>On a date with an SJW girl
>Out of nowhere, unprompted, asks me if i'm alt-right
>confidently reply "no, of course not"
>she believes it and says "I didn't think so, you don't seem like that kind of guy"
>she doesn't actually know that I frequent Jow Forums and strongly voice support for creating a national socialist white ethnostate in america
On a date with an SJW girl
Damn, boi. I wonder how long you can keep that up.
White isnt an ethnicity.
Why lie? In this situation, either they don't care and there wasn't a point in lying, or they do care and they'd find out the truth eventually. You're just wasting your own time, and hers.
>Why lie?
because I want to use her for free pussy
>Free Pussy
Isn't it a leftist thing to desire muh free shit
She flipped you pretty quickly.
National Socialists believe in the importance of nationalizing goods such as healthcare and industry. It is important that women produce as many white babies as possible to ensure the survival of the ethnostate, hence the feminist doctrine of "chasing after chad, the bad boy" must be stopped at all costs and every white man should have a white woman to produce children with, government issued if necessary.
There's a reason 1930s germany had the greatest automobile and manufacturing industries the world has ever seen. They had a strong sense of community and society and ensured that no groups of (((people))) with nefarious purposes could try and undermine the Utopian society
>wasting a roastie's time is a bad thing
>stopping her from having free time to inflict damage on society is bad
Govt issued GF? Now THAT'S an offer!
But isn't NatSoc both collectivistic and ideologically social darwinistic? In combination that means that Normiedom is enforces and Chad is praised as the ideal, which opens up another interesting line of thought, this being feminists basically following the same motives their grandparents and grand-grandparents did.
I wonder if there'll ever be a system just for us robots :-/
>Trips of Truth
Do not weep for the thot's lost time. Mourn the Neurons being lost while humoring the femoid, even if just ironically.
But Rejoice, for every second of thot's life used up means she cannot pollute the world with more of her offspring meaning more living space for all pure and kind women, fembots and 2D waifus alike.
>National socialist
>Free shit
Give it a second, it'll make sense to you.
>White isnt an ethnicity.
You're wrong, but please explain.
>asks me if i'm alt-right
Just say no, but you're conservative and gradually break her in. The majority of left wing dogma is so ridiculous it doesn't take much to sway someone in a one-on-one setting.
>creating a national socialist white ethnostate in america
Maybe stop before you get to that point though, if only because the idea of actually managing to do this is equally ridiculous.
>creating a national socialist white ethnostate in america
sounds like you're an SJW too, just for the other side. you should date this girl, she's perfect for you
It would be funny if you said "Make America great again" while she orgasms
She's a perfect fit for you, you commie scum.
You can pick Dimitry's pickaxe, his body is near the gulag gate.
Wow an alt right guy is a liar, pussy, and caves on his beliefs when it benefits him? Shocker
>alt-right faggots like Richard Spencer keep telling me girls are attracted to Nazis
>in reality girls are just attracted to any kind of Chad regardless of political ideology
Frankly I see no reason to even bother. Even if I got Jow Forums years of social isolation have left me incapable of interacting in today's cruel world.
OP proves that Alt-Right people are pussies.
that's true
white is a race not an ethnicity
those are ethnicities
Tfw have strong Jow Forums tier opinions on race mixing but started dating a half white half Asian girl and really like her
I'm so fucked
>identifying with alt right politics
Women are retarded children. They will follow whatever their man believes if he is a true man worthy of respect. However, their NPC programming will runaway at the first sign of alternate thinking. Its like telling a child you are taking them to the playground so they come with you to the hospital.
How traditional of you.
But if you want a strong ethnostate, then women chasing Chad and having Chad's babies is the best thing for muh genes. How is Chad a bad boy? Do you think you're a good boy? Is this a serious political view or a fantasy cope?
A system for robots will never exist. Systems are social in nature and therefore anti robot from the get go. The only system for robots is no system at all. Not anarchism but literally no system and complete isolation.
Ethno state does not = eugenics retard.
True. Any poltrash on r9k is a shill and no a true robot.
Girls don't actually strongly hold any political convictions as much as they like to pretend to they just care about their egos and pretending to be men and ending up unhappy because of that.
Be gradual on introducing ideas
Start with science. Start with genetics. Convince her on the IQ differences between races. Convince her on the IQ difference between genders. Convince her on the behavioural differences between races which are caused solely by genes (twin studies), evolution did not spare the brain. Tell her that on average there are more very low IQ males than there are very low IQ females but there are also more very high IQ males than high IQ females. Explain why the division between people now is mostly a result of feminism and multiculturalism. Explain (((them))) and how the zionist agenda aims to create western societies of low IQ drones (kalergi/merkel plan). You can get to national socialism/fascism very easily from there. If you'd like I could give you sauce for a lot of this info.
Don't you understand what made you this way? Nobody truly wants to be alone, not as their first option, not from the get go. We are all biologically predisposed to want to interact with others. It is not until we are conditioned to fear others do we stop, which is a reasonable reaction in modern times. It is because the lack of a good so called system that things are so bad, that huge collectives like Jow Forums and beyond have to exist. People don't have to suffer like this. It's all largely a result of multiculturalism and feminism. There is an agenda against us. Things could be way better. Many a Jow Forums poster came to this hell hole originally from this board.
My gf never asked me about it but I'm an ultranationalist and occasionally even make blatantly racist jokes or remarks about being right-wing.
I'm curious if it's ever going to be a problem to her.