>talk to some hikikomori-shut ins
>do you ever want to recover?
>do you get NEETbux?
>do you live with your parents
Ask a shut in any question you want
reminder you cant be a hikikomori if you are not in japan but westerners have adopted the term.
>talk to some hikikomori-shut ins
>do you ever want to recover?
>do you get NEETbux?
>do you live with your parents
Ask a shut in any question you want
reminder you cant be a hikikomori if you are not in japan but westerners have adopted the term.
bump for hikki thread1
If "recovering" entails wage slaving, then i dont want to recover.
Fuck off, no one wants to talk to you.
that wasnt very nice of you user-kun. nobody will want to talk to you either if you are like that.
>Fuck off, no one wants to talk to you.
well why are you talking to me.
the topic is hikkis doofus
Bro you can totally be a hikki if you go outside
I love talking to user you replied but I absolutely despise you.
If I wasn't a wage slave and didn't have uni I'd 100% be a hikikomori-shut in
am i supposed to care about what some nobody teenager on the internet thinks about me
>Bro you can totally be a hikki if you go outside
yeah they can go outside to buy food.
I dont but others can.
look at hikkifag sperg about it
>pic related
I dont really agree with him but yeah
>I love talking to user you replied but I absolutely despise you.
why do you despise me?
>If I wasn't a wage slave and didn't have uni I'd 100% be a hikikomori-shut in
No you wnat to be a NEET not shut in, im fucked bro I cant go outside
>do you ever want to recover?
>do you get NEETbux?
Unfortunately no
>do you live with your parents
Yes, I live with my mom
japanese hikkis living alone go outside all the time for groceries, take out the burnable trash, wash clothes, etc... also go to hikikomori meet ups where they get theraphy to integrate back into society, they would also leave their rooms for important things like doctor appointments, family funerals, etc. you watch too much anime friendo and dont know enough about japanese culture.
25 here. finally got into therapy last august.
i hate being a neurotic fucked up mess but thank god i dont have to break my back every day like these dumb wagies. i'll have my neetbux soon and plan to live like a king
Why would any neet shut in ever want to "recover" that'd be retarded to willingly enter the wageslave hell.
>Look at me I speak for others, now I'm socially accepted boys r-right?
then I guess im a hikki then and never knew it
i recommend reading "shutting out the sun" if you are really interested in the topic.
Im not because I don't care about building my life around some weeb label when it won't change anything
>i'll have my neetbux soon and plan to live like a king
>Why would any neet shut in ever want to "recover" that'd be retarded to willingly enter the wageslave hell.
well if you are one due to mental illness it might be nice
I literally shut out the sun with foil.
it has nothing to do with weeb culture, just because there is one anime about it? its a problem with japanese society as a whole and the fact that japanese would rather ignore this problem is the reason there is not much material about it. people should definitely avoid thinking hikikomori is some sort of lifestyle you have to conform to rules to join some sort of movement like veganism, because its not. it simply used to describe people who tend to be extreme social recluses, like otaku is used to describe people who waste most of their time at home pursuing hobbies.
>. people should definitely avoid thinking hikikomori is some sort of lifestyle you have to conform to rules to join some sort of movement like veganism, because its not. it simply used to describe people who tend to be extreme social recluses,
I was one for 2 years before I even watched anime.
5 year hikki here.
My parents have just started a bank account for me and they said they will start putting money in t for me for free. Is this the start of a neet lifestyle?
How does one get NEETbucks?
i cant really say when i became a hikki, i just dropped out of school and then gradually cut contact with family and friends, stopped going outside for a walk etc... would say that i went full hikki 3 years ago because thats when my last friendship ended which was the only reason left to go outside and socialise. i manage to go outside for quick food shopping every few days for about 20 minutes but thats all. its torture every time i do it but i dont have enough money to order food.
Yes. Yes. No, with gf.
Why did you cut contact with everyone, user? Would you like to be more sociable, or are you happy as things stand?
i would like to be more sociable but i became very very picky about who i can associate with due to the isolation, so i dont think its possible to ever go back unless i am very very lucky and meet the right people, but how would i even meet these in the first place, i dont even enjoy to socialise online, im just here to kill the time.
I suppose you'd have to take a chance and put yourself out there, whether by volunteering, getting a part-time job, or even just going on regular walks. If you're notwikling to do so, then I suppose it's unlikely that you'll ever become more sociable. Whatever the case, I hope that things work out for you. Godspeed, user.
bumping hikki thread again because based
if you get neetbux how, since you have to go to the doctor and stuff to get it
>if you get neetbux how
walk into welfare place and do paperwork and get free money.
australia its easy
>do you ever want to recover?
Not really, I'd rather die like this than wage slave.
>do you get NEETbux?
Nope, I live in burger land.
>do you live with your parents
My grandparents.
One day i'll have to eat the bullet though, I should be-able to neet until my 30's if I play my cards well.
if you are burger good luck, if your aussy its so fucking easy