I want to hold her down and rape her, buf if I go public about this

I want to hold her down and rape her, buf if I go public about this
>Eww your CREEPY
>Fuck off INCEL
>You need HELP

But if a woman opens up about her fantasies about being raped
>So brave
>You go girl xD
>More women should be comfortable about their sexuality

Why is this? It's not fair. It's not like I'm actually going to rape a chick.

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what kind of response do you expect?
> It's not fair
there you go, thats how the world is, nothing is fair

You're a fucking creep
Kill yourself you worthless subhuman

This society is sick. Something needs to be different. Didn't feminists in the 20th century or at least the men that supported them give women rights and shit? We need something similar for men. I want to make funny faces at a strange kid and not get called a pedo. I want to openly talk about how I want to fuck mid/late teenage girls at peak attractiveness and not get called a creepy pedo incel. We need change!

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Keep coping criminal.
You are headed to prison soon.
Then you'll know what rape really is you incel.

>I want to steal money
>I want to be given money
kinda bad but then again don't we all

Awful analogy.The thing is, I would never actually steal money. It's just that sometimes I want to pretend to be a bank robber.

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rape=/=get raped

It's simple as that user, just think for 1 second

They're both fantasies. Women with rape fantasies don't actually want to get raped, just like I don't actually want to rape.

The difference is that one is about consenting to being the victim, while the other one is the explicit notion of going against someone's wishes.

>while the other one is the explicit notion of CONSENSUALLY going against someone's wishes

you dumb fucking brainlets, how many time OP has to specify its a fantasy and not regular rape
it is unfair but I dont think you can do anything about it. I wish you good luck in finding a qt with a rape victim fetish

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I knew I'd eventually find someone with a working brain. I appreciate the support

You are right. I, for one, have a fetish for raping OP's asshole raw. Whenever I see OP, I have the urge to lift his scrawny leg up and breed his boypussy until he cries. Then I'd take my dick out and finish in his mouth. Thinking of OP wiping the mixture of tears and cum off his face with a gaping bleeding asshole makes me diamonds. It's not fair that I just can't go public about this. World's a shit.

t. tyrone

Consider writing novels

That's originally pretty gay dude.

>fantasizing about being raped is the same as fantasizing about raping someone.

Because in this society women are perfect yet fragile. Double standards abound.

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This is actually a pretty good advice, OP.

>they want to be raped

Its not rape if they consent you fucking spast

Morally speaking yes. In fact I'd argue fantasizing about being the rapist is superior because fantasizing about being raped inherently means you are weak and inferior. Personally, the idea of actually wanting to be raped (even pretend) disgusts me. How anyone could actually want to be in such a weak position intentionally is something I will never understand as a man. Then again

It's called a fantasy for a reason. Even on the male end its ok for a man to be raped.

The official term is "consensual non-consent"

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Watch the Belle and Sebastian movie as well if you don't mind her being overage in that

Can you not understand how it's creepier to want to force yourself on someone than it is to want someone forced on you? One is about violating someone against their will, the other is about willingly being violated. Only one inflicts harm on others.

Ironically a whinier reply than OP's. At least he's letting off steam and encouraging others to engage with his sentiments, you're just complaining about how complaining is stupid lol