This is the girl that rejected me. should i kill her?

this is the girl that rejected me. should i kill her?

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just reply "lol unfollowed" and do it

I mean unfollow her, woo that's pretty dark looking
I'm totally not telling you to murder her or am I, wink wink

It's not worth risking yourself jailtime for some whore. I'd say find the best method to ruin her life that's legal.

Yes, kill her

It's just another stupid woman, no big deal. They're just like that and it's a waste of your time to do something about it. Don't have any high expectations for any women.

Was it recent this rejection? If yes, kill her
If no, ask again?

That's why I gave up trying with 3d women anyways

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Stab her. It's the easiest way to kill her

literally a fucking month ago maybe even less

Just call out her bullshit in the comments and then kill her so people know why, and how much of a whore she is.

Right, well if you don't have the balls to kill her at least do something
shit in a paper bag and set it on fire in front of her door

Spread a rumour that she is s whore

She didn't want the whole deal, she does not get to earn the fringe benefits.
Including getting attention, so I would simply not answer desu.

Please post aftermath pics here

Well OP... just because she's sick of being single doesn't mean she wants to be with anyone... mainly that bitch doesn't know how to post a tweet with a singular theme. Like how do hugs and spooning equal relationships? That shit makes no sense.

Checked, and seconded. Stabby stabby, OP

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The majority of women are so stupid they don't know what they want themselves, they aren't worth the blade.

>it feels selfish, but...

This "it's bad to be an entitled Nice Guy (girl)" thing has gone to really insane extremes if people feel the need to apologize for wanting companionship.

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yeah she wants someone. just not you, dumbass.

>someone spoon me

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Off topic but what would happen if you traveled to a different state, shot someone at random and left? Would they ever be able to track you down? It's always been on my mind

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Where did robots get this wrong idea that to be alone you have to be desperate and pathetic?

You should watch the movie Irrational Man, it's about a guy killing a more or less random person. Also depending on your level or organisation they would be able to track you and the degree of randomness of the victim.

How is her comment bullshit and how is she a whore?

>should i kill her?
this is always a guys default move, every damn one of you

she wants someone, not you

Thanks for the movie recommendation user, how would they find you though? If I just drive by a neighborhood and gun someone down obviously with fake plates/gun etc all taken care off. It's the perfect crime

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There might be witnesses, physical evidence, really depends on how well you prepare. Also there's no such thing as the perfect crime because you have to be removed so much from the crime as to not be a suspect to the point where why even do it.

If your first reaction to her rejecting you is murder, she dodged a bullet

Go for the omega status and like her post

>news flash: murder rate 100% according to anonymous source on internet

She probably doesn't even remember.

Reminder that if you're not chad you're not even a person in her eyes.
She wants SOMEONE to hug, she wants a 'person' to hug, not some sexless gross looking puppy (you).

Kill her while streaming it then do an hero faggot

sneak into her house when she sleep and write tweet everywhere,shining style

then kill her

and you guys wonder why girls want nothing to do with you

You should do it, then everyone will now how immature and entitled you are, if you think not wanting to fuck you deserves the death penalty.

Shes looking for attention, dont give it to her

When she said someone she meant Chad you fucking retard. Do you really think "someone" or "anyone" actually means that?

Elucidate me. Explain your thought process. Do you unironically think that no one is allowed to wish for a relationship unless they accept every single proposal?
Explain how not having her legs open to the first one who wants to dig in makes her a whore. Explain your logic very clearly.
Alternatively you can kill yourself.

this, whole thread is cringe af. If you can't handle that you're not special to a girl and that love is temporary you got to grow up.

Don't waste time on dumb fucks that post shit like this on twitter

Just reply to her Tweet saying how she shouldn't have rejected you and how her standards are too unrealistic. At least some people may stop giving her unconditional support for being a poor, lonely woman.

Are you that much of a brainlet you can't tell OP is being sarcastic for comedic affect.

>get rejected by girl
>lurk her twitter

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Patience? I know who you are motherfucker

Ask her again and bring up this tweet. Not in an angry Jow Forums fashion though, if she rejects you again while you're being supportive then calmly explain that it's her fault that she's "alone"

The removal of a dumb whore, lowering the amount of horrible bitches, by one IS worth it though. She is not worth anything, but her murder is worth it

>If you can't handle that you're not special to a girl and that love is temporary you got to grow up.
I will NOT accept such a disgusting thing. Never. If not being a cuck makes me a child then I will remain a child forever

>she wants someone so it should be me
keep crying about her you autistic faggot

its quite blatant based on her behaviour

do it faggot and livestream it

The requirement to be included among the speaker's "someone" is that you be considered to qualify as a person to them.

if she rejected a man who thinks of murder when he hears a 'no' then she's neither dumb nor a whore.

prime advice, I can already picture it
>i heard you're uh...looking for someone
>sorry user i already told you i'm not interested
a real charmer, might attract other females

>if she rejected a man who thinks of murder when he hears a 'no' then she's neither dumb nor a whore.
Don't bandy words with me, you know full well that what I said was correct.

This user is correct. OP is a fag

it's absolutely not correct, nor has anyone ITT presented anything that supported the claim that she is a whore. she rejected a guy, if anything, that's indicative of the opposite.

>should i kill her?

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Based on what we know of her(just a screenshot and that she rejected op) we absolutely know without any doubt that she is a whore. At the least she is an attention whore, but most likely she is also a sexwhore.

>If not being a cuck makes me a child then I will remain a child forever
How is acknowledging the truth makes you a cuck, again ? Stop your xixth century romantic fantasm you retard

>Stop your xixth century romantic fantasm you retard
I refuse

k then oririginaninally

Provide logical arguments. Repeating the same senseless shit over and over again won't make it true.
Not wanting your crusty dick is not synonymous with being a whore.

I'm not repeating anything. You replied to my first and only(prior to this one) post in this thread. I think you forgot to take your retard pills this morning. That would actually explain a lot of things.

>shit in a paper bag and set it on fire in front of her door
Or just harass her with chum spray I.e. spray her car door handles, doorknob, welcom mat, etc.
Do it consistently and with discipline

He's right thought, first post or not it was still dumb af. Wanting someone =/= accepting everyone that propose you, that doesn't make her a whore in any way.

If we destroyed every woman who behaved like a woman the race couldn't continue. Murder fantasies are a shit-tier cope.

Lmao what a fucking fag im starting to see why she would reject an invertebrate like you
Women are all the same, go try and fuck another one, as long as you fancy the inside your delusions about their personalities are irrelevant. Women are not even human theyre breathing fuck dolls.

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link to tweet.
link to YouTube channel

also pic related, OP wanted to date a tranny

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Destroy her. Make the other roasties realize what it really means to reject someone. Be the martyr.

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alright which one of you fuckers replied to this tweet

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witch hunting, snitch ass bitch

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HAHAHAHA get fucked OP. This is the first time in a month of browsing this shithole that i really laughed. Keep up the great work Mr. Shekelstorm

right next to the bullying thread

It doesn't mean she just wants a hug. It means she wants someone who'll she like. Someone more handsome, more rich, more confident. Not you. This is the truth.

thanks, I also like exposing pedos.

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Look op there are to many white Knights on here now to be saying that. But I would push her in front of an eighteen wheeler.

once in a while you see something that makes you happy you didn't leave this shithole for good

This poor incel is going to jail. SEE, FBI. INCELS ARE DANGEROUS PEOPLE, they need to be stopped, they need to be castrated and lobotomized. The incel purge needs to begin before mass murder occurs and our children end up more corrupted. Hopefully Trump will put all the incels on an island and arm us with Napalm Launchers to exterminate them like the insects that they are.

Sorry, brOP. You're fucked.

this is amazing. doxxing done right.

>get rejected by girl because people have their own standards in dating
>girl makes post about being single
Clearly she was looking to get dick from someone else but it didn't pan out OP. Get over the fact that you got rejected, and stop being a huge cunt over being ugly.

she deleted it, you're fucked op

Ruining her life in the most subtile manner you can find and legally without getting caught >>>>>>>>> killing her

Cant wait for an update. Send OP to jail!

Fuck you. Roasties should be punished

At last a chuckle, this is whats been missing from r9k for so long

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S o y
How does it feel being an estrogen kiddy?

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Why are you even on this board? Normalniggers get out

Yes we could. Just make forced breeding camps where women are chained up and live as receptacles. Badda bing badda boom.

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Lol, this is the "girl" OP asked out

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I specifically told OP to not say it in an Jow Forums fashion


Cope, he rejected him because he was ugly. If he looked 8+/10 he wouldn't have been rejected
Rosties only care about looks


How unattractive must op be to be rejected by her?

that is impossible since that whole logic is exclusive to Jow Forums and incels.


>getting rejected by a fat ugly tranny

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All girls are entitled and want chad. No girl will fuck someone who looks the same as herself. They see people of equal looks to them as subhuman

if she fucked both ugly dudes and attractive dudes then she would be a whore.
having standards makes her a non-whore. it's the definition of a non-whore.

jesus christ, that's from someone called nonce lord lmao