Anyone else hate incels?

anyone else hate incels?
I just despise them so much.
all they do is cry instead of get fit

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Other urls found in this thread:

>got fit
>still no gf
Fuck you

I went to the gym, had a job, my own car, took care of myself etc and girls were still not interested in me.

I hate the faggots that talk about them even more
clinging to every single new buzzword
"incel, incel, incel"
how about you shut the fuck up. you're giving them exposure and attention
you pea brained retard

my point exactly in order to get a girlfriend you must be better than other males in teh top 20% by this post i am assuming you are that australian pedophile gunjy if so please commit suicide

>le top 20% meme
Just don't be in the bottom 1%.

>get fit
>still balding and shit frame
>still doomed
Fuck off normie

Do you consider any adult virgin male to be an incel?

work on personality
>to get a girlfriend you must be better than other males in teh top 20%
hi Mr.incel
> i am assuming you are that australian pedophile gunjy
and even I managed to fuck many moons ago.
>ust don't be in the bottom 1%.
yeah they may actually be incels but most "incels" are just fucking narcissistic males who expect a GF.
>Fuck off normie
I am no normie
>Do you consider any adult virgin male to be an incel?
No, virgins are fine.
an incel declares they are an "incel" and go on the gay forums.
they deserve to be treated like shit

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My personality can't be that bad, I don't have trouble making male friends.

Exercise sucks. Women will not solve my problems.

Fuck, missed it by one.

>Exercise sucks. Women will not solve my problems.
this is true.
exercise isnt how you lose weight anyway.
you do fasting

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>just get fit

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Didn't realize exercise can fix your face, WOW THANKS FAGGOT

fit and still crying here

If your friends are incels from here, then yes, your personality does suck.

>demand a vicious cycle is a straightforward and fair cause and effect
>using circular reasoning

incels are pretty based. Avatarfagging anime posters like you are annoying as fuck.

I lift over 1/2/3/4 and people comment on my size all the time (even strangers).

29 year old incel
The gymcel cope is a meme

>incels are pretty based.
yeah I like it when I scam them :)
yeah and stop being a fucking retard
>Didn't realize exercise can fix your face,
lower your standards

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The only thing they have to do is to get mentally fit

They're chads, normals and some betas, so where will you move your goal next?

fitpill is based

so few of them are actually involuntarily celibate, they simply don't put any effort into improving themselves, and instead choose to blame society, biology, women, anything but their own actions or lack thereof. I can recognize that I'm not getting laid because I'm a fat alcoholic with no friends, money, or connections, but since incels still buy into the SJW ideal of "equality", they feel entitled to sex just for existing. either learn to accept your situation or work to change it, because no one else will

anyone else hate people who cry about incels?
I just despise them so much.
all they do is whine about other people instead of minding their own business.

>so few of them are actually involuntarily celibate,
VERY FEW, like retards and deformed people

also why tripfag?

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incels are worse than scum desu

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nice dubs and I agree 100%

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anyone here seed and feed some aboriginals

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wait. i know you. stop right there criminal scum

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Anyone else hate people who get cucked by trannies?

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What is your opinions on volcels who stopped trying and just focus on the other aspects of life like getting educated or finding meaning and the like?

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>thinking gunjy cares
lmaoing at you incels

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he thinks you should shut up already and give him your money

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hi cat, still mad your bot isn't working?

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Post body please

Thyme and oregano

It's looksmaxing, same shit as PUA for personality. When it comes to success with women you either have it or you don't. We most certainly don't.

>What is your opinions on volcels who stopped trying and just focus on the other aspects of life like getting educated or finding meaning and the like?
they are fine.
My issue is this annoying identity and cry baby mentality that you can see in the thread
>my race
>my height
reality is these guys need to get fit and lower their standards.
I am hikikomori so I am volcel or incel but I dont mention or think about it

t. fucks abbos

don't fall for the
>get fit

>t. fucks abbos
was a half abo

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>get fit

hell, even some retards, deformed and planet sized guys get laid. might have to spend some money and/or lower their standards, but still
as for the trip, it's something I've been doing for years, old habits die hard

listening to eggman ever
yep true

Are they not just MGTOW?

not really..
They dont care

Incels are bottom of the barrel shite tier at everything they do. All the incels I know get slapped silly at vidya and immediately go on to blame natural talent. Just as in the real world, practice makes perfect you silly faggies.

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I don't hate incels, I just detest them.
Although it should be noted that I'm refering to the original definition of incel, and not the "any white man that cant get laid" definition attributed to incel recently.

you have to be pretty retarded to be this obsessed about sex in the first place. typically robots end up developing hobbies, skills, or escaping into their own worlds after being rejected from socil groups. incels that believe all their problems revolve around not getting pussy are no less shallow than the normies they hate so much.

>I don't hate incels, I just detest them.
>Although it should be noted that I'm refering to the original definition of incel, and not the "any white man that cant get laid" definition attributed to incel recently.
yeah tahts the demographic I mean, those guys on the forums.
"looks maxing"

> practice makes perfect you silly faggies
this is only true if you already have natural skill at whatever you are practicing
even looking at guides are practicing all day i am worse than people that just blindly do it without thinking

>this is only true if you already have natural skill at whatever you are practicing
taht is called talent, skill is learnt and skill is better as you understand the science behind your success.
>looking at guides
dude, just be yourself but not autistic

what the hell I thought you were dead or something

oh wait you're a fake fuck off

>be so delusional with society that you think its a womans fault they don't want you
>come up with a shitload of conspiracy theories/disgusting beliefs
>probably white
>mid 20's
>still in mom and dads house
>below average genes
>either fat or skeletal no in-between
>anti social
>likely autistic

I really hate larping normies more

>robots end up developing hobbies, skills, or escaping into their own worlds after being rejected from socil groups. incels that believe all their problems revolve around not getting pussy are no less shallow than the normies they hate so much.
Both of these are me

please explain yourself you anime loving faggot a little back story on me
>i'm very well liked and people treat me good
>people say i'm an insanely nice and helpful person
>instant charisma
>i've been called handsome a lot
>in shape but not a buff freak

my problem is i'm short like 5,6 short
still a virgin females treat me like their friends
i've approached only to get rejected many times more than i can remember honestly
no i'm not setting the bar too high it's just that hyper-gamy is real and women don't want a man who doesn't fit the stereotypical chad shit
unless you become some prideless basedcuck tyrone loving faggot numale

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If by incel you mean anyone who cant get laid, no. But people who identify with incel """"""""""culture""""""""""" need to be gassed. What I mean is anyone who bases their whole identity a out not being able to get laid

>Megumeme pedophile casting aspersions on anyone else

wew to be quite honest with you

>If by incel you mean anyone who cant get laid, no. But people who identify with incel """"""""""culture""""""""""" need to be gassed. What I mean is anyone who bases their whole identity a out not being able to get laid
yeah this exactly man

>work on personality

what you are asking is for me to start acting like someone im not, i better get fucking payed for that. Shit aint easy...