This tweet has been blowing up like wildfire and it's an absolute embarrassment.
This tweet has been blowing up like wildfire and it's an absolute embarrassment
God damn it those retarded nigger women always talking shit. Wouldnt it be the funniest thing if slavery would be reinstated tomorrow and we could all legally rape her to death. - totally non white guy here
Shes not wrong. Even the lowest of low whites are superior so its fun to remind these animals and genetic failures about their place. Unironically in every way ofcourse,because how else.
OP is bluepilled
Verdandi is wokepilled and based
Literal who and why should I care?
Wow someone on twitter made a tweet about race, never seen that one before.
Yup. I laugh at anyone getting fucked over, as long as it ain't me.
Here was one yesterday that was so bad the boy was harassed into deleting his tweet this was the picture she quoted
Bullshit. I know a ton of white dudes who don't make jokes like that because they're too scared of being """racist""" or """homophobic""", and I'm a nig who makes jokes like that 24/7. She's just trying to look """woke""" for attention and internet points- and therefore validation- by blaming whitey for everything.
>wypipo bad tweet #3522577533 by mystery meat mutt #6421578653
tfw not one of the racist, sexist, disability-mocking white "boys", but get lumped in with them anyways. tfw I have to take the flak because of what stupid nazis do.
Twitter is for faggots
Don't post that shit here
I thought races don't exist and only nazis think differently, so how could "white" and "black" people even exist?
>and here's why thats a good thing.
Based and redpilled e-thot
seems like someone needs to go back to the kitchen xD
kill yourself you pussywhipped nigger-loving retard go let tyrone rail your wife some more
>raping your slaves to death
Subhuman porridge wog detected. Working them to death is the civilised mans choice for them.
Isn't her tweet racist and sexist? I don't understand these low IQ sjw types.
>criticizes an entire race and sex for being sexist and racist.
She's unironically right though. White comedians are hilarious because it's their job to craft great jokes but the average white guy's jokes are bland as fuck. They're like women. They only want to talk about sex and vaginas and white guys just want to make racist jokes.
>tfw not one of the dumb, Amerimutt, easily baited Jow Forumstards, but get lumped in with them anyways. tfw I have to take the flak because of what stupid MAGAcucks do
I apologize for saying stupid nazis. I shouldn't have insulted anyone.
Heh, I see your wifes Tyrone is one of our based black men and has put you back in your place. #MAGA
ethnic humor in a nutshell
name one black comedian that doesn't do the "white ppl be like" bullshit
>>wypipo bad tweet #3522577533 by mystery meat mutt #6421578653
Good damn it you fucking nigger. If at least one of your ancesters owners had the decency to rape her maybe youd be 2%white and would get the humor of my replie.
Its a fucking joke because you would never touch a slave in any circumstances.
And yes i get the nonsense of the first part of what i wrote here. Its fuckin humor it doenst make sense thats what makes it funny
Why do you have a twitter and why do you follow what normals say? Prioritize the failure that is your life, loser. You stare at the sun and you'll go blind. This isn't difficult, just stop being stupid.
She's talking about regular people not comedians. And the "white people be like" thing is played out. It was cool in the 90s and 00s but it's boring now.
>Even the lowest of low whites are superior
hope your superiority is working out well for you -
going to go get my dick sucked by another
white girl who will eagerly swallow my seed
while you're over there being an angry faggot, lol.
no wonder white girls always talk
shit on white guys; a majority are overly neurotic
with unfounded god complexes
>some imaginary thott is gonna suck my dick
I don't really see the point of race baiting. It doesn't make me hate white people, or blacks, or anyone other than liberal degenerates. Is that their intended purpose? Well, guess you get another 4 years of Trump for your trouble.
ALL humor is problematic. That's the point of humor. Well, maybe puns and making references to tv shows is unproblematic, but everything else. Because the point is to surprise, and the only surprises that can be made are by going outside the norms, and the norms decide what's problematic.
go away violet nobody's gonna give you money here
bruh look at this dude etc
girls sense of humor is literally just a combination of having a vagina, reaction gifs, and things attractive men say
What about white boys with disabilities?
It's like you haven't been alive for 15 years now. White (just like every girls) shit on who the media tells them to. 15 years ago it was the arabs. Before that, someone else. Women are entirely separate entities in this story because they have no loyality regardless of their color. Maybe in 10 or more years, someone else will get into the crosshair.
If you honestly care what racist NPC perceived enemy of the right #146779 says you need to kill yourself immediately
Women are the communists of gender
FUck you op honestly, whyd u have to ruin my fucking day even more than it already is and link me to this fucking site called twitter. Holy fuck reading those responses and the sheer amount of stupidity is making me physically uneasy and mentally really sad and hopeless. I mean if u arent an antinatalist at this point ur just a fucking idiot for bringing a soul to suffer in this fucking idiocracy. FUCK man
glad im not the only one who figured this out
Out with the white man. We're going to breed you out of existence and then you mother fuckers will be the minority in this world. Justice will finally be served, bitches.
Enjoy your new Chinese overlords. Hopefully they'll learn from our mistakes and keep you on a very short leash.
sure kiddo then you will get what you got coming to you too
I mean she's not wrong but she forgot homophobia
you're on R9K don't pretend you will be part of any genocidal breeding operation unless your jizz rags start giving birth to world eating spores.
Having cum in numerous different public places, I believe that my semen infecting the wildlands around here will cause a radioactive genocide in humanity 1,000 years from now.
no one cares kid
>please notice me chad
Slave owners didn't rape the nigger slaves. Don't fall for the Jewish white-guilt propaganda, slaves were treated very well and had extremely high standards of living especially compared to their primitive mud-hut living Africans relatives.
>"wait people bad"
>niggers clap
>whites whining about whites for cookie points
That is bullshit, here in tacolands the sense of humor is basically the same and we are not white
whipped based taint
She isn't wrong. It's made a bulk of my humor since I was a teen
oh no. a thot on twitter is making fun of white boys. as a white boy myself whatever shall I do?
Crippled black trannies are inherently funny though.
straight diamonds
>stacies think joking about muh pussy is any better
Can we just off these faggots, please?
>all the gen-z white girls shitting on white boys in the comments
>gen-z is based
>thinking women of any generation ever will be based
Always judge a generation by its men, or else every generation is awful.
She forgot to mention self-deprecation
Hahahaha what a weak bitch
white male (insert derogatory statement)
>everyone agrees
hell yah /b/rother
kek! all racemixing is people preferring white people, white people prefer white people, the world is getting bleached and the white race will never disappear. be scared little brown boi
Isn't this a racist sexist comment
>the world is getting bleached and the white race will never disappear
I wonder if the first whites to settle Brazil had this mindset
go fuck yourself kike. i bet cucks like you think women should unironically be allowed to vote
A woman's opinion is just as valuable as a man's
Wtf is wrong with women...
Nobody hates white people more than white women.
If it was about black people you know DAMN WELL she'd get banned in half a fucking second.
Why do you care what some dumb, pampered cunt says to her equally dumb and pampered cunt followers? You think someone who looks as absolutely vapid as her even has the mental capacity to understand why offensive humor is funny? Stop paying attention to these people, they're not worth even thinking about.
Imagine role playing as a black man on a board full of autists for some odd form of self acceptance due to white knighting some random twitter girl
>Why do you care what some dumb, pampered cunt says to her equally dumb and pampered cunt followers?
Well, to be fair she is really fucking hot.
she said dead ass
what is black peoples sense of humor . they make fun of everyone too.
>slaves were treated very well and had extremely high standards of living especially compared to their primitive mud-hut living Africans relatives.
Imagine actually believing this lmao
>literally proving OP's point
tfw no mentally retarded black girl to bully
Imagine actually being baited by a post that starts with
>Slave owners didn't rape the nigger slaves.
Gee you really educated him, user. You're really witty and charismatic.
>he thinks it's bait
oh user
>White boy humor: puns, wordplay, situational comedy, prop comedy, satire, slapstick, irony, sarcasm, etc. etc....
>White girl "humor": my vagina, KILL ALL CIS WHITE MEN, i love black cock haha, SEXISM AGAINST MEN, WOMEN SHOULD BE TREATED AS PEERS TO MEN, i fully support prostitution and whoring around, anything beyond pc is wrongthink
It's a good thing women look for humor in men as an attractive trait, not the other way around. Women don't need to be funny and they really aren't unless they, too, can shut the fuck up about politics or be politically incorrect for laughs.
>I was just pretending to be retarded guys lmao
Isn't that just American "humor" though?
south america is a good example of bleached pride world wide actually
no she isn't she's literally an anorexic bpd
Yes, clearly I posted the original comment. Your powers of deduction are almost as strong as the other faggot who replied to me.
high level bait. das rite
Such tweets are astroturfed and promoted by Russian and Chinese bots in order to sow disunity and conflict in the US. The same thing happened with the Covington case.
t. democ rat
pls go
It's a proven fact, faggot.
Clearly that's what I was implying and not the fact that you were so eager to defend his braindead post. Your aspergers are almost as strong as his
>country where nearly half of it keeps preaching "diversity is our strength" gets its laughs from making fun of what makes "diversity" actually terrible
pretty much.
>defend his braindead post.
Calling bait out isn't exactly defending it but I guess the subtleties of language are lost on you.