How's it going

How's it going

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ITT: Soyboy incels who are pathetic little cucks

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Knock Knock

Pretty terrible. Seriously depressed. Have not been able to sleep. Unable to concentrate. Class in 5 hours. Drinking beer and red wine.

And how are you OP? What's on your mind?

Great! 3 months sober. Go to meetings a-holes.

>a chad redditor

>incel and cuck

uhm sweaty.............

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>drinking alcohol

Must suck to be retarded.

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>the list on the desk
This seems rather old. Probably when the whole taco bowl thing happened.
Someone should update that deportation list. I hardly think Rosie or Jeb would be relevant anymore.

Day 8 being sober after drinking half a handle of cheap vodka a day. Wish me luck

Good luck

Wow, dude, good luck. Think of the money you'll save!

Well done friend keep going. You'll save money and feel better.

You have a folder full of these frogs dont you

Yes and you will lose weight if you got the extra.

Well you're in this thread so pretty accurate.

>half a handle
half a bottle?

Nice going user. Godspeed, you can do it.

Bitch all my grandmas dead. Ain't nobody praying for me I'm in your head.

I see nothing wrong with that.

Just check this whole sub, there’s so many of us in here. And we’re here to stay, unlike you pathetic little cucks.

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>this whole sub

you need to go back

you took the b8 user

starting to realize being a homeless alcoholic isn't quite as glamorous as movies make it out to be, probably time to find a sober living facility or something

Your admin openly invited us

I swear to our lord jesus christ you incels just keep getting dumber and dumber.

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What city are you in?

I've been better. Been trying all week to taper off. It's been difficult. I really hate this. I'm realizing that there is no such thing as one drink for me. I'm either going to have to never drink again or just be a drinker. The thought of not ever having a drink again really terrifies me. But one drink always leads to another.

>starting to realize being a homeless alcoholic isn't quite as glamorous as movies make it out to be
>homeless alcoholic
>as glamorous as movies make it out to be

Just fucking stop. You'll be a much better version of yourself. Stop drinking alone, just never do it. Visit Jow Forums for advice. user, you can do it and I fucking believe in you.

You will be happy when you quit.

>your admin
>literally who gook

user, you really need to go back

I quit smoking a month ago but now I'm drinking every day


Sounds like you have a new goal to accomplish user.

I feel you. If it’s not one thing it’s another. Fucking emptiness.

I've been drinking a lot of wine lately. Like a bottle a day.

I'm addicted to getting wasted and then binge eating/sleeping off the buzz. I started drinking before 9 AM today and, of course, went to sleep drunk last night after pigging out on pizza.

Life without booze is boring. Life with it is exhausting. It's lose-lose.

Why the fuck was this thread moved to Jow Forums

what the hell is wrong with the mods

They decided that /ck/ is no longer to have alcoholic threads since you all just bitch and whine about your lives like robots do

Right, but it was a more pleasant and interesting environment for having these conversations because it was a cooking board and specifically NOT a place for virgins and alt-right fuck ups to whine.