Be ftm

>be ftm
>6 months on T
can i be a robot now?

Attached: b me.png (185x237, 47K)

Kill yourself. You're more disgusting than the other kind of tranny.

but why, user. what did I ever do to you

wrong kind of tran, nobody will ever like you haha

You killed a thread by making this garbage

If a thread was on the last page, it deserved to be killed

Fuck off fujo

You're a retard of the highest order. As a woman, you have life on easy mode. Even if you're not pretty you'd still have an almost endless supply of men who would happily settle with you. You're throwing it away, and for what? So you can, at best, become a small, soft-looking approximation of a man? So you can get your tits cut off and have the skin from your arm turned into a disgusting Frankenstein's monster of a penis with all the sensitivity of an elbow?
>inb4 muh dysphoria
There are plenty of pedophiles who keep their mental illness in check and lead normal lives. The only reason you think you should become a "man" is because society has enabled your delusions.

>The only reason you think you should become a "man" is because society has enabled your delusions.
user a lot of people these days STILL don't like trans people. In fact trans people have a much harder life than most, and are ridiculed by the media.

By society I should say I mean the far left, whose poisonous indoctrination has spread so deeply that gender dysphoria is no longer considered a mental illness, and depending where and who you are, saying that it is can have disastrous consequences.

that opinion is gay and so are you, sir

Hi, I consider you a robot and I love you.

ay thank you, user-kun!

One day, sooner than you imagine, your artificial reality will come crashing down. And when it does you will realize the full extent of the damage you have done to yourself. When that terrible clarity strikes you like a bolt of lightning, I hope you'll remember at least one person tried to warn you. Have a great day, mutant.

I'm FtM too. Why doesn't anyone ever love us? We ain't done wrong

Both are degenerate but FtM are somewhat more acceptable, as well as less obnoxious and generally healthier.

How big is your clit? You should quit the testosterone and be my big clit boi gf.

I love you. May you always be happy and free from suffering.

Aww. Love you too. I hope you have a great day

Ok, from now on you're a robot, user.

Have fun c:

Alright lads.

Do you have those fake willies or are you keeping your slot machine?

>Caring about the opinions of radical extremists
I bet you think Jow Forums is always genuine

Why you downgrade you idiot?

I have a big clit. I may consider metoidioplasty in the future but I'm still years away.

Do you people honestly think that altering your body unnaturally will make you happy?

FtMs are based, but if you have to ask then the answer is no

I mean if you voluntarily want to live as a dickless manlet then hey we can't stop you. A robot by choice is still a robot.

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