Any druggies on here? Going to take 175ug 1p-lsd tomorrow. Have tripped twice before and they were both hell...

Any druggies on here? Going to take 175ug 1p-lsd tomorrow. Have tripped twice before and they were both hell. Wondering if anyone had any tips to make it go well.

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if youve tripped twice and they where bad then it will be the same pretty much everytime you trip my man

fuck off to reddit. they love talking about that shit and their generic drug stories that no one cares about

Guarantee I am more robot then you. Go back to your discord or whatever neo-r9k is up to

So youre lsd was produced in a high tech lab where they exactly measured every piece for 175ug and even benchmarked the initial solution so its perfectly diatributed?

Fuck off norm and die on your streetjunk.

Buy some phenibut, I don't really use the stuff otherwise but when I take it with acid it's like a guaranteed good trip, I can even walk around in public while tripping with minimal anxiety.

Third times the charm i am feeling it

you shouldn't. some people aren't for tripping.

1p is literally a research chem that is dosed the same every time. Retard

Actually have some around. I will try out 750mg thanks that should help

>be newfag
>read 2 years about drugs
>finally grow the balls to do it
>go to the local nigger streetdealer
>get the stronges badass shit
>actually is trippin on a 20ug because has no tolerance
>tries to feel "cool" by shouting some wikipedia knowledge to starangers on the internet because loner who has actually nobody thats intrestet in your shit

You don't buy 1p off the street, you can order it legally online

You have to basically meme yourself into sincerely, geniunely, honestly believing that everything is great and you are happy. These drugs only amplify what you already feel. If you feel bad to start with you're gonna feel really fucking bad when doing drugs.

Also doing a benzor phenibut while tripping can help too.

What are you on about. I have never been to a drug dealer. Im tripping on 1p because it is a legal research chem I can buy online on clearnet.

Kek why would someone write all this if they werent completely positive. 1p-lsd can be bought legally online user

How likely am I to vomit from ayahuasca?

>making a post on 4 chan about a fuckin legalhigh
>tomorrow making a thread about smoking 3 cigaretts

Go the fuck kill yourself you fucking norms. I hope you and your whole generation gets raped to death.

I've never done 1p, I was just explaining it to you since you're retarded, but the effects of 1p are no different from regular LSD and is thought to be converted to LSD in the body once ingested. Technically it's not a "legal high" since it can't be sold for purpose of any human consumption, hence the term "research chemical"; it's only able to be sold legally for use in a lab setting (really just a legal loophole though)

At least im retarded because i took to much real drugs.

>hurr I've done more drugs I'm cooler
Moot point since I've likely done the same drugs as you if not more, there's no excuse for being so dumb you can't even google something before making an ass out of yourself. I don't know why you imply I haven't done le real drugs since as I've said in this thread I haven't done research chemicals before.

>being this much of an internet tough guy
Kek did you really think this was a brag thread. I just wanted some tips get a grip

lsd is trash get fucked whore

>at least im retarded
>to much


>Moot point since I've likely done the same drugs as you if not more

Ohh the irony

Google drugs? Yeah take some poison but make sure its not gonna harm you before.

Do real drugs
Dont talk about it on the internet

Anybody who takes psychedlics is a normalfag and should unironically fuck off.

Yeah you dumb faggot, everyone doing drugs should practice harm reduction. Are you seriously bragging about taking impure drugs?

Gtfo norm

>do real drugs
Make me faggot
>dont talk about it on the internet
Kek for what reason. It is an anonymous image board arguably the best place to talk about drugs.

My family is wealthy but not rich, so i kinda have to work but kinda wish i wouldnt have to.
Lets take some drugs but not too much because my life is kinda shitty but not too much too completely ruin it.

Just hang yourself

Of course i hope you enjoyed our counstructive little conversation.
Now enjoy the rest of your trip.

Never get i contact with strangers when youre on psycedelics faggit


>Going to take tomorrow
This has to be bait lmao nobody is this stupid

Hello, itsa me mario

>mentions wikipedia , confuses lsd
>tries to convince to take more "real" drugs without information

Bait? Or proof that those fucking kids are too stupid to to properly understand what they are doing?