>there's no proof that climate change even exists!
>scientists say we have 11 years to sort this thing out before the world is fucked irreparably but is that enough of a reason to potentially change the way our economy works?
>besides, if climate change IS real, God will sort it out!
Uniquely American, innit?
There's no proof that climate change even exists!
Other urls found in this thread:
Climate change is real. Look at Australia.
people so just be like me and straight up admit they just don't care
I'm 26 and I'm pretty sure I'll die early from cancer so give me one reason to care
>people so
>Climate change is real and it's HUMANS doing it
>You don't believe me? Everyone knows it is, science nigger said so!
>No I don't know anything about climate change, just that it's bad and people who question it existing or being man-made are idiots
>you're no scientist and neither am I so let's disregard what all of the scientists are saying and go on as usual!
You don't even have to do that, just look at North America. The 100 hurricanes a year, mudslides and neverending forest fires aren't just happening to be happening. I tell people that there are African water gangs but I don't think they understand how crazy that is. Gangs usually fight over illegal shit like drugs or women for human trafficking. There are gangs in Africa fighting over water.
They don't talk about all scientists though, they talk about Al Gore who has admitted he was a liar and Neil the science nigger and that's it.
Literally no one brings up al gore or bill stop it
Al gore wasn't the first to talk about global warming btw. People knew about it back in the 50s
Just for that I'm going to send another hurricane to your country.
You're right, Al Gore left the spotlight a long time ago and even I didn't bring up Bill Nye the SJW sellout guy
Most people don't bring up any scientist and just scream "you are wrong don't question me"
I'm not saying climate change isn't real, I'm saying nobody tries to prove or even understand it. They hear "Science Man" say Climate Change is real and that's all they need
>Uniquely American, innit?
unfortunately no, it's only unique as far as retards go and half of all people tend below the mean... which might be mean but is sadly just so very true
they deserve everything coming even if some of us don't. grab something and get ready to ride it out... we can't slow down or stop because if this bus falls under 50 mph we'll all die instantly but the highway continues until it doesn't
just enjoy the ride
So people were supposed to know the names of the specific scientists?
Why bother trying to prove something everyone knows about? Anyone under the age of 30 learned about it in school and everyone can see the effects of it on the news.
>People knew about it back in the 50s
this was well known and understood in the 1800s bro look up research into atmospheric "greenhouse gasses" and the very early periodic tables and such
Why would the average person attempt to prove something they wouldn't even begin to know how to study when people who study these things for a living can tell us what they've found?
They were supposed to know any non-meme scientists name
Not just the kind of meme scientists whose word is taken as law even when it isn't their field of study.
The point is that the people they spout the names of don't study these things for a living. Neil the Nigger isn't from any field of climate science.
>and everyone can see the effects of it on the news.
Believing a news reporter say "this is because of climate change" is like believing Jow Forums when they say "this is because of jews"
It doesn't take a genius to realise the frequency of tropical storms and other abnormal weather events are rising quite rapidly.
Hurricane Katrina was a really big deal a decade ago, these days you see pictures of some place trashed in the same kinda way and it's just another Tuesday.
That's kind of how the world works?
I don't have first hand proof or theoretical knowledge that asbestos causes cancer.
But a bunch of indpendent academic researchers who would have their credibility on the line if they published faulty findings say that asbestos causes cancer. That's good enough for me.
If the standard for relying on knowledge is having masters level knowledge of it, then I guess I should throw away my computer because I have no idea of what electricity does to silicon.
And also, if you have any interest at all in planetary science, you can look directly at scientific work on climate change. Core samples of ice, water levels, dissolved carbon content of the ocean, aggregate ocean temperature.
>The point is that the people they spout the names of don't study these things for a living. Neil the Nigger isn't from any field of climate science
Seriously what retards are you talking to that bring up Al Gore and Neil? And why are you urging people to study climate change on their own but say their opinion isn't good enough because they don't study it for a living? Neil and Al Gore were some of those normal people who decided to look into it.
Shh, he's got to win the internet argument by excluding any possible right answers so he can have his sweet dopamine hit.
What are you OP, some kind of soiboy liberal?
Stellar, planetary, and computational astronomy is highly related to atmospheric science. Astronomers do a lot of work on atmospheric modeling.
It's like you're arguing that a biochemist couldn't evaluate a pharmalogical researchers findings.
We're pretty much done for. If this doesn't take us out something else will. Maybe i should get off the comp and enjoy what time we have left.
>Not just confiscating all the boomers money in 2030 and imprisoning them in eco pods
>not just becoming ecoauthoritarians who use drones to prevent 3rd world shitholes from using cars and powerplants
No, we have time. It's just that retarded governments of first world western countries like the United States don't want to risk going from the richest country in the world to maybe #3 in order to save the planet
>b-b-but what about China?!
Yeah what about them? They need to get it together too but China is a notorious shithole that we have no control over. We have control over what America does. But you retards think it's too far in the future to worry about and Jesus will figure everything out.
Climate change IS real, and we have fuck all to do with it. We can't stop it, we can't change it, we just have to endure it. It's a natural cycle that spans millenia. Deal with it.
Fucking dumb ass. What a dumb American cunt.
What can we do to speed it up?
>Cancer is natural bro!
Canadian, you dumb faggot. C02 causing warming is hypothesis, not fact. It is not in any way proven. This is pushed by environmental groups and others who wish to make money or political gain.
People have died of cancer as long as there have been people, what's your point?
>But you retards think it's too far in the future to worry about and Jesus will figure everything out.
But i don't think that at all and i'm not a yank.
You're not an expert on scientific analysis. So maybe take a cue from the advice you gave about non-experts refraining from talking about climate change and you refrain from discussing 'hypotheses' and 'facts'?
Facts are a special case of theories. Theories are a special case of hypotheses. A hypothesis with a working model with supportive evidence generated by an epistemic community is a theory. Note that 'facts' arn't just observational evidence: they are "theory laden". It is a plain observational "fact" that when you see Venus in the morning it is the same thing as seeing the evening star (venus) in the evening. You might know this because you have theoretical knowledge that venus orbits the Earth in such a way that it hides behind the horizon. Some cultures literally didn't know this and thought the morning star and the evening star were different things. What is observed depends on theory. There are no bare facts (and why the sense datum theory of science died in the mid 20th century)
Whether you know it or not you are arguing for a view called fallibalism. IEP says...
>Fallibilism is the epistemological thesis that no belief (theory, view, thesis, and so on) can ever be rationally supported or justified in a conclusive way.
What's worse, you are also advocating a kind of radical skepticism that leads to something like solipsism.
Literally read one book on philosophy of science or epistemology. Or fuck, read Plato. Your dumbass sophistry was being mocked by by Socrates over 2000 years ago. And while you're at it read about 'the precautionary principle' in economics and Nick Bostrom's works on existential risk.
You're not evening debating the evidence. You are bullshitting about terms to reach fallacious conclusions.
And before climate change it was global warming and before that it was y2k and before that it was a second ice age, struck by meteor, death by aliens etc. in 200 years this planet will be pretty damn similar to what it is today. The only difference is the projected water shortage due to Africa bullshit and perhaps an oil shortage.
Climate change is a more accurate term for what we used to call global warming. People have been talking about climate change for quite a long time now, there was an educational film on it in the 50s. Just because you didn't hear about it before 2003 doesn't mean it didn't exist.
Yes, climate change is real, but it's not manmade
Also, which country will you pick next year? Used to be you retards called it global warming not too long ago. Only a sub-80 IQ moron would believe in a theory which fundamentally changes every 2 years
>Climate change is a more accurate term for what we used to call global warming.
No, its a more broad term so (((they))) can spew more random bullshit and make it seem like (((they))) are right.
>Facts are a special case of theories
"facts" can be used that way but generally facts are objective measurements like the air temperature in a particular location.
you might walk ten feet and measure a different temperature... that doesn't make the original temperature "wrong" because the location you measured it was part of the measurement.
you can take these facts and "average" them taking statistical knowledge into account to account for biases and calculate the mean temperature of all those measurements
the mean temperature isn't a fact, but the temperature readings it was taken from are
this is called "emergence", the average global temperature reading is emergent from facts (actual measurements "samples" of temperature) and this lends credibility to the calculated mean but such emergent data does not inherit "factness" from its source data
>such emergent data does not inherit "factness" from its source data
of course it isn't that they don't become a "type of" fact... rather they inherent MORE THAN the sum of their parts.
a calculated mean inherits both the collection of source data ("facts") as well as the particular way in which it was calculated... but it is very easy to overlook it also inherits the data it did NOT include and the corrections that were NOT applied.
much like a temperature reading is a "sample" of a fact (the air temperature as it interacts with the thermometer at that particular moment in time) but also inherits all the properties of the device used to measure the sample, the precision of the measurement (and any error), the precision of the record (how many decimal places did you use? less than infinite i suspect) and so on.
it might also be windy at that particular location and in such a case without the proper equipment the air temperature itself might not be measured but rather the temperature resulting from the particular conditions under which it was sampled in that infinitesimal moment in time.
none of this is in agreement with the severely low-IQ intellectual ineptitude that would try to use it to argue the emergent data = the mean global temperature is "not really rising... only your measurements of it are."
well fuck, that's true but your apparent IQ is dropping far more rapidly so i suspect we can overlook your comments on the subject.
Climate change is not man made, but it is accelerated by man. That's the scientific consensus.
Trump doesn't not believe in climate change. In fact he and his friends rely on climate change. The big corporations are accelerating it further in order to further melt the ice caps, allowing oil companies to profitably mine more and more of the 30% of the worlds gas and 13% of the worlds crude oil thats stored there.
Now how do they do it? 71% of emissions that contribute to climate change come from industry controlled by the same corporations, so while the libtards are busy wasting their time recycling and poltards are busy ignoring facts placed before them, people like the rockefeller family can continue to get richer and richer while you retards keep fighting amongst yourselves. Ever heard of "divide and rule"?
quick rundown on John Rockefeller: he successfully monopolized oil and when indicted by the feds he split up his oil company, standard oil, and sold them all, making him the first billionaire. from there he became involved in banking and to this day his family maintains influence over CHASE bank. he backed the illegalization of marijuana through propaganda because be feared that the auto industry would begin adopting bio-fuel (hemp from marijuana) and abandoning oil. he also backed the prohibition of alcohol because he feared the ethanol you can get from alcohol would also replace oil. when alcohol was legalized he had laws passed that made it so ALL ethanol for fuel usage NEEDED to have oil in it. he also went around to school boards and universities across the nation donating millions to them under the conditions that his own people be allowed on their boards, which they all agreed to. to this day the curriculum formulas and methods of teaching his people devised are still in practice. john rockefeller says he did this so that the masses would be made smart enough to work and no smarter.
Funny how poltrash make fun of libs for being "npcs that cant think for themselves" yet they believe every little thing big businesses and trump tells them to believe without question.
By the way for those who want a source:
>C02 causing warming is hypothesis, not fact. It is not in any way proven
your retard level just blasted off and stuck the moon
to "proof" something means to employ effort to secure it against damage. for example "water proofing".
"prove" means to experimentally demonstrate.
do you honestly not know that we can fill a FUCKING GLASS BOTTLE and measure the effect it has by acting as an insulator?
you probably don't know that we understand the mathematics down to the level of sub-atomic particles that allow us to calculate the exact values we should measure before we even measure them... and you definitely don't know that yes, the numbers are identical and perfect in every way
if you want to take some greenhouse gas and go all 1880s steampunk on us (as they did back then) to show how it DOES NOT act as an insulator and reflector... i believe you will be aiming to get any one of six or more bullets from a revolver in your ass, partner
>Implying the NOAA hasn't been falsifying all the data that's been used to justify the global warming narrative for years
Go back to /britfeel/ and /r9gay/ and never leave your shithole containment threads ever again you miserable fucking little faggot nigger.
And what in the fuck would be their goal in doing so, user? What is the endgame?
ZOG NWO obviously.
Climate change is WEEL and man MADE u guise we gotta stop it!
>No the fact that climate scientists would be practically irrelevant if it wasn't man made doesn't mean they're more likely to see the data they want!
>No none of the has ever been faked TRUMPTARD
>No no one would ever jump on board the world's biggest virtue signal just to be better than everyone else!
>No, all these previous tree hugging initiatives liek recycling (which is fucking pointless because nothing is destroyed when simply placed BACK in the ground) which were dumb gives you any right to doubt it!
>No, the endless number of other factors literally none of which we can control for have nothing to do with it despite the fact we cannot do controlled experiments at all
>it's actually going to make countries like russia, norway and the UK nice little tropical paradises and drown the degenerate cities...
projections are for severe water resource shortages...
if your idea of living in a tropical paradise is the sahara... i mean sure
i'm in one of those future "tropical paradise" locations and we've been having warming and summer time droughts that have killed nearly half the forests. the mountains are becoming barren and we can't grow food... wild life, insects and plants are dying off despite our best efforts to prevent it.
wildfires are absolutely out of this world like something you'd expect to see during an armageddon.
it's coming soon... the northern forests will dry out and burn one year in the near future and the smoke will coat the entire planet
we're not headed for heaven bro, it's hell where we're going
better buckle up
Nigga, is cold outside. Get btfo, Incel poser normie tranny-loving lefty hippie faggot
That's all just the wrath of God justly punishing you sodomites for your disgusting iniquities.
How's it feel to be a useful dumbass for oil companies?
>teh world is dying!!
Aaaand if I was living in a society where I could feasibly see myself with a sexy girl loyal enough to marry and have kids with, I might even give a singular shit.
As that is not the case, I will be pretty glad to see it all go up in flames.
Climate change is real, it's called "The weather"
Man-made cataclysmic / apocalyptic changes in climate is certainly a stupid fucking hoax though.
Here is the truth to the best of my knowledge:
-The atmosphere is heating up, this is to be expected as the earth is in a "rising" temperature cycle as the last ice age only ended a few thousand years ago
-CO2 levels are being increased by human consumption
-CO2 levels have been decreasing for millions of years, and are in fact dwindling (this is not good)
-CO2 comprises less than 1% of atmospheric gasses
-"greenhouse gas effect" has been refuted by a few different independent academics
-"over 95% of climate scientists agree climate change is real" myth is a liberal lie based off of a survey of 400 pro-climate change scientists. The accurate number is around 52%
I believe it is quite likely the earth is being heated up by fossil fuels, but there is little evidence to say this is dangerous. There is far more evidence to say that the atmosphere NEEDS the increased CO2, as CO2 levels are set to be dangerously low in less than a millenia (relatively soon, could be problematic for the progression of human species)
I am a scientist. Climate change is real and humans are causing it
super-scientist here. it's not real and humans aren't causing it
More like super retard
>90% of the global scientific community
it's more like 52%
which is not a "consensus"
also only 1/3 of those who don't publish believe it. total fucking hoax
>if you want to take some greenhouse gas and go all 1880s steampunk on us (as they did back then) to show how it DOES NOT act as an insulator and reflector... i believe you will be aiming to get any one of six or more bullets from a revolver in your ass, partner
>scientists say we have 11 years to sort this thing out before the world is fucked irreparably
"Scientists" have been saying that shit since the 1970s
I am a scientist.
Climate Change wants to fuck your mother in the ass. Regulate all industries to stop him!
>only going back 20,000 years
>starting the graph during peak ice age
so fucking dishonest
The Pleistocene (often colloquially referred to as the Ice Age) is the geological epoch which lasted from about 2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago, spanning the world's most recent period of repeated glaciations. The end of the Pleistocene corresponds with the end of the last glacial period and also with the end of the Paleolithic age used in archaeology.