>trying to use greentext for the first time
>doesn't know if this is going to work
Trying to use greentext for the first time
>it works
>doesn't know what story can make
>finds pencil in the desk
>starts drawing some stuff as concept art
>finishes the drawing
>it's full of lines
>idea comes up
>makes a story about family-friendly lines
>starts reading some technical information about lines
>finds out that lines are offensive
>makes a story about curvy lines instead
what even is this thread LOL XD
>makes long and deep story about curvy lines
>shows the story to his best homosexual friend
>finds out that curvy lines are for homophobic people
>gets mad
>got an idea for another story
>makes a story about rainbow lines with his gay friend
>shows the story to his another friend
>his friend gets triggered because he's epileptic
>gets really mad
>got an idea for another story
>makes an intensive deep dramatic story about poor lines and their lifes in a dirty paper
>shows to his girlfriend
>girlfriend gets mad because they're not LGBT lines
>girlfriend broke up with him
>gets mad and sad
>got an idea for another story
>makes a really deep story about curvy rich lines vs. long poor lgbt lines
>tries to add political jokes and stuff
>posts the story on facebook
>gets IP Banned for hate speech and making "harrasment for entertainment"
>updates the story to make it more friendly but instead it adds dark-humor to it
>posts the story on Tumblr
>gets hacked by a SJW
>the SJW hacker tells him to fuck himself, starts a DDoS attack on his WIFI and reboots his PC to factory
>gets really mad and depressed
>posts the story on Twitter
>luckly people liked the story and find it hilarious
>a SJW fan account with more than 100k folllowers makes a change.org petition to IP/MAC ban him on Twitter
>the petition won
>in the next couple of minutes gets the permaban
>turns into a mentally insane person
>turns out that the SJW fan account used more than 82.364 bots to win
>Twitter bans the SJW account instead and they restored his account back and delete the ban
Learn to use inspect element so you don't have to bother us with this putrid trash.
fuck off normalfag from pewdiepies youtube channel I really hate "people" like you
I have your ip address and am coming to kill you right now
>gets happy
>the story gets viral
>he won more than 300k followers
>Donald Trump responded him on Twitter
>gets to the white house to talk with Trump
>Trump talks with him and congrats him for such dirty humor and big balls to post it
>2 days later got a nobel prize for the strongest comedy ever seeing by a human
>turns out that this thread got people offended because of a story about lines
>the end
>>turns out that this thread got people offended because of a story about lines
Would you prefer if I barged into your favorite community and puked all over it? A braindead retard with no self-awareness best describes you.
No, but it's meant to be a joke, i don't hate these communities at all
If you got offended, well, i'm terribly sorry but just hate the thread not the person behind it
can you leave normiefag, fucking nigger
>suck my small dick