Why are so many people suiciding and overdosing Jow Forums?

Why are so many people suiciding and overdosing Jow Forums?

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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences

well my coworker at Mcdonalds is an Iraq war vet. he has 2 jobs and goes to school. i have one job, but i live an extremely minimalist life and go no where and do nothing and own nothing and know no one.

we're both the toughest people i've ever met, actually, all the people that work there are extremely tough and thick skinned and all speak our mind and have been through shit.
i think that's the only way you persist through hardship.
just push on, persist, stay away from drugs and alcohol mainly, drugs that can kill you obviously.

Heroin is in style

None of us asked to be here, why should we be expected to stay?

>be vet
>basically build the foundation of your country
>work in the lowest tier job

Im just watchin the punisher series, i always tought america was n1.
But youre nothing, you spit on your heroes. You give guns to psycopaths and call it security.

2bh, I'm probably going to end up overdosing soon. 26 years of forever alone time on this rock and it doesn't seem like it's going to change. Drugs bring me immense pleasure in an otherwise shit tier life. I'm not planning on overdosing, but hey if it happens, it happens. If I do actually kill myself, I'll light myself up with gasoline and then jump from the top story of my old high school. Should scar a few normalfag kids at least, but I'm too much of a pussy to do that right now.

Give it a few years.

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OD'ing off what my guy

>Why are so many people suiciding and overdosing Jow Forums?
because being alive suck

the idea of me dying disturbs me mainly because I know it would hurt my mom so much. apart from that I don't really care what happens.

Opiates. I don't like to mess around with heroin, so I get pills instead. Though, I'd love to actually try real opium someday. They're getting a little boring nowadays so I've been stimming out good for the past month or so. Thankfully, the risk of ODing off of methamphetamine is pretty low, but I'm sure it's not doing my heart or mental health any good staying up for days on end playing old vidya.

The opioid crisis hit Commiefornia like a sack of bricks

Well OP did say he was also in school. Probably just working the shitty job to afford apartment/car while he goes to school to hopefully get a better job. Not a veteran myself, but I did the same thing. Its annoying at worst but hardly the worst thing ever.

and not breeding/marrying?

well the humans arent happy lol

could you please expand a bit

The root of this can be found in the simple question most Americans would ask after seeing this statistic: why aren't people happy?
Advertising and other mass media constantly lures us about with the idea of happiness, so that we think it's the default state we should be in, but that has never been the case for any human alive. So people get addicted to drugs, alc, tv, porn, etc. because these feelings are the closest they feel they are getting to the illusion they grow up being promised by people trying to sell them things, and when even these vices inevitably fail they think something is incurably wrong with them and an hero. Mass suicide is the logical end of neoliberal postindustrial capitalism

Literally am on diazepam and clonazepam daily otherwise I'd snap. Life is shit.
Rent is high. Your job is underpaid. New degrees won't get you a raise. All men are cunts. All women are instathots. Then there's the fucking traffic too.

Well there's a lot of stuff going on causing this, but in some broader sense I think it can be quite simply reduced to the fact that we are not made to live like this. We did not evolve to live like this. We evolved to live as hunter gatherers in small communities. No electronics, no social media, no office jobs, no Netflix, no online dating, no junk food diets. None of that.

Hence why things like depression and low life satisfaction are incredibly rare in people that live in circumstances more in line with this 'natural' lifestyle.

I was reading about his writings and I couldn't continue cuz he's hust schizo.
I cringe when he talks about "muhh leftists!!" he's just a dumb conservative mutt.

Social media is the culprit.

Is that you Harari

All I think about is death and killing myself. I'm mostly scared I'll end up a vegetable. I'm sad about hurting my mom.
Everyone else can suck my dick though, tired of being ugly and retarded.

social media and online porn

t. baizuo

Cause there's more availability of information. Before, you could jump in the river or hang yourself in the forest and it'd take years to find you. Now it's easy to track your steps.
Also for overdosing, it's easier to find drugs now. I used to buy LSD from facebook and in that same group they sold fucking morphine. Before you needed connections, going outside, doing shit to get drugs. Now you fuck around online for a while and you can buy shit that will send you to the underworld within hours.

Also there's a health thing too. People die less than they used to by natural causes, so if you wanna die you're forced to kill yourself.

Lack of spiritual fulfillment

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I can't wrap my fucking head around this thought process. Unless you are religious and/or believe in an afterlife why would you care what happens after you die? All of life is just your subjective experience, when you've been stripped of this experience there is just nothing. Why care about nothing?

if i wasnt a Christian i wouldve offed myslef loooooong time ago

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Myself* fuckery fuck

Because of (((psychology)))

Let's be real if suicide rates have gone up it needs to be removed from affecting the general public at least, take it back to the lab

what a wonderful feminist society we live in

Because of normies. They are the root to all of our problems. Tbh mass murderers are right

Because consciousness is a gigantic evolutionary fuckup and now we have enough free time to realize it

Cultural Marxism and deconstructionists destroying western society.

What the fuck man? I thought war vets in USA were paid nice.

You are saying that you don't care about ODing. Then why don't you try heroin? IV heroin is so much better than pills.

Suicide is an inevitable end for intelligent abstract thinkers aka humans. Humankind should just mass suicide.

The VA as most government agencies is horribly inefficient and incompetent

What is Trump doing? He should look after his heroes.


how can you even make the argument that social media is literally leading to suicide lmao

>healthcare is expensive as fuck
>people from 20-40 are either burdened with huge amounts of debt or are working mccuck jobs with no future
>drugs are criminalized and profited off of, instead of helping people America is content to let a few companies rake in billions off of peoples suffering
>wages are barely up while rent/living expenses have gone through the roof
>future is grim with no salvation in sight

Its not hard to find an answer.

Can you shut the fuck up? You've obviously never lived in the US a day in your life so basically everything you know about this country comes from television shows. Our country definitely treats vets like shit but I don't think we should have to hear that from people who live in fucking mudistan.

What you think has little relevance faggot.

It's vapid and shallow, all about putting yourself on display. Attractive and successful people put their shit online and others get sad about being not as happy. Selfie culture making people with appearance problems more miserable. Becoming more and more about forging a certain identity. Alienation by sitting on your ass all day and shutting yourself away from the world, online talking to strangers and other freaks. Better access to suicide tips. Crazy people making each other crazier, e.g. trannies, etc etc

What happened to the roasties all suicide when they're old and alone meme? Seems like men are the only ones killing themselves.

I always assumed it was because they failed to mate and their sexual needs are not met. Hordes of sexually repressed, frustrated beta and omega males. So much so that many of them choose to forgo being male any longer like Chris Chan. I can sympathize a little bit but I can't help but thinking that people that go that route are freaks of nature. Sexual selection is a bitch basically and once the realization that you lost out hits you.. you become suicidal and desperate. Earnest effort deserves reward but unfortunately that's not the way it works in the animal kingdom.

There is nothing more empowering than having alazay bow down and beg 4 cock. Had they experienced that they'd be fine but it's a privilege afforded to an elite few.

Because certain drugs are laced with shit like fentanyl and similar insane drugs.

Heroin is bad enough on it's own, but if you cut it with shit like that, overdoses are bound to happen. All you need is a dealer that doesn't know what he's doing or a badly mixed batch.

OK, so why did female suicides rise by +50% as well?

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>so why did female suicides rise by +50% as well?

because feminist lied to them by saying they could have it all. they waste their best years on their career instead of settling down and having a happy family.

This. Also the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.

What opiates do you take

Are xans overrated?

I need something strong that will keep me emotionally absent throughout the day