonder why male suicide is so damn high?

Nothing points to what you just wrote as being even remotely true.

None of this reflects real life. There is no such thing as a high value beta.

You will not find a single reputable historian who would agree with your assessment of why the ancient Roman empire collapsed. No society has ever collapsed because of sexual behaviors.

That's what incels see themselves as. Despite having no jobs and no future and no means to act as provider.

Men can only fail by choice though.

Honestly op pic is fine. If both parties were honest and open about their true intentions, most dating games wouldn't exist.

Incels aren't the weakest men. The weakest man is the kind that has a girlfriend that uses him for his resources in a 'poly relationship'. At least incels understand how women work. I have been with a fair amount of women and I anything, they're smarter than I am because they figured it all out without having to waste time or money.

>incels understand how women work

>thinking chad has a job.
>thinking chad's job is why he gets laid.

>You will not find a single reputable historian who would agree with your assessment of why the ancient Roman empire collapsed.
Low native birthrates was absolutely a big factor in the fall of Roman civilization, no historian will suggest otherwise, so you're factually incorrect on that count.

>No society has ever collapsed because of sexual behaviors.
Nobody is suggesting it is the sole cause. Your statement is, however, ridiculous.

Low birth rates lead to an aging, less productive population. A recent historical example is the panicked backtrack in the "one child policy" China enacted as they realized this was leading to a huge workforce shortage.

Japan is also set to increase it's net immigration as people simply aren't interested in raising children at a rate that would replenish their population. In a society as traditionally homogeneous as theirs, this has far reaching implications and will certainly change their society, for better or worse.

Plummeting birth rates was also the key influence in Merkel's decision to increase Germany's immigration quota. An aging population meant an imminent shortage in manual labor which would have spelled disaster for Germany's manufacturing based economy.

These demographic changes, which obviously have implications in future votes, are (at least in a macro sense) 100% due to sexual behavior. Sexual behavior, and family dynamics, are an enormously important factor in how society functions and grows.

Trying to change the subject. You originally said "hurr society is collapsing because girls are having sex but not with me".

This robot is a scholar. All you dumb fucks should listen to him.

You are retarded even by troll standards. No one has made the argument that girls not having sex with a single man is causing a collapse. Its girls not producing children within a stable family unit that is causing a collapse.

>"hurr society is collapsing because girls are having sex but not with me".
Strawmanning does you no credit.

Less children is an effect of the economy, as well as longer lifespan and better healthcare.

They're the rich successful people.

This, Chad can be anything and still get laid. A rich Chad is just icing on the top for a woman.

It's the result of many factors, some of which you've listed. That's not really an argument, and you've failed to address the factors of divorce rates and single parenthood.

Chad became Chad. He was not born one. He has a mix of talent and hard work behind his success.

What about divorce rates? They have been steadily decreasing for a long time now.

What app are these screenshots from?

You are 180 degrees from right. Thanks for the laugh.

Somewhat true. If you have Chad potential genes, you still need to work hard to achieve your potential.

But you still need to have Chad potential genes to start with.

Because marriage rates are also decreasing. There is now a smaller pool of people to support the divorce stats.

It's time to start iterating this meme.

Chads are born, not made. This has been said countless times now.

And? Divorce rates are decreasing steadily. The "traditional family values are crumbling" meme is retarded.

saying something false countless times does not change it to true

>The "traditional family values are crumbling" meme is retarded.
Again, you're demonstrably wrong. At this point I'm not sure if you're an idiot or being intentionally obtuse, I don't think it's worth discussing this any further.

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There's no such as thing as courtship anywhere. We've returned to pre-industrial times in which sex and relationships are purely transaction only now the transaction is heavily split in the women's favor with the whole backing of every major social institution still left standing

What is that supposed to prove? More people these days are in relationships and even have kids without getting married. That graph shows that at the moment of birth, less women than before are married. You're grasping at straws here.

You're still a fucking idiot for believing otherwise. Think logically, the only way to look beautiful to women is your bone structure which is determined by genetics.

Weak counter argument.

>it's the bone structure guy again

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Girls I have dated wanted a real relationship and were not into sleeping around. Maybe it's because I am 25?

this is fire.
you gotta have fun while you're young. there are still lots of religious people like you OP, don't worry about it.

I'm not wrong nor am I who you speak of. It may shock you but many people can hold the same opinion. You're insinuating that a mishapen fuck can become Chad?

How many men have a misshapen bone structure that prevents them from being Chad? One in a million?

>pretending he's not the bone structure guy
your main point means no more than someone who says women just want money. LE MUH GENETIC

>I want a real relationship.
>but I'm so desperate for male attention that I'll put out on the 1st or 2nd date.
>I'm too stupid to realize that this actually disincentivises men to commit to me.
>I'm a cow giving the milk away for free.
Why do women do this?

Men are also cows in that analogy.
Also retarded cows who only want sex?
I don't understand really. Most people still find commitment when they're ready