Why does r9k hate transgirls?
Why does r9k hate transgirls?
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because they hate everything
don't take it personally.
fuck off man we love trans girls
Because they don't talk to me.
No one talks to me.
I hate everyone.
I hate life.
Because this board wasn't flooded with that faggot shit 3 years ago.
Because they ruin communities worse than roasties, which I never thought was even possible.
Because they try to cheat by switching to easy mode
Because they cheated the system and lost their virginity
I don't hate them, they're just funny to laugh at because they have delusions and think that they're "girls".
I don't hate them; I'll just never sleep with them.
I want to have a family someday.
Trannies can't do that.
Even trans hate trans. The question is, why doesn't Jow Forums hate trans "people"?
How dumb can you be if you think trans girls are living on easy mode.
The question should be how dumb are they if they think pretending to be girls is going to make their lives easier.
I said "they try to cheat" because they're failing horribly lol
they're annoying faggots and need to go back to their containment board
You think that's why people transition?
uhhh maybe because living as a guy makes them cry! That's what dysphoria is!
Because they're the most mentally ill individuals in existence. Transshits will manipulate the weak for their own personal gain more than any male or female ever will. They will manipulate the sad and desperate to either become trans or to become desperate enough to become their bf. Plus every single trans person is an extreme degenerate that only thinks about receiving pleasure from getting anal to the point where they have to wear shitting bags.
It's a mental disease that's being paraded while everyone is forced to accept those disgusting creatures as normal and healthy.
Homos and especially trannies are the sole reason this place went to shit.
I don't. I think they are hilarious, the only ones I don't like are the tranny activists who are essentially as bad as the wankers that shout "it's just a prank, bro" when their joke has become shit and irritating but they insist on going on about it.
I would love to have "positive" discriminate action taken for me and an entire political majority rooting for me just because i exist.
Not to mention that I can blame anything wrong in my life on the bad oppressors and take no responsibility for my actions.
You are absolutely stupid if you think any "positives" of being trans outweighs the many many negatives that would make your life difficult.
If we are leaving mental illness aside the only bad thing about being Trans it the hrt and the social rejection mostly of your family and friends. If you had a horrible relationship to the first and none of the second, like I do, then becoming Trans seems like a profitable step forwards.
Because it's deception. A lie. Transgirls are not girls. They are dudes with penises or mutilated stinky shit tube freakshow caricature of a vagina.
Nope. Transgirls ARE girls. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Because I already feel like an emasculated piece of shit when I see a girl in a police or army uniform, can you imagine what it would do to me to see a girl with a bigger penis than I have?!
They are not. No second X chromosome, no girl. It is THAT easy.
Take a cell from their body and look at the mtf man's DNA it will show a male chromosome set. He is male anything else is delusion and should be looked at by a mental health professional to make sure those people don't just project their self hatred on their Sex.
Girls have two X non girls do not. You can't run from the truth.
As transgirl I hate most transgirls because they're mentally ill attention whores, being trans is the least of their problems.
take GDQ as an example. trannies everywhere, all who ruined the image of the place with only 1 exception.
You can't see chromosomes dumbie
What are you going to do a dna test for every person out there to make sure you know their chromosomes before gendering them? It would be much better to just gender people how they look (or what they are trying to be because it's polite)
OR we can have a 4th Reich dedicated to eliminating trannies instead of jews
This place had an image to ruin by hating everything? I thought this was kind of our thing??
I hate degens that talk about trannyism outside of /lgbt/ and /mtfg/
I have jet to meet a mtf Trans person irl who is not borderline psychotic. They either are completely lost in the "acting like a cat in heat" mindset or are depressed in any case you could tell that they were males.
Anyway you dodged the main criticism c of my reply how do you make sure that Trans people don't just project their self hatred on their Sex? By what they say? Any person who is trying to change some fundamental part of their person that is not inherently negative, like an addiction, should be looked at very carefully and this is not done by the physicians in the US who just hand out hrt like gummy bears and for this fact alone I'm happy to be a Kraut because you don't get Jack shit before visiting a shrink here.
Every single one I have ever met has been mentally ill in some way and intolerable to be around. I'd jack off with a cute, chill trannybro though.
yeah, but we generally started with that image, it's just become more toxic in recent years. GDQ was meant for playing Vidya fast not listening to some roastie talk about how her grandma has fuckin cancer and telling the runner to stop because she's in the middle of the story.
you mean fag boys?
I dunno.
I don't.
that makes no sense.
Everybody needs to stop throwing around words like "mentally ill" because your parents probably think you yourself are mentally ill.
You wanting to jack off with a cute chill trannybro is the gayest thing i've ever heard. Either you want a woman or a man you can't have both. You're not gonna find a chill woman because anybody who can be a woman is gonna be too good for your sorry ass.
This is literally the same thing as misogyny.
You don't see them as equal to you, so they aren't men. But they aren't women either because they aren't up to your standards.
Reminder that homophobia and misogyny are the exact same thing. Men fuck any thing with a hole, they just don't care about anything but themselves.
Spottet the Christian poltard.
I might very well be mentally ill. That doesn't change the fact that every tranny I've ever met has been borderline sociopathic, schizo, bipolar, or a mix of any number of mental illnesses. They're fucking crazy. At least I'm just a social reject, not a complete fucking nut.
>Why does Jow Forums hate wannabe roasties
Hating requires effort and energy. I dont spend it on things like these. Plus they kill themselves and hate themselves without my help
Jow Forums trannies are the worst people on the planet and they know it
R9K: wants artificial girls (sex robots)
also R9K: hates artificial girls (mtf trans)
It's not the same thing because women don't have the choice to become women.
>desire to be a fucktoy girl=nice
>desire to be perceived as a girl and taking hormones and getting jaw and tit surgery to achieve this=nice
>desire to mutiliate your dick and colon to get a barely functional facsimile of a vagina using 100k of my insurance bux=not nice
Transgirls are fine. Gender dysphoric transgirls are not fine.
>be attracted to women with large breasts
>no issue
>be attracted to women with large butts
>no issue
>be attracted to girls with penises
>usually two men remove themselves from the dating pool as its a tranny and a tranny lover
>females have less and less men to choose from so standards drop
>fags cant reproduce so they die out, but live in happy bliss before suicide
Seems like the problem will sol e itself without any help needed.
I think it's a new type of mental disorder.
Presumably anorexia didn't exist before mirrors and magazines. And then one day people just started learning to funnel there neurotic tendencies in anorexia.
I think 'gender dysphoria'(wanting to cut off your dick) is a new type of mental illness that has evolved within human culture. It's basically a group of people who react to a lack of surgical control over their body with suicide.
In a lot of cases it's the male being so locked up in his own lonely world that the only answer in his head is to become a girl, as it means he will get attention if he does it.
>you are not girls
>you will never be girls
>yet you still annoy us and assume we would have any interest in your gayfag ass when we looking for REAL girls
Simply stay in your lgbt corner and wait for related metally ill freaks and chasers to pick you up. You are not the real deal and no-one cares to be with a cheap fake.
I wouldn't reduce "gender dysphoria" down to coping for a lack of control but rather as coping for their hardships in life.
And modern egirl culture is playing a role in this too.
Take your typical depressed fat unemployable sexually frustrated r9k User from 2015 and make him look at successful egirls who have none of his problems or just even plain housewives like his mother who likely never had to work while he was getting raised.
Now imagine these perceptions crashing in his head, his personal failing of meeting societies demands and the fact that woman dont have these demands placed on them.
There are a number of outcomes to this conflict.
1. He accepts his inadequacy and tries to improve
2. He represses the conflict
3. He rejects all of society or just part of it
4. He gets even more depressed
5. He switches sides to where he thinks the grass will be greener e.g. Become Trans.
Only things won't become better the farther he goes they'll become worse and as he sees the error in his ways and either turns back and accepts the futility of his struggle and social conflicts most trannies face or he gets overwhelmed by this terror and hopelessness as the utopian dream gets stripped away from him and commits suicide to escape the situation.
I dont, never met one either
I usually avoid discord threads
Trans(((girls))) are worse than biological females in every aspect.
Because you're not girls. You're men with tits. And post-surgery, you're men with gaping wounds. No amount of newspeak will change it.
Well they are male so they'll always be better off mentally regardless of mental illnesses
A man who puts on a Husky costume is a man in a husky costume, not a husky. A man who dresses like a girl isn't a girl, it's a man dressed like a girl.
Both are freaks anyway desu.
if they pass they are close enough to be considered honorary females, if they dont then fuck no.
I don't hate transgirls particularly, just the ones who spam Jow Forums and try to manipulate people into taking HRT (reiko, aero, etc); most trannies are against that kind of thing though, so I know it doesn't reflect on all of them.
Because they are men pretending to be women. Trans girls dont exist. Also I hate all gays
Love yourself tranny! I want you here, and I want to be there (with my cock lodged snugly in your lower intestines!)
>Love yourself tranny!
why and how? i fucking hate myself for it.
They pretend to be something they're not, and they're never any good at it.
No we don't lol, fuck off tranny lover.
Dude, that's a retarded leap of logic right there.
>Pushes their agenda everywhere
>Every thread has atleast one "boipussy" respond
Why do people hate gays now?
Back in the day I actually tolerated gays like most people do and now see where we are now.
degeneracy everywhere, boys being forced to be "girls".
I honestly wouldnt say anything against exterminating all gays, they are a plague that needs to be purged
Trans people just ruin everything and themselves. They're as instable as women but with the violence of men. Generally unpleasant, victim mentality, prone to attention seeking behavior.
I can't speak for everyone here, but personally, I just hate women and subsequently hate men who pretend to be women.
I just want all trannies to know that I truly despise you and wish ill upon you. Obviously I don't recognize you as women but I also don't even recognize you as human. You are mentally ill faggots and do not deserve acceptance or respect.
>What are you going to do a dna test for every person out there to make sure you know their chromosomes before gendering them?
All right, let's look at their underwear then
seething angry poltard detected.
fellow tranny here
because most of us are severely unhinged annoying obnoxious in your face loud and shove our lifestyle down every single person's throat
if you really need to ask you're part of the problem now please fuck off with your shitty "woo is me thread you know exactly why people don't like us
this comment is very original thanks
glad you adressed this user
im this user lmao
This threas is disgraceful and hurtful
PP in Bum Bum is already annoying, but snipping it off and making a literal wound for something that will never be what it imitates is retarded. Keep your organs how they are and get a fucking job loser, and don't give me that "but we. are robots too!" that literally means and always has meant nothing.
pick one delusional nigger you
they have no shame or dignity
I've honestly never met a MtF who got the dic op.
Why tf would you do that if you already look like a girl.
I know a transguy actually. I remember her having tits, but now when I see her she looks like a random yeeyee country pothead. Definitely has the body of a guy and it unsettles me when I remember that body still has a vagina attached to it.
literal cuntboy that would have /d/ drooling
well i was barely 14years old and was enjoying the time in wow's glorius peak (Wotlk) when i met a woman (male) who payed me to pull his ass through arena and explain how the class works etc.
after about 2h that fag started to talk about trans shit and tried to make me belive that it was a completley natural thing and quoted research on that matter and what Dr./psycologists told him
obviously i retorted with
"if you think you're in a wrong body because of brain chemistry doesn't that mean that there is an issue with your brain and that's actually a desease?"
a bit of an back and forth accured and he got more pissed each time and tried to guild trip me into beliving him but that completley backfired and he pissed off
what im trying to say is, get payed before hand cuz this motherfucker didn't pay the full 8k gold, he scamed me out of about 2k gold
never trust mental people
Never happened.
Gender dysphoria is classified as a mental illness, if you want to be treated you need to acknowledge that so no way this story played out the way you're telling it to us.
You were most likely a social retard, said a bunch of dumb shit and got dropped.
not here to make anyone belive anything just replyed to OP
what ever makes you feel better about your spacing nigger
They are all sexually deviant. Every last one. I can't even begin to express how happy it makes me that a large portion of them commit suicide.
Last time I encountered one it told me "suck my cock or I'll kill you" dude.
they're not a guy user
firstly they certainly don't live on easy mode and secondly, just out of curiosity, how is it bad? i mean if the system works against men how is it bad that some men want to game system
a story of what never happened
i only hate myself, not any other trannies.
Y chromosome = guy
Because you do not look as cute as the anime girl you posted. It's a sly trick you freaks use to disassociate the image of yourselves from the hideous creatures you really are. Your life and image is built on falsehoods, but beneath all of that is a mentally damaged weirdo that the average person finds repulsive. That's why you're hated. I guarantee your "allies" think the same in private, and if not, they almost certainly would after actually interacting with you. Not that they would ever admit that, since championing trans rights is the cool thing that earns you progressive social brownie points these days.
What about intersex people though?
>not seeing contrapoints here
the second is dysphoria too
Contrapoints is so obnoxious, even /lgbt/ agrees
She is fine in my books because she hosted part of the project 4 awesome live stream.
better get used to the truth
you mentally ill faggots are the most cancerous and agressivly selferightous
hope you'll be a part of the 60% statistic soon too :D