The real challenge of losing weight

The real challenge of losing weight
>Before: Be a fatass but get to eat like a fatass
>After: Eat like a thinass but get to be a thinass
>During: be a fatass but have to eat like a thinass

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if you eventually manage to lose the weight, do you ever stop being hungry all the time? I lost 50 pounds, kept it off for a few months, and then gained it back since I was always fucking starving.

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You need to learn to live with the pain in your stomach

usually after a lifetime of eating like a fatass your stomach gets hungry way more easily. The appetite can adjust for a few months but imo it's never the same as someone who ate normally their entire life.
So like said, being hungry doesn't always mean you're actually starving, just that your inner fatass wants food. But if you're actually tired and out of energy you're probably not eating enough.

I lost 55 pounds in 2 months and became anorexic, then spent the next year eating 6,000-10,000 calories a DAY out of extreme hunger and only gaining back 20 pounds. Now I shovel in 3,000 calories a day of strict keto and I'm slowing losing weight while not being hungry.

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how do you gain that little after eating like that for a year? no matter what weight you are that shouldn't be possible

lol at this

You probably dieted for a month.

Your stomach shrinks eventually.

How the fuck did you lose 55 lbs in such a short period? Were you obese?

>I lost 55 pounds in 2 months and became anorexic
this is mathematically impossible
you have to be obese to have a high enough TDEE to lose weight that quickly, and obese people are NOT ANOREXIC, they have ednos

t. actual anorexic

There's some scientific papers on this here;

I restricted to 200 calories of protein a day and a multivitamin pill for two months. It's not impossible.

I didn't actually feel hungry while doing this, in fact I felt great. I had loads of energy and was working on projects and stuff. Then one day I suddenly became so weak I could hardly walk, my libido died completely, and I was hit with a wall of hunger so extreme. I started stuffing myself with chocolate and developed a strange desire to shoplift even though I have lots of neetbux.

I lost a lot of muscle during the weight loss and most of the weight I gained back was fat, so my body is pretty fucked right now. But I'm lifting and doing keto and seeing some good gains.

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like many fat people this isn't my first rodeo. I'm not delusional, I know that everything boils down to calories in vs out. However the last time I lost a lot of weight I was also exercising, an hourish of cardio 3 times a week because 1. I'm a pussy, no weights 2. I just wanted the damn weight off and cardio burned the calories directly. However I was tired as hell and felt physically weak.
My solution this time around was to just drop the gym altogether and let my normal metabolism do all the work. I am not as tired or hungry, but I can't help but wonder if I should try to be more physically fit and if that would help or hinder the weight loss. Do you have to eat more if you exercise? What if I stop being a pussy and go for the free weights?

>I restricted to 200 calories of protein a day and a multivitamin pill for two months. It's not impossible.
To be losing roughly 1 pound a day, you need a deficit of 3500 calories, so you're saying you had a TDEE of 3700.
I am 5'6" with a BMI of 17 (anorexic BMI criteria is

I think you are confusing definitions. I said I "became anorexic", not that I already was anorexic.

>Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by low weight, fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin, resulting in food restriction.

I wanted to be thin, I started restricting food, and I lost a lot of weight. I became anorexic. Yes, I started out with a normal BMI (~23). Nobody is born anorexic.

I have no idea what my TDEE was/is but I used to eat 2,700 calories a day maintaining a BMI of ~23 and I do a lot of cycling.

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When the anorexic passes the BMI criteria are they no longer anorexic? Because I know a lot of anorexics end up in the opposite direction and become fat. I've never heard of a fat former anorexic becoming anorexic again though.

Weightlifting is fine but I'd hold off on the cardio until you're a bit lighter since you don't want to damage your joints.
If you do exercise, I'd try calculating how many calories you've burned and adding that to your daily limit. Also make sure to get your protein.

your pictures bring back memories.
>*windows movie maker transition to next emo chick

Also your 3,700 calories figure is wrong since protein calories don't really count in that situation since they go towards muscle preservation. That's the whole basis of PSMF

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Sounds like you had EDNOS, either way your account seems to contradict mathematical reality.

Technically you can't be diagnosed with anorexia until you have a low weight (in order to differentiate the cases where people "feel" like they're restricting but are actually bingeing to make up for it). People who are fat/normal but have restrictive behaviors are suffering from EDNOS/OSFED.

They're separate diagnoses because people with legitimate anorexia nervosa have their own specific medical issues/risks and treatment needs.

>Also your 3,700 calories figure is wrong since protein calories don't really count
Nothing on that page makes any claim like that. There is no science backing a protein-sparing modified fast.

If you are running that large of a deficit, you are burning muscle. This is a biological fact.
> At least 17 dieters died suddenly, probably due to heart-related causes.[6]
This is because their heart muscle wasted away. PSMF does not preserve muscle.

You're full of shit, user.

That's understandable. My old therapist said that the EDNOS diagnosis is being used a lot more because there are many ways to be fucked up with food but only anorexia starves someone to death (paraphrasing).

>Sounds like you had EDNOS

No I had anorexia. I didn't have it for long, I grant you that. I only flirted with ana for a few months and she fucked me up. Take your extremely anal definitions of anorexia back to myproana where they belong.

>either way your account seems to contradict mathematical reality.

No it doesn't.

>If you are running that large of a deficit, you are burning muscle. This is a biological fact.

Yes? And? I clearly said that here >I lost a lot of muscle during the weight loss and most of the weight I gained back was fat

Maybe try reading the posts you are arguing with? Or better yet just fuck off :)

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>be normal weight
>get meds that make you fat
>eat like shit
>start throwing up because pain and fear

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>Yes? And? I clearly said that here
Then why did you go on to claim that

>protein calories don't really count in that situation since they go towards muscle preservation

>No it doesn't.
Wow, such a strong argument. Very convincing.

Take your fatlogic back to tumblr where it belongs.

Is this the skeleton war I've heard about?

I said that the 200 calories of protein don't count towards your 3,700 calories of TDEE (presumably made up by 3,500 + 200?) that you "calculated" here I never said eating 200 calories of protein prevents muscle loss. Any protein at all goes towards muscle preservation, but 50g of protein isn't enough to prevent wasting.

>Wow, such a strong argument. Very convincing.

There's obviously no point continuing this. Since you want to hear it so badly, here you go; you are 100% correct. Everything I said was a lie. I'm a huge faggot. You are God. You happy? Now piss off.

She's the cutest skeleton in the world

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>be fatass
>lose half my body weight
>huge fucking flaps of skin everywhere
Ahh make me fat again

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losing weight is the easiest fucking thing. It's literally just NOT doing something. STOP eating, you stupid fucking lardasses. The cravings go away after like two days. Jesus Christ, you are all so weak and pathetic.

nobody's denying that, shithead. The OP is specifically saying that what sucks is you have to do that while still being fat, which is disheartening to say the least.

>The cravings go away after like two days.
No they don't. I'm on month 3 and I'm still hungry all the time despite eating like 2500 calories per day.

>No they don't. I'm on month 3 and I'm still hungry all the time despite eating like 2500 calories per day.
you're overeating you stupid fat fuck, is this bait? and you're probably chowing down on a bunch of junk food, carbs, and simple sugars which spike your insulin and perpetuate the hunger

>>No they don't. I'm on month 3 and I'm still hungry all the time despite eating like 2500 calories per day.
>you're overeating you stupid fat fuck, is this bait?
I literally cut my input by 65%. I can't imagine lower being viable.

>I literally cut my input by 65%. I can't imagine lower being viable.
HAHAHAHA do you weigh 300 pounds? Jesus Christ

Try 1200 calories you insufferable Fatlus cunt

>I can't imagine lower being viable.
kek i hate fat people so much

>Try 1200 calories you insufferable Fatlus cunt
That just sounds like I'd be even hungrier. At that point I'd rather just stop.
>do you weigh 300 pounds?

god bless you user.
Honestly you're doing just fine. You're so fat that any deficit helps so even though you're not losing as fast as you could be, it's still progress. And as long as you're young and mobile you're not in any danger from taking a year longer or so to lose the weight.

I'm pretty sure over time your stomach will shrink. If it doesn't and you are really serious, you could always get surgery to shrink your stomach.

Keto is easy. The only hard thing about it is planning. I've been on keto twice. First time I lost 10kg for 3 months and the 2nd time (now) I've lost 5kg for a month. You just gotta be patient and plan your meals so you never get hungry and have an empty fridge. Also once you've lost the weight, just restrict yourself, e.g. pizza once a week/every two weeks, change your lifestyle a bit. A BIT.

just stop eating dude LMAO
i eat a slice of bread with cheese and it holds for 2days

t. 63kg 175cm beta kissles virgin

food is to me what fapping is to you

i fap 1 a weak if at all....

Any tips for an aspiring at least not obese user?
I'm 6'1 260 pounds.
I once lost to the point of 220 and stopped caring about my life and ate to stop the hunger.
I can keep to under 2000 calories a day easy at first, then I'll get shaky, get sweaty and cold, and break down.
I know about the calories in and out thing, it's just no matter how healthy I eat the hunger never dies or lessens.
And yes I know killing myself is an option.

Thanks, user. My plan is to go slowly since last time I tried I went too hard too fast and fucked my leg for a year.

My plan is for every 20lbs dropped, I drop my calories by 75. Once I hit 300, I should be around 1800. After that, leave it there and start exercising seriously outside of shit like walking to work, stairs, etc., which I'm already doing. When I was in high school, I went from 300 to 200, so I should be able to drop again from there.

Hunger is part an parcel of losing weight. Not sure what else you're expecting here, but I find protein helps a lot with hunger.

Also despite your size 2000 calories seems a little high.

>2000 calories seems a little high.
It's whats recommended on about everything in america health wise, I mainly chose it so I wouldn't be as hungry but that's backfired.
I can eat 2k calories in potatos and carrots and still destroy a pizza it's fucked.
I figure i'll start again tomorrow with a lower maintenance, really need to keep myself busy.
>I find protein helps a lot with hunger.
Would you say only from real foods or have you tried powder?
>Hunger is part an parcel of losing weight.
I know very well, it just seems more difficult than others say, the physical pains and shakes make it hard to forget.
If anything if I just keep trying after I fail it'd work, but of course I give up for a few and reverse all my progress.

Honestly I've always had weight problems, I'm not even that bad I'm about 20lbs over but its so fucking hard to stick to s routine and lose it especially when everyone around me eats like shit/is fat/doesn't work out and I always see those people who eat like fucking garbage yet are skinny as can be.
I dont eat when I get up, at work I either a sandwich from home, a pack of gummy worms, or a few protein bars and a fruit cup. Depends what kind of hurry I'm in/what I have at home. Always have an energy drink or two because I work nights and sleeping gets you fired. I get home and make scrambled eggs and chicken usually, sometimes burgers, and I might snack on the odd day out or eat junk food if provided. I dont eat a lot yet I'm still 20 over. My night is me on my feet walking, lifting, and at times running. I work 12 hour shifts.

Has anyone ever done this? Seems impossible. Find things that help you feel full.

I really wanted to just buy some protein powder and drink the shakes as my meals plus some veggies for fiber, multivitamin. The dudes on Jow Forums laughed me off tho and said its so much easier than I make it out to be, "just stop eating so much" "just eat carrots"

>It's whats recommended on about everything in america health wise
This isn't really relevant if you're trying to lose weight.
If you're feeling weak or shaking then you're probably not eating enough. If you're feeling weak or shaking on 2k calories you should definitely see a doctor.
>Would you say only from real foods
Any protein source will sate you faster than other foods, but actual food will help you more with cravings. Try something bland like unseasoned roast chicken breast. There's a bunch of other shit you can do, caffeine destroys your appetite, drinking more water also helps.
>2k calories in potatos and carrots
That's all carbs though, if you did 2k calories in tuna you wouldn't look twice at a pizza.

Living off shakes isn't a great idea.

Ok but why isn't it? What would be so wrong with it? I could easily count calories and I'd feel full from protein, plus my bowels would become healthier not being clogged up so much

>, plus my bowels would become healthier not being clogged up so much
Quite the opposite. You're not an infant, your digestive system is not designed to process liquid exclusively. Fiber supplementation won't be enough to offset this either.

I'd eat healthy veggies too

I suppose you could get enough protein from whey if you didn't really require much to begin with.

Too much whey does cause indigestion though and inevitably becomes disgusting after a while, you'd probably end up mixing unflavored whey with other food like anyone else who regularly consumes it over a long period of time.

Try it and get back to us.

I'm 5'0" and 145lbs, normal weight is arooouuuunnnddd 120-125lbs. I want to be 115 but I'd settle for 125 any day.

>weak or shaking then you're probably not eating enough.
There's a medical reason and my doctor knows, but says there's nothing I can do.
>Any protein source will sate you faster than other foods
To gain enough protein for my weight i'd have to eat alot most likely, making me think of getting protein, and eating vegetables to fill me up.
>caffeine destroys your appetite
Yea I've definitely abused black coffee when trying, always buys me a few hours.
>drinking more water also helps.
Yup drink a shit ton.
>That's all carbs though
Not carrots, but you're probably right, mostly because I don't like tuna, I'll have to keep learning about this stuff, maybe I'm just missing a vital piece.

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>5'0" and 145lbs I'd settle for 125
That's like 6 weeks max.

are you the little girl?

The whom? I'm lost

If I kept yo a strict diet and worked out everyday I guess but how do I stay in routine? I'm tired of being chubby I want to be normal at least if I can't be skinny

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>how do I stay in routine?
Think of Chad, grind out the first 2 weeks then use your resulting progress to motivate yourself. Losing 20 lbs isn't exactly a monumentally difficult task, you'll figure it out.

Thinking of chad doesn't really motivate me it depresses me, I just want to stop hating my body and feeling looked down on for it.

What kind of shit do you eat atm?

>There's a medical reason and my doctor knows, but says there's nothing I can do.
That's rough. Without knowing the specifics of your condition it's hard to comment.

Actually a little girl? >give background

>Honestly I've always had weight problems, I'm not even that bad I'm about 20lbs over but its so fucking hard to stick to s routine and lose it especially when everyone around me eats like shit/is fat/doesn't work out and I always see those people who eat like fucking garbage yet are skinny as can be.
> I dont eat when I get up, at work I either a sandwich from home, a pack of gummy worms, or a few protein bars and a fruit cup. Depends what kind of hurry I'm in/what I have at home. Always have an energy drink or two because I work nights and sleeping gets you fired. I get home and make scrambled eggs and chicken usually, sometimes burgers, and I might snack on the odd day out or eat junk food if provided. I dont eat a lot yet I'm still 20 over. My night is me on my feet walking, lifting, and at times running. I work 12 hour shifts.

Above is my first post

Yea I'll not say for now, but I appreciate your responses, I'll start today instead of tomorrow.
After looking into protein power it's not much better than eggs / chicken.
Thanks for the chat and motivation user.

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Didn't see it. Yeah, it is difficult to stick to a routine; night shifts probably make things more difficult - but it doesn't take long to see results and for most people, that becomes sufficient motivation.

Stop eating gummy worms for lunch user. Just go fucking nuclear and try and eat small, healthy, protein rich portions for 2 weeks.

Ill try user, just stick to scrambled eggs and chicken right?

Sadly yeah, I fucking hate chicken. Throw some rice and veg in there. The most important factor is portion size. Good luck user, and keep pic related sugar free, otherwise it's obesity in a can.

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