Robots like to think they have it hard but they could never actually handle having to live life as a woman

Robots like to think they have it hard but they could never actually handle having to live life as a woman

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Sure must be hard being the one who is receiving all the attention. oh boy please tell me how hard was it .

*angery reply*

It's a false equivalence though. Friendzoning is disingenuous and involves stringing someone along to their detriment. Fuckzoning is much more honest in it's intent, I personally prefer honesty but I guess that concept is lost on roasties.

[sarcastic remark #1448 followed by trendy speech manneirism]



You're straight up retarded and should off yourself

[comment about how I have it worse than anybody in here with an explanation reasoning why I need urgent womyn to fuck now]

Fuckzone me then so I get to know how it feels being in your shoes, sweetie. Teach me from the facts themselves.

Counterpoint: you're a faggot.

[reply saying dumb shit about dumb women that will help me not think about the failure of a mess my life is on the verge of my 30s]

women ration sex
men ration relationships
when given away for free, the recipient doesn't value it

[nihilistic comment with a wicked sense of humour about how nothing in life matters and death is absolute and will bring relief to us all and I can't wait for the next 30 years of procrastination and doing nothing at all to improve and find some other kind of happiness for myself to pass so I can experience it]

Why don't they find a guy who wants a serious relationship. They go for that's guy.
>Oh his so hot
>Fuk his cool
>Haha look look user texts me every morning hahaha
>Why don't you date user

[comment about how sex = everything (cause I said so) and since I won't get to have it due to being an ugly fuck I want to scream really hard and cause pain in others until the day I die of some lame normie way like drug overdose or something]

You're weird, buddy. Are you ok?

What the fuck is this reddit tier typing format?

would be a good argument except most women are boring as FUCK and only talk about sex,makeup, and clothes anyway.

funny how you think happiness is sucking Chad's giga dick roastie

[reply protesting how angry I am with all of these making an attempt to offend you]

Ok does any girl want to fuckzone me? So I can understand you better

>get tortured by watching another guy getting what you wanted, and stay my emo-tampon!

Fuck off.
No sex, not going to be your 'friend'.


If this is an unironic post from this girl, it fills me with devilish pleasure. She's so close to discovering the truth about herself, too. How juicy!

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Men and women can't even be friends. I've always refused to be friends with women when they've said they'd rather be friends and at the very least I've always gotten a hookup. Being told they're only worth something when their hole is on the table is exactly what they want regardless of their fake outrage. They're only upset because you're not giving them time to gather more options as you wait by as a pseudo-friend, declining this forces them to make a choice quickly.

Women only value social status and money. They have every advantage in the world to achieve this and yet they still fuck it up.
You're right OP I couldn't live with being that stupid.

It's kind of fascinating that women in the developed world are so used to having sex available at a moment's notice that they don't recognize it as being even remotely useful or validating. It's sort of like how first world children will complain about gross food in their parents' kitchens while people in Somalia and Botswana salivate at the mere thought of readily available food that isn't poisonous.

lmao roastoid is absolutely
Gents, this is exactly why they shouldn't have been given rights.

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>impliying that your problems are more important than anyone else problems

Get the fuck out of here.

why doesnt she show guys like that what it feels like to be fuckzoned then?

>Feminists like to think they have it hard but they could never actually handle having to live life as a woman
Do you know how stupid this sounds?
Yes, it does. Beceause both parties will never truelly know how it feels.

>woman is mad at finding out her life's sole purpose

When most women have zero personality or hobbies outside of consumerism, yes the only value they bring is sex.

>tfw these type of roasties will commit sudoku before 30
Fills me with joy it does.

It's not insulting, it's humiliating. People who "friendzone" you don't actually want to be your friends, it's just a nice way to reject you without doing any of the dirty work of rejecting.
You can avoid getting bump 'n dumped by scumbags if you date first and make sure they're genuinely interested. It doesn't guarantee anything, but it will at least weed out the horndogs. How is this even a problem?

Why are all these tweets from people who look like they will cheat on you and won't even feel bad about it?

Why should they feel bad? Are you trying to deny them their agency? Girls can do whatever they want with their body!

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Wow, that sounds very misogynistic.

>Act like a stupid whore and only date men above her value
>surprised she treated like a disposable whore
What did women mean by this?

How could women possibly understand what being friendzoned is like when women don't ask men out or even have to put any of their feelings on the line in a relationship?
Love isn't something you can just turn off at the flick of a switch, it takes a long time to get over a rejection, especially from someone you really like.
Walking away from a friendship is the only way to get them to stop 100%.
Trying to guilt someone who loves you into staying friends with them when you don't feel the same way is straight up emotional abuse.

A woman will never feel bad for cheating on you, because women are capable of making realities in their head completely divorced from actual reality in which you are the bad guy and it's your fault she did it.

Are they truly psychotic, or just two-faced?

What attention? Friendships are mutual.

No, it is just womens' nature. Reality is her emotions.

>possibility of us fucking my only worth to you?
Unironically yes. What else is your dumb ass good for that can't already be done better by a man?

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>Love isn't something you can just turn off at the flick of a switch
It is for holes, unless you're chad.

Dats real sad. I mean, really.

Cheating is a male trait tho

WAAAAH WAAAAAAAH I'm getting to satisfy one of the most fundamental desires in human beings and engage in a highly pleasurable experience that is immensely beneficial to my mental and physical wellbeing WAAAAH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH being a roastie so hard WAAAAAAAAH

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Men will cheat, yes, but most men do not have the amount of options even the ugliest woman has. So, it is much, much easier for a woman to cheat and since women have no such thing as honor or morality, of course that's what they do.

>denouncing romantic relationships as fucking only
Says things about her...

damn poor thing who could have known that jumping on every dick you see won't get you married ASAP
damn what a cruel world #sobrave