How's it going
How's it going
ITT: Soyboy incels who are pathetic little cucks
Knock Knock
Pretty terrible. Seriously depressed. Have not been able to sleep. Unable to concentrate. Class in 5 hours. Drinking beer and red wine.
And how are you OP? What's on your mind?
Great! 3 months sober. Go to meetings a-holes.
>a chad redditor
>incel and cuck
uhm sweaty.............
>drinking alcohol
Must suck to be retarded.
>the list on the desk
This seems rather old. Probably when the whole taco bowl thing happened.
Someone should update that deportation list. I hardly think Rosie or Jeb would be relevant anymore.
Day 8 being sober after drinking half a handle of cheap vodka a day. Wish me luck
Good luck
Wow, dude, good luck. Think of the money you'll save!
Well done friend keep going. You'll save money and feel better.
You have a folder full of these frogs dont you
Yes and you will lose weight if you got the extra.
Well you're in this thread so pretty accurate.
>half a handle
half a bottle?
Nice going user. Godspeed, you can do it.
Bitch all my grandmas dead. Ain't nobody praying for me I'm in your head.
I see nothing wrong with that.
Just check this whole sub, there’s so many of us in here. And we’re here to stay, unlike you pathetic little cucks.
>this whole sub
you need to go back
you took the b8 user
starting to realize being a homeless alcoholic isn't quite as glamorous as movies make it out to be, probably time to find a sober living facility or something
Your admin openly invited us
I swear to our lord jesus christ you incels just keep getting dumber and dumber.
What city are you in?
I've been better. Been trying all week to taper off. It's been difficult. I really hate this. I'm realizing that there is no such thing as one drink for me. I'm either going to have to never drink again or just be a drinker. The thought of not ever having a drink again really terrifies me. But one drink always leads to another.
>starting to realize being a homeless alcoholic isn't quite as glamorous as movies make it out to be
>homeless alcoholic
>as glamorous as movies make it out to be
Just fucking stop. You'll be a much better version of yourself. Stop drinking alone, just never do it. Visit Jow Forums for advice. user, you can do it and I fucking believe in you.
You will be happy when you quit.
>your admin
>literally who gook
user, you really need to go back
I quit smoking a month ago but now I'm drinking every day
Sounds like you have a new goal to accomplish user.
I feel you. If it’s not one thing it’s another. Fucking emptiness.
I've been drinking a lot of wine lately. Like a bottle a day.
I'm addicted to getting wasted and then binge eating/sleeping off the buzz. I started drinking before 9 AM today and, of course, went to sleep drunk last night after pigging out on pizza.
Life without booze is boring. Life with it is exhausting. It's lose-lose.
Why the fuck was this thread moved to Jow Forums
what the hell is wrong with the mods
They decided that /ck/ is no longer to have alcoholic threads since you all just bitch and whine about your lives like robots do
Right, but it was a more pleasant and interesting environment for having these conversations because it was a cooking board and specifically NOT a place for virgins and alt-right fuck ups to whine.