How many people do you think would attend your funeral?

How many people do you think would attend your funeral?

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Maybe 5-10
Feels good man

At least 50. I don't have many enemies

My whole squad would roll up and my family n shit. I think at my funeral as the last wish I have is to use all the money I have on crack and Xanax and have a big ass party. Maybe get a juul for everyone as well WITH mango pods.

My mother. My sister her 2 kids. My brother. Maybe his friends. Maybe family friends.
I don't talk to any of them. I think they'd just go out of obligation.

The dude who drops me into the earth, so one person.

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My mom would force my family to go, but other than that I dont know. A few would probably come for free food.

More than I'd like. I don't want a funeral.
Funerals are a chore and I wouldn't want to burden anyone with them out of some bullshit moral obligation.

None I hope. I just want to die and be forgotten.

Who is gonna pay for being put in that dirt user?

you are going straight into the fire pits.

I'm thinking about 12

My father and two brothers, maybe my two roommates too. In the end that's the scariest part of dying when you do it in a way people can find your corpse: Getting burried costs tons of money and I can't do that to my already struggling family.

Life insurance is a thing user. You could eve get burial insurance.

My Mom always said she don't care who goes to her funeral because shell be dead. Im the same. All you kiddies saying"ye muh whole squad go show up" are self absorbed babies

A lot of coworkers and their family. Oddly enough, probably just two people I actually know personally and care about in the big group.
I don't care for the rest, those specific two are the only ones I can trust and depend on honestly. I'd rather not have a funeral though.

Nope, I left some money at my notary, he will manage everything.

When I die there won't be any people left in the universe.

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I have a huge family so let's go on the low end and say 30. Now let's add Eric, Johnny, Noemi, Marcus, Markie, Manuel, David, Ernesto, Ashley, Little B, Xavier, Isaac, Julio. Those are almost guaranteed to come. So at least 40 people.

After thinking about it probably nine people.
Six of them are family though, so they're obliged to or else they lose their social standing because they didn't attend their own son's/brother's funeral.
If I was in high school, probably the whole school because if somebody dies in high school everybody seems to go to their funeral no matter what. Free day off and get to miss a test due to "trauma".

Not like I'd care since I'd be dead, but I agree.
If I had a will, I'd say not to give me a funeral or grave (just donate my body to science and let some medfags fuck around with it), but I highly doubt my mother would allow anyone to respect those requests.
If they wanted to do something, I don't see why they couldn't just meet family over dinner or something instead.

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Probably around 25 people

10-15 people i guess but that's only if i die normally. But if i escape my fuckin home and die in a place where no can find me or know that im dead, that would be a fuckin different story

I would specify that I didn't want a funeral

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Most of my family who lives in the States. A few good military buddies, and a few shitbag military "friends" who would use it as a reason to be exempt from duty for a few days. Also the military burial is nice so.